import { App, debounce, Modal, Notice, Plugin, PluginSettingTab, Setting, TFile, addIcon, TFolder } from "obsidian"; import { PouchDB } from "./pouchdb-browser-webpack/dist/pouchdb-browser"; import { DIFF_DELETE, DIFF_EQUAL, DIFF_INSERT, diff_match_patch } from "diff-match-patch"; // docs should be encoded as base64, so 1 char -> 1 bytes // and cloudant limitation is 1MB , we use 900kb; // const MAX_DOC_SIZE = 921600; const MAX_DOC_SIZE = 921600; interface ObsidianLiveSyncSettings { couchDB_URI: string; couchDB_USER: string; couchDB_PASSWORD: string; liveSync: boolean; syncOnSave: boolean; syncOnStart: boolean; } const DEFAULT_SETTINGS: ObsidianLiveSyncSettings = { couchDB_URI: "", couchDB_USER: "", couchDB_PASSWORD: "", liveSync: false, syncOnSave: false, syncOnStart: false, }; interface Entry { _id: string; data: string; _rev?: string; ctime: number; mtime: number; size: number; _deleted?: boolean; type?: "notes"; } interface NewEntry { _id: string; children: string[]; _rev?: string; ctime: number; mtime: number; size: number; _deleted?: boolean; NewNote: true; type: "newnote"; } type LoadedEntry = Entry & { children: string[]; }; interface EntryLeaf { _id: string; parent: string; seq: number; data: string; _rev?: string; _deleted?: boolean; type: "leaf"; } type EntryDoc = Entry | NewEntry | LoadedEntry | EntryLeaf; type diff_result_leaf = { rev: string; data: string; ctime: number; mtime: number; }; type dmp_result = Array<[number, string]>; type diff_result = { left: diff_result_leaf; right: diff_result_leaf; diff: dmp_result; }; type diff_check_result = boolean | diff_result; type Credential = { username: string; password: string; }; //-->Functions. function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer: ArrayBuffer) { var binary = ""; var bytes = new Uint8Array(buffer); var len = bytes.byteLength; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { binary += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i]); } return window.btoa(binary); } function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64: string): ArrayBuffer { try { var binary_string = window.atob(base64); var len = binary_string.length; var bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i); } return bytes.buffer; } catch (ex) { return null; } } function base64ToString(base64: string): string { try { var binary_string = window.atob(base64); var len = binary_string.length; var bytes = new Uint8Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i); } return new TextDecoder().decode(bytes); } catch (ex) { return null; } } const escapeStringToHTML = (str: string) => { if (!str) return; return str.replace(/[<>&"'`]/g, (match) => { const escape: any = { "<": "<", ">": ">", "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", "`": "`", }; return escape[match]; }); }; const isValidRemoteCouchDBURI = (uri: string): boolean => { if (uri.startsWith("https://")) return true; if (uri.startsWith("http://")) return true; return false; }; const connectRemoteCouchDB = async (uri: string, auth: { username: string; password: string }): Promise => { if (!isValidRemoteCouchDBURI(uri)) false; let db = new PouchDB(uri, { auth, }); try { let info = await; return { db: db, info: info }; } catch (ex) { return; } }; //<--Functions class LocalPouchDB { app: App; plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin; auth: Credential; dbname: string; addLog: (message: any, isNotify?: boolean) => Promise; localDatabase: PouchDB.Database; constructor(app: App, plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin, dbname: string) { this.plugin = plugin; = app; this.auth = { username: "", password: "", }; this.dbname = dbname; this.addLog = this.plugin.addLog; this.initializeDatabase(); } close() { this.localDatabase.close(); } status() { if (this.syncHandler == null) { return "connected"; } return "disabled"; } initializeDatabase() { if (this.localDatabase != null) this.localDatabase.close(); this.localDatabase = null; this.localDatabase = new PouchDB(this.dbname + "-livesync", { auto_compaction: true, revs_limit: 100, deterministic_revs: true, }); } async getDatabaseDoc(id: string, opt?: any): Promise { try { let obj: EntryDoc & PouchDB.Core.IdMeta & PouchDB.Core.GetMeta = null; if (opt) { obj = await this.localDatabase.get(id, opt); } else { obj = await this.localDatabase.get(id); } if (obj.type && obj.type == "leaf") { //do nothing for leaf; return false; } //Check it out and fix docs to regular case if (!obj.type || (obj.type && obj.type == "notes")) { let note = obj as Entry; let doc: LoadedEntry = { data:, _id: note._id, ctime: note.ctime, mtime: note.mtime, size: note.size, _deleted: obj._deleted, _rev: obj._rev, children: [], }; return doc; // simple note } if (obj.type == "newnote") { // search childrens try { let childrens = []; // let childPromise = []; for (var v of obj.children) { // childPromise.push(this.localDatabase.get(v)); let elem = await this.localDatabase.get(v); if (elem.type && elem.type == "leaf") { childrens.push(elem); } else { throw new Error("linked document is not leaf"); } } // let childrens = await Promise.all(childPromise); let data = childrens // .filter((e) => e.type == "leaf") // .map((e) => e as NoteLeaf) .sort((e) => e.seq) .map((e) => .join(""); let doc: LoadedEntry = { data: data, _id: obj._id, ctime: obj.ctime, mtime: obj.mtime, size: obj.size, _deleted: obj._deleted, _rev: obj._rev, children: obj.children, }; return doc; } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { this.addLog(`Missing document content!, could not read ${obj._id} from database.`, true); // this.addLog(ex); } this.addLog(`Something went wrong on reading ${obj._id} from database.`, true); this.addLog(ex); } } } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { return false; } throw ex; } return false; } async deleteDBEntry(id: string, opt?: any): Promise { try { let obj: EntryDoc & PouchDB.Core.IdMeta & PouchDB.Core.GetMeta = null; if (opt) { obj = await this.localDatabase.get(id, opt); } else { obj = await this.localDatabase.get(id); } if (obj.type && obj.type == "leaf") { //do nothing for leaf; return false; } //Check it out and fix docs to regular case if (!obj.type || (obj.type && obj.type == "notes")) { // let note = obj as Notes; // note._deleted=true; obj._deleted=true; let r = await this.localDatabase.put(obj); return true; // simple note } if (obj.type == "newnote") { // search childrens for (var v of obj.children) { let d = await this.localDatabase.get(v); if (d.type != "leaf") { this.addLog(`structure went wrong:${id}-${v}`); } d._deleted = true; await this.localDatabase.put(d); this.addLog(`content removed:${(d as EntryLeaf).seq}`); } obj._deleted = true; await this.localDatabase.put(obj); this.addLog(`entry removed:${obj._id}`); return true; } } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { return false; } throw ex; } } async putDBEntry(note: LoadedEntry) { let leftData =; let savenNotes = []; // something occured, kill this . let seq = 0; let now =; do { let piece = leftData.substring(0, MAX_DOC_SIZE); leftData = leftData.substring(MAX_DOC_SIZE); seq++; let leafid = note._id + "-" + now + "-" + seq; let d: EntryLeaf = { _id: leafid, parent: note._id, data: piece, seq: seq, type: "leaf", }; let result = await this.localDatabase.put(d); savenNotes.push(leafid); } while (leftData != ""); this.addLog(`note content saven, pieces:${seq}`); let newDoc: NewEntry = { NewNote: true, children: savenNotes, _id: note._id, ctime: note.ctime, mtime: note.mtime, size: note.size, type: "newnote", }; let deldocs: string[] = []; // Here for upsert logic, try { let old = await this.localDatabase.get(newDoc._id); if (!old.type || old.type == "notes") { // simple use rev for new doc newDoc._rev = old._rev; } if (old.type == "newnote") { //when save finished, we have to garbage collect. deldocs = old.children; newDoc._rev = old._rev; } } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { // NO OP/ } else { throw ex; } } await this.localDatabase.put(newDoc); this.addLog(`note saven:${newDoc._id}`); let items = 0; for (var v of deldocs) { items++; //TODO: Check for missing link let d = await this.localDatabase.get(v); d._deleted = true; await this.localDatabase.put(d); } this.addLog(`old content deleted, pieces:${items}`); } syncHandler: PouchDB.Replication.Sync<{}> = null; async openReplication(setting: ObsidianLiveSyncSettings, keepAlive: boolean, callback: (e: PouchDB.Replication.SyncResult<{}>) => Promise) { let uri = setting.couchDB_URI; let auth: Credential = { username: setting.couchDB_USER, password: setting.couchDB_PASSWORD, }; if (this.syncHandler != null) { this.addLog("Another replication running.", true); return