mirror of https://github.com/vrtmrz/obsidian-livesync.git synced 2025-03-03 15:32:25 +02:00
- `Verify and repair all files` is no longer broken.
New feature::
- Now `Verify and repair all files` can restore or show history
- Performance improved
This commit is contained in:
vorotamoroz 2024-03-01 08:32:48 +00:00
parent 37a18dbfef
commit 1cabfcfd19
2 changed files with 83 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import { App, PluginSettingTab, Setting, sanitizeHTMLToDom, TextAreaComponent, MarkdownRenderer, stringifyYaml } from "./deps";
import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS, type ObsidianLiveSyncSettings, type ConfigPassphraseStore, type RemoteDBSettings, type FilePathWithPrefix, type HashAlgorithm, type DocumentID, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, LOG_LEVEL_INFO } from "./lib/src/types";
import { DEFAULT_SETTINGS, type ObsidianLiveSyncSettings, type ConfigPassphraseStore, type RemoteDBSettings, type FilePathWithPrefix, type HashAlgorithm, type DocumentID, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, type LoadedEntry } from "./lib/src/types";
import { createBinaryBlob, createTextBlob, delay, isDocContentSame } from "./lib/src/utils";
import { versionNumberString2Number } from "./lib/src/strbin";
import { decodeBinary, versionNumberString2Number } from "./lib/src/strbin";
import { Logger } from "./lib/src/logger";
import { checkSyncInfo, isCloudantURI } from "./lib/src/utils_couchdb";
import { testCrypt } from "./lib/src/e2ee_v2";
import ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin from "./main";
import { askYesNo, performRebuildDB, requestToCouchDB, scheduleTask } from "./utils";
import { request, type ButtonComponent } from "obsidian";
import { request, type ButtonComponent, TFile } from "obsidian";
import { shouldBeIgnored } from "./lib/src/path";
export class ObsidianLiveSyncSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab {
@ -1698,6 +1699,59 @@ ${stringifyYaml(pluginConfig)}`;
const hatchWarn = containerHatchEl.createEl("div", { text: `To stop the boot up sequence for fixing problems on databases, you can put redflag.md on top of your vault (Rebooting obsidian is required).` });
const addResult = (path: string, file: TFile | false, fileOnDB: LoadedEntry | false) => {
resultArea.appendChild(resultArea.createEl("div", {}, el => {
el.appendChild(el.createEl("h6", { text: path }));
el.appendChild(el.createEl("div", {}, infoGroupEl => {
infoGroupEl.appendChild(infoGroupEl.createEl("div", { text: `Storage : Modified: ${!file ? `Missing:` : `${new Date(file.stat.mtime).toLocaleString()}, Size:${file.stat.size}`}` }))
infoGroupEl.appendChild(infoGroupEl.createEl("div", { text: `Database: Modified: ${!fileOnDB ? `Missing:` : `${new Date(fileOnDB.mtime).toLocaleString()}, Size:${fileOnDB.size}`}` }))
if (fileOnDB && file) {
el.appendChild(el.createEl("button", { text: "Show history" }, buttonEl => {
buttonEl.onClickEvent(() => {
this.plugin.showHistory(file, fileOnDB._id);
if (file) {
el.appendChild(el.createEl("button", { text: "Storage -> Database" }, buttonEl => {
buttonEl.onClickEvent(() => {
this.plugin.updateIntoDB(file, undefined, true);
if (fileOnDB) {
el.appendChild(el.createEl("button", { text: "Database -> Storage" }, buttonEl => {
buttonEl.onClickEvent(() => {
this.plugin.pullFile(this.plugin.getPath(fileOnDB), [], true, undefined, false);
return el;
const checkBetweenStorageAndDatabase = async (file: TFile, fileOnDB: LoadedEntry) => {
let content: Blob;
let dataContent: Blob;
if (fileOnDB.type == "newnote") {
dataContent = createBinaryBlob(decodeBinary(fileOnDB.data));
content = createBinaryBlob(await this.plugin.vaultAccess.vaultReadBinary(file));
} else {
dataContent = createTextBlob(fileOnDB.data);
content = createTextBlob(await this.plugin.vaultAccess.vaultRead(file));
if (await isDocContentSame(content, dataContent)) {
Logger(`Compare: SAME: ${file.path}`)
} else {
Logger(`Compare: CONTENT IS NOT MATCHED! ${file.path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
addResult(file.path, file, fileOnDB)
new Setting(containerHatchEl)
.setName("Verify and repair all files")
.setDesc("Compare the content of files between on local database and storage. If not matched, you will asked which one want to keep.")
