mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:32:25 +02:00
New feature:
- Per-file-saved customization sync has been shipped. - Customisation sync has got beta3. Improved: - Start-up speed has been improved. Fixed: - On the customisation sync dialogue, buttons are kept within the screen. - No more unnecessary entries on `data.json` for customisation sync. - Selections are no longer lost while updating customisation items. Tidied on source codes: - Many typos have been fixed. - Some unnecessary type casting removed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,10 @@ export class PluginDialogModal extends Modal {
onOpen() {
const { contentEl } = this;
this.titleEl.setText("Customization Sync (Beta2)")
this.contentEl.style.overflow = "auto";
this.contentEl.style.display = "flex";
this.contentEl.style.flexDirection = "column";
this.titleEl.setText("Customization Sync (Beta3)")
if (!this.component) {
this.component = new PluginPane({
target: contentEl,
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import { Notice, type PluginManifest, parseYaml, normalizePath, type ListedFiles } from "../deps.ts";
import { Notice, type PluginManifest, parseYaml, normalizePath, type ListedFiles, diff_match_patch } from "../deps.ts";
import type { EntryDoc, LoadedEntry, InternalFileEntry, FilePathWithPrefix, FilePath, DocumentID, AnyEntry, SavingEntry } from "../lib/src/common/types.ts";
import { LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, MODE_SELECTIVE } from "../lib/src/common/types.ts";
import type { EntryDoc, LoadedEntry, InternalFileEntry, FilePathWithPrefix, FilePath, AnyEntry, SavingEntry, diff_result } from "../lib/src/common/types.ts";
import { ICXHeader, PERIODIC_PLUGIN_SWEEP, } from "../common/types.ts";
import { createSavingEntryFromLoadedEntry, createTextBlob, delay, fireAndForget, getDocDataAsArray, isDocContentSame } from "../lib/src/common/utils.ts";
import { createBlob, createSavingEntryFromLoadedEntry, createTextBlob, delay, fireAndForget, getDocData, getDocDataAsArray, isDocContentSame, isLoadedEntry, isObjectDifferent } from "../lib/src/common/utils.ts";
import { Logger } from "../lib/src/common/logger.ts";
import { digestHash } from "../lib/src/string_and_binary/hash.ts";
import { arrayBufferToBase64, decodeBinary, readString } from 'src/lib/src/string_and_binary/convert.ts';
@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ import { JsonResolveModal } from "../ui/JsonResolveModal.ts";
import { QueueProcessor } from '../lib/src/concurrency/processor.ts';
import { pluginScanningCount } from '../lib/src/mock_and_interop/stores.ts';
import type ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin from '../main.ts';
import { base64ToArrayBuffer, base64ToString } from 'octagonal-wheels/binary/base64';
import { ConflictResolveModal } from '../ui/ConflictResolveModal.ts';
import { Semaphore } from 'octagonal-wheels/concurrency/semaphore';
const d = "\u200b";
const d2 = "\n";
function serialize(data: PluginDataEx): string {
// For higher performance, create custom plug-in data strings.
// Self-hosted LiveSync uses `\n` to split chunks. Therefore, grouping together those with similar entropy would work nicely.
@ -41,7 +43,15 @@ function serialize(data: PluginDataEx): string {
return ret;
const DUMMY_HEAD = serialize({
category: "CONFIG",
name: "migrated",
files: [],
mtime: 0,
term: "-",
displayName: `MIRAGED`
const DUMMY_END = d + d2 + "\u200c";
function splitWithDelimiters(sources: string[]): string[] {
const result: string[] = [];
for (const str of sources) {
@ -186,6 +196,7 @@ function deserialize<T>(str: string[], def: T) {
export const pluginList = writable([] as PluginDataExDisplay[]);
export const pluginIsEnumerating = writable(false);
export const pluginV2Progress = writable(0);
export type PluginDataExFile = {
filename: string,
@ -196,6 +207,16 @@ export type PluginDataExFile = {
hash?: string,
displayName?: string,
export interface IPluginDataExDisplay {
documentPath: FilePathWithPrefix;
category: string;
name: string;
term: string;
displayName?: string;
files: (LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile | PluginDataExFile)[];
version?: string;
mtime: number;
export type PluginDataExDisplay = {
documentPath: FilePathWithPrefix,
category: string,
@ -206,6 +227,88 @@ export type PluginDataExDisplay = {
version?: string,
mtime: number,
type LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile = LoadedEntry & PluginDataExFile;
function categoryToFolder(category: string, configDir: string = ""): string {
switch (category) {
case "CONFIG": return `${configDir}/`;
case "THEME": return `${configDir}/themes/`;
case "SNIPPET": return `${configDir}/snippets/`;
case "PLUGIN_MAIN": return `${configDir}/plugins/`;
case "PLUGIN_DATA": return `${configDir}/plugins/`;
case "PLUGIN_ETC": return `${configDir}/plugins/`;
default: return "";
export const pluginManifests = new Map<string, PluginManifest>();
export const pluginManifestStore = writable(pluginManifests);
function setManifest(key: string, manifest: PluginManifest) {
const old = pluginManifests.get(key);
if (old && !isObjectDifferent(manifest, old)) {
pluginManifests.set(key, manifest);
export class PluginDataExDisplayV2 {
documentPath: FilePathWithPrefix;
category: string;
term: string;
files = [] as LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile[];
name: string;
confKey: string;
constructor(data: IPluginDataExDisplay) {
this.documentPath = `${data.documentPath}` as FilePathWithPrefix;
this.category = `${data.category}`;
this.name = `${data.name}`;
this.term = `${data.term}`;
this.files = [...data.files as LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile[]];
this.confKey = `${categoryToFolder(this.category, this.term)}${this.name}`;
setFile(file: LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile) {
if (this.files.find(e => e.filename == file.filename)) {
this.files = this.files.filter(e => e.filename != file.filename);
if (file.filename == "manifest.json") {
deleteFile(filename: string) {
this.files = this.files.filter(e => e.filename != filename);
_displayName: string | undefined;
_version: string | undefined;
applyLoadedManifest() {
const manifest = pluginManifests.get(this.confKey);
if (manifest) {
this._displayName = manifest.name;
if (this.category == "PLUGIN_MAIN" || this.category == "THEME") {
this._version = manifest?.version;
get displayName(): string {
// if (this._displayNameBuffer !== symbolUnInitialised) return this._displayNameBuffer;
// return this._bufferManifest().displayName;
return this._displayName || this.name;
get version(): string | undefined {
return this._version;
get mtime(): number {
return ~~this.files.reduce((a, b) => a + b.mtime, 0) / this.files.length;
export type PluginDataEx = {
documentPath?: FilePathWithPrefix,
category: string,
@ -222,19 +325,23 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
pluginScanningCount.onChanged((e) => {
const total = e.value;
pluginIsEnumerating.set(total != 0);
// if (total == 0) {
// Logger(`Processing configurations done`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "get-plugins");
// }
get kvDB() {
return this.plugin.kvDB;
get useV2() {
return this.plugin.settings.usePluginSyncV2;
get useSyncPluginEtc() {
return this.plugin.settings.usePluginEtc;
pluginDialog?: PluginDialogModal = undefined;
periodicPluginSweepProcessor = new PeriodicProcessor(this.plugin, async () => await this.scanAllConfigFiles(false));
pluginList: PluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
pluginList: IPluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
showPluginSyncModal() {
if (!this.settings.usePluginSync) {
@ -277,10 +384,8 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
} else if (filePath.endsWith("/data.json")) {
return "PLUGIN_DATA";
} else {
//TODO: to be configurable.
