--Server-apiPath PiGallery api path. (default: '/pgapi')
--Server-customHTMLHead (default: '')
--Server-sessionSecret (default: [])
--Server-sessionTimeout unit: ms (default: 604800000)
--Server-port (default: 80)
--Server-host (default: '')
--Server-Threading-enabled App can run on multiple thread (default: true)
--Server-Threading-thumbnailThreads Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of 'CPU cores -1' threads will be used. (default: 0)
--Users-enforcedUsers Creates these users in the DB if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it wont be overwritten, even if the role is different. (default: [])
--Gallery-enableCache (default: true)
--Gallery-enableOnScrollRendering (default: true)
--Gallery-defaultPhotoSortingMethod Default sorting method for directory results (default: 'ascDate')
--Gallery-defaultSearchSortingMethod Default sorting method for search results (default: 'descDate')
--Gallery-enableDirectorySortingByDate If enabled directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo (default: false)
--Media-Video-supportedFormatsWithTranscoding Video formats that are supported after transcoding (with the build-in ffmpeg support) (default: ["avi","mkv","mov","wmv","flv","mts","m2ts","mpg","3gp","m4v","mpeg","vob","divx","xvid","ts"])
--Media-Video-supportedFormats Video formats that are supported also without transcoding (default: ["mp4","webm","ogv","ogg"])
--Media-Video-transcoding-crf Constant Rate Factor. The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible. (default: 23)
--Media-Video-transcoding-preset A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio (default: 'medium')
--Media-Video-transcoding-customOptions It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options. (default: [])
--Media-Photo-Converting-enabled (default: true)
--Media-Photo-Converting-onTheFly Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested. (default: true)
--Indexing-excludeFolderList If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded. (default: [".Trash-1000",".dtrash","$RECYCLE.BIN"])
--Indexing-excludeFileList Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing. (default: [])
Server-apiPath PiGallery api path. (default: '/pgapi')
Server-customHTMLHead (default: '')
Server-sessionSecret (default: [])
Server-sessionTimeout unit: ms (default: 604800000)
Server-port (default: 80)
PORT same as Server-port
Server-host (default: '')
Server-Threading-enabled App can run on multiple thread (default: true)
Server-Threading-thumbnailThreads Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of 'CPU cores -1' threads will be used. (default: 0)
Server-Log-level (default: 'info')
Server-Log-sqlLevel (default: 'error')
Server-Log-logServerTiming (default: false)
Users-authenticationRequired (default: true)
Users-unAuthenticatedUserRole (default: 'Admin')
Users-enforcedUsers Creates these users in the DB if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it wont be overwritten, even if the role is different. (default: [])
Gallery-enableCache (default: true)
Gallery-enableOnScrollRendering (default: true)
Gallery-defaultPhotoSortingMethod Default sorting method for directory results (default: 'ascDate')
Gallery-defaultSearchSortingMethod Default sorting method for search results (default: 'descDate')
Gallery-enableDirectorySortingByDate If enabled directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo (default: false)
Media-Video-supportedFormatsWithTranscoding Video formats that are supported after transcoding (with the build-in ffmpeg support) (default: ["avi","mkv","mov","wmv","flv","mts","m2ts","mpg","3gp","m4v","mpeg","vob","divx","xvid","ts"])
Media-Video-supportedFormats Video formats that are supported also without transcoding (default: ["mp4","webm","ogv","ogg"])
Media-Video-transcoding-crf Constant Rate Factor. The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible. (default: 23)
Media-Video-transcoding-preset A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio (default: 'medium')
Media-Video-transcoding-customOptions It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options. (default: [])
Media-Photo-Converting-enabled (default: true)
Media-Photo-Converting-onTheFly Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested. (default: true)
Media-Photo-Converting-resolution (default: 1080)
Media-Photo-loadFullImageOnZoom Enables loading the full resolution image on zoom in the ligthbox (preview). (default: true)
RandomPhoto-enabled Enables random link generation. (default: true)
Database-type (default: 'sqlite')
Database-dbFolder (default: 'db')
Database-sqlite-DBFileName (default: 'sqlite.db')
Database-mysql-host (default: 'localhost')
MYSQL_HOST same as Database-mysql-host
Database-mysql-port (default: 3306)
MYSQL_PORT same as Database-mysql-port
Database-mysql-database (default: 'pigallery2')
MYSQL_DATABASE same as Database-mysql-database
Database-mysql-username (default: '')
MYSQL_USERNAME same as Database-mysql-username
Database-mysql-password (default: '')
MYSQL_PASSWORD same as Database-mysql-password
Indexing-cachedFolderTimeout (default: 3600000)
Indexing-reIndexingSensitivity (default: 'low')
Indexing-excludeFolderList If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded. (default: [".Trash-1000",".dtrash","$RECYCLE.BIN"])
Indexing-excludeFileList Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing. (default: [])
"//[enforcedUsers]": "Creates these users in the DB if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it wont be overwritten, even if the role is different.",
"enforcedUsers": []
"Gallery": {
"enableCache": true,
"enableOnScrollRendering": true,
"//[defaultPhotoSortingMethod]": "Default sorting method for directory results",
"defaultPhotoSortingMethod": "ascDate",
"//[defaultSearchSortingMethod]": "Default sorting method for search results",
"defaultSearchSortingMethod": "descDate",
"//[enableDirectorySortingByDate]": "If enabled directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo",
"//[excludeFolderList]": "If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded.",
"excludeFolderList": [
"//[excludeFileList]": "Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing.",