mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 20:32:53 +02:00
fixed compile error in queue
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,9 +1,308 @@
package main
var (
// commit sha for the current build.
version string = "0.2-dev"
revision string
import (
func main() {}
var (
// identity file (id_rsa) that will be injected
// into the container if specified
identity = flag.String("identity", "", "")
// runs Drone in parallel mode if True
parallel = flag.Bool("parallel", false, "")
// build will timeout after N milliseconds.
// this will default to 500 minutes (6 hours)
timeout = flag.Duration("timeout", 300*time.Minute, "")
// build will run in a privileged container
privileged = flag.Bool("privileged", false, "")
// runs Drone with verbose output if True
verbose = flag.Bool("v", false, "")
// displays the help / usage if True
help = flag.Bool("h", false, "")
// version number, currently deterined by the
// git revision number (sha)
version string
func init() {
// default logging
log.SetPrefix("\033[2m[DRONE] ")
func main() {
// Parse the input parameters
flag.Usage = usage
if *help {
if *verbose {
// Must speicify a command
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
switch {
// run drone build assuming the current
// working directory contains the drone.yml
case args[0] == "build" && len(args) == 1:
path, _ := os.Getwd()
path = filepath.Join(path, ".drone.yml")
// run drone build where the path to the
// source directory is provided
case args[0] == "build" && len(args) == 2:
path := args[1]
path = filepath.Clean(path)
path, _ = filepath.Abs(path)
path = filepath.Join(path, ".drone.yml")
// run drone vet where the path to the
// source directory is provided
case args[0] == "vet" && len(args) == 2:
path := args[1]
path = filepath.Clean(path)
path, _ = filepath.Abs(path)
path = filepath.Join(path, ".drone.yml")
// run drone vet assuming the current
// working directory contains the drone.yml
case args[0] == "vet" && len(args) == 1:
path, _ := os.Getwd()
path = filepath.Join(path, ".drone.yml")
// print the version / revision number
case args[0] == "version" && len(args) == 1:
// print the help message
case args[0] == "help" && len(args) == 1:
func vet(path string) {
// parse the Drone yml file
script, err := script.ParseBuildFile(path)
if err != nil {
// print the Drone yml as parsed
out, _ := yaml.Marshal(script)
log.Noticef("parsed yaml:\n%s", string(out))
func run(path string) {
dockerClient := docker.New()
// parse the Drone yml file
s, err := script.ParseBuildFile(path)
if err != nil {
// get the repository root directory
dir := filepath.Dir(path)
code := repo.Repo{
Name: filepath.Base(dir),
Branch: "HEAD", // should we do this?
Path: dir,
// does the local repository match the
// $GOPATH/src/{package} pattern? This is
// important so we know the target location
// where the code should be copied inside
// the container.
if gopath, ok := getRepoPath(dir); ok {
code.Dir = gopath
} else if gopath, ok := getGoPath(dir); ok {
// in this case we found a GOPATH and
// reverse engineered the package path
code.Dir = gopath
} else {
// otherwise just use directory name
code.Dir = filepath.Base(dir)
// this is where the code gets uploaded to the container
// TODO move this code to the build package
code.Dir = filepath.Join("/var/cache/drone/src", filepath.Clean(code.Dir))
// track all build results
var builders []*build.Builder
// ssh key to import into container
var key []byte
if len(*identity) != 0 {
key, err = ioutil.ReadFile(*identity)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("[Error] Could not find or read identity file %s\n", *identity)
builds := []*script.Build{s}
// loop through and create builders
for _, b := range builds { //script.Builds {
builder := build.New(dockerClient)
builder.Build = b
builder.Repo = &code
builder.Key = key
builder.Stdout = os.Stdout
builder.Timeout = *timeout
builder.Privileged = *privileged
if *parallel == true {
var buf bytes.Buffer
builder.Stdout = &buf
builders = append(builders, builder)
switch *parallel {
case false:
case true:
// if in parallel mode, print out the buffer
// if we had a failure
for _, builder := range builders {
if builder.BuildState.ExitCode == 0 {
if buf, ok := builder.Stdout.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
log.Noticef("printing stdout for failed build %s", builder.Build.Name)
// this exit code is initially 0 and will
// be set to an error code if any of the
// builds fail.
var exit int
fmt.Printf("\nDrone Build Results \033[90m(%v)\033[0m\n", len(builders))
// loop through and print results
for _, builder := range builders {
build := builder.Build
res := builder.BuildState
duration := time.Duration(res.Finished - res.Started)
switch {
case builder.BuildState.ExitCode == 0:
fmt.Printf(" \033[32m\u2713\033[0m %v \033[90m(%v)\033[0m\n", build.Name, humanizeDuration(duration*time.Second))
case builder.BuildState.ExitCode != 0:
fmt.Printf(" \033[31m\u2717\033[0m %v \033[90m(%v)\033[0m\n", build.Name, humanizeDuration(duration*time.Second))
exit = builder.BuildState.ExitCode
func runSequential(builders []*build.Builder) {
// loop through and execute each build
for _, builder := range builders {
if err := builder.Run(); err != nil {
log.Errf("Error executing build: %s", err.Error())
func runParallel(builders []*build.Builder) {
// spawn four worker goroutines
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, builder := range builders {
// Increment the WaitGroup counter
// Launch a goroutine to run the build
go func(builder *build.Builder) {
defer wg.Done()
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // get weird iptables failures unless we sleep.
