From f47dbfed49fb43abecf0c044daa647837585fdb9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Simon Aronsson
Argument | -Environment Variable | -Type | -Default | -Description | -
--help | -- | -- | -- | -Shows documentation about the supported flags | -
--cleanup | -WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP | -Boolean | -false | -- Removes old images after updating. When this flag is specified, watchtower will remove the old image after - restarting a container with a new image. Use this option to prevent the accumulation of orphaned images on - your system as containers are updated. - | -
--debug | -- | -Boolean | -false | -- Enable debug mode with verbose logging. - | -
--host, -h | -DOCKER_HOST | -String | -"unix:///var/run/docker.sock" | -- Docker daemon socket to connect to. Can be pointed at a remote Docker host by specifying a TCP endpoint - as "tcp://hostname:port". - | -
--include-stopped | -WATCHTOWER_INCLUDE_STOPPED | -Boolean | -false | -- Will also include created and exited containers. - | -
---interval, -i | -WATCHTOWER_POLL_INTERVAL | -Integer | -300 | -- Poll interval (in seconds). This value controls how frequently watchtower will poll for new images. - | -
--label-enable | -WATCHTOWER_LABEL_ENABLE | -Boolean | -False | -- Watch containers where the `com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable` label is set to true. - | -
--monitor-only | -WATCHTOWER_MONITOR_ONLY | -Boolean | -False | -- Will only monitor for new images, not update the containers. - | -
--no-pull | -WATCHTOWER_NO_PULL | -Boolean | -False | -- Do not pull new images. When this flag is specified, watchtower will not attempt to pull - new images from the registry. Instead it will only monitor the local image cache for changes. - Use this option if you are building new images directly on the Docker host without pushing - them to a registry. - | -
--run-once | -WATCHTOWER_RUN_ONCE | -Boolean | -False | -- Run an update attempt against a container name list one time immediately and exit. - | -
--schedule, -s | -WATCHTOWER_SCHEDULE | -String | -- | -- [Cron expression]( in 6 fields (rather than the traditional 5) which defines when and how often to check for new images. Either `--interval` or the schedule expression could be defined, but not both. An example: `--schedule "0 0 4 * * *"` - | -
--stop-timeout | -WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT | -Duration | -10s | -- Timeout before the container is forcefully stopped. When set, this option will change the default (`10s`) wait time to the given value. An example: `--stop-timeout 30s` will set the timeout to 30 seconds. - | -
--tlsverify | -DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY | -Boolean | -false | -- Use TLS when connecting to the Docker socket and verify the server's certificate. See below for options used to configure notifications. - | -