mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 15:02:27 +02:00
209 lines
6.7 KiB
209 lines
6.7 KiB
import * as gulp from 'gulp';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as zip from 'gulp-zip';
import * as ts from 'gulp-typescript';
// @ts-ignore
import * as jsonModify from 'gulp-json-modify';
const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const translationFolder = 'translate';
const tsBackendProject = ts.createProject('tsconfig.json');
gulp.task('build-backend', function () {
return gulp.src([
'src/backend/**/*.ts'], {base: '.'})
const handleError = (cb: (err: any) => void) => {
return (err: any, stdout: string, stderr: string) => {
const createFrontendTask = (type: string, script: string) => {
gulp.task(type, (cb) => {
exec(script, handleError(cb));
const getLanguages = () => {
if (!fs.existsSync('./src/frontend/' + translationFolder)) {
return [];
const dirCont = fs.readdirSync('./src/frontend/' + translationFolder);
const files: string[] = dirCont.filter((elm) => {
return elm.match(/.*\.[a-zA-Z]+\.(xlf)/ig);
// get languages to filter
let languageFilter: string[] = null;
for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++) {
if (process.argv[i].startsWith('--languages=')) {
languageFilter = process.argv[i].replace('--languages=', '').split(',');
let languages = files.map((f: string) => {
return f.split('.')[1];
if (languageFilter !== null) {
languages = languages.filter((l) => {
return languageFilter.indexOf(l) !== -1;
return languages;
gulp.task('build-frontend', (() => {
const languages = getLanguages().filter((l) => {
return l !== 'en';
const tasks = [];
createFrontendTask('build-frontend-release default',
'ng build --aot --prod --output-path=./release/dist --no-progress --i18n-locale=en' +
' --i18n-format xlf --i18n-file src/frontend/' + translationFolder + '/messages.en.xlf' +
' --i18n-missing-translation warning');
tasks.push('build-frontend-release default');
for (let i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
createFrontendTask('build-frontend-release ' + languages[i],
'ng build --aot --prod --output-path=./release/dist/' + languages[i] +
' --no-progress --i18n-locale=' + languages[i] +
' --i18n-format xlf --i18n-file src/frontend/' + translationFolder + '/messages.' + languages[i] + '.xlf' +
' --i18n-missing-translation warning');
tasks.push('build-frontend-release ' + languages[i]);
return gulp.series(...tasks);
gulp.task('copy-static', function () {
return gulp.src([
'LICENSE'], {base: '.'})
gulp.task('copy-package', function () {
return gulp.src([
'package.json'], {base: '.'})
key: 'devDependencies',
value: {}
key: 'scripts',
value: {'start': 'node ./src/backend/index.js'}
gulp.task('zip-release', function () {
return gulp.src(['release/**/*'], {base: './release'})
gulp.task('create-release', gulp.series('build-frontend', 'build-backend', 'copy-static', 'copy-package', 'zip-release'));
const simpleBuild = (isProd: boolean) => {
const languages = getLanguages().filter((l) => {
return l !== 'en';
const tasks = [];
let cmd = 'ng build --aot ';
if (isProd) {
cmd += ' --prod --no-extract-licenses ';
createFrontendTask('build-frontend default', cmd + '--output-path=./dist --no-progress --no-progress --i18n-locale en' +
' --i18n-format=xlf --i18n-file=src/frontend/' + translationFolder + '/messages.en.xlf' + ' --i18n-missing-translation warning');
tasks.push('build-frontend default');
if (!process.env.CI) { // don't build languages if running in CI
for (let i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
createFrontendTask('build-frontend ' + languages[i], cmd +
'--output-path=./dist/' + languages[i] +
' --no-progress --i18n-locale ' + languages[i] +
' --i18n-format=xlf --i18n-file=src/frontend/' + translationFolder +
'/messages.' + languages[i] + '.xlf' + ' --i18n-missing-translation warning');
tasks.push('build-frontend ' + languages[i]);
return gulp.series(...tasks);
gulp.task('extract-locale', (cb) => {
console.log('creating source translation file: locale.source.xlf');
exec('ng xi18n --out-file=./../../locale.source.xlf --i18n-format=xlf --i18n-locale=en',
{maxBuffer: 1024 * 1024}, (error: any, stdOut: string, stdErr: string) => {
if (error) {
return cb(error);
exec('ngx-extractor -i src/frontend/**/*.ts -f xlf --out-file locale.source.xlf',
const translate = (list: any[], cb: (err: any) => void) => {
const localsStr = '"[\\"' + list.join('\\",\\"') + '\\"]"';
exec('xlf-google-translate --source-lang="en" --source-file="./locale.source.xlf" --destination-folder="./src/frontend/"' +
translationFolder + ' --destination-languages=' + localsStr,
const merge = (list: any[], cb: (err: any) => void) => {
const localsStr = '"[\\"' + list.join('\\",\\"') + '\\"]"';
exec('xlf-google-translate --method="extend-only" --source-lang="en" --source-file="./locale.source.xlf" --destination-folder="./src/frontend/"' +
translationFolder + ' --destination-languages=' + localsStr,
gulp.task('update-translation-only', function (cb) {
translate(getLanguages(), cb);
gulp.task('merge-translation-only', function (cb) {
merge(getLanguages(), cb);
gulp.task('update-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'update-translation-only'));
gulp.task('merge-new-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'merge-translation-only'));
gulp.task('add-translation-only', (cb) => {
const languages = getLanguages();
let lng = null;
for (let i = 0; i < process.argv.length - 1; i++) {
if (process.argv[i] === 'add-translation') {
lng = process.argv[i + 1].replace('--', '');
if (lng == null) {
console.error('Error: set language with \'--\' e.g: npm run add-translation -- --en');
return cb();
if (languages.indexOf(lng) !== -1) {
console.error('Error: language already exists, can\'t add. These language(s) already exist(s): ' + languages);
return cb();
translate([lng], cb);
gulp.task('add-translation', gulp.series('extract-locale', 'add-translation-only'));
gulp.task('build-dev', simpleBuild(false));
gulp.task('build-prod', simpleBuild(true));