mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 15:36:49 +02:00
Reverts 468261906a4e4b9e0675c0ea8325870e37c16900 Disabling the toolbar when the editor is not in focus means it was disabled when trying to click on one of the button, because the editor loses focus before the click event is processed.
668 lines
23 KiB
668 lines
23 KiB
import * as React from 'react';
import { useState, useEffect, useRef, forwardRef, useCallback, useImperativeHandle, useMemo } from 'react';
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
import { EditorCommand, NoteBodyEditorProps } from '../../utils/types';
import { commandAttachFileToBody, handlePasteEvent } from '../../utils/resourceHandling';
import { ScrollOptions, ScrollOptionTypes } from '../../utils/types';
import { textOffsetToCursorPosition, useScrollHandler, useRootWidth, usePrevious, lineLeftSpaces, selectionRange, selectionRangeCurrentLine, selectionRangePreviousLine, currentTextOffset, textOffsetSelection, selectedText } from './utils';
import useListIdent from './utils/useListIdent';
import Toolbar from './Toolbar';
import styles_ from './styles';
import { RenderedBody, defaultRenderedBody } from './utils/types';
const AceEditorReact = require('react-ace').default;
const { bridge } = require('electron').remote.require('./bridge');
const Note = require('lib/models/Note.js');
const { clipboard } = require('electron');
const Setting = require('lib/models/Setting.js');
const NoteTextViewer = require('../../../NoteTextViewer.min');
const shared = require('lib/components/shared/note-screen-shared.js');
const Menu = bridge().Menu;
const MenuItem = bridge().MenuItem;
const markdownUtils = require('lib/markdownUtils');
const { _ } = require('lib/locale');
const { reg } = require('lib/registry.js');
const dialogs = require('../../../dialogs');
// https://ace.c9.io/build/kitchen-sink.html
// https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
// TODO: Could not get below code to work
// @ts-ignore Ace global variable
// const aceGlobal = (ace as any);
// class CustomHighlightRules extends aceGlobal.acequire(
// 'ace/mode/markdown_highlight_rules'
// ).MarkdownHighlightRules {
// constructor() {
// super();
// if (Setting.value('markdown.plugin.mark')) {
// this.$rules.start.push({
// // This is actually a highlight `mark`, but Ace has no token name for
// // this so we made up our own. Reference for common tokens here:
// // https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Creating-or-Extending-an-Edit-Mode#common-tokens
// token: 'highlight_mark',
// regex: '==[^ ](?:.*?[^ ])?==',
// });
// }
// }
// }
// /* eslint-disable-next-line no-undef */
// class CustomMdMode extends aceGlobal.acequire('ace/mode/markdown').Mode {
// constructor() {
// super();
// this.HighlightRules = CustomHighlightRules;
// }
// }
function markupRenderOptions(override: any = null) {
return { ...override };
function AceEditor(props: NoteBodyEditorProps, ref: any) {
const styles = styles_(props);
const [renderedBody, setRenderedBody] = useState<RenderedBody>(defaultRenderedBody()); // Viewer content
const [editor, setEditor] = useState(null);
const [lastKeys, setLastKeys] = useState([]);
const [webviewReady, setWebviewReady] = useState(false);
const previousRenderedBody = usePrevious(renderedBody);
const previousSearchMarkers = usePrevious(props.searchMarkers);
const previousContentKey = usePrevious(props.contentKey);
const editorRef = useRef(null);
editorRef.current = editor;
const rootRef = useRef(null);
const webviewRef = useRef(null);
const props_onChangeRef = useRef<Function>(null);
props_onChangeRef.current = props.onChange;
const contentKeyHasChangedRef = useRef(false);
contentKeyHasChangedRef.current = previousContentKey !== props.contentKey;
const rootWidth = useRootWidth({ rootRef });
const { resetScroll, setEditorPercentScroll, setViewerPercentScroll, editor_scroll } = useScrollHandler(editor, webviewRef, props.onScroll);
useListIdent({ editor });
const aceEditor_change = useCallback((newBody: string) => {
props_onChangeRef.current({ changeId: null, content: newBody });
}, []);
const wrapSelectionWithStrings = useCallback((string1: string, string2 = '', defaultText = '', replacementText: string = null, byLine = false) => {
if (!editor) return;
const selection = textOffsetSelection(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
