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<h1>Hacktoberfest 2019 has now ended 🎃<a name="hacktoberfest-2019-has-now-ended" href="#hacktoberfest-2019-has-now-ended" class="heading-anchor">🔗</a></h1>
<p>We got lots of great contributions for Hacktoberfest 2019, including:</p>
<li>48 pull requests opened</li>
<li>39 pull requests merged</li>
<p>This year, one small issue is that we got 11 "spam" contributions, as in pull requests that are created only as a way to get a the Hacktoberfest T-shirt. It's not too many, thankfully, but it still makes us lose time as we need to review the code, and sometimes ask questions, to which we get no answer, etc.</p>
<p>On the other hand, the total number of valid pull requests is high, at 48 it's nearly twice as many as last year (we got 26 in 2018). Many of these are great improvements to Joplin and they will be part of the coming release.</p>
<p>Thanks a lot to all the contributors! Also many thanks to our admins, tessus, for his valuable help reviewing and commenting on many pull requests, and foxmask for organising the event.</p>
<p>url: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/hacktoberfest-31221846">https://www.patreon.com/posts/hacktoberfest-31221846</a><br>
published_at: 2019-11-01T13:18:52.000+00:00</p>
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