false; } let dbret = await connectRemoteCouchDB(uri, auth); if (dbret === false) { this.addLog(`could not connect to ${uri}`, true); return; } let syncOption = keepAlive ? { live: true, retry: true } : {}; let db = dbret.db; //replicate once this.localDatabase.replicate .from(db) .on("complete", async (info) => { this.syncHandler = this.localDatabase.sync(db, syncOption); this.syncHandler .on("change", async (e) => { try { callback(e); this.addLog(`replicated ${} doc(s)`); } catch (ex) { this.addLog("Replication callback error"); this.addLog(ex); } }) .on("active", () => { this.addLog("Replication activated"); }) .on("complete", (e) => { this.addLog("Replication completed", true); // this.addLog(e); this.syncHandler = null; }) .on("denied", (e) => { this.addLog("Replication denied", true); // this.addLog(e); }) .on("error", (e) => { this.addLog("Replication error", true); // this.addLog(e); }) .on("paused", (e) => { this.addLog("replication paused"); }); }) .on("error", () => { this.addLog("Pulling Replication error", true); }); } closeReplication() { if (this.syncHandler == null) { return; } this.syncHandler.cancel(); this.syncHandler.removeAllListeners(); this.syncHandler = null; this.addLog("Replication closed"); } async resetDatabase() { await this.closeReplication(); await this.localDatabase.destroy(); await this.initializeDatabase(); this.addLog("Local Database Reset", true); } async tryResetRemoteDatabase(setting: ObsidianLiveSyncSettings) { await this.closeReplication(); await this.closeReplication(); let uri = setting.couchDB_URI; let auth: Credential = { username: setting.couchDB_USER, password: setting.couchDB_PASSWORD, }; let con = await connectRemoteCouchDB(uri, auth); if (con === false) return; try { await con.db.destroy(); this.addLog("Remote Database Destroyed", true); await this.tryCreateRemoteDatabase(setting); } catch (ex) { this.addLog("something happend on Remote Database Destory", true); } } async tryCreateRemoteDatabase(setting: ObsidianLiveSyncSettings) { await this.closeReplication(); let uri = setting.couchDB_URI; let auth: Credential = { username: setting.couchDB_USER, password: setting.couchDB_PASSWORD, }; let con2 = await connectRemoteCouchDB(uri, auth); if (con2 === false) return; this.addLog("Remote Database Created or Connected", true); } } export default class ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin extends Plugin { settings: ObsidianLiveSyncSettings; //localDatabase: PouchDB.Database; localDatabase: LocalPouchDB; logMessage: string[] = []; onLogChanged: () => void; statusBar: HTMLElement; statusBar2: HTMLElement; async onload() { this.addLog("loading plugin"); await this.openDatabase(); await this.loadSettings(); addIcon( "replicate", ` ` ); addIcon( "view-log", ` ` ); this.addRibbonIcon("replicate", "Replicate", async () => { await this.replicate(); }); this.addRibbonIcon("view-log", "Show log", () => { new LogDisplayModal(, this).open(); }); this.statusBar = this.addStatusBarItem(); this.statusBar2 = this.addStatusBarItem(); this.watchVaultChange = debounce(this.watchVaultChange.bind(this), 200, false); this.watchVaultDelete = debounce(this.watchVaultDelete.bind(this), 200, false); this.watchVaultRename = debounce(this.watchVaultRename.bind(this), 200, false); this.watchWorkspaceOpen = debounce(this.watchWorkspaceOpen.bind(this), 200, false); this.registerWatchEvents(); this.parseReplicationResult = this.parseReplicationResult.bind(this); this.addSettingTab(new ObsidianLiveSyncSettingTab(, this)); setTimeout(async () => { await this.initializeDatabase(); this.realizeSettingSyncMode(); if (this.settings.syncOnStart) { await this.replicate(); } }, 100); // when in mobile, too long suspended , connection won't back if setting retry:true this.registerInterval( window.setInterval(async () => { if (this.settings.liveSync) { await this.localDatabase.closeReplication(); if (this.settings.liveSync) { this.localDatabase.openReplication(this.settings, true, this.parseReplicationResult); } } }, 60 * 1000) ); } onunload() { this.localDatabase.closeReplication(); this.localDatabase.close(); this.addLog("unloading plugin"); } async openDatabase() { if (this.localDatabase != null) { this.localDatabase.close(); } let vaultName =; this.localDatabase = new LocalPouchDB(, this, vaultName); this.localDatabase.initializeDatabase(); } async loadSettings() { this.