let newBody = props.content;
if (selection && selection.start !== selection.end) {
const selectedLines = replacementText !== null ? replacementText : props.content.substr(selection.start, selection.end - selection.start);
const selectedStrings = byLine ? selectedLines.split(/\r?\n/) : [selectedLines];
newBody = props.content.substr(0, selection.start);
let startCursorPos, endCursorPos;
for (let i = 0; i < selectedStrings.length; i++) {
if (byLine == false) {
const start = selectedStrings[i].search(/[^\s]/);
const end = selectedStrings[i].search(/[^\s](?=[\s]*$)/);
newBody += selectedStrings[i].substr(0, start) + string1 + selectedStrings[i].substr(start, end - start + 1) + string2 + selectedStrings[i].substr(end + 1);
// Getting position for correcting offset in highlighted text when surrounded by white spaces
startCursorPos = textOffsetToCursorPosition(selection.start + start, newBody);
endCursorPos = textOffsetToCursorPosition(selection.start + end + 1, newBody);
} else { newBody += string1 + selectedStrings[i] + string2; }
newBody += props.content.substr(selection.end);
const r = selectionRange(editor);
// Because some insertion strings will have newlines, we'll need to account for them
const str1Split = string1.split(/\r?\n/);
// Add the number of newlines to the row
// and add the length of the final line to the column (for strings with no newlines this is the string length)
let newRange: any = {};
if (!byLine) {
// Correcting offset in Highlighted text when surrounded by white spaces
newRange = {
start: {
row: startCursorPos.row,
column: startCursorPos.column + string1.length,
end: {
row: endCursorPos.row,
column: endCursorPos.column + string1.length,
} else {
newRange = {
start: {
row: r.start.row + str1Split.length - 1,
column: r.start.column + str1Split[str1Split.length - 1].length,
end: {
row: r.end.row + str1Split.length - 1,
column: r.end.column + str1Split[str1Split.length - 1].length,
if (replacementText !== null) {
const diff = replacementText.length - (selection.end - selection.start);
newRange.end.column += diff;
setTimeout(() => {
const range = selectionRange(editor);
range.setStart(newRange.start.row, newRange.start.column);
range.setEnd(newRange.end.row, newRange.end.column);
editor.getSession().getSelection().setSelectionRange(range, false);
}, 10);
} else {
const middleText = replacementText !== null ? replacementText : defaultText;
const textOffset = currentTextOffset(editor, props.content);
const s1 = props.content.substr(0, textOffset);
const s2 = props.content.substr(textOffset);
newBody = s1 + string1 + middleText + string2 + s2;
const p = textOffsetToCursorPosition(textOffset + string1.length, newBody);
const newRange = {
start: { row: p.row, column: p.column },
end: { row: p.row, column: p.column + middleText.length },
// BUG!! If replacementText contains newline characters, the logic
// to select the new text will not work.
setTimeout(() => {
if (middleText && newRange) {
const range = selectionRange(editor);
range.setStart(newRange.start.row, newRange.start.column);
range.setEnd(newRange.end.row, newRange.end.column);
editor.getSession().getSelection().setSelectionRange(range, false);
} else {
for (let i = 0; i < string1.length; i++) {
}, 10);
}, [editor, props.content, aceEditor_change]);
const addListItem = useCallback((string1, string2 = '', defaultText = '', byLine = false) => {
let newLine = '\n';
const range = selectionRange(editor);
if (!range || (range.start.row === range.end.row && !selectionRangeCurrentLine(range, props.content))) {
newLine = '';
wrapSelectionWithStrings(newLine + string1, string2, defaultText, null, byLine);
}, [wrapSelectionWithStrings, props.content, editor]);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => {
return {
content: () => props.content,
resetScroll: () => {
scrollTo: (options:ScrollOptions) => {
if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Hash) {
if (!webviewRef.current) return;
webviewRef.current.wrappedInstance.send('scrollToHash', options.value as string);
} else if (options.type === ScrollOptionTypes.Percent) {
const p = options.value as number;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported scroll options: ${options.type}`);
supportsCommand: (/* name:string*/) => {
// TODO: not implemented, currently only used for "search" command
// which is not directly supported by Ace Editor.