// With algorithm which implemented at v0.19.0, is too heavy.
return "";
// return "PLUGIN_ETC";
// Planned at v0.19.0, realised v0.23.18!
return (this.useV2 && this.useSyncPluginEtc) ? "PLUGIN_ETC" : "";
// return "PLUGIN";
@ -321,6 +426,7 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
async reloadPluginList(showMessage: boolean) {
this.pluginList = [];
await this.updatePluginList(showMessage);
@ -355,30 +461,36 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
return false;
async createMissingConfigurationEntry() {
let saveRequired = false;
for (const v of this.pluginList) {
const key = `${v.category}/${v.name}`;
if (!(key in this.plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting)) {
this.plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key] = {
files: []
if (this.plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].files.sort().join(",").toLowerCase() !=
v.files.map(e => e.filename).sort().join(",").toLowerCase()) {
this.plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].files = v.files.map(e => e.filename).sort();
saveRequired = true;
if (saveRequired) {
await this.plugin.saveSettingData();
pluginScanProcessor = new QueueProcessor(async (v: AnyEntry[]) => {
const plugin = v[0];
if (this.useV2) {
await this.migrateV1ToV2(false, plugin);
return [];
const path = plugin.path || this.getPath(plugin);
const oldEntry = (this.pluginList.find(e => e.documentPath == path));
if (oldEntry && oldEntry.mtime == plugin.mtime) return [];
try {
const pluginData = await this.loadPluginData(path);
if (pluginData) {
let newList = [...this.pluginList];
newList = newList.filter(x => x.documentPath != pluginData.documentPath);
this.pluginList = newList;
// Failed to load
return [];
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`Something happened at enumerating customization :${path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
return [];
}, { suspended: false, batchSize: 1, concurrentLimit: 10, delay: 100, yieldThreshold: 10, maintainDelay: false, totalRemainingReactiveSource: pluginScanningCount }).startPipeline();
pluginScanProcessorV2 = new QueueProcessor(async (v: AnyEntry[]) => {
const plugin = v[0];
const path = plugin.path || this.getPath(plugin);
const oldEntry = (this.pluginList.find(e => e.documentPath == path));
@ -400,17 +512,220 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
return [];
}, { suspended: false, batchSize: 1, concurrentLimit: 10, delay: 100, yieldThreshold: 10, maintainDelay: false, totalRemainingReactiveSource: pluginScanningCount }).startPipeline().root.onUpdateProgress(() => {
scheduleTask("checkMissingConfigurations", 250, async () => {
if (this.pluginScanProcessor.isIdle()) {
await this.createMissingConfigurationEntry();
}, { suspended: false, batchSize: 1, concurrentLimit: 10, delay: 100, yieldThreshold: 10, maintainDelay: false, totalRemainingReactiveSource: pluginScanningCount }).startPipeline();
filenameToUnifiedKey(path: string, termOverRide?: string) {
const term = termOverRide || this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName;
const category = this.getFileCategory(path);
const name = (category == "CONFIG" || category == "SNIPPET") ?
(path.split("/").slice(-1)[0]) :
(category == "PLUGIN_ETC" ?
path.split("/").slice(-2).join("/") :
return `${ICXHeader}${term}/${category}/${name}.md` as FilePathWithPrefix
filenameWithUnifiedKey(path: string, termOverRide?: string) {
const term = termOverRide || this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName;
const category = this.getFileCategory(path);
const name = (category == "CONFIG" || category == "SNIPPET") ?
(path.split("/").slice(-1)[0]) : path.split("/").slice(-2)[0];
const baseName = category == "CONFIG" || category == "SNIPPET" ? name : path.split("/").slice(3).join("/");
return `${ICXHeader}${term}/${category}/${name}%${baseName}` as FilePathWithPrefix;
unifiedKeyPrefixOfTerminal(termOverRide?: string) {
const term = termOverRide || this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName;
return `${ICXHeader}${term}/` as FilePathWithPrefix;
parseUnifiedPath(unifiedPath: FilePathWithPrefix): { category: string, device: string, key: string, filename: string, pathV1: FilePathWithPrefix } {
const [device, category, ...rest] = stripAllPrefixes(unifiedPath).split("/");
const relativePath = rest.join("/");
const [key, filename] = relativePath.split("%");
const pathV1 = (unifiedPath.split("%")[0] + ".md") as FilePathWithPrefix;
return { device, category, key, filename, pathV1 };
loadedManifest_mTime = new Map<string, number>();
async createPluginDataExFileV2(unifiedPathV2: FilePathWithPrefix, loaded?: LoadedEntry): Promise<false | LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile> {
const { category, key, filename, device } = this.parseUnifiedPath(unifiedPathV2);
if (!loaded) {
const d = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntry(unifiedPathV2);
if (!d) {
Logger(`The file ${unifiedPathV2} is not found`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
return false;
if (!isLoadedEntry(d)) {
Logger(`The file ${unifiedPathV2} is not a note`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
return false;
loaded = d;
const confKey = `${categoryToFolder(category, device)}${key}`;
const relativeFilename = `${categoryToFolder(category, "")}${(category == "CONFIG" || category == "SNIPPET") ? "" : (key + "/")}${filename}`.substring(1);
const dataSrc = getDocData(loaded.data);
const dataStart = dataSrc.indexOf(DUMMY_END);
const data = dataSrc.substring(dataStart + DUMMY_END.length);
const file: LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile = {
hash: "",
data: [base64ToString(data)],
filename: relativeFilename,
displayName: filename,
if (filename == "manifest.json") {
// Same as previously loaded
if (this.loadedManifest_mTime.get(confKey) != file.mtime && pluginManifests.get(confKey) == undefined) {
try {
const parsedManifest = JSON.parse(base64ToString(data)) as PluginManifest;
setManifest(confKey, parsedManifest);
this.pluginList.filter(e => e instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2 && e.confKey == confKey).forEach(e => (e as PluginDataExDisplayV2).applyLoadedManifest());
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`The file ${loaded.path} seems to manifest, but could not be decoded as JSON`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
this.loadedManifest_mTime.set(confKey, file.mtime);
} else {
this.pluginList.filter(e => e instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2 && e.confKey == confKey).forEach(e => (e as PluginDataExDisplayV2).applyLoadedManifest());
// }
return file;
createPluginDataFromV2(unifiedPathV2: FilePathWithPrefix) {
const { category, device, key, pathV1 } = this.parseUnifiedPath(unifiedPathV2);
if (category == "") return;
const ret: PluginDataExDisplayV2 = new PluginDataExDisplayV2({
documentPath: pathV1,
category: category,
name: key,
term: `${device}`,
files: [],
mtime: 0,
return ret;
updatingV2Count = 0;
async updatePluginListV2(showMessage: boolean, unifiedFilenameWithKey: FilePathWithPrefix): Promise<void> {
try {
// const unifiedFilenameWithKey = this.filenameWithUnifiedKey(updatedDocumentPath);
const { pathV1 } = this.parseUnifiedPath(unifiedFilenameWithKey);
const oldEntry = this.pluginList.find(e => e.documentPath == pathV1);
let entry: PluginDataExDisplayV2 | undefined = undefined;
if (!oldEntry || !(oldEntry instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2)) {
const newEntry = this.createPluginDataFromV2(unifiedFilenameWithKey);
if (newEntry) {
entry = newEntry;
} else if (oldEntry instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2) {
entry = oldEntry;
if (!entry) return;
const file = await this.createPluginDataExFileV2(unifiedFilenameWithKey);
if (file) {
} else {
if (entry.files.length == 0) {
this.pluginList = this.pluginList.filter(e => e.documentPath != pathV1);
const newList = this.pluginList.filter(e => e.documentPath != entry.documentPath);
this.pluginList = newList;
scheduleTask("updatePluginListV2", 100, () => {
} finally {
async migrateV1ToV2(showMessage: boolean, entry: AnyEntry): Promise<void> {
const v1Path = entry.path;
Logger(`Migrating ${entry.path} to V2`, showMessage ? LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE : LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
if (entry.deleted) {
Logger(`The entry ${v1Path} is already deleted`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
if (!v1Path.endsWith(".md") && !v1Path.startsWith(ICXHeader)) {
Logger(`The entry ${v1Path} is not a customisation sync binder`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
if (v1Path.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
Logger(`The entry ${v1Path} is already migrated`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
const loadedEntry = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntry(v1Path);
if (!loadedEntry) {
Logger(`The entry ${v1Path} is not found`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
const pluginData = deserialize(getDocDataAsArray(loadedEntry.data), {}) as PluginDataEx;
const prefixPath = v1Path.slice(0, -(".md".length)) + "%";
const category = pluginData.category;
for (const f of pluginData.files) {
const stripTable: Record<string, number> = {
"CONFIG": 0,
"THEME": 2,
const deletePrefixCount = stripTable?.[category] ?? 1;
const relativeFilename = f.filename.split("/").slice(deletePrefixCount).join("/");
const v2Path = (prefixPath + relativeFilename) as FilePathWithPrefix;
// console.warn(`Migrating ${v1Path} / ${relativeFilename} to ${v2Path}`);
Logger(`Migrating ${v1Path} / ${relativeFilename} to ${v2Path}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
const newId = await this.plugin.path2id(v2Path);
// const buf =
const data = createBlob([DUMMY_HEAD, DUMMY_END, ...getDocDataAsArray(f.data)]);
const saving: SavingEntry = {
_rev: undefined,
_id: newId,
path: v2Path,
data: data,
datatype: "plain",
type: "plain",
children: [],
eden: {}
const r = await this.plugin.localDatabase.putDBEntry(saving);
if (r && r.ok) {
Logger(`Migrated ${v1Path} / ${f.filename} to ${v2Path}`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
const delR = await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(v1Path);
if (delR) {
Logger(`Deleted ${v1Path} successfully`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
} else {
Logger(`Failed to delete ${v1Path}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
async updatePluginList(showMessage: boolean, updatedDocumentPath?: FilePathWithPrefix): Promise<void> {
// pluginList.set([]);
if (!this.settings.usePluginSync) {
this.pluginList = [];
@ -418,60 +733,149 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
try {
const updatedDocumentId = updatedDocumentPath ? await this.path2id(updatedDocumentPath) : "";
const plugins = updatedDocumentPath ?