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_SETTINGS, await this.loadData()); } async saveSettings() { await this.saveData(this.settings); } registerWatchEvents() { this.registerEvent("modify", this.watchVaultChange)); this.registerEvent("delete", this.watchVaultDelete)); this.registerEvent("rename", this.watchVaultRename)); this.registerEvent("create", this.watchVaultChange)); this.registerEvent("file-open", this.watchWorkspaceOpen)); } watchWorkspaceOpen(file: TFile) { if (file == null) return; this.showIfConflicted(file); } watchVaultChange(file: TFile, ...args: any[]) { this.updateIntoDB(file); } watchVaultDelete(file: TFile & TFolder) { if (file.children) { //folder this.deleteFolderOnDB(file); //; } else { this.deleteFromDB(file); } } watchVaultRename(file: TFile & TFolder, oldFile: any) { if (file.children) { // this.renameFolder(file,oldFile); this.addLog(`folder name changed:(this operation is not supported) ${file.path}`); } else { this.updateIntoDB(file); this.deleteFromDBbyPath(oldFile); } } //--> Basic document Functions async addLog(message: any, isNotify?: boolean) { let timestamp = new Date().toLocaleString(); let messagecontent = typeof message == "string" ? message : JSON.stringify(message, null, 2); let newmessage = timestamp + "->" + messagecontent; this.logMessage = [].concat(this.logMessage).concat([newmessage]).slice(-100); // this.logMessage = [...this.logMessage, timestamp + ":" + newmessage].slice(-100); console.log(newmessage); if (this.statusBar2 != null) { this.statusBar2.setText(newmessage.substring(0, 60)); } if (this.onLogChanged != null) { this.onLogChanged(); } if (isNotify) { new Notice(messagecontent); } } async ensureDirectory(fullpath: string) { let pathElements = fullpath.split("/"); pathElements.pop(); let c = ""; for (var v of pathElements) { c += v; try { await; } catch (ex) { // basically skip exceptions. if (ex.message && ex.message == "Folder already exists.") { // especialy this message is. } else { this.addLog("Folder Create Error"); this.addLog(ex); } } c += "/"; } } async doc2storage_create(docEntry: Entry, force?: boolean) { let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(docEntry._id, { _rev: docEntry._rev }); if (doc === false) return; let bin = base64ToArrayBuffer(; if (bin != null) { await this.ensureDirectory(doc._id); let newfile = await, bin, { ctime: doc.ctime, mtime: doc.mtime }); this.addLog("live : write to local (newfile) " + doc._id); await"create", newfile); } } async deleteVaultItem(file: TFile | TFolder) { let dir = file.parent; await; this.addLog(`deleted:${file.path}`); this.addLog(`other items:${dir.children.length}`); if (dir.children.length == 0) { this.addLog(`all files deleted by replication, so delete dir`); await this.deleteVaultItem(dir); } } async doc2storate_modify(docEntry: Entry, file: TFile, force?: boolean) { if (docEntry._deleted) { //basically pass. //but if there're no docs left, delete file. let lastDocs = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(docEntry._id); if (lastDocs === false) { await this.deleteVaultItem(file); } else { this.addLog(`delete skipped:${lastDocs._id}`); } return; } if (file.stat.mtime < docEntry.mtime || force) { let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(docEntry._id); if (doc === false) return; let bin = base64ToArrayBuffer(; if (bin != null) { await, bin, { ctime: doc.ctime, mtime: doc.mtime }); this.addLog("livesync : newer local files so write to local:" + file.path); await"modify", file); } } else if (file.stat.mtime > docEntry.mtime) { // newer local file. // ? } else { //Nothing have to op. // } } async pouchdbChanged(change: Entry) { let allfiles =; let targetFiles = allfiles.filter((e) => e.path == change._id); if (targetFiles.length == 0) { if (change._deleted) { return; } let doc = change; await this.doc2storage_create(doc); } if (targetFiles.length == 1) { let doc = change; let file = targetFiles[0]; await this.doc2storate_modify(doc, file); await this.showIfConflicted(file); } } //---> Sync async parseReplicationResult(e: PouchDB.Replication.SyncResult<{}>): Promise { let docs =; for (var change of docs) { this.addLog("replication change arrived"); // this.addLog(change); await this.pouchdbChanged(change as Entry); } } async realizeSettingSyncMode() { await