- Receive WebClip from [obsidian-livesync-webclip](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/obsidian-livesync-webclip/jfpaflmpckblieefkegjncjoceapakdf) (End-to-End encryption will not be applicable.)
Useful for researchers, engineers and developers with a need to keep their notes fully self-hosted for security reasons. Or just anyone who would like the peace of mind knowing that their notes are fully private.
- Do not use in conjunction with another synchronization solution (including iCloud, Obsidian Sync). Before enabling this plugin, make sure to disable all the other synchronization methods to avoid content corruption or duplication. If you want to synchronize to two or more services, do them one by one and never enable two synchronization methods at the same time.
This includes not putting your vault inside a cloud-synchronized folder (eg. an iCloud folder or Dropbox folder)
- This is a synchronization plugin. Not a backup solutions. Do not rely on this for backup.
- If the device's storage runs out, database corruption may happen.
- Hidden files or any other invisible files wouldn't be kept in the database, thus won't be synchronized. (**and may also get deleted**)
Note: More information about alternative hosting methods needed! Currently, [using fly.io](https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync/discussions/85) is being discussed.
2. Or, set up the synchronization as you like. By default, none of the settings are enabled, meaning you would need to manually trigger the synchronization process.
3. Additional configurations are also here. I recommend enabling `Use Trash for deleted files`, but you can also leave all configurations as-is.
5. Go back to the editor. Wait for the initial scan to complete.
6. When the status no longer changes and shows a ⏹️ for COMPLETED (No ⏳ and 🧩 icons), you are ready to synchronize with the server.
7. Press the replicate icon on the Ribbon or run `Replicate now` from the command palette. This will send all your data to the server.
8. Open command palette, run `Copy setup URI`, and set a passphrase. This will export your configuration to clipboard as a link for you to import into your other devices.
**IMPORTANT: BE CAREFUL NOT TO SHARE THIS LINK. THE URI CONTAINS ALL YOUR CREDENTIALS.** (even though nobody could read them without the passphrase)
Note: If we are going to synchronize with a non-empty vault, the modification dates and times of the files must match between them. Otherwise, extra transfers may occur or files may become corrupted.
For simplicity, we strongly recommend that we sync to an empty vault.
If you answered `No` to both, your databases will be rebuilt by the content on your device. And the remote database will lock out other devices. You have to synchronize all your devices again. (When this time, almost all your files should be synchronized with a timestamp. So you can use a existed vault).
Setting up an instance of Cloudant or local CouchDB is a little complicated, so I set up a [Tasting server for self-hosted-livesync](https://olstaste.vrtmrz.net/). Try it out for free!
- If a folder becomes empty after a replication, it will be deleted by default. But you can toggle this behaviour. Check the [Settings](docs/settings.md).
- LiveSync mode drains more batteries in mobile devices. Periodic sync with some automatic sync is recommended.
- Mobile Obsidian can not connect to a non-secure (HTTP) or a locally-signed servers, even if the root certificate is installed on the device.
- While synchronizing, files are compared by their modification time and the older ones will be overwritten by the newer ones. Then plugin checks for conflicts and if a merge is needed, a dialog will open.
- Rarely, a file in the database could be corrupted. The plugin will not write to local storage when a file looks corrupted. If a local version of the file is on your device, the corruption could be fixed by editing the local file and synchronizing it. But if the file does not exist on any of your devices, then it can not be rescued. In this case you can delete these items from the settings dialog.
- Q: Database is growing, how can I shrink it down?
A: each of the docs is saved with their past 100 revisions for detecting and resolving conflicts. Picturing that one device has been offline for a while, and comes online again. The device has to compare its notes with the remotely saved ones. If there exists a historic revision in which the note used to be identical, it could be updated safely (like git fast-forward). Even if that is not in revision histories, we only have to check the differences after the revision that both devices commonly have. This is like git's conflict resolving method. So, We have to make the database again like an enlarged git repo if you want to solve the root of the problem.
- WebClipper is also available on Chrome Web Store:[obsidian-livesync-webclip](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/obsidian-livesync-webclip/jfpaflmpckblieefkegjncjoceapakdf)