this.localDatabase.findEntries(updatedDocumentId, updatedDocumentId + "\u{10ffff}", { include_docs: true, key: updatedDocumentId, limit: 1 }) :
this.localDatabase.findEntries(ICXHeader + "", `${ICXHeader}\u{10ffff}`, { include_docs: true });
for await (const v of plugins) {
if (v.deleted || v._deleted) continue;
if (v.path.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
fireAndForget(() => this.updatePluginListV2(showMessage, v.path));
const path = v.path || this.getPath(v);
if (updatedDocumentPath && updatedDocumentPath != path) continue;
} finally {
// return entries;
async compareUsingDisplayData(dataA: PluginDataExDisplay, dataB: PluginDataExDisplay) {
const docA = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntry(dataA.documentPath);
const docB = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntry(dataB.documentPath);
if (docA && docB) {
const pluginDataA = deserialize(getDocDataAsArray(docA.data), {}) as PluginDataEx;
pluginDataA.documentPath = dataA.documentPath;
const pluginDataB = deserialize(getDocDataAsArray(docB.data), {}) as PluginDataEx;
pluginDataB.documentPath = dataB.documentPath;
// Use outer structure to wrap each data.
return await this.showJSONMergeDialogAndMerge(docA, docB, pluginDataA, pluginDataB);
async compareUsingDisplayData(dataA: IPluginDataExDisplay, dataB: IPluginDataExDisplay, compareEach = false) {
const loadFile = async (data: IPluginDataExDisplay) => {
if (data instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2 || compareEach) {
return data.files[0] as LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile;
const loadDoc = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntry(data.documentPath);
if (!loadDoc) return false;
const pluginData = deserialize(getDocDataAsArray(loadDoc.data), {}) as PluginDataEx;
pluginData.documentPath = data.documentPath;
const file = pluginData.files[0];
const doc = { ...loadDoc, ...file, datatype: "newnote" } as LoadedEntryPluginDataExFile;
return doc;
const fileA = await loadFile(dataA);
const fileB = await loadFile(dataB);
Logger(`Comparing: ${dataA.documentPath} <-> ${dataB.documentPath}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
if (!fileA || !fileB) {
Logger(`Could not load ${dataA.name} for comparison: ${!fileA ? dataA.term : ""}${!fileB ? dataB.term : ""}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
return false;
let path = stripAllPrefixes(fileA.path.split("/").slice(-1).join("/") as FilePath); // TODO:adjust
if (path.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
path = path.split("%")[1] as FilePath;
if (fileA.path.endsWith(".json")) {
return serialized("config:merge-data", () => new Promise<boolean>((res) => {
Logger("Opening data-merging dialog", LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
// const docs = [docA, docB];
const modal = new JsonResolveModal(this.app, path, [fileA, fileB], async (keep, result) => {
if (result == null) return res(false);
try {
res(await this.applyData(dataA, result));
} catch (ex) {
Logger("Could not apply merged file");
}, "Local", `${dataB.term}`, "B", true, true, "Difference between local and remote");
} else {
const dmp = new diff_match_patch();
let docAData = getDocData(fileA.data);
let docBData = getDocData(fileB.data);
if (fileA?.datatype != "plain") {
docAData = base64ToString(docAData);
if (fileB?.datatype != "plain") {
docBData = base64ToString(docBData);
const diffMap = dmp.diff_linesToChars_(docAData, docBData);
const diff = dmp.diff_main(diffMap.chars1, diffMap.chars2, false);
dmp.diff_charsToLines_(diff, diffMap.lineArray);
const diffResult: diff_result = {
left: { rev: "A", ...fileA, data: docAData },
right: { rev: "B", ...fileB, data: docBData },
diff: diff
const d = new ConflictResolveModal(this.app, path, diffResult, true, dataB.term);
const ret = await d.waitForResult();
if (ret === CANCELLED) return false;
if (ret === LEAVE_TO_SUBSEQUENT) return false;
const resultContent = ret == "A" ? docAData : ret == "B" ? docBData : undefined;
if (resultContent) {
return await this.applyData(dataA, resultContent);
return false;
return false;
showJSONMergeDialogAndMerge(docA: LoadedEntry, docB: LoadedEntry, pluginDataA: PluginDataEx, pluginDataB: PluginDataEx): Promise<boolean> {
const fileA = { ...pluginDataA.files[0], ctime: pluginDataA.files[0].mtime, _id: `${pluginDataA.documentPath}` as DocumentID };
const fileB = pluginDataB.files[0];
const docAx = { ...docA, ...fileA, datatype: "newnote" } as LoadedEntry, docBx = { ...docB, ...fileB, datatype: "newnote" } as LoadedEntry
return serialized("config:merge-data", () => new Promise((res) => {
Logger("Opening data-merging dialog", LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
// const docs = [docA, docB];
const path = stripAllPrefixes(docAx.path.split("/").slice(-1).join("/") as FilePath);
const modal = new JsonResolveModal(this.app, path, [docAx, docBx], async (keep, result) => {
if (result == null) return res(false);
try {
res(await this.applyData(pluginDataA, result));
} catch (ex) {
Logger("Could not apply merged file");
async applyDataV2(data: PluginDataExDisplayV2, content?: string): Promise<boolean> {
const baseDir = this.app.vault.configDir;
try {
if (content) {
// const dt = createBlob(content);
const filename = data.files[0].filename;
Logger(`Applying ${filename} of ${data.displayName || data.name}..`);
const path = `${baseDir}/${filename}` as FilePath;
await this.vaultAccess.ensureDirectory(path);
await this.vaultAccess.adapterWrite(path, content);
await this.storeCustomisationFileV2(path, this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName);
} else {
const files = data.files;
for (const f of files) {
const path = `${baseDir}/${f.filename}` as FilePath;
Logger(`Applying ${f.filename} of ${data.displayName || data.name}..`);
// const contentEach = createBlob(f.data);
if (f.datatype == "newnote") {
const content = base64ToArrayBuffer(f.data);
await this.vaultAccess.adapterWrite(path, content);
} else {
const content = getDocData(f.data);
await this.vaultAccess.adapterWrite(path, content);
Logger(`Applied ${f.filename} of ${data.displayName || data.name}..`);
await this.storeCustomisationFileV2(path, this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName);
}, "📡", "🛰️", "B");
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`Applying ${data.displayName || data.name}.. Failed`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
return false;
return true;
async applyData(data: PluginDataEx, content?: string): Promise<boolean> {
Logger(`Applying ${data.displayName || data.name}..`);
async applyData(data: IPluginDataExDisplay, content?: string): Promise<boolean> {
Logger(`Applying ${data.displayName || data.name
if (data instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2) {
return this.applyDataV2(data, content);
const baseDir = this.app.vault.configDir;
try {
if (!data.documentPath) throw "InternalError: Document path not exist";
@ -532,9 +936,22 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
async deleteData(data: PluginDataEx): Promise<boolean> {
try {
if (data.documentPath) {
await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(data.documentPath);
await this.updatePluginList(false, data.documentPath);
Logger(`Delete: ${data.documentPath}`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
const delList = [];
if (this.useV2) {
const deleteList = this.pluginList.filter(e => e.documentPath == data.documentPath).filter(e => e instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2).map(e => e.files).flat();
for (const e of deleteList) {
const p = delList.map(async e => {
await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(e);
await this.updatePluginList(false, e)
await Promise.allSettled(p);
// await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(data.documentPath);
// await this.updatePluginList(false, data.documentPath);
Logger(`Deleted: ${data.category}/${data.name} of ${data.category} (${delList.length} items)`, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
return true;
} catch (ex) {
@ -645,15 +1062,65 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
filenameToUnifiedKey(path: string, termOverRide?: string) {
const term = termOverRide || this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName;
const category = this.getFileCategory(path);
const name = (category == "CONFIG" || category == "SNIPPET") ?
