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synced 2025-03-05 15:06:20 +02:00
224 lines
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Executable File
224 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
# Script: check_mysql_slavestatus.sh #
# Author: Claudio Kuenzler www.claudiokuenzler.com #
# Purpose: Monitor MySQL Replication status with Nagios #
# Description: Connects to given MySQL hosts and checks for running #
# SLAVE state and delivers additional info #
# Original: This script is a modified version of #
# check mysql slave sql running written by dhirajt #
# Thanks to: Victor Balada Diaz for his ideas added on 20080930 #
# Soren Klintrup for stuff added on 20081015 #
# Marc Feret for Slave_IO_Running check 20111227 #
# Peter Lecki for his mods added on 20120803 #
# Serge Victor for his mods added on 20131223 #
# Omri Bahumi for his fix added on 20131230 #
# Marc Falzon for his option mods added on 20190822 #
# Andreas Pfeiffer for adding socket option on 20190822 #
# History: #
# 2008041700 Original Script modified #
# 2008041701 Added additional info if status OK #
# 2008041702 Added usage of script with params -H -u -p #
# 2008041703 Added bindir variable for multiple platforms #
# 2008041704 Added help because mankind needs help #
# 2008093000 Using /bin/sh instead of /bin/bash #
# 2008093001 Added port for MySQL server #
# 2008093002 Added mysqldir if mysql binary is elsewhere #
# 2008101501 Changed bindir/mysqldir to use PATH #
# 2008101501 Use $() instead of `` to avoid forks #
# 2008101501 Use ${} for variables to prevent problems #
# 2008101501 Check if required commands exist #
# 2008101501 Check if mysql connection works #
# 2008101501 Exit with unknown status at script end #
# 2008101501 Also display help if no option is given #
# 2008101501 Add warning/critical check to delay #
# 2011062200 Add perfdata #
# 2011122700 Checking Slave_IO_Running #
# 2012080300 Changed to use only one mysql query #
# 2012080301 Added warn and crit delay as optional args #
# 2012080302 Added standard -h option for syntax help #
# 2012080303 Added check for mandatory options passed in #
# 2012080304 Added error output from mysql #
# 2012080305 Changed from 'cut' to 'awk' (eliminate ws) #
# 2012111600 Do not show password in error output #
# 2013042800 Changed PATH to use existing PATH, too #
# 2013050800 Bugfix in PATH export #
# 2013092700 Bugfix in PATH export #
# 2013092701 Bugfix in getopts #
# 2013101600 Rewrite of threshold logic and handling #
# 2013101601 Optical clean up #
# 2013101602 Rewrite help output #
# 2013101700 Handle Slave IO in 'Connecting' state #
# 2013101701 Minor changes in output, handling UNKWNON situations now #
# 2013101702 Exit CRITICAL when Slave IO in Connecting state #
# 2013123000 Slave_SQL_Running also matched Slave_SQL_Running_State #
# 2015011600 Added 'moving' check to catch possible connection issues #
# 2015011900 Use its own threshold for replication moving check #
# 2019082200 Add support for mysql option file #
# 2019082201 Improve password security (remove from mysql cli) #
# 2019082202 Added socket parameter (-S) #
# 2019082203 Use default port 3306, makes -P optional #
# 2019082204 Fix moving subcheck, improve documentation #
# Usage: ./check_mysql_slavestatus.sh (-o file|(-H dbhost [-P port]|-S socket) -u dbuser -p dbpass) [-s connection] [-w integer] [-c integer] [-m integer]
help="\ncheck_mysql_slavestatus.sh (c) 2008-2019 GNU GPLv2 licence
Usage: $0 (-o file|(-H dbhost [-P port]|-S socket) -u username -p password) [-s connection] [-w integer] [-c integer] [-m]\n
Options:\n-o Path to option file containing connection settings (e.g. /home/nagios/.my.cnf). Note: If this option is used, -H, -u, -p parameters will become optional\n-H Hostname or IP of slave server\n-P MySQL Port of slave server (optional, defaults to 3306)\n-u Username of DB-user\n-p Password of DB-user\n-S database socket\n-s Connection name (optional, with multi-source replication)\n-w Replication delay in seconds for Warning status (optional)\n-c Replication delay in seconds for Critical status (optional)\n-m Threshold in seconds since when replication did not move (compares the slaves log position)\n
Attention: The DB-user you type in must have CLIENT REPLICATION rights on the DB-server. Example:\n\tGRANT REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* TO 'nagios'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret';"
STATE_OK=0 # define the exit code if status is OK
STATE_WARNING=1 # define the exit code if status is Warning (not really used)
STATE_CRITICAL=2 # define the exit code if status is Critical
STATE_UNKNOWN=3 # define the exit code if status is Unknown
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin # Set path
crit="No" # what is the answer of MySQL Slave_SQL_Running for a Critical status?
ok="Yes" # what is the answer of MySQL Slave_SQL_Running for an OK status?
port="-P 3306" # on which tcp port is the target MySQL slave listening?