return false;
execCommand: async (cmd: EditorCommand) => {
if (!editor) return false;
reg.logger().debug('AceEditor: execCommand', cmd);
let commandProcessed = true;
if (cmd.name === 'dropItems') {
if (cmd.value.type === 'notes') {
wrapSelectionWithStrings('', '', '', cmd.value.markdownTags.join('\n'));
} else if (cmd.value.type === 'files') {
const newBody = await commandAttachFileToBody(props.content, cmd.value.paths, { createFileURL: !!cmd.value.createFileURL });
} else {
reg.logger().warn('AceEditor: unsupported drop item: ', cmd);
} else if (cmd.name === 'focus') {
} else {
commandProcessed = false;
if (!commandProcessed) {
const commands: any = {
textBold: () => wrapSelectionWithStrings('**', '**', _('strong text')),
textItalic: () => wrapSelectionWithStrings('*', '*', _('emphasized text')),
textLink: async () => {
const url = await dialogs.prompt(_('Insert Hyperlink'));
if (url) wrapSelectionWithStrings('[', `](${url})`);
textCode: () => {
const selection = textOffsetSelection(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
const string = props.content.substr(selection.start, selection.end - selection.start);
// Look for newlines
const match = string.match(/\r?\n/);
if (match && match.length > 0) {
if (string.startsWith('```') && string.endsWith('```')) {
wrapSelectionWithStrings('', '', '', string.substr(4, selection.end - selection.start - 8));
} else {
wrapSelectionWithStrings(`\`\`\`${match[0]}`, `${match[0]}\`\`\``);
} else {
wrapSelectionWithStrings('`', '`', '');
insertText: (value: any) => wrapSelectionWithStrings(value),
attachFile: async () => {
const selection = textOffsetSelection(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
const newBody = await commandAttachFileToBody(props.content, null, { position: selection ? selection.start : 0 });
if (newBody) aceEditor_change(newBody);
textNumberedList: () => {
const selection = selectionRange(editor);
let bulletNumber = markdownUtils.olLineNumber(selectionRangeCurrentLine(selection, props.content));
if (!bulletNumber) bulletNumber = markdownUtils.olLineNumber(selectionRangePreviousLine(selection, props.content));
if (!bulletNumber) bulletNumber = 0;
addListItem(`${bulletNumber + 1}. `, '', _('List item'), true);
textBulletedList: () => addListItem('- ', '', _('List item'), true),
textCheckbox: () => addListItem('- [ ] ', '', _('List item'), true),
textHeading: () => addListItem('## ','','', true),
textHorizontalRule: () => addListItem('* * *'),
if (commands[cmd.name]) {
} else {
reg.logger().warn('AceEditor: unsupported Joplin command: ', cmd);
return false;
return true;
}, [editor, props.content, addListItem, wrapSelectionWithStrings, selectionRangeCurrentLine, aceEditor_change, setEditorPercentScroll, setViewerPercentScroll, resetScroll, renderedBody]);
const onEditorPaste = useCallback(async (event: any = null) => {
const resourceMds = await handlePasteEvent(event);
if (!resourceMds.length) return;
wrapSelectionWithStrings('', '', resourceMds.join('\n'));
}, [wrapSelectionWithStrings]);
const onEditorKeyDown = useCallback((event: any) => {
setLastKeys(prevLastKeys => {
const keys = prevLastKeys.slice();
while (keys.length > 2) keys.splice(0, 1);
return keys;
}, []);
const editorCutText = useCallback(() => {
const text = selectedText(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
if (!text) return;
const s = textOffsetSelection(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
if (!s || s.start === s.end) return;
const s1 = props.content.substr(0, s.start);
const s2 = props.content.substr(s.end);
aceEditor_change(s1 + s2);
setTimeout(() => {
const range = selectionRange(editor);
range.setStart(range.start.row, range.start.column);
range.setEnd(range.start.row, range.start.column);
editor.getSession().getSelection().setSelectionRange(range, false);
}, 10);
}, [props.content, editor, aceEditor_change]);
const editorCopyText = useCallback(() => {