(path.split("/").slice(-1)[0]) :
(category == "PLUGIN_ETC" ?
path.split("/").slice(-2).join("/") :
return `${ICXHeader}${term}/${category}/${name}.md` as FilePathWithPrefix
async storeCustomisationFileV2(path: FilePath, term: string, saveRelatives = false) {
const vf = this.filenameWithUnifiedKey(path, term);
return await serialized(`plugin-${vf}`, async () => {
const prefixedFileName = vf;
const id = await this.path2id(prefixedFileName);
const stat = await this.vaultAccess.adapterStat(path);
if (!stat) {
return false;
const mtime = stat.mtime;
const content = await this.vaultAccess.adapterReadBinary(path);
const contentBlob = createBlob([DUMMY_HEAD, DUMMY_END, ...await arrayBufferToBase64(content)]);
// const contentBlob = createBlob(content);
try {
const old = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntryMeta(prefixedFileName, undefined, false);
let saveData: SavingEntry;
if (old === false) {
saveData = {
_id: id,
path: prefixedFileName,
data: contentBlob,
ctime: mtime,
datatype: "plain",
size: contentBlob.size,
children: [],
deleted: false,
type: "plain",
eden: {}
} else {
if (old.mtime == mtime) {
// Logger(`STORAGE --> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) Skipped (Same time)`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
return true;
saveData =
data: contentBlob,
size: contentBlob.size,
datatype: "plain",
children: [],
deleted: false,
type: "plain",
const ret = await this.localDatabase.putDBEntry(saveData);
Logger(`STORAGE --> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) Done`);
fireAndForget(() => this.updatePluginListV2(false, this.filenameWithUnifiedKey(path)));
return ret;
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`STORAGE --> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) Failed`);
return false;
async storeCustomizationFiles(path: FilePath, termOverRide?: string) {
const term = termOverRide || this.plugin.deviceAndVaultName;
@ -661,7 +1128,13 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
Logger("We have to configure the device name", LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
if (this.useV2) {
return await this.storeCustomisationFileV2(path, term);
const vf = this.filenameToUnifiedKey(path, term);
// console.warn(`Storing ${path} to ${bareVF} :--> ${keyedVF}`);
return await serialized(`plugin-${vf}`, async () => {
const category = this.getFileCategory(path);
let mtime = 0;
@ -787,7 +1260,9 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
return false;
const configDir = normalizePath(this.app.vault.configDir);
const synchronisedInConfigSync = Object.values(this.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting).filter(e => e.mode != MODE_SELECTIVE).map(e => e.files).flat().map(e => `${configDir}/${e}`.toLowerCase());
const synchronisedInConfigSync = Object.values(this.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting).filter(e =>
e.mode != MODE_SELECTIVE && e.mode != MODE_SHINY
).map(e => e.files).flat().map(e => `${configDir}/${e}`.toLowerCase());
if (synchronisedInConfigSync.some(e => e.startsWith(path.toLowerCase()))) {
Logger(`Customization file skipped: ${path}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
@ -807,6 +1282,8 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
async scanAllConfigFiles(showMessage: boolean) {
await shareRunningResult("scanAllConfigFiles", async () => {
const logLevel = showMessage ? LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE : LOG_LEVEL_INFO;
@ -817,40 +1294,94 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
const filesAll = await this.scanInternalFiles();
const files = filesAll.filter(e => this.isTargetPath(e)).map(e => ({ key: this.filenameToUnifiedKey(e), file: e }));
const virtualPathsOfLocalFiles = [...new Set(files.map(e => e.key))];
const filesOnDB = ((await this.localDatabase.allDocsRaw({ startkey: ICXHeader + "", endkey: `${ICXHeader}\u{10ffff}`, include_docs: true })).rows.map(e => e.doc) as InternalFileEntry[]).filter(e => !e.deleted);
let deleteCandidate = filesOnDB.map(e => this.getPath(e)).filter(e => e.startsWith(`${ICXHeader}${term}/`));
for (const vp of virtualPathsOfLocalFiles) {
const p = files.find(e => e.key == vp)?.file;
if (!p) {
Logger(`scanAllConfigFiles - File not found: ${vp}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
if (this.useV2) {
const filesAllUnified = filesAll.filter(e => this.isTargetPath(e)).map(e => [this.filenameWithUnifiedKey(e, term), e] as [FilePathWithPrefix, FilePath]);
const localFileMap = new Map(filesAllUnified.map(e => [e[0], e[1]]));
const prefix = this.unifiedKeyPrefixOfTerminal(term);
const entries = this.localDatabase.findEntries(prefix + "", `${prefix}\u{10ffff}`, { include_docs: true });
const tasks = [] as (() => Promise<void>)[];
const concurrency = 10;
const semaphore = Semaphore(concurrency);
for await (const item of entries) {
if (item.path.indexOf("%") !== -1) {
tasks.push(async () => {
const releaser = await semaphore.acquire();
try {
const unifiedFilenameWithKey = `${item._id}` as FilePathWithPrefix;
const localPath = localFileMap.get(unifiedFilenameWithKey);
if (localPath) {
await this.storeCustomisationFileV2(localPath, term);
} else {
await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(unifiedFilenameWithKey);
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`scanAllConfigFiles - Error: ${item._id}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
} finally {
await this.storeCustomizationFiles(p);
deleteCandidate = deleteCandidate.filter(e => e != vp);
await Promise.all(tasks.map(e => e()));
// Extra files
const taskExtra = [] as (() => Promise<void>)[];
for (const [, filePath] of localFileMap) {
taskExtra.push(async () => {
const releaser = await semaphore.acquire();
try {
await this.storeCustomisationFileV2(filePath, term);
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`scanAllConfigFiles - Error: ${filePath}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
finally {
await Promise.all(taskExtra.map(e => e()));
this.updatePluginList(false).then(/* fire and forget */);
} else {
const files = filesAll.filter(e => this.isTargetPath(e)).map(e => ({ key: this.filenameToUnifiedKey(e), file: e }));
const virtualPathsOfLocalFiles = [...new Set(files.map(e => e.key))];
const filesOnDB = ((await this.localDatabase.allDocsRaw({ startkey: ICXHeader + "", endkey: `${ICXHeader}\u{10ffff}`, include_docs: true })).rows.map(e => e.doc) as InternalFileEntry[]).filter(e => !e.deleted);
let deleteCandidate = filesOnDB.map(e => this.getPath(e)).filter(e => e.startsWith(`${ICXHeader}${term}/`));
for (const vp of virtualPathsOfLocalFiles) {
const p = files.find(e => e.key == vp)?.file;
if (!p) {
Logger(`scanAllConfigFiles - File not found: ${vp}`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
await this.storeCustomizationFiles(p);
deleteCandidate = deleteCandidate.filter(e => e != vp);
for (const vp of deleteCandidate) {
await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(vp);
this.updatePluginList(false).then(/* fire and forget */);
for (const vp of deleteCandidate) {
await this.deleteConfigOnDatabase(vp);
this.updatePluginList(false).then(/* fire and forget */);
async deleteConfigOnDatabase(prefixedFileName: FilePathWithPrefix, forceWrite = false) {
// const id = await this.path2id(prefixedFileName);
const mtime = new Date().getTime();
await serialized("file-x-" + prefixedFileName, async () => {
return await serialized("file-x-" + prefixedFileName, async () => {
try {
const old = await this.localDatabase.getDBEntryMeta(prefixedFileName, undefined, false) as InternalFileEntry | false;
let saveData: InternalFileEntry;
if (old === false) {
Logger(`STORAGE -x> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) already deleted (Not found on database)`);
return true;
} else {
if (old.deleted) {
Logger(`STORAGE -x> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) already deleted`);
return true;
saveData =
@ -865,6 +1396,7 @@ export class ConfigSync extends LiveSyncCommands {
await this.localDatabase.putRaw(saveData);
await this.updatePluginList(false, prefixedFileName);
Logger(`STORAGE -x> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) Done`);
return true;
} catch (ex) {
Logger(`STORAGE -x> DB:${prefixedFileName}: (config) Failed`);
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit f05b6318417e8aa35b53dc777c55526f25ac239a
Subproject commit f0253a854837ffb97c94e31927ec01f8ab834ac6
@ -2417,6 +2417,10 @@ Or if you are sure know what had been happened, we can unlock the database from
if (count % 25 == 0) Logger(`Collecting local files on the DB: ${count}`, showingNotice ? LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE : LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "syncAll");
const path = getPath(doc);
// const docPath = doc.path;
// if (path != docPath) {
// debugger;
// }
if (isValidPath(path) && await this.isTargetFile(path)) {
@ -2513,14 +2517,20 @@ Or if you are sure know what had been happened, we can unlock the database from
const syncFilesToSync = pairs.map((e) => ({ file: e.file, doc: docsMap[e.id] as LoadedEntry }));
return syncFilesToSync;
, { batchSize: 10, concurrentLimit: 5, delay: 10, suspended: false }))
, { batchSize: 100, concurrentLimit: 1, delay: 10, suspended: false, maintainDelay: true, yieldThreshold: 100 }))
new QueueProcessor(
async (loadedPairs) => {
const e = loadedPairs[0];
await this.syncFileBetweenDBandStorage(e.file, e.doc);
for (const pair of loadedPairs)
try {
const e = pair;
await this.syncFileBetweenDBandStorage(e.file, e.doc);
} catch (ex) {
Logger("Error while syncFileBetweenDBandStorage", LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
}, { batchSize: 1, concurrentLimit: 5, delay: 10, suspended: false }
}, { batchSize: 5, concurrentLimit: 10, delay: 10, suspended: false, yieldThreshold: 10, maintainDelay: true }
const allSyncFiles = syncFiles.length;
@ -13,10 +13,22 @@ export class ConflictResolveModal extends Modal {
isClosed = false;
consumed = false;
constructor(app: App, filename: string, diff: diff_result) {
title: string = "Conflicting changes";
pluginPickMode: boolean = false;
localName: string = "Keep A";
remoteName: string = "Keep B";
constructor(app: App, filename: string, diff: diff_result, pluginPickMode?: boolean, remoteName?: string) {
this.result = diff;
this.filename = filename;
this.pluginPickMode = pluginPickMode || false;
if (this.pluginPickMode) {
this.title = "Pick a version";
this.remoteName = `Use ${remoteName || "Remote"}`;
this.localName = "Use Local"
// Send cancel signal for the previous merge dialogue
// if not there, simply be ignored.
