2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
// @ts-check
/** @type {import('@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils').TSESLint.Linter.Config} */
/* eslint-env node */
2019-11-12 15:27:39 +02:00
module . exports = {
2019-11-15 11:46:33 +02:00
env : {
browser : true ,
} ,
2022-10-08 14:26:24 +02:00
reportUnusedDisableDirectives : true ,
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
parser : 'vue-eslint-parser' ,
parserOptions : {
project : [ './tsconfig.eslint.json' ] ,
tsconfigRootDir : _ _dirname ,
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore see https://github.com/vuejs/vue-eslint-parser#parseroptionsparser
parser : '@typescript-eslint/parser' ,
sourceType : 'module' ,
extraFileExtensions : [ '.vue' ] ,
} ,
plugins : [ '@typescript-eslint' , 'import' , 'simple-import-sort' ] ,
extends : [
'eslint:recommended' ,
'plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended' ,
2021-12-10 04:54:47 +02:00
'airbnb-base' ,
'airbnb-typescript/base' ,
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
'plugin:import/errors' ,
'plugin:import/warnings' ,
'plugin:import/typescript' ,
'plugin:promise/recommended' ,
'plugin:vue/vue3-recommended' ,
'plugin:prettier/recommended' ,
'plugin:vue-scoped-css/recommended' ,
] ,
2019-11-15 11:46:33 +02:00
rules : {
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
// enable scope analysis rules
'no-unused-vars' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars' : 'error' ,
'no-use-before-define' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define' : 'error' ,
'no-shadow' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-shadow' : 'error' ,
'no-redeclare' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-redeclare' : 'error' ,
// make typescript eslint rules even more strict
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any' : 'error' ,
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types' : 'off' ,
'@typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion' : 'error' ,
2023-01-31 10:37:11 +02:00
// SOURCE: https://github.com/iamturns/eslint-config-airbnb-typescript/blob/4aec5702be5b4e74e0e2f40bc78b4bc961681de1/lib/shared.js#L41
'@typescript-eslint/naming-convention' : [
'error' ,
// Allow camelCase variables (23.2), PascalCase variables (23.8), and UPPER_CASE variables (23.10)
selector : 'variable' ,
format : [ 'camelCase' , 'PascalCase' , 'UPPER_CASE' ] ,
leadingUnderscore : 'allow' ,
} ,
// Allow camelCase functions (23.2), and PascalCase functions (23.8)
selector : 'function' ,
format : [ 'camelCase' , 'PascalCase' ] ,
} ,
// Airbnb recommends PascalCase for classes (23.3), and although Airbnb does not make TypeScript recommendations, we are assuming this rule would similarly apply to anything "type like", including interfaces, type aliases, and enums
selector : 'typeLike' ,
format : [ 'PascalCase' ] ,
} ,
] ,
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
'import/no-unresolved' : 'off' , // disable as this is handled by tsc itself
'import/first' : 'error' ,
'import/newline-after-import' : 'error' ,
'import/no-cycle' : 'error' ,
'import/no-relative-parent-imports' : 'error' ,
'import/no-duplicates' : 'error' ,
'import/no-extraneous-dependencies' : 'error' ,
'import/extensions' : 'off' ,
'import/prefer-default-export' : 'off' ,
'simple-import-sort/imports' : 'error' ,
'simple-import-sort/exports' : 'error' ,
'promise/prefer-await-to-then' : 'error' ,
'promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks' : 'error' ,
'no-underscore-dangle' : 'off' ,
'no-else-return' : [ 'error' , { allowElseIf : false } ] ,
'no-return-assign' : [ 'error' , 'always' ] ,
'no-return-await' : 'error' ,
'no-useless-return' : 'error' ,
'no-restricted-imports' : [
'error' ,
patterns : [ 'src' , 'dist' ] ,
} ,
] ,
'no-console' : 'warn' ,
'no-useless-concat' : 'error' ,
'prefer-const' : 'error' ,
'spaced-comment' : [ 'error' , 'always' ] ,
'object-shorthand' : [ 'error' , 'always' ] ,
'no-useless-rename' : 'error' ,
eqeqeq : 'error' ,
'vue/attribute-hyphenation' : 'error' ,
// enable in accordance with https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier#vuehtml-self-closing
'vue/html-self-closing' : [
'error' ,
2019-11-15 11:46:33 +02:00
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
html : {
void : 'any' ,
} ,
} ,
] ,
'vue/no-static-inline-styles' : 'error' ,
'vue/v-on-function-call' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-useless-v-bind' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-useless-mustaches' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-useless-concat' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-boolean-default' : 'error' ,
'vue/html-button-has-type' : 'error' ,
'vue/component-name-in-template-casing' : 'error' ,
'vue/match-component-file-name' : [
'error' ,
extensions : [ 'vue' ] ,
shouldMatchCase : true ,
} ,
] ,
'vue/require-name-property' : 'error' ,
'vue/v-for-delimiter-style' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-empty-component-block' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-duplicate-attr-inheritance' : 'error' ,
'vue/no-unused-properties' : [
'error' ,
groups : [ 'props' , 'data' , 'computed' , 'methods' , 'setup' ] ,
} ,
] ,
'vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property' : 'error' ,
'vue/padding-line-between-blocks' : 'error' ,
2022-08-09 14:13:32 +02:00
'vue/multi-word-component-names' : 'off' ,
'vue/no-reserved-component-names' : 'off' ,
2021-11-03 18:40:31 +02:00
// css rules
'vue-scoped-css/no-unused-selector' : 'error' ,
'vue-scoped-css/no-parsing-error' : 'error' ,
'vue-scoped-css/require-scoped' : 'error' ,
// enable in accordance with https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier#curly
curly : [ 'error' , 'all' ] ,
// risky because of https://github.com/prettier/eslint-plugin-prettier#arrow-body-style-and-prefer-arrow-callback-issue
'arrow-body-style' : 'error' ,
'prefer-arrow-callback' : 'error' ,
} ,
2019-11-12 15:27:39 +02:00
} ;