this.localDatabase.closeReplication(); if (this.settings.liveSync) { this.localDatabase.openReplication(this.settings, true, this.parseReplicationResult); this.refreshStatusText(); } } refreshStatusText() { let statusStr = this.localDatabase.status(); this.statusBar.setText("Sync:" + statusStr); } async replicate() { this.localDatabase.openReplication(this.settings, false, this.parseReplicationResult); } //<-- Sync async initializeDatabase() { await this.openDatabase(); await this.syncAllFiles(); } async syncAllFiles() { // synchronize all files between database and storage. const filesStorage =; const filesStorageName = => e.path); const wf = await this.localDatabase.localDatabase.allDocs(); const filesDatabase = =>; const onlyInStorage = filesStorage.filter((e) => filesDatabase.indexOf(e.path) == -1); const onlyInDatabase = filesDatabase.filter((e) => filesStorageName.indexOf(e) == -1); //simply realize it const onlyInStorageNames = => e.path); //have to sync below.. const syncFiles = filesStorage.filter((e) => onlyInStorageNames.indexOf(e.path) == -1); for (let v of onlyInStorage) { await this.updateIntoDB(v); } for (let v of onlyInDatabase) { await this.pullFile(v, filesStorage); } for (let v of syncFiles) { await this.syncFileBetweenDBandStorage(v, filesStorage); } } async deleteFolderOnDB(folder: TFolder) { this.addLog(`delete folder:${folder.path}`); for (var v of folder.children) { let entry = v as TFile & TFolder; this.addLog(`->entry:${entry.path}`); if (entry.children) { this.addLog(`->is dir`); await this.deleteFolderOnDB(entry); await; } else { this.addLog(`->is file`); await this.deleteFromDB(entry); } } await; } async renameFolder(folder: TFolder, oldFile: any) { for (var v of folder.children) { let entry = v as TFile & TFolder; if (entry.children) { await this.deleteFolderOnDB(entry);; } else { await this.deleteFromDB(entry); } } } // --> conflict resolving async getConflictedDoc(path: string, rev: string): Promise { try { let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(path, { rev: rev }); if (doc === false) return false; return { ctime: doc.ctime, mtime: doc.mtime, rev: rev, data: base64ToString(, }; } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { return false; } } return false; } async getConflictedStatus(path: string): Promise { let test: LoadedEntry & PouchDB.Core.GetMeta = null; try { let testDoc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(path, { conflicts: true }); if (testDoc === false) return false; if ("_rev" in testDoc) { test = testDoc as any; } } catch (ex) { if (ex.status && ex.status == 404) { this.addLog(`Getting conflicted status, but there was not ${path}`); // NO OP. } else { throw ex; } } if (test == null) return false; if (!test._conflicts) return false; if (test._conflicts.length == 0) return false; // should be two or more conflicts; let leftLeaf = await this.getConflictedDoc(path, test._rev); let rightLeaf = await this.getConflictedDoc(path, test._conflicts[0]); if (leftLeaf === false) return false; if (rightLeaf === false) return false; // first,check for same contents if ( == { let leaf = leftLeaf; if (leftLeaf.mtime > rightLeaf.mtime) { leaf = rightLeaf; } await this.localDatabase.deleteDBEntry(path, leaf.rev); await this.pullFile(path, null, true); this.addLog(`automaticaly merged:${path}`); return true; // } } let dmp = new diff_match_patch(); var diff = dmp.diff_main(,; dmp.diff_cleanupSemantic(diff); this.addLog(`conflict(s) found:${path}`); return { left: leftLeaf, right: rightLeaf, diff: diff, }; } async showIfConflicted(file: TFile) { let conflictCheckResult = await this.getConflictedStatus(file.path); if (conflictCheckResult === false) return; //nothign to do. if (conflictCheckResult === true) { //auto resolved, but need check again; setTimeout(() => { this.showIfConflicted(file); }, 50); return; } //there conflicts, and have to resolve ; let leaf =; if (leaf) { new ConflictResolveModal(, conflictCheckResult, async (selected) => { let toDelete = selected; if (toDelete == "") { return; } this.addLog(`resolved conflict:${file.path}`); await this.localDatabase.deleteDBEntry(file.path, toDelete); await this.pullFile(file.path, null, true); setTimeout(() => { //resolved, check again. this.showIfConflicted(file); }, 50); }).open(); } } async pullFile(filename: string, fileList?: TFile[], force?: boolean) { if (!fileList) { fileList =; } let targetFiles = fileList.filter((e) => e.path == filename); if (targetFiles.length == 0) { //have to create; let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(filename); if (doc === false) return; await this.doc2storage_create(doc, force); } else if (targetFiles.length == 1) { //normal case let file = targetFiles[0]; let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(filename); if (doc === false) return; await this.doc2storate_modify(doc, file, force); } else { this.addLog(`target files:${filename} is two or more files in your vault`); //something went wrong.. } //when to opened file; } async syncFileBetweenDBandStorage(file: TFile, fileList?: TFile[]) { let doc = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(file.path); if (doc === false) return; if (file.stat.mtime > doc.mtime) { //newer local file. await this.updateIntoDB(file); this.addLog("sync : older databse files so write to database:" + file.path); } else if (file.stat.mtime < doc.mtime) { //newer database file. this.addLog("sync : older storage files so write from database:" + file.path); await this.doc2storate_modify(doc, file); } else { // } } async updateIntoDB(file: TFile) { let contentBin = await; let content = arrayBufferToBase64(contentBin); let fullpath = file.path; let d: LoadedEntry = { _id: fullpath, data: content, ctime: file.stat.ctime, mtime: file.stat.mtime, size: file.stat.size, children: [], }; //From here let old = await this.localDatabase.getDatabaseDoc(fullpath); if (old !== false) { let oldData = { data:, deleted: old._deleted }; let newData = { data:, deleted: d._deleted }; if (JSON.stringify(oldData) == JSON.stringify(newData)) { this.addLog("no changed" + fullpath + d._deleted); return; } // d._rev = old._rev; } let ret = await this.localDatabase.putDBEntry(d); this.addLog("put database:" + fullpath); if (this.settings.syncOnSave) { await this.replicate(); } } async deleteFromDB(file: TFile) { let fullpath = file.path; this.addLog(`deleteDB By path:${fullpath}`); await this.deleteFromDBbyPath(fullpath); if (this.settings.syncOnSave) { await this.replicate(); } } async deleteFromDBbyPath(fullpath: string) { await this.localDatabase.deleteDBEntry(fullpath); if (this.settings.syncOnSave) { await this.replicate(); } } async resetLocalDatabase() { await this.localDatabase.resetDatabase(); } async tryResetRemoteDatabase() { await this.localDatabase.tryResetRemoteDatabase(this.settings); } async tryCreateRemoteDatabase() { await this.localDatabase.tryCreateRemoteDatabase(this.settings); } } class LogDisplayModal extends Modal { plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin; logEl: HTMLDivElement; constructor(app: App, plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin) { super(app); this.plugin = plugin; } updateLog() { let logs = [...this.plugin.logMessage]; let msg = ""; for (var v of logs) { msg += escapeStringToHTML(v) + "
"; } this.logEl.innerHTML = msg; } onOpen() { let { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); contentEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Sync Status" }); let div = contentEl.createDiv(""); div.addClass("op-scrollable"); div.addClass("op-pre"); this.logEl = div; this.plugin.onLogChanged = this.updateLog; this.updateLog(); } onClose() { let { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); this.plugin.onLogChanged = null; } } class ConflictResolveModal extends Modal { // result: Array<[number, string]>; result: diff_result; callback: (remove_rev: string) => Promise; constructor(app: App, diff: diff_result, callback: (remove_rev: string) => Promise) { super(app); this.result = diff; this.callback = callback; } onOpen() { let { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); contentEl.createEl("h2", { text: "This document has conflicted changes." }); let div = contentEl.createDiv(""); div.addClass("op-scrollable"); let diff = ""; // const showContents = => (e[0] == 1 ? "" + htmlEscape(e[1]) + "" : e[0] == -1 ? "" + htmlEscape(e[1]) + "" : "" + htmlEscape(e[1]) + "")); for (let v of this.result.diff) { let x1 = v[0]; let x2 = v[1]; if (x1 == DIFF_DELETE) { diff += "" + escapeStringToHTML(x2) + ""; } else if (x1 == DIFF_EQUAL) { diff += "" + escapeStringToHTML(x2) + ""; } else if (x1 == DIFF_INSERT) { diff += "" + escapeStringToHTML(x2) + ""; } } diff = diff.replace(/\n/g, "