// sendValue("close-resolve-conflict:" + this.filename, false);
@ -36,7 +48,7 @@ export class ConflictResolveModal extends Modal {
}, 10)
// sendValue("close-resolve-conflict:" + this.filename, false);
this.titleEl.setText("Conflicting changes");
contentEl.createEl("span", { text: this.filename });
const div = contentEl.createDiv("");
@ -62,10 +74,12 @@ export class ConflictResolveModal extends Modal {
div2.innerHTML = `
<span class='deleted'>A:${date1}</span><br /><span class='added'>B:${date2}</span><br>
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Keep A" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(this.result.right.rev)));
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Keep B" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(this.result.left.rev)));
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Concat both" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(LEAVE_TO_SUBSEQUENT)));
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Not now" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(CANCELLED)));
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: this.localName }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(this.result.right.rev))).style.marginRight = "4px";
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: this.remoteName }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(this.result.left.rev))).style.marginRight = "4px";
if (!this.pluginPickMode) {
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Concat both" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(LEAVE_TO_SUBSEQUENT))).style.marginRight = "4px";
contentEl.createEl("button", { text: !this.pluginPickMode ? "Not now" : "Cancel" }, (e) => e.addEventListener("click", () => this.sendResponse(CANCELLED))).style.marginRight = "4px";
sendResponse(result: MergeDialogResult) {
@ -12,15 +12,24 @@ export class JsonResolveModal extends Modal {
nameA: string;
nameB: string;
defaultSelect: string;
keepOrder: boolean;
hideLocal: boolean;
title: string = "Conflicted Setting";
constructor(app: App, filename: FilePath, docs: LoadedEntry[], callback: (keepRev?: string, mergedStr?: string) => Promise<void>, nameA?: string, nameB?: string, defaultSelect?: string) {
constructor(app: App, filename: FilePath,
docs: LoadedEntry[], callback: (keepRev?: string, mergedStr?: string) => Promise<void>,
nameA?: string, nameB?: string, defaultSelect?: string,
keepOrder?: boolean, hideLocal?: boolean, title: string = "Conflicted Setting") {
this.callback = callback;
this.filename = filename;
this.docs = docs;
this.nameA = nameA || "";
this.nameB = nameB || "";
this.keepOrder = keepOrder || false;
this.defaultSelect = defaultSelect || "";
this.title = title;
this.hideLocal = hideLocal ?? false;
waitForSignal(`cancel-internal-conflict:${filename}`).then(() => this.close());
async UICallback(keepRev?: string, mergedStr?: string) {
@ -31,7 +40,7 @@ export class JsonResolveModal extends Modal {
onOpen() {
const { contentEl } = this;
this.titleEl.setText("Conflicted Setting");
if (this.component == undefined) {
@ -43,6 +52,8 @@ export class JsonResolveModal extends Modal {
nameA: this.nameA,
nameB: this.nameB,
defaultSelect: this.defaultSelect,
keepOrder: this.keepOrder,
hideLocal: this.hideLocal,
callback: (keepRev: string | undefined, mergedStr: string | undefined) => this.UICallback(keepRev, mergedStr),
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
export let nameA: string = "A";
export let nameB: string = "B";
export let defaultSelect: string = "";
export let keepOrder = false;
export let hideLocal: boolean = false;
let docA: LoadedEntry;
let docB: LoadedEntry;
let docAContent = "";
@ -55,9 +57,12 @@
if (mode == "AB") return callback(undefined, JSON.stringify(objAB, null, 2));
callback(undefined, undefined);
function cancel() {
callback(undefined, undefined);
$: {
if (docs && docs.length >= 1) {
if (docs[0].mtime < docs[1].mtime) {
if (keepOrder || docs[0].mtime < docs[1].mtime) {
docA = docs[0];
docB = docs[1];
} else {
@ -96,13 +101,19 @@
diffs = getJsonDiff(objA, selectedObj);
$: modes = [
["", "Not now"],
["A", nameA || "A"],
["B", nameB || "B"],
["AB", `${nameA || "A"} + ${nameB || "B"}`],
["BA", `${nameB || "B"} + ${nameA || "A"}`],
] as ["" | "A" | "B" | "AB" | "BA", string][];
let modes = [] as ["" | "A" | "B" | "AB" | "BA", string][];
$: {
let newModes = [] as typeof modes;
if (!hideLocal) {
newModes.push(["", "Not now"]);
newModes.push(["A", nameA || "A"]);
newModes.push(["B", nameB || "B"]);
newModes.push(["AB", `${nameA || "A"} + ${nameB || "B"}`]);
newModes.push(["BA", `${nameB || "B"} + ${nameA || "A"}`]);
modes = newModes;
@ -132,28 +143,54 @@
{#if docA._id == docB._id}
{/if} ,{new Date(docA.mtime).toLocaleString()}
{docAContent.length} letters
{#if docA._id == docB._id}
{/if} ,{new Date(docB.mtime).toLocaleString()}
{docBContent.length} letters
<div class="infos">
>{#if docA._id == docB._id}
{new Date(docA.mtime).toLocaleString()}</td
{docAContent.length} letters
>{#if docA._id == docB._id}
{new Date(docB.mtime).toLocaleString()}</td
{docBContent.length} letters
<div class="buttons">
{#if hideLocal}
<button on:click={cancel}>Cancel</button>
<button on:click={apply}>Apply</button>
.spacer {
flex-grow: 1;
.infos {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin: 4px 0.5em;
.deleted {
text-decoration: line-through;
@ -2231,7 +2231,7 @@ ${stringifyYaml(pluginConfig)}`;
// With great respect, thank you TfTHacker!