for cmd in mysql awk grep expr [
if ! `which ${cmd} &>/dev/null`
echo "UNKNOWN: This script requires the command '${cmd}' but it does not exist; please check if command exists and PATH is correct"
# Check for people who need help
if [ "${1}" = "--help" -o "${#}" = "0" ];
echo -e "${help}";
exit 1;
# Important given variables for the DB-Connect
while getopts "H:P:u:p:S:s:w:c:o:m:h" Input;
case ${Input} in
H) host="-h ${OPTARG}";slavetarget=${OPTARG};;
P) port="-P ${OPTARG}";;
u) user="-u ${OPTARG}";;
p) password="${OPTARG}"; export MYSQL_PWD="${OPTARG}";;
S) socket="-S ${OPTARG}";;
s) connection=\"${OPTARG}\";;
w) warn_delay=${OPTARG};;
c) crit_delay=${OPTARG};;
o) optfile="--defaults-extra-file=${OPTARG}";;
m) moving=${OPTARG};;
h) echo -e "${help}"; exit 1;;
\?) echo "Wrong option given. Check help (-h, --help) for usage."
exit 1
# Check if we can write to tmp
test -w /tmp && tmpfile="/tmp/mysql_slave_${slavetarget}_pos.txt"
# Connect to the DB server and check for informations
# Check whether all required arguments were passed in (either option file or full connection settings)
if [[ -z "${optfile}" && -z "${host}" && -z "${socket}" ]]; then
echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
elif [[ -n "${host}" && (-z "${user}" || -z "${password}") ]]; then
echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
elif [[ -n "${socket}" && (-z "${user}" || -z "${password}") ]]; then
echo -e "Missing required parameter(s)"; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}
# Connect to the DB server and store output in vars
if [[ -n $socket ]]; then
ConnectionResult=$(mysql ${optfile} ${socket} ${user} -e "show slave ${connection} status\G" 2>&1)
ConnectionResult=$(mysql ${optfile} ${host} ${port} ${user} -e "show slave ${connection} status\G" 2>&1)
if [ -z "`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_IO_State`" ]; then
echo -e "CRITICAL: Unable to connect to server"
check=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_SQL_Running: | awk '{print $2}'`
checkio=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Slave_IO_Running: | awk '{print $2}'`
masterinfo=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Master_Host: | awk '{print $2}'`
delayinfo=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Seconds_Behind_Master: | awk '{print $2}'`
readpos=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Read_Master_Log_Pos: | awk '{print $2}'`
execpos=`echo "${ConnectionResult}" |grep Exec_Master_Log_Pos: | awk '{print $2}'`
# Output of different exit states
if [ ${check} = "NULL" ]; then
echo "CRITICAL: Slave_SQL_Running is answering NULL"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
if [ ${check} = ${crit} ]; then
echo "CRITICAL: ${host}:${port} Slave_SQL_Running: ${check}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
if [ ${checkio} = ${crit} ]; then
echo "CRITICAL: ${host} Slave_IO_Running: ${checkio}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
if [ ${checkio} = "Connecting" ]; then
echo "CRITICAL: ${host} Slave_IO_Running: ${checkio}"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL};
if [ ${check} = ${ok} ] && [ ${checkio} = ${ok} ]; then
# Delay thresholds are set
if [[ -n ${warn_delay} ]] && [[ -n ${crit_delay} ]]; then
if ! [[ ${warn_delay} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
if ! [[ ${crit_delay} -gt 0 ]]; then echo "Warning threshold must be a valid integer greater than 0"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
if [[ -z ${warn_delay} ]] || [[ -z ${crit_delay} ]]; then echo "Both warning and critical thresholds must be set"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
if [[ ${warn_delay} -gt ${crit_delay} ]]; then echo "Warning threshold cannot be greater than critical"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi
if [[ ${delayinfo} -ge ${crit_delay} ]]
then echo "CRITICAL: Slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind Master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL}
elif [[ ${delayinfo} -ge ${warn_delay} ]]
then echo "WARNING: Slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind Master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_WARNING}
# Everything looks OK here but now let us check if the replication is moving
if [[ -n ${moving} ]] && [[ -n ${tmpfile} ]] && [[ $readpos -eq $execpos ]]
#echo "Debug: Read pos is $readpos - Exec pos is $execpos"
# Check if tmp file exists
curtime=`date +%s`
if [[ -w $tmpfile ]]
tmpfiletime=`date +%s -r $tmpfile`
if [[ `expr $curtime - $tmpfiletime` -gt ${moving} ]]
exectmp=`cat $tmpfile`
#echo "Debug: Exec pos in tmpfile is $exectmp"
if [[ $exectmp -eq $execpos ]]
# The value read from the tmp file and from db are the same. Replication hasnt moved!
echo "WARNING: Slave replication has not moved in ${moving} seconds. Manual check required."; exit ${STATE_WARNING}
# Replication has moved since the tmp file was written. Delete tmp file and output OK.
rm $tmpfile
echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
echo "$execpos" > $tmpfile
echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
else # Everything OK (no additional moving check)
echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"; exit ${STATE_OK};
# Without delay thresholds
echo "OK: Slave SQL running: ${check} Slave IO running: ${checkio} / master: ${masterinfo} / slave is ${delayinfo} seconds behind master | delay=${delayinfo}s"
exit ${STATE_OK};
echo "UNKNOWN: should never reach this part (Slave_SQL_Running is ${check}, Slave_IO_Running is ${checkio})"