const text = selectedText(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
}, [props.content, editor]);
const editorPasteText = useCallback(() => {
wrapSelectionWithStrings(clipboard.readText(), '', '', '');
}, [wrapSelectionWithStrings]);
const onEditorContextMenu = useCallback(() => {
const menu = new Menu();
const hasSelectedText = !!selectedText(selectionRange(editor), props.content);
const clipboardText = clipboard.readText();
new MenuItem({
label: _('Cut'),
enabled: hasSelectedText,
click: async () => {
new MenuItem({
label: _('Copy'),
enabled: hasSelectedText,
click: async () => {
new MenuItem({
label: _('Paste'),
enabled: true,
click: async () => {
if (clipboardText) {
} else {
// To handle pasting images
}, [props.content, editorCutText, editorPasteText, editorCopyText, onEditorPaste, editor]);
function aceEditor_load(editor: any) {
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return () => {};
const cancelledKeys = [];
const letters = ['F', 'T', 'P', 'Q', 'L', ',', 'G', 'K'];
for (let i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
const l = letters[i];
for (let i = 0; i < cancelledKeys.length; i++) {
const k = cancelledKeys[i];
editor.commands.bindKey(k, () => {
// HACK: Ace doesn't seem to provide a way to override its shortcuts, but throwing
// an exception from this undocumented function seems to cancel it without any
// side effect.
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36075846
throw new Error(`HACK: Overriding Ace Editor shortcut: ${k}`);
document.querySelector('#note-editor').addEventListener('paste', onEditorPaste, true);
document.querySelector('#note-editor').addEventListener('keydown', onEditorKeyDown);
document.querySelector('#note-editor').addEventListener('contextmenu', onEditorContextMenu);
// Disable Markdown auto-completion (eg. auto-adding a dash after a line with a dash.
// https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/issues/2754
// @ts-ignore: Keep the function signature as-is despite unusued arguments
editor.getSession().getMode().getNextLineIndent = function(state: any, line: string) {
const ls = lastKeys;
if (ls.length >= 2 && ls[ls.length - 1] === 'Enter' && ls[ls.length - 2] === 'Enter') return this.$getIndent(line);
const leftSpaces = lineLeftSpaces(line);
const lineNoLeftSpaces = line.trimLeft();
if (lineNoLeftSpaces.indexOf('- [ ] ') === 0 || lineNoLeftSpaces.indexOf('- [x] ') === 0 || lineNoLeftSpaces.indexOf('- [X] ') === 0) return `${leftSpaces}- [ ] `;
if (lineNoLeftSpaces.indexOf('- ') === 0) return `${leftSpaces}- `;
if (lineNoLeftSpaces.indexOf('* ') === 0 && line.trim() !== '* * *') return `${leftSpaces}* `;
const bulletNumber = markdownUtils.olLineNumber(lineNoLeftSpaces);
if (bulletNumber) return `${leftSpaces + (bulletNumber + 1)}. `;
return this.$getIndent(line);
return () => {
document.querySelector('#note-editor').removeEventListener('paste', onEditorPaste, true);
document.querySelector('#note-editor').removeEventListener('keydown', onEditorKeyDown);
document.querySelector('#note-editor').removeEventListener('contextmenu', onEditorContextMenu);
}, [editor, onEditorPaste, onEditorContextMenu, lastKeys]);
useEffect(() => {
// We disable dragging ot text because it's not really supported, and
// can lead to data loss: https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/3302
if (editor) editor.setOption('dragEnabled', false);
}, [editor]);
const webview_domReady = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const webview_ipcMessage = useCallback((event: any) => {
const msg = event.channel ? event.channel : '';
const args = event.args;
const arg0 = args && args.length >= 1 ? args[0] : null;
if (msg.indexOf('checkboxclick:') === 0) {
const newBody = shared.toggleCheckbox(msg, props.content);
} else if (msg === 'percentScroll') {
} else {
}, [props.onMessage, props.content, aceEditor_change, setEditorPercentScroll]);
useEffect(() => {
let cancelled = false;