// Refer: https://github.com/TfTHacker/obsidian42-brat/blob/main/src/features/BetaPlugins.ts
const containerPluginSettings = containerEl.createDiv();
this.createEl(containerPluginSettings, "h3", { text: "Customization sync (beta)" });
this.createEl(containerPluginSettings, "h3", { text: "Customization sync (beta 3)" });
const enableOnlyOnPluginSyncIsNotEnabled = enableOnly(() => this.isConfiguredAs("usePluginSync", false));
const visibleOnlyOnPluginSyncEnabled = visibleOnly(() => this.isConfiguredAs("usePluginSync", true));
@ -2242,6 +2242,9 @@ ${stringifyYaml(pluginConfig)}`;
onUpdate: enableOnlyOnPluginSyncIsNotEnabled
new Setting(containerPluginSettings)
new Setting(containerPluginSettings)
.autoWireToggle("usePluginSync", {
onUpdate: enableOnly(() => !this.isConfiguredAs("deviceAndVaultName", ""))
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
<script lang="ts">
import { onMount } from "svelte";
import ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin from "../main";
import { type PluginDataExDisplay, pluginIsEnumerating, pluginList } from "../features/CmdConfigSync";
import { type IPluginDataExDisplay, pluginIsEnumerating, pluginList, pluginManifestStore, pluginV2Progress } from "../features/CmdConfigSync";
import PluginCombo from "./components/PluginCombo.svelte";
import { Menu } from "obsidian";
import { Menu, type PluginManifest } from "obsidian";
import { unique } from "../lib/src/common/utils";
import { MODE_SELECTIVE, MODE_AUTOMATIC, MODE_PAUSED, type SYNC_MODE, type PluginSyncSettingEntry } from "../lib/src/common/types";
import { MODE_SELECTIVE, MODE_AUTOMATIC, MODE_PAUSED, type SYNC_MODE, type PluginSyncSettingEntry, MODE_SHINY } from "../lib/src/common/types";
import { normalizePath } from "../deps";
export let plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin;
@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
const addOn = plugin.addOnConfigSync;
let list: PluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
let list: IPluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
let selectNewestPulse = 0;
let selectNewestStyle = 0;
let hideEven = false;
let loading = false;
let applyAllPluse = 0;
@ -39,13 +40,13 @@
function filterList(list: PluginDataExDisplay[], categories: string[]) {
function filterList(list: IPluginDataExDisplay[], categories: string[]) {
const w = list.filter((e) => categories.indexOf(e.category) !== -1);
return w.sort((a, b) => `${a.category}-${a.name}`.localeCompare(`${b.category}-${b.name}`));
function groupBy(items: PluginDataExDisplay[], key: string) {
let ret = {} as Record<string, PluginDataExDisplay[]>;
function groupBy(items: IPluginDataExDisplay[], key: string) {
let ret = {} as Record<string, IPluginDataExDisplay[]>;
for (const v of items) {
const k = (key in v ? v[key] : "") as string;
@ -71,19 +72,24 @@
async function replicate() {
await plugin.replicate(true);
function selectAllNewest() {
function selectAllNewest(selectMode: boolean) {
selectNewestStyle = selectMode ? 1 : 2;
function resetSelectNewest() {
selectNewestStyle = 3;
function applyAll() {
async function applyData(data: PluginDataExDisplay): Promise<boolean> {
async function applyData(data: IPluginDataExDisplay): Promise<boolean> {
return await addOn.applyData(data);
async function compareData(docA: PluginDataExDisplay, docB: PluginDataExDisplay): Promise<boolean> {
return await addOn.compareUsingDisplayData(docA, docB);
async function compareData(docA: IPluginDataExDisplay, docB: IPluginDataExDisplay, compareEach = false): Promise<boolean> {
return await addOn.compareUsingDisplayData(docA, docB, compareEach);
async function deleteData(data: PluginDataExDisplay): Promise<boolean> {
async function deleteData(data: IPluginDataExDisplay): Promise<boolean> {
return await addOn.deleteData(data);
function askMode(evt: MouseEvent, title: string, key: string) {
@ -91,7 +97,7 @@
menu.addItem((item) => item.setTitle(title).setIsLabel(true));
const prevMode = automaticList.get(key) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE;
menu.addItem((item) => {
item.setTitle(`${getIcon(mode as SYNC_MODE)}:${TITLES[mode]}`)
.onClick((e) => {
@ -139,6 +145,7 @@
selectNewest: selectNewestPulse,
@ -150,24 +157,29 @@
const ICON_EMOJI_PAUSED = `⛔`;
const ICONS: { [key: number]: string } = {
const TITLES: { [key: number]: string } = {
[MODE_SELECTIVE]: "Selective",
[MODE_PAUSED]: "Ignore",
[MODE_AUTOMATIC]: "Automatic",
[MODE_SHINY]: "Flagged Selective",
function setMode(key: string, mode: SYNC_MODE) {
if (key.startsWith(PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL + "/")) {
setMode(PREFIX_PLUGIN_DATA + key.substring(PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL.length), mode);
setMode(PREFIX_PLUGIN_MAIN + key.substring(PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL.length), mode);
const files = unique(
@ -176,17 +188,23 @@
.map((e) => e.filename),
automaticList.set(key, mode);
automaticListDisp = automaticList;
if (!(key in plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting)) {
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key] = {
files: [],
if (mode == MODE_SELECTIVE) {
delete plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key];
automaticListDisp = automaticList;
} else {
automaticList.set(key, mode);
automaticListDisp = automaticList;
if (!(key in plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting)) {
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key] = {
files: [],
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].files = files;
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].mode = mode;
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].files = files;
plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting[key].mode = mode;
function getIcon(mode: SYNC_MODE) {
@ -208,9 +226,9 @@
let displayKeys: Record<string, string[]> = {};
$: {
function computeDisplayKeys(list: IPluginDataExDisplay[]) {
const extraKeys = Object.keys(plugin.settings.pluginSyncExtendedSetting);
displayKeys = [
return [
.map((e) => `${e}///`.split("/"))
@ -220,6 +238,9 @@
.sort((a, b) => (a.displayName ?? a.name).localeCompare(b.displayName ?? b.name))
.reduce((p, c) => ({ ...p, [c.category]: unique(c.category in p ? [...p[c.category], c.displayName ?? c.name] : [c.displayName ?? c.name]) }), {} as Record<string, string[]>);
$: {
displayKeys = computeDisplayKeys(list);
let deleteTerm = "";
@ -230,146 +251,203 @@
let nameMap = new Map<string, string>();
function updateNameMap(e: Map<string, PluginManifest>) {
const items = [...e.entries()].map(([k, v]) => [k.split("/").slice(-2).join("/"), v.name] as [string, string]);
const newMap = new Map(items);
if (newMap.size == nameMap.size) {
let diff = false;
for (const [k, v] of newMap) {
if (nameMap.get(k) != v) {
diff = true;
if (!diff) {
nameMap = newMap;
$: updateNameMap($pluginManifestStore);
let displayEntries = [] as [string, string][];
$: {
displayEntries = Object.entries(displays).filter(([key, _]) => key in displayKeys);
let pluginEntries = [] as [string, IPluginDataExDisplay[]][];
$: {
pluginEntries = groupBy(filterList(list, ["PLUGIN_MAIN", "PLUGIN_DATA", "PLUGIN_ETC"]), "name");
let useSyncPluginEtc = plugin.settings.usePluginEtc;
<div class="buttons">
<button on:click={() => scanAgain()}>Scan changes</button>
<button on:click={() => replicate()}>Sync once</button>
<button on:click={() => requestUpdate()}>Refresh</button>
{#if isMaintenanceMode}
<button on:click={() => requestReload()}>Reload</button>
<button on:click={() => selectAllNewest()}>Select All Shiny</button>
<div class="buttons">
<button on:click={() => applyAll()}>Apply All</button>
<div class="buttonsWrap">
<div class="buttons">
<button on:click={() => scanAgain()}>Scan changes</button>
<button on:click={() => replicate()}>Sync once</button>
<button on:click={() => requestUpdate()}>Refresh</button>
{#if isMaintenanceMode}
<button on:click={() => requestReload()}>Reload</button>
{#if loading}
<span>Updating list...</span>
<div class="buttons">
<button on:click={() => selectAllNewest(true)}>Select All Shiny</button>
<button on:click={() => selectAllNewest(false)}>{ICON_EMOJI_FLAGGED} Select Flagged Shiny</button>
<button on:click={() => resetSelectNewest()}>Deselect all</button>
<button on:click={() => applyAll()} class="mod-cta">Apply All Selected</button>
<div class="loading">
{#if loading || $pluginV2Progress !== 0}
<span>Updating list...{$pluginV2Progress == 0 ? "" : ` (${$pluginV2Progress})`}</span>
<div class="list">
{#if list.length == 0}
<div class="center">No Items.</div>
{#each Object.entries(displays).filter(([key, _]) => key in displayKeys) as [key, label]}
{#each displayKeys[key] as name}
{@const bindKey = `${key}/${name}`}
{@const mode = automaticListDisp.get(bindKey) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
<div class="labelrow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="title">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${key}/${name}`, bindKey)}>
<span class="name">{name}</span>
{#if mode == MODE_SELECTIVE}
<PluginCombo {...options} list={list.filter((e) => e.category == key && e.name == name)} hidden={false} />
<div class="list">
{#if list.length == 0}
<div class="center">No Items.</div>
{#each displayEntries as [key, label]}
{#each displayKeys[key] as name}
{@const bindKey = `${key}/${name}`}
{@const mode = automaticListDisp.get(bindKey) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
<div class="labelrow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="title">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${key}/${name}`, bindKey)}>
<span class="name">{(key == "THEME" && nameMap.get(`themes/${name}`)) || name}</span>
<div class="body">