@ -1708,47 +1762,36 @@ ${stringifyYaml(pluginConfig)}`;
.onClick(async () => {
const files = this.app.vault.getFiles();
const documents = [] as FilePathWithPrefix[];
const adn = this.plugin.localDatabase.findAllNormalDocs()
for await (const i of adn) documents.push(this.plugin.getPath(i));
const allPaths = [...new Set([...documents, ...files.map(e => e.path as FilePathWithPrefix)])];
let i = 0;
for (const file of files) {
for (const path of allPaths) {
Logger(`${i}/${files.length}\n${file.path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "verify");
if (!await this.plugin.isTargetFile(file)) continue;
const fileOnDB = await this.plugin.localDatabase.getDBEntry(file.path as FilePathWithPrefix);
if (!fileOnDB) {
Logger(`Compare: Not found on local database: ${file.path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
Logger(`${i}/${files.length}\n${path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "verify");
if (shouldBeIgnored(path)) continue;
const abstractFile = this.plugin.vaultAccess.getAbstractFileByPath(path);
const fileOnStorage = abstractFile instanceof TFile ? abstractFile : false;
if (!await this.plugin.isTargetFile(path)) continue;
if (fileOnStorage && this.plugin.isFileSizeExceeded(fileOnStorage.stat.size)) continue;
const fileOnDB = await this.plugin.localDatabase.getDBEntry(path);
if (fileOnDB && this.plugin.isFileSizeExceeded(fileOnDB.size)) continue;
if (!fileOnDB && fileOnStorage) {
Logger(`Compare: Not found on the local database: ${path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
addResult(path, fileOnStorage, false)
let content: Blob;
if (fileOnDB.type == "newnote") {
content = createBinaryBlob(await this.plugin.vaultAccess.vaultReadBinary(file));
} else {
content = createTextBlob(await this.plugin.vaultAccess.vaultRead(file));
if (fileOnDB && !fileOnStorage) {
Logger(`Compare: Not found on the storage: ${path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
addResult(path, false, fileOnDB)
if (isDocContentSame(content, fileOnDB.data)) {
Logger(`Compare: SAME: ${file.path}`)
} else {
Logger(`Compare: CONTENT IS NOT MATCHED! ${file.path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
resultArea.appendChild(resultArea.createEl("div", {}, el => {
el.appendChild(el.createEl("h6", { text: file.path }));
el.appendChild(el.createEl("div", {}, infoGroupEl => {
infoGroupEl.appendChild(infoGroupEl.createEl("div", { text: `Storage : Modified: ${new Date(file.stat.mtime).toLocaleString()}, Size:${file.stat.size}` }))
infoGroupEl.appendChild(infoGroupEl.createEl("div", { text: `Database: Modified: ${new Date(fileOnDB.mtime).toLocaleString()}, Size:${content.size}` }))
el.appendChild(el.createEl("button", { text: "Storage -> Database" }, buttonEl => {
buttonEl.onClickEvent(() => {
this.plugin.updateIntoDB(file, undefined, true);
el.appendChild(el.createEl("button", { text: "Database -> Storage" }, buttonEl => {
buttonEl.onClickEvent(() => {
this.plugin.pullFile(file.path as FilePathWithPrefix, [], true, undefined, false);
return el;
if (fileOnStorage && fileOnDB) {
await checkBetweenStorageAndDatabase(fileOnStorage, fileOnDB)
Logger("done", LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, "verify");

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8a8177c1f068a4fe2f2951a1b388261e7ee51fad
Subproject commit 5269544598bbd110b83a518fa550be263155b666