mirror of https://github.com/laurent22/joplin.git synced 2025-03-11 14:09:55 +02:00
Henry Heino 02bdb7a79c
Docs: Include dependency overview (#10911)
Co-authored-by: Laurent Cozic <laurent22@users.noreply.github.com>
2024-08-22 21:53:27 +01:00

263 lines
8.9 KiB

import getLicenses, { DependencyType, LicenseInfo } from './getLicenses';
import { readFile, readdir } from 'fs/promises';
import { dirname, join } from 'path';
import licenseOverrides from './licenseOverrides';
import { LicenseOverride } from './licenseOverrides/types';
import { exists, writeFile } from 'fs-extra';
import matchApache2 from './utils/matchApache2';
import apache2 from './licenseText/apache2';
import agplv3 from './licenseText/agplv3';
import matchMit from './utils/matchMit';
import mit from './licenseText/mit';
// Important: Review the output of this tool for correctness
interface PackageInfo extends LicenseInfo {
packageName: string;
const cachedFetchResults: Map<string, string|null> = new Map();
const readOrFetchRepositoryFile = async (pkg: PackageInfo, allowedPaths: string[]): Promise<string|null> => {
for (const path of allowedPaths) {
const targetPath = join(pkg.path, path);
if (await exists(targetPath)) {
const licenseText = await readFile(targetPath, 'utf8');
return licenseText;
for (const path of allowedPaths) {
const cacheKey = `${pkg.repository}/${path}`;
if (cachedFetchResults.has(cacheKey)) {
const cacheValue = cachedFetchResults.get(cacheKey);
if (cacheValue) {
return cacheValue;
// Otherwise, try the next allowed path
} else {
const repositoryMatch =
?? pkg.repository?.match(/^https:\/\/(?:www\.)?github\.com\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)$/);
if (repositoryMatch) {
const organization = repositoryMatch[1];
const project = repositoryMatch[2];
console.info('Attempting to fetch', path, 'for repository', pkg.repository, 'from GitHub...');
const noticeResult = await fetch(`https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${organization}/${project}/HEAD/${path}`);
if (noticeResult.ok) {
const result = await noticeResult.text();
cachedFetchResults.set(cacheKey, result);
console.error('Fetch success.');
return result;
} else {
cachedFetchResults.set(cacheKey, null);
console.error(`Fetch failed: ${noticeResult.statusText}`);
} else {
console.warn('No repository for package', pkg.packageName);
return null;
const getNotice = async (pkg: PackageInfo) => {
// Some package overrides lack a `path`
if (!pkg.path) {
console.log('Not including notices for', pkg.packageName, ' -- no path.');
return '';
const files = await readdir(pkg.path);
const noticeLines = [];
for (const fileName of files) {
if (/NOTICE(?:S)?(?:\.\w+)?$/i.exec(fileName)) {
const noticeContent = await readFile(join(pkg.path, fileName), 'utf8');
// If no notices were found, there may still be such a file in the package's repository
// (as is the case for some Amazon AWS packages).
if (noticeLines.length === 0 && pkg.licenses.includes('Apache')) {
noticeLines.push(await readOrFetchRepositoryFile(pkg, ['NOTICE', 'NOTICE.md']));
return noticeLines.join('\n\n');
const readLicense = async (pkg: PackageInfo) => {
let result = '';
if (pkg.licenseText && !pkg.licenses.includes('UNKNOWN')) {
result = pkg.licenseText;
// By default, license-checker-rseidelsohn uses the README when the license can't be
// found. This is often wrong, and we can do better:
if (pkg.path && (!pkg.licenseFile || pkg.licenseFile.match(/\/README(\.\w+)?$/))) {
result = await readOrFetchRepositoryFile(pkg, ['LICENSE', 'LICENSE.md', 'LICENSE.txt', 'MIT-LICENSE.txt']);
if (!result && pkg.licenseFile) {
result = await readFile(pkg.licenseFile, 'utf8');
return result;
const toCodeBlock = (content: string) => {
const internalFences = [...content.matchAll(/(^|\n)[`]+/g)];
const longestFence = internalFences
.reduce((largest, current) => largest.length > current.length ? largest : current[0], '``');
return `${longestFence}\`\n${content}\n${longestFence}\``;
const buildForPackage = async (packageNames: string[]): Promise<string> => {
const monorepoRootDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__dirname)));
const packagesRootDir = join(monorepoRootDir, 'packages');
const output: string[] = [];
// Identifiers for licenses that can be excluded.
