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// Allows displaying error stack traces with TypeScript file paths
import * as Koa from 'koa';
import * as fs from 'fs-extra';
import { argv } from 'yargs';
import Logger, { LoggerWrapper, TargetType } from '@joplin/lib/Logger';
import config, { initConfig, runningInDocker, EnvVariables } from './config';
import { createDb, dropDb } from './tools/dbTools';
import { dropTables, connectDb, disconnectDb, migrateDb, waitForConnection, sqliteDefaultDir } from './db';
import { AppContext, Env } from './utils/types';
import FsDriverNode from '@joplin/lib/fs-driver-node';
import routeHandler from './middleware/routeHandler';
import notificationHandler from './middleware/notificationHandler';
import ownerHandler from './middleware/ownerHandler';
import setupAppContext from './utils/setupAppContext';
import { initializeJoplinUtils } from './utils/joplinUtils';
import startServices from './utils/startServices';
import { credentialFile } from './utils/testing/testUtils';
const cors = require('@koa/cors');
const nodeEnvFile = require('node-env-file');
const { shimInit } = require('@joplin/lib/shim-init-node.js');
const env: Env = argv.env as Env || Env.Prod;
const defaultEnvVariables: Record<Env, EnvVariables> = {
dev: {
// To test with the Postgres database, uncomment DB_CLIENT below and
// comment out SQLITE_DATABASE. Then start the Postgres server using
// `docker-compose --file docker-compose.db-dev.yml up`
// DB_CLIENT: 'pg',
SQLITE_DATABASE: `${sqliteDefaultDir}/db-dev.sqlite`,
buildTypes: {
SQLITE_DATABASE: `${sqliteDefaultDir}/db-buildTypes.sqlite`,
prod: {
SQLITE_DATABASE: `${sqliteDefaultDir}/db-prod.sqlite`,
let appLogger_: LoggerWrapper = null;
function appLogger(): LoggerWrapper {
if (!appLogger_) {
appLogger_ = Logger.create('App');
return appLogger_;
function markPasswords(o: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> {
const output: Record<string, any> = {};
for (const k of Object.keys(o)) {
if (k.toLowerCase().includes('password')) {
output[k] = '********';
} else {
output[k] = o[k];
return output;
async function getEnvFilePath(env: Env, argv: any): Promise<string> {
if (argv.envFile) return argv.envFile;
if (env === Env.Dev) {
return credentialFile('server.env');
return '';
async function main() {
const envFilePath = await getEnvFilePath(env, argv);
if (envFilePath) nodeEnvFile(envFilePath);
if (!defaultEnvVariables[env]) throw new Error(`Invalid env: ${env}`);
const envVariables: EnvVariables = {
const app = new Koa();
// app.use(async function responseTime(ctx:AppContext, next:Function) {
// const start = Date.now();
// await next();
// const ms = Date.now() - start;
// console.info('Response time', ms)
// //ctx.set('X-Response-Time', `${ms}ms`);
// });
// Note: the order of middlewares is important. For example, ownerHandler
// loads the user, which is then used by notificationHandler. And finally
// routeHandler uses data from both previous middlewares. It would be good to
// layout these dependencies in code but not clear how to do this.
const corsAllowedDomains = [
function acceptOrigin(origin: string): boolean {
const hostname = (new URL(origin)).hostname;
const userContentDomain = envVariables.USER_CONTENT_BASE_URL ? (new URL(envVariables.USER_CONTENT_BASE_URL)).hostname : '';
if (hostname === userContentDomain) return true;
const hostnameNoSub = hostname.split('.').slice(1).join('.');
if (hostnameNoSub === userContentDomain) return true;
if (corsAllowedDomains.indexOf(origin) === 0) return true;
return false;
// https://github.com/koajs/cors/issues/52#issuecomment-413887382
origin: (ctx: AppContext) => {
const origin = ctx.request.header.origin;
if (acceptOrigin(origin)) {
return origin;
} else {
// we can't return void, so let's return one of the valid domains
return corsAllowedDomains[0];
await initConfig(env, envVariables);
await fs.mkdirp(config().logDir);
await fs.mkdirp(config().tempDir);
Logger.fsDriver_ = new FsDriverNode();
const globalLogger = new Logger();
// globalLogger.addTarget(TargetType.File, { path: `${config().logDir}/app.txt` });
globalLogger.addTarget(TargetType.Console, {
format: '%(date_time)s: [%(level)s] %(prefix)s: %(message)s',
formatInfo: '%(date_time)s: %(prefix)s: %(message)s',
if (envFilePath) appLogger().info(`Env variables were loaded from: ${envFilePath}`);
const pidFile = argv.pidfile as string;
if (pidFile) {
appLogger().info(`Writing PID to ${pidFile}...`);
fs.removeSync(pidFile as string);
fs.writeFileSync(pidFile, `${process.pid}`);
if (argv.migrateDb) {
const db = await connectDb(config().database);
await migrateDb(db);
await disconnectDb(db);
} else if (argv.dropDb) {
await dropDb(config().database, { ignoreIfNotExists: true });
} else if (argv.dropTables) {
const db = await connectDb(config().database);
await dropTables(db);
await disconnectDb(db);
} else if (argv.createDb) {
await createDb(config().database);
} else {
appLogger().info(`Starting server v${config().appVersion} (${env}) on port ${config().port} and PID ${process.pid}...`);
appLogger().info('Running in Docker:', runningInDocker());
appLogger().info('Public base URL:', config().baseUrl);
appLogger().info('API base URL:', config().apiBaseUrl);
appLogger().info('User content base URL:', config().userContentBaseUrl);
appLogger().info('Log dir:', config().logDir);
appLogger().info('DB Config:', markPasswords(config().database));
appLogger().info('Trying to connect to database...');
const connectionCheck = await waitForConnection(config().database);
const connectionCheckLogInfo = { ...connectionCheck };
delete connectionCheckLogInfo.connection;
appLogger().info('Connection check:', connectionCheckLogInfo);
const appContext = app.context as AppContext;
await setupAppContext(appContext, env, connectionCheck.connection, appLogger);
await initializeJoplinUtils(config(), appContext.models, appContext.services.mustache);
appLogger().info('Migrating database...');
await migrateDb(appContext.db);
appLogger().info('Starting services...');
await startServices(appContext);
appLogger().info(`Call this for testing: \`curl ${config().apiBaseUrl}/api/ping\``);
main().catch((error: any) => {