const interval = contentKeyHasChangedRef.current ? 0 : 500;
const timeoutId = setTimeout(async () => {
let bodyToRender = props.content;
if (!bodyToRender.trim() && props.visiblePanes.indexOf('viewer') >= 0 && props.visiblePanes.indexOf('editor') < 0) {
// Fixes https://github.com/laurent22/joplin/issues/217
bodyToRender = `<i>${_('This note has no content. Click on "%s" to toggle the editor and edit the note.', _('Layout'))}</i>`;
const result = await props.markupToHtml(props.contentMarkupLanguage, bodyToRender, markupRenderOptions({ resourceInfos: props.resourceInfos }));
if (cancelled) return;
}, interval);
return () => {
cancelled = true;
}, [props.content, props.contentMarkupLanguage, props.visiblePanes, props.resourceInfos, props.markupToHtml]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!editor) return;
if (contentKeyHasChangedRef.current) {
// editor.getSession().setMode(new CustomMdMode());
const undoManager = editor.getSession().getUndoManager();
}, [props.content, editor]);
useEffect(() => {
if (!webviewReady) return;
const options: any = {
pluginAssets: renderedBody.pluginAssets,
downloadResources: Setting.value('sync.resourceDownloadMode'),
webviewRef.current.wrappedInstance.send('setHtml', renderedBody.html, options);
}, [renderedBody, webviewReady]);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.searchMarkers !== previousSearchMarkers || renderedBody !== previousRenderedBody) {
webviewRef.current.wrappedInstance.send('setMarkers', props.searchMarkers.keywords, props.searchMarkers.options);
}, [props.searchMarkers, renderedBody]);
const cellEditorStyle = useMemo(() => {
const output = { ...styles.cellEditor };
if (!props.visiblePanes.includes('editor')) {
// Note: Ideally we'd set the display to "none" to take the editor out
// of the DOM but if we do that, certain things won't work, in particular
// things related to scroll, which are based on the editor.
// Note that the below hack doesn't work and causes a bug in this case:
// - Put Ace Editor in viewer-only mode
// - Go to WYSIWYG editor
// - Create new to-do - set title only
// - Switch to Code View
// - Switch layout and type something
// => Text editor layout is broken and text is off-screen
output.display = 'none'; // Seems to work fine since the refactoring
return output;
}, [styles.cellEditor, props.visiblePanes]);
const cellViewerStyle = useMemo(() => {
const output = { ...styles.cellViewer };
if (!props.visiblePanes.includes('viewer')) {
// Note: setting webview.display to "none" is currently not supported due
// to this bug: https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8277
// So instead setting the width 0.
output.width = 1;
output.maxWidth = 1;
} else if (!props.visiblePanes.includes('editor')) {
output.borderLeftStyle = 'none';
return output;
}, [styles.cellViewer, props.visiblePanes]);
const editorReadOnly = props.visiblePanes.indexOf('editor') < 0;
function renderEditor() {
// Need to hard-code the editor width, otherwise various bugs pops up
let width = 0;
if (props.visiblePanes.includes('editor')) {
width = !props.visiblePanes.includes('viewer') ? rootWidth : Math.floor(rootWidth / 2);
return (
<div style={cellEditorStyle}>
mode={props.contentMarkupLanguage === Note.MARKUP_LANGUAGE_HTML ? 'text' : 'markdown'}
// Enable/Disable the autoclosing braces
behavioursEnabled: Setting.value('editor.autoMatchingBraces'),
useSoftTabs: false,
// Disable warning: "Automatically scrolling cursor into view after
// selection change this will be disabled in the next version set
// editor.$blockScrolling = Infinity to disable this message"
editorProps={{ $blockScrolling: Infinity }}
// This is buggy (gets outside the container)
function renderViewer() {
return (
<div style={cellViewerStyle}>
return (
<div style={styles.root} ref={rootRef}>
<div style={styles.rowToolbar}>
<div style={styles.rowEditorViewer}>
export default forwardRef(AceEditor);