import { ANDSearchQuery, DistanceSearch, FromDateSearch, MaxRatingSearch, MaxResolutionSearch, MinRatingSearch, MinResolutionSearch, OrientationSearch, ORSearchQuery, RangeSearch, SearchListQuery, SearchQueryDTO, SearchQueryTypes, SomeOfSearchQuery, TextSearch, TextSearchQueryMatchTypes, TextSearchQueryTypes, ToDateSearch } from './entities/SearchQueryDTO'; import {Utils} from './Utils'; export interface QueryKeywords { portrait: string; landscape: string; orientation: string; kmFrom: string; maxResolution: string; minResolution: string; maxRating: string; minRating: string; NSomeOf: string; someOf: string; or: string; and: string; from: string; to: string; caption: string; directory: string; file_name: string; keyword: string; person: string; position: string; } export class SearchQueryParser { constructor(private keywords: QueryKeywords) { } public static stringifyText(text: string, matchType = string { if (matchType === TextSearchQueryMatchTypes.exact_match) { return '"' + text + '"'; } if (text.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { return '(' + text + ')'; } return text; } private static stringifyDate(time: number): string { const date = new Date(time); // simplify date with yeah only if its first of jan if (date.getMonth() === 0 && date.getDate() === 1) { return date.getFullYear().toString(); } return this.stringifyText(date.toLocaleDateString()); } private static parseDate(text: string): number { if (text.charAt(0) === '"' || text.charAt(0) === '(') { text = text.substring(1); } if (text.charAt(text.length - 1) === '"' || text.charAt(text.length - 1) === ')') { text = text.substring(0, text.length - 1); } // it is the year only if (text.length === 4) { const d = new Date(2000, 0, 1); d.setFullYear(parseInt(text, 10)); return d.getTime(); } return Date.parse(text); } public parse(str: string, implicitOR = true): SearchQueryDTO { str = str.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ') // remove double spaces .replace(/:\s+/g, ':').replace(/\)(?=\S)/g, ') ').trim(); if (str.charAt(0) === '(' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === ')') { str = str.slice(1, str.length - 1); } const fistSpace = (start = 0) => { const bracketIn = []; let quotationMark = false; for (let i = start; i < str.length; ++i) { if (str.charAt(i) === '"') { quotationMark = !quotationMark; continue; } if (str.charAt(i) === '(') { bracketIn.push(i); continue; } if (str.charAt(i) === ')') { bracketIn.pop(); continue; } if (quotationMark === false && bracketIn.length === 0 && str.charAt(i) === ' ') { return i; } } return str.length - 1; }; // tokenize const tokenEnd = fistSpace(); if (tokenEnd !== str.length - 1) { if (str.startsWith(' ' + this.keywords.and, tokenEnd)) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.AND, list: [this.parse(str.slice(0, tokenEnd), implicitOR), // trim brackets this.parse(str.slice(tokenEnd + (' ' + this.keywords.and).length), implicitOR)] }; } else if (str.startsWith(' ' + this.keywords.or, tokenEnd)) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.OR, list: [this.parse(str.slice(0, tokenEnd), implicitOR), // trim brackets this.parse(str.slice(tokenEnd + (' ' + this.keywords.or).length), implicitOR)] }; } else { // Relation cannot be detected return { type: implicitOR === true ? SearchQueryTypes.OR : SearchQueryTypes.UNKNOWN_RELATION, list: [this.parse(str.slice(0, tokenEnd), implicitOR), // trim brackets this.parse(str.slice(tokenEnd), implicitOR)] }; } } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.someOf + ':') || new RegExp('^\\d*-' + this.keywords.NSomeOf + ':').test(str)) { const prefix = str.startsWith(this.keywords.someOf + ':') ? this.keywords.someOf + ':' : new RegExp('^\\d*-' + this.keywords.NSomeOf + ':').exec(str)[0]; let tmpList: any = this.parse(str.slice(prefix.length + 1, -1), false); // trim brackets // console.log(JSON.stringify(tmpList, null, 4)); const unfoldList = (q: SearchListQuery): SearchQueryDTO[] => { if (q.list) { if (q.type === SearchQueryTypes.UNKNOWN_RELATION) { return [].concat.apply([], => unfoldList(e))); // flatten array } else { q.list.forEach(e => unfoldList(e)); } } return [q]; }; tmpList = unfoldList(tmpList); const ret = { type: SearchQueryTypes.SOME_OF, list: tmpList }; if (new RegExp('^\\d*-' + this.keywords.NSomeOf + ':').test(str)) { ret.min = parseInt(new RegExp(/^\d*/).exec(str)[0], 10); } return ret; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.from + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.from_date, value: SearchQueryParser.parseDate(str.substring((this.keywords.from + ':').length)) }; } if (str.startsWith( + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.to_date, value: SearchQueryParser.parseDate(str.substring(( + ':').length)) }; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.minRating + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.min_rating, value: parseInt(str.slice((this.keywords.minRating + ':').length), 10) }; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.maxRating + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.max_rating, value: parseInt(str.slice((this.keywords.maxRating + ':').length), 10) }; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.minResolution + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.min_resolution, value: parseInt(str.slice((this.keywords.minResolution + ':').length), 10) }; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.maxResolution + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.max_resolution, value: parseInt(str.slice((this.keywords.maxResolution + ':').length), 10) }; } if (new RegExp('^\\d*-' + this.keywords.kmFrom + ':').test(str)) { let from = str.slice(new RegExp('^\\d*-' + this.keywords.kmFrom + ':').exec(str)[0].length); if (from.charAt(0) === '(' && from.charAt(from.length - 1) === ')') { from = from.slice(1, from.length - 1); } return { type: SearchQueryTypes.distance, distance: parseInt(new RegExp(/^\d*/).exec(str)[0], 10), from: {text: from} }; } if (str.startsWith(this.keywords.orientation + ':')) { return { type: SearchQueryTypes.orientation, landscape: str.slice((this.keywords.orientation + ':').length) === this.keywords.landscape }; } // parse text search const tmp = => ({ key: (this.keywords)[SearchQueryTypes[type]] + ':', queryTemplate: {type: type, text: ''} })); for (let i = 0; i < tmp.length; ++i) { if (str.startsWith(tmp[i].key)) { const ret: TextSearch = Utils.clone(tmp[i].queryTemplate); if (str.charAt(tmp[i].key.length) === '"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '"') { ret.text = str.slice(tmp[i].key.length + 1, str.length - 1); ret.matchType = TextSearchQueryMatchTypes.exact_match; } else if (str.charAt(tmp[i].key.length) === '(' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === ')') { ret.text = str.slice(tmp[i].key.length + 1, str.length - 1); } else { ret.text = str.slice(tmp[i].key.length); } return ret; } } return {type: SearchQueryTypes.any_text, text: str}; } public stringify(query: SearchQueryDTO): string { if (!query || !query.type) { return ''; } switch (query.type) { case SearchQueryTypes.AND: return '(' + (query) => this.stringify(q)).join(' ' + this.keywords.and + ' ') + ')'; case SearchQueryTypes.OR: return '(' + (query) => this.stringify(q)).join(' ' + this.keywords.or + ' ') + ')'; case SearchQueryTypes.SOME_OF: if ((query).min) { return (query).min + '-' + this.keywords.NSomeOf + ':(' + (query) => this.stringify(q)).join(' ') + ')'; } return this.keywords.someOf + ':(' + (query) => this.stringify(q)).join(' ') + ')'; case SearchQueryTypes.orientation: return this.keywords.orientation + ':' + ((query).landscape ? this.keywords.landscape : this.keywords.portrait); case SearchQueryTypes.from_date: if (!(query).value) { return ''; } return this.keywords.from + ':' + SearchQueryParser.stringifyDate((query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.to_date: if (!(query).value) { return ''; } return + ':' + SearchQueryParser.stringifyDate((query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.min_rating: return this.keywords.minRating + ':' + (isNaN((query).value) ? '' : (query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.max_rating: return this.keywords.maxRating + ':' + (isNaN((query).value) ? '' : (query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.min_resolution: return this.keywords.minResolution + ':' + (isNaN((query).value) ? '' : (query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.max_resolution: return this.keywords.maxResolution + ':' + (isNaN((query).value) ? '' : (query).value); case SearchQueryTypes.distance: if ((query).from.text.indexOf(' ') !== -1) { return (query).distance + '-' + this.keywords.kmFrom + ':(' + (query).from.text + ')'; } return (query).distance + '-' + this.keywords.kmFrom + ':' + (query).from.text; case SearchQueryTypes.any_text: return SearchQueryParser.stringifyText((query).text, (query).matchType); case SearchQueryTypes.person: case SearchQueryTypes.position: case SearchQueryTypes.keyword: case SearchQueryTypes.caption: case SearchQueryTypes.file_name: case if (!(query).text) { return ''; } return (this.keywords)[SearchQueryTypes[query.type]] + ':' + SearchQueryParser.stringifyText((query).text, (query).matchType); default: throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + query.type); } } }