{#if mode == MODE_SELECTIVE || mode == MODE_SHINY}
<PluginCombo {...options} isFlagged={mode == MODE_SHINY} list={list.filter((e) => e.category == key && e.name == name)} hidden={false} />
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[mode]}</div>
{#each groupBy(filterList(list, ["PLUGIN_MAIN", "PLUGIN_DATA", "PLUGIN_ETC"]), "name") as [name, listX]}
{@const bindKeyAll = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL}/${name}`}
{@const modeAll = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyAll) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
{@const bindKeyMain = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_MAIN}/${name}`}
{@const modeMain = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyMain) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
{@const bindKeyData = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_DATA}/${name}`}
{@const modeData = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyData) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
<div class="labelrow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="title">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL}/${name}`, bindKeyAll)}>
<span class="name">{name}</span>
{#if modeAll == MODE_SELECTIVE}
<PluginCombo {...options} list={listX} hidden={true} />
{#each pluginEntries as [name, listX]}
{@const bindKeyAll = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL}/${name}`}
{@const modeAll = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyAll) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
{@const bindKeyMain = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_MAIN}/${name}`}
{@const modeMain = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyMain) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
{@const bindKeyData = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_DATA}/${name}`}
{@const modeData = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyData) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
{@const bindKeyETC = `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ETC}/${name}`}
{@const modeEtc = automaticListDisp.get(bindKeyETC) ?? MODE_SELECTIVE}
<div class="labelrow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="title">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ALL}/${name}`, bindKeyAll)}>
<span class="name">{nameMap.get(`plugins/${name}`) || name}</span>
<div class="body">
{#if modeAll == MODE_SELECTIVE || modeAll == MODE_SHINY}
<PluginCombo {...options} isFlagged={modeAll == MODE_SHINY} list={listX} hidden={true} />
{#if modeAll == MODE_SELECTIVE}
<div class="filerow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="filetitle">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_MAIN}/${name}/MAIN`, bindKeyMain)}>
<span class="name">MAIN</span>
{#if modeMain == MODE_SELECTIVE}
<PluginCombo {...options} list={filterList(listX, ["PLUGIN_MAIN"])} hidden={false} />
{#if modeAll == MODE_SELECTIVE || modeAll == MODE_SHINY}
<div class="filerow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="filetitle">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_MAIN}/${name}/MAIN`, bindKeyMain)}>
<span class="name">MAIN</span>
<div class="body">
{#if modeMain == MODE_SELECTIVE || modeMain == MODE_SHINY}
<PluginCombo {...options} isFlagged={modeMain == MODE_SHINY} list={filterList(listX, ["PLUGIN_MAIN"])} hidden={false} />
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[modeMain]}</div>
<div class="filerow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="filetitle">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_DATA}/${name}`, bindKeyData)}>
<span class="name">DATA</span>
{#if modeData == MODE_SELECTIVE}
<PluginCombo {...options} list={filterList(listX, ["PLUGIN_DATA"])} hidden={false} />
<div class="filerow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="filetitle">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_DATA}/${name}`, bindKeyData)}>
<span class="name">DATA</span>
<div class="body">
{#if modeData == MODE_SELECTIVE || modeData == MODE_SHINY}
<PluginCombo {...options} isFlagged={modeData == MODE_SHINY} list={filterList(listX, ["PLUGIN_DATA"])} hidden={false} />
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[modeData]}</div>
<div class="noterow">
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[modeAll]}</div>
{#if useSyncPluginEtc}
<div class="filerow {hideEven ? 'hideeven' : ''}">
<div class="filetitle">
<button class="status" on:click={(evt) => askMode(evt, `${PREFIX_PLUGIN_ETC}/${name}`, bindKeyETC)}>
<span class="name">Other files</span>
<div class="body">
{#if modeEtc == MODE_SELECTIVE || modeEtc == MODE_SHINY}
<PluginCombo {...options} isFlagged={modeEtc == MODE_SHINY} list={filterList(listX, ["PLUGIN_ETC"])} hidden={false} />
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[modeEtc]}</div>
{#if isMaintenanceMode}
<div class="list">
<h3>Maintenance Commands</h3>
<div class="maintenancerow">
<label for="">Delete All of </label>
<select bind:value={deleteTerm}>
{#each allTerms as term}
<option value={term}>{term}</option>
on:click={(evt) => {
<div class="noterow">
<div class="statusnote">{TITLES[modeAll]}</div>
{#if isMaintenanceMode}
<div class="buttons">
<label><span>Hide not applicable items</span><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={hideEven} /></label>
<div class="buttons">
<label><span>Maintenance mode</span><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={isMaintenanceMode} /></label>
<h3>Maintenance Commands</h3>
<div class="maintenancerow">
<label for="">Delete All of </label>
<select bind:value={deleteTerm}>
{#each allTerms as term}
<option value={term}>{term}</option>
on:click={(evt) => {
<div class="buttons">
<label><span>Hide not applicable items</span><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={hideEven} /></label>
<div class="buttons">
<label><span>Maintenance mode</span><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={isMaintenanceMode} /></label>
/* span.spacer {
min-width: 1px;
flex-grow: 1;
} */
.buttonsWrap {
padding-bottom: 4px;
h3 {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
@ -414,13 +492,23 @@
min-width: 10em;
flex-grow: 1;
.list {
overflow-y: auto;
.title {
color: var(--text-normal);
font-size: var(--font-ui-medium);
line-height: var(--line-height-tight);
margin-right: auto;
.body {
/* margin-left: 0.4em; */
margin-left: auto;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
/* flex-wrap: wrap; */
.filetitle {
color: var(--text-normal);
font-size: var(--font-ui-medium);
@ -467,4 +555,24 @@
margin-right: 0.5em;
margin-left: 0.5em;
.loading {
transition: height 0.25s ease-in-out;
transition-delay: 4ms;
overflow-y: hidden;
flex-shrink: 0;
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-start;
align-items: center;
.loading:empty {
height: 0px;
transition: height 0.25s ease-in-out;
transition-delay: 1s;
.loading:not(:empty) {
height: 2em;
transition: height 0.25s ease-in-out;
transition-delay: 0;
@ -1,39 +1,42 @@
<script lang="ts">
import type { PluginDataExDisplay } from "../../features/CmdConfigSync";
import { PluginDataExDisplayV2, type IPluginDataExDisplay } from "../../features/CmdConfigSync";
import { Logger } from "../../lib/src/common/logger";
import { versionNumberString2Number } from "../../lib/src/string_and_binary/convert";
import { type FilePath, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE } from "../../lib/src/common/types";
import { getDocData } from "../../lib/src/common/utils";
import { type FilePath, LOG_LEVEL_INFO, LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE } from "../../lib/src/common/types";
import { getDocData, timeDeltaToHumanReadable, unique } from "../../lib/src/common/utils";
import type ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin from "../../main";
import { askString, scheduleTask } from "../../common/utils";
import { askString } from "../../common/utils";
import { Menu } from "obsidian";
export let list: PluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
export let list: IPluginDataExDisplay[] = [];
export let thisTerm = "";
export let hideNotApplicable = false;
export let selectNewest = 0;
export let selectNewestStyle = 0;
export let applyAllPluse = 0;
export let applyData: (data: PluginDataExDisplay) => Promise<boolean>;
export let compareData: (dataA: PluginDataExDisplay, dataB: PluginDataExDisplay) => Promise<boolean>;
export let deleteData: (data: PluginDataExDisplay) => Promise<boolean>;
export let applyData: (data: IPluginDataExDisplay) => Promise<boolean>;
export let compareData: (dataA: IPluginDataExDisplay, dataB: IPluginDataExDisplay, compareEach?: boolean) => Promise<boolean>;
export let deleteData: (data: IPluginDataExDisplay) => Promise<boolean>;
export let hidden: boolean;
export let plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin;
export let isMaintenanceMode: boolean = false;
export let isFlagged: boolean = false;
const addOn = plugin.addOnConfigSync;
let selected = "";
export let selected = "";
let freshness = "";
let equivalency = "";
let version = "";
let canApply: boolean = false;
let canCompare: boolean = false;
let pickToCompare: boolean = false;
let currentSelectNewest = 0;
let currentApplyAll = 0;
// Selectable terminals
let terms = [] as string[];
async function comparePlugin(local: PluginDataExDisplay, remote: PluginDataExDisplay) {
async function comparePlugin(local: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined, remote: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined) {
let freshness = "";
let equivalency = "";
let version = "";
@ -41,25 +44,28 @@
let canApply: boolean = false;
let canCompare = false;
if (!local && !remote) {
// NO OP. whats happened?
// NO OP. what's happened?
