mirror of https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy.git synced 2024-12-12 08:43:55 +02:00
Slavi Pantaleev 964aa0e84d Switch to using an external Ntfy role
The newly extracted role also has native Traefik support,
so we no longer need to rely on `matrix-nginx-proxy` for
reverse-proxying to Ntfy.

The new role uses port `80` inside the container (not `8080`, like
before), because that's the default assumption of the officially
published container image. Using a custom port (like `8080`), means the
default healthcheck command (which hardcodes port `80`) doesn't work.
Instead of fiddling to override the healthcheck command, we've decided
to stick to the default port instead. This only affects the
inside-the-container port, not any external ports.

The new role also supports adding the network ranges of the container's
multiple additional networks as "exempt hosts". Previously, only one
network's address range was added to "exempt hosts".
2023-02-17 09:54:33 +02:00

103 lines
3.5 KiB

#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
{% macro render_vhost_directives() %}
gzip on;
gzip_types text/plain application/json application/javascript text/css image/x-icon font/ttf image/gif;
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_hsts_preload_enabled %}
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;
{% else %}
add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" always;
{% endif %}
add_header X-XSS-Protection "{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_xss_protection }}";
add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
add_header X-Frame-Options DENY;
{% for configuration_block in matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_additional_server_configuration_blocks %}
{{- configuration_block }}
{% endfor %}
location / {
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled %}
{# Use the embedded DNS resolver in Docker containers to discover the service #}
resolver {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_http_level_resolver }} valid=5s;
set $backend "matrix-ntfy:80";
proxy_pass http://$backend;
{% else %}
{# Generic configuration for use outside of our container setup #}
{% endif %}
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_for }};
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_proto_value }};
{% endmacro %}
server {
listen {{ 8080 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 80 }};
listen [::]:{{ 8080 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 80 }};
server_name {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname }};
server_tokens off;
root /dev/null;
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled %}
location /.well-known/acme-challenge {
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled %}
{# Use the embedded DNS resolver in Docker containers to discover the service #}
resolver {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_http_level_resolver }} valid=5s;
set $backend "matrix-certbot:8080";
proxy_pass http://$backend;
{% else %}
{# Generic configuration for use outside of our container setup #}
proxy_pass{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_standalone_http_port }};
{% endif %}
location / {
return 301 https://$http_host$request_uri;
{% else %}
{{ render_vhost_directives() }}
{% endif %}
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled %}
server {
listen {{ 8443 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 443 }} ssl http2;
listen [::]:{{ 8443 if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else 443 }} ssl http2;
server_name {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname }};
server_tokens off;
root /dev/null;
ssl_certificate {{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname }}/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key {{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname }}/privkey.pem;
ssl_protocols {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_protocols }};
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers != '' %}
ssl_ciphers {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_ciphers }};
{% endif %}
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_prefer_server_ciphers }};
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ocsp_stapling_enabled %}
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
ssl_trusted_certificate {{ matrix_ssl_config_dir_path }}/live/{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_ntfy_hostname }}/chain.pem;
{% endif %}
{% if matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_tickets_off %}
ssl_session_tickets off;
{% endif %}
ssl_session_cache {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_cache }};
ssl_session_timeout {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_session_timeout }};
{{ render_vhost_directives() }}
{% endif %}