mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-01-29 19:13:59 +02:00

157 lines
4.5 KiB

const Entities = require('html-entities').AllHtmlEntities;
const htmlentities = new Entities().encode;
// [\s\S] instead of . for multiline matching
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/16119722/561309
const imageRegex = /<img([\s\S]*?)src=["']([\s\S]*?)["']([\s\S]*?)>/gi;
const JS_EVENT_NAMES = ['onabort', 'onafterprint', 'onbeforeprint', 'onbeforeunload', 'onblur', 'oncanplay', 'oncanplaythrough', 'onchange', 'onclick', 'oncontextmenu', 'oncopy', 'oncuechange', 'oncut', 'ondblclick', 'ondrag', 'ondragend', 'ondragenter', 'ondragleave', 'ondragover', 'ondragstart', 'ondrop', 'ondurationchange', 'onemptied', 'onended', 'onerror', 'onfocus', 'onhashchange', 'oninput', 'oninvalid', 'onkeydown', 'onkeypress', 'onkeyup', 'onload', 'onloadeddata', 'onloadedmetadata', 'onloadstart', 'onmessage', 'onmousedown', 'onmousemove', 'onmouseout', 'onmouseover', 'onmouseup', 'onmousewheel', 'onoffline', 'ononline', 'onpagehide', 'onpageshow', 'onpaste', 'onpause', 'onplay', 'onplaying', 'onpopstate', 'onprogress', 'onratechange', 'onreset', 'onresize', 'onscroll', 'onsearch', 'onseeked', 'onseeking', 'onselect', 'onstalled', 'onstorage', 'onsubmit', 'onsuspend', 'ontimeupdate', 'ontoggle', 'onunload', 'onvolumechange', 'onwaiting', 'onwheel'];
const selfClosingElements = [
class HtmlUtils {
attributesHtml(attr) {
const output = [];
for (const n in attr) {
if (!attr.hasOwnProperty(n)) continue;
return output.join(' ');
processImageTags(html, callback) {
if (!html) return '';
return html.replace(imageRegex, (v, before, src, after) => {
const action = callback({ src: src });
if (!action) return `<img${before}src="${src}"${after}>`;
if (action.type === 'replaceElement') {
return action.html;
if (action.type === 'replaceSource') {
return `<img${before}src="${action.src}"${after}>`;
if (action.type === 'setAttributes') {
const attrHtml = this.attributesHtml(action.attrs);
return `<img${before}${attrHtml}${after}>`;
throw new Error(`Invalid action: ${action.type}`);
isSelfClosingTag(tagName) {
return selfClosingElements.includes(tagName.toLowerCase());
sanitizeHtml(html, options = null) {
options = Object.assign({}, {
// If true, adds a "jop-noMdConv" class to all the tags.
// It can be used afterwards to restore HTML tags in Markdown.
addNoMdConvClass: false,
}, options);
const htmlparser2 = require('htmlparser2');
const output = [];
const tagStack = [];
const currentTag = () => {
if (!tagStack.length) return '';
return tagStack[tagStack.length - 1];
const disallowedTags = ['script', 'iframe', 'frameset', 'frame', 'object'];
const parser = new htmlparser2.Parser({
onopentag: (name, attrs) => {
if (disallowedTags.includes(currentTag())) return;
attrs = Object.assign({}, attrs);
for (const eventName of JS_EVENT_NAMES) {
delete attrs[eventName];
if (options.addNoMdConvClass) {
let classAttr = attrs['class'] || '';
if (!classAttr.includes('jop-noMdConv')) {
classAttr += ' jop-noMdConv';
attrs['class'] = classAttr.trim();
let attrHtml = this.attributesHtml(attrs);
if (attrHtml) attrHtml = ` ${attrHtml}`;
const closingSign = this.isSelfClosingTag(name) ? '/>' : '>';
ontext: (decodedText) => {
if (disallowedTags.includes(currentTag())) return;
if (currentTag() === 'style') {
// For CSS, we have to put the style as-is inside the tag because if we html-entities encode
// it, it's not going to work. But it's ok because JavaScript won't run within the style tag.
// Ideally CSS should be loaded from an external file.
} else {
onclosetag: (name) => {
const current = currentTag();
if (current === name.toLowerCase()) tagStack.pop();
if (disallowedTags.includes(current)) return;
if (this.isSelfClosingTag(name)) return;
}, { decodeEntities: true });
return output.join('');
const htmlUtils = new HtmlUtils();
module.exports = htmlUtils;