"); div.innerHTML = diff; let div2 = contentEl.createDiv(""); let date1 = new Date(this.result.left.mtime).toLocaleString(); let date2 = new Date(this.result.right.mtime).toLocaleString(); div2.innerHTML = ` A:${date1}
`; contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Keep A" }, (e) => { e.addEventListener("click", async () => { await this.callback(this.result.right.rev); this.close(); }); }); contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Keep B" }, (e) => { e.addEventListener("click", async () => { await this.callback(this.result.left.rev); this.close(); }); }); contentEl.createEl("button", { text: "Not now" }, (e) => { e.addEventListener("click", async () => { this.close(); }); }); } onClose() { let { contentEl } = this; contentEl.empty(); } } class ObsidianLiveSyncSettingTab extends PluginSettingTab { plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin; constructor(app: App, plugin: ObsidianLiveSyncPlugin) { super(app, plugin); this.plugin = plugin; } async testConnection(): Promise { let db = await connectRemoteCouchDB(this.plugin.settings.couchDB_URI, { username: this.plugin.settings.couchDB_USER, password: this.plugin.settings.couchDB_PASSWORD, }); if (db === false) { this.plugin.addLog(`could not connect to ${this.plugin.settings.couchDB_URI}`, true); return; } this.plugin.addLog(`Connected to ${}`, true); } display(): void { let { containerEl } = this; containerEl.empty(); containerEl.createEl("h2", { text: "Settings for obsidian-livesync." }); new Setting(containerEl).setName("CouchDB Remote URI").addText((text) => text .setPlaceholder("https://........") .setValue(this.plugin.settings.couchDB_URI) .onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.couchDB_URI = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("CouchDB Username") .setDesc("username") .addText((text) => text .setPlaceholder("") .setValue(this.plugin.settings.couchDB_USER) .onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.couchDB_USER = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("CouchDB Password") .setDesc("password") .addText((text) => { text.setPlaceholder("") .setValue(this.plugin.settings.couchDB_PASSWORD) .onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.couchDB_PASSWORD = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }); text.inputEl.setAttribute("type", "password"); }); new Setting(containerEl).setName("Test DB").addButton((button) => button .setButtonText("Test Database Connection") .setDisabled(false) .onClick(async () => { await this.testConnection(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("LiveSync") .setDesc("Sync realtime") .addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.liveSync).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.liveSync = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); this.plugin.realizeSettingSyncMode(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("Sync on Save") .setDesc("Sync on Save") .addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.syncOnSave).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.syncOnSave = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("Sync on Start") .setDesc("Sync on Start") .addToggle((toggle) => toggle.setValue(this.plugin.settings.syncOnStart).onChange(async (value) => { this.plugin.settings.syncOnStart = value; await this.plugin.saveSettings(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl) .setName("Local Database Operations") .addButton((button) => button .setButtonText("Reset local database") .setDisabled(false) .onClick(async () => { await this.plugin.resetLocalDatabase(); //await this.test(); }) ) .addButton((button) => button .setButtonText("Reset local files") .setDisabled(false) .onClick(async () => { //await this.test(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl).setName("Remote Database Operations").addButton((button) => button .setButtonText("Reset remote database") .setDisabled(false) .onClick(async () => { await this.plugin.tryResetRemoteDatabase(); //await this.test(); }) ); new Setting(containerEl).setName("Remote Database Operations").addButton((button) => button .setButtonText("Create remote database") .setDisabled(false) .onClick(async () => { await this.plugin.tryResetRemoteDatabase(); //await this.test(); }) ); } }