const excludeLicenses: string[] = [];
output.push('# License information');
output.push('This file summarizes the licenses of Joplin and the direct and indirect dependencies of packages in the Joplin monorepo. Many of these dependencies are used only at build time.');
output.push('## Joplin\'s license');
output.push(toCodeBlock(await readFile(join(monorepoRootDir, 'LICENSE'), 'utf-8')));
output.push('### AGPLv3 License');
output.push('## Joplin Server license');
output.push('This license applies only to **Joplin Server** -- the files in the `packages/server` directory.');
output.push(toCodeBlock(await readFile(join(packagesRootDir, 'server', 'LICENSE.md'), 'utf-8')));
const packageOverrides: LicenseOverride[] = [];
for (const packageToCheck of packageNames) {
if (licenseOverrides[packageToCheck]) {
for (const mode of [DependencyType.Production, DependencyType.Development]) {
output.push('', `## ${mode} dependencies`, '');
output.push(`Dependencies in this section are listed as "${mode}" dependencies in one of the \`package.json\` files of a Joplin package, or a dependency of a Joplin package.`);
const dependencyLicenses: Record<string, LicenseInfo> = {};
for (const packageName of packageNames) {
const packageDir = join(packagesRootDir, packageName);
const packageLicenses = await getLicenses(packageDir, mode, excludeLicenses, packageOverrides);
for (const packageName in packageLicenses) {
dependencyLicenses[packageName] = packageLicenses[packageName];
// Group into per-repository (some dependencies are broken up into multiple
// packages)
const repositoryToPackages: Record<string, PackageInfo[]> = Object.create(null);
for (const packageName in dependencyLicenses) {
const packageData = dependencyLicenses[packageName];
repositoryToPackages[packageData.repository] ??= [];
for (const repository in repositoryToPackages) {
let repositoryOutput: string[] = [];
let relevantPackages: string[] = [];
const flushOutput = () => {
if (relevantPackages.length > 0 || repositoryOutput.length > 0) {
output.push(`### ${relevantPackages.join(', ')}`);
output.push(repository && repository !== 'null' ? `From ${repository}.` : '');
relevantPackages = [];
repositoryOutput = [];
// Try to fetch LICENSE and NOTICE from node_modules
let previousLicense: string|null = null;
let previousNotice: string|null = null;
for (const pkg of repositoryToPackages[repository]) {
const currentNotice = await getNotice(pkg);
if (previousLicense !== pkg.licenses || previousNotice !== currentNotice) {
const licenseText = await readLicense(pkg) ?? 'NONE AVAILABLE';
// The Apache2 license is both long and common. Extracting it to an Appendix can significantly
// decrease the size of the license statement.
const apache2Match = matchApache2(licenseText);
if (apache2Match) {
repositoryOutput.push('See [Appendix A](#appendix-a-the-apache-2-license) for the Apache 2 license.');
if (
apache2Match.appendix) {
'This package\'s copy of the Apache 2 license includes the following appendix:',
} else {
const mitMatch = matchMit(licenseText);
if (mitMatch) {
repositoryOutput.push(`Copyright: ${mitMatch.copyright}`);
repositoryOutput.push('See [Appendix B](#appendix-b-the-mit-license) for the full MIT license.');
} else {
if (currentNotice) {
repositoryOutput.push('**NOTICE**:', toCodeBlock(currentNotice));
previousLicense = pkg.licenses;
previousNotice = currentNotice;
output.push('## Appendix A: The Apache 2 license');
output.push('## Appendix B: The MIT license');
return output.join('\n\n');
const licenseStatementBuilder = async () => {
const baseDir = dirname(dirname(dirname(__dirname)));
const outputPath = join(baseDir, 'readme', 'licenses.md');
const result = await buildForPackage([
await writeFile(outputPath, result, 'utf-8');
licenseStatementBuilder().catch(error => {
console.error('Error', error);