freshness = "";
} else if (local && !remote) {
freshness = "⚠ Local only";
freshness = "Local only";
} else if (remote && !local) {
freshness = "✓ Remote only";
freshness = "Remote only";
canApply = true;
} else {
const dtDiff = (local?.mtime ?? 0) - (remote?.mtime ?? 0);
const diff = timeDeltaToHumanReadable(Math.abs(dtDiff / 1000));
if (dtDiff / 1000 < -10) {
freshness = "✓ Newer";
// freshness = "✓ Newer";
freshness = `Newer (${diff})`;
canApply = true;
contentCheck = true;
} else if (dtDiff / 1000 > 10) {
freshness = "⚠ Older";
// freshness = "⚠ Older";
freshness = `Older (${diff})`;
canApply = true;
contentCheck = true;
} else {
freshness = "⚖️ Same old";
freshness = "Same";
canApply = false;
contentCheck = true;
@ -67,25 +73,26 @@
const localVersionStr = local?.version || "0.0.0";
const remoteVersionStr = remote?.version || "0.0.0";
if (local?.version || remote?.version) {
const localVersion = versionNumberString2Number(localVersionStr);
const remoteVersion = versionNumberString2Number(remoteVersionStr);
if (localVersion == remoteVersion) {
version = "⚖️ Same ver.";
} else if (localVersion > remoteVersion) {
version = `⚠ Lower ${localVersionStr} > ${remoteVersionStr}`;
} else if (localVersion < remoteVersion) {
version = `✓ Higher ${localVersionStr} < ${remoteVersionStr}`;
const compare = `${localVersionStr}`.localeCompare(remoteVersionStr, undefined, { numeric: true });
if (compare == 0) {
version = "Same";
} else if (compare < 0) {
version = `Lower (${localVersionStr} < ${remoteVersionStr})`;
} else if (compare > 0) {
version = `Higher (${localVersionStr} > ${remoteVersionStr})`;
if (contentCheck) {
const { canApply, equivalency, canCompare } = await checkEquivalency(local, remote);
return { canApply, freshness, equivalency, version, canCompare };
if (local && remote) {
const { canApply, equivalency, canCompare } = await checkEquivalency(local, remote);
return { canApply, freshness, equivalency, version, canCompare };
return { canApply, freshness, equivalency, version, canCompare };
async function checkEquivalency(local: PluginDataExDisplay, remote: PluginDataExDisplay) {
async function checkEquivalency(local: IPluginDataExDisplay, remote: IPluginDataExDisplay) {
let equivalency = "";
let canApply = false;
let canCompare = false;
@ -100,17 +107,21 @@
return 0b0000010; //"LOCAL_ONLY";
} else if (!localFile && remoteFile) {
return 0b0001000; //"REMOTE ONLY"
} else {
if (getDocData(localFile.data) == getDocData(remoteFile.data)) {
} else if (localFile && remoteFile) {
const localDoc = getDocData(localFile.data);
const remoteDoc = getDocData(remoteFile.data);
if (localDoc == remoteDoc) {
return 0b0000100; //"EVEN"
} else {
return 0b0010000; //"DIFFERENT";
} else {
return 0b0010000; //"DIFFERENT";
.reduce((p, c) => p | (c as number), 0 as number);
if (matchingStatus == 0b0000100) {
equivalency = "⚖️ Same";
equivalency = "Same";
canApply = false;
} else if (matchingStatus <= 0b0000100) {
equivalency = "Same or local only";
@ -118,30 +129,37 @@
} else if (matchingStatus == 0b0010000) {
canApply = true;
canCompare = true;
equivalency = "≠ Different";
equivalency = "Different";
} else {
canApply = true;
canCompare = true;
equivalency = "≠ Different";
equivalency = "Mixed";
return { equivalency, canApply, canCompare };
async function performCompare(local: PluginDataExDisplay, remote: PluginDataExDisplay) {
async function performCompare(local: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined, remote: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined) {
const result = await comparePlugin(local, remote);
canApply = result.canApply;
freshness = result.freshness;
equivalency = result.equivalency;
version = result.version;
canCompare = result.canCompare;
if (local?.files.length != 1 || !local?.files?.first()?.filename?.endsWith(".json")) {
canCompare = false;
pickToCompare = false;
if (canCompare) {
if (local?.files.length == remote?.files.length && local?.files.length == 1 && local?.files[0].filename == remote?.files[0].filename) {
pickToCompare = false;
} else {
pickToCompare = true;
// pickToCompare = false;
// canCompare = false;
async function updateTerms(list: PluginDataExDisplay[], selectNewest: boolean, isMaintenanceMode: boolean) {
async function updateTerms(list: IPluginDataExDisplay[], selectNewest: boolean, isMaintenanceMode: boolean) {
const local = list.find((e) => e.term == thisTerm);
selected = "";
// selected = "";
if (isMaintenanceMode) {
terms = [...new Set(list.map((e) => e.term))];
} else if (hideNotApplicable) {
@ -157,7 +175,7 @@
} else {
terms = [...new Set(list.map((e) => e.term))].filter((e) => e != thisTerm);
let newest: PluginDataExDisplay = local;
let newest: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined = local;
if (selectNewest) {
for (const term of terms) {
const remote = list.find((e) => e.term == term);
@ -170,12 +188,25 @@
// selectNewest = false;
if (terms.indexOf(selected) < 0) {
selected = "";
$: {
// React pulse and select
const doSelectNewest = selectNewest != currentSelectNewest;
currentSelectNewest = selectNewest;
let doSelectNewest = false;
if (selectNewest != currentSelectNewest) {
if (selectNewestStyle == 1) {
doSelectNewest = true;
} else if (selectNewestStyle == 2) {
doSelectNewest = isFlagged;
} else if (selectNewestStyle == 3) {
selected = "";
// currentSelectNewest = selectNewest;
updateTerms(list, doSelectNewest, isMaintenanceMode);
currentSelectNewest = selectNewest;
$: {
// React pulse and apply
@ -213,10 +244,52 @@
async function compareSelected() {
const local = list.find((e) => e.term == thisTerm);
const selectedItem = list.find((e) => e.term == selected);
if (local && selectedItem && (await compareData(local, selectedItem))) {
addOn.updatePluginList(true, local.documentPath);
await compareItems(local, selectedItem);
async function compareItems(local: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined, remote: IPluginDataExDisplay | undefined, filename?: string) {
if (local && remote) {
if (!filename) {
if (await compareData(local, remote)) {
addOn.updatePluginList(true, local.documentPath);
} else {
const localCopy = local instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2 ? new PluginDataExDisplayV2(local) : { ...local };
const remoteCopy = remote instanceof PluginDataExDisplayV2 ? new PluginDataExDisplayV2(remote) : { ...remote };
localCopy.files = localCopy.files.filter((e) => e.filename == filename);
remoteCopy.files = remoteCopy.files.filter((e) => e.filename == filename);
if (await compareData(localCopy, remoteCopy, true)) {
addOn.updatePluginList(true, local.documentPath);
} else {
if (!remote && !local) {
Logger(`Could not find both remote and local item`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
} else if (!remote) {
Logger(`Could not find remote item`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
} else if (!local) {
Logger(`Could not locally item`, LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
async function pickCompareItem(evt: MouseEvent) {
const local = list.find((e) => e.term == thisTerm);
const selectedItem = list.find((e) => e.term == selected);
if (!local) return;
if (!selectedItem) return;
const menu = new Menu();
menu.addItem((item) => item.setTitle("Compare file").setIsLabel(true));
const files = unique(local.files.map((e) => e.filename).concat(selectedItem.files.map((e) => e.filename)));
for (const filename of files) {
menu.addItem((item) => {
item.setTitle(filename).onClick((e) => compareItems(local, selectedItem, filename));
async function deleteSelected() {
const selectedItem = list.find((e) => e.term == selected);
// const deletedPath = selectedItem.documentPath;
@ -226,6 +299,10 @@
async function duplicateItem() {
const local = list.find((e) => e.term == thisTerm);
if (!local) {
Logger(`Could not find local item`, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
const duplicateTermName = await askString(plugin.app, "Duplicate", "device name", "");
if (duplicateTermName) {
if (duplicateTermName.contains("/")) {
@ -242,10 +319,10 @@
{#if terms.length > 0}
<span class="spacer" />
{#if !hidden}
<span class="messages">
<span class="message">{freshness}</span>
<span class="message">{equivalency}</span>
<span class="message">{version}</span>
<span class="chip-wrap">
<span class="chip modified">{freshness}</span>
<span class="chip content">{equivalency}</span>
<span class="chip version">{version}</span>
<select bind:value={selected}>
<option value={""}>-</option>
@ -255,7 +332,12 @@
{#if canApply || (isMaintenanceMode && selected != "")}
{#if canCompare}
<button on:click={compareSelected}>🔍</button>
{#if pickToCompare}
<button on:click={pickCompareItem}>🗃️</button>
<!--🔍 -->
<button on:click={compareSelected}>⮂</button>
<button disabled />
@ -307,12 +389,46 @@
padding: 0 1em;
line-height: var(--line-height-tight);
span.messages {
/* span.messages {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
align-items: center;
} */
:global(.is-mobile) .spacer {
margin-left: auto;
.chip-wrap {
display: flex;
gap: 2px;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
align-items: flex-start;
.chip {
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 0.8em;
padding: 0 4px;
margin: 0 2px;
border-color: var(--tag-border-color);
background-color: var(--tag-background);
color: var(--tag-color);
.chip:empty {
display: none;
.chip:not(:empty)::before {
min-width: 1.8em;
display: inline-block;
.chip.content:not(:empty)::before {
content: "📄: ";
.chip.version:not(:empty)::before {
content: "🏷️: ";
.chip.modified:not(:empty)::before {
content: "📅: ";
@ -324,6 +324,10 @@ export const SettingInformation: Partial<Record<keyof AllSettings, Configuration
"notifyThresholdOfRemoteStorageSize": {
name: "Notify when the estimated remote storage size exceeds on start up",
desc: "MB (0 to disable)."
"usePluginSyncV2": {
name: "Enable per-file-saved customization sync",
desc: "If enabled per-filed efficient customization sync will be used. We need a small migration when enabling this. And all devices should be updated to v0.23.18. Once we enabled this, we lost a compatibility with old versions."
function translateInfo(infoSrc: ConfigurationItem | undefined | false) {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user