// wait for the workers to finish
var usage = func() {
fmt.Println(`Drone is a tool for building and testing code in Docker containers.
drone command [arguments]
The commands are:
build build and test the repository
version print the version number
vet validate the yaml configuration file
-v runs drone with verbose output
-h display this help and exit
--parallel runs drone build tasks in parallel
--timeout=300ms timeout build after 300 milliseconds
--privileged runs drone build in a privileged container
drone build builds the source in the pwd
drone build /path/to/repo builds the source repository
Use "drone help [command]" for more information about a command.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
package main
import (
// getGoPath checks the source codes absolute path
// in reference to the host operating system's GOPATH
// to correctly determine the code's package path. This
// is Go-specific, since Go code must exist in
// $GOPATH/src/github.com/{owner}/{name}
func getGoPath(dir string) (string, bool) {
path := os.Getenv("GOPATH")
if len(path) == 0 {
return "", false
// append src to the GOPATH, since
// the code will be stored in the src dir
path = filepath.Join(path, "src")
if !filepath.HasPrefix(dir, path) {
return "", false
// remove the prefix from the directory
// this should leave us with the go package name
return dir[len(path):], true
var gopathExp = regexp.MustCompile("./src/(github.com/[^/]+/[^/]+|bitbucket.org/[^/]+/[^/]+|code.google.com/[^/]+/[^/]+)")
// getRepoPath checks the source codes absolute path
// on the host operating system in an attempt
// to correctly determine the code's package path. This
// is Go-specific, since Go code must exist in
// $GOPATH/src/github.com/{owner}/{name}
func getRepoPath(dir string) (path string, ok bool) {
// let's get the package directory based
// on the path in the host OS
indexes := gopathExp.FindStringIndex(dir)
if len(indexes) == 0 {
index := indexes[len(indexes)-1]
// if the dir is /home/ubuntu/go/src/github.com/foo/bar
// the index will start at /src/github.com/foo/bar.
// We'll need to strip "/src/" which is where the
// magic number 5 comes from.
index = strings.LastIndex(dir, "/src/")
return dir[index+5:], true
// getGitOrigin checks the .git origin in an attempt
// to correctly determine the code's package path. This
// is Go-specific, since Go code must exist in
// $GOPATH/src/github.com/{owner}/{name}
func getGitOrigin(dir string) (path string, ok bool) {
// prints the time as a human readable string
func humanizeDuration(d time.Duration) string {
if seconds := int(d.Seconds()); seconds < 1 {
return "Less than a second"
} else if seconds < 60 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d seconds", seconds)
} else if minutes := int(d.Minutes()); minutes == 1 {
return "About a minute"
} else if minutes < 60 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d minutes", minutes)
} else if hours := int(d.Hours()); hours == 1 {
return "About an hour"
} else if hours < 48 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d hours", hours)
} else if hours < 24*7*2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days", hours/24)
} else if hours < 24*30*3 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d weeks", hours/24/7)
} else if hours < 24*365*2 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d months", hours/24/30)
return fmt.Sprintf("%f years", d.Hours()/24/365)
@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import (
type BuildRunner interface {
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
package queue
import (
// A Queue dispatches tasks to workers.
@ -3,21 +3,17 @@ package queue
import (
r "github.com/drone/drone/pkg/build/repo"
. "github.com/drone/drone/pkg/model"
r "github.com/drone/drone/shared/build/repo"
type worker struct {
@ -206,48 +202,52 @@ func (w *worker) runBuild(task *BuildTask, buf io.Writer) (bool, error) {
// updateGitHubStatus is a helper function that will send
// the build status to GitHub using the Status API.
// see https://github.com/blog/1227-commit-status-api
func updateGitHubStatus(repo *Repo, commit *Commit) error {
func updateGitHubStatus(repo *repo.Repo, commit *commit.Commit) error {
// convert from drone status to github status
var message, status string
switch commit.Status {
case "Success":
status = "success"
message = "The build succeeded on drone.io"
case "Failure":
status = "failure"
message = "The build failed on drone.io"
case "Started":
status = "pending"
message = "The build is pending on drone.io"
status = "error"
message = "The build errored on drone.io"
// convert from drone status to github status
var message, status string
switch commit.Status {
case "Success":
status = "success"
message = "The build succeeded on drone.io"
case "Failure":
status = "failure"
message = "The build failed on drone.io"
case "Started":
status = "pending"
message = "The build is pending on drone.io"
status = "error"
message = "The build errored on drone.io"
// get the system settings
settings, _ := database.GetSettings()
// get the system settings
settings, _ := database.GetSettings()
// get the user from the database
// since we need his / her GitHub token
user, err := database.GetUser(repo.UserID)
if err != nil {
return err
// get the user from the database
// since we need his / her GitHub token
user, err := database.GetUser(repo.UserID)
if err != nil {
return err
client := github.New(user.GithubToken)
client.ApiUrl = settings.GitHubApiUrl
buildUrl := getBuildUrl(settings.URL().String(), repo, commit)
client := github.New(user.GithubToken)
client.ApiUrl = settings.GitHubApiUrl
buildUrl := getBuildUrl(settings.URL().String(), repo, commit)
return client.Repos.CreateStatus(repo.Owner, repo.Name, status, buildUrl, message, commit.Hash)
return client.Repos.CreateStatus(repo.Owner, repo.Name, status, buildUrl, message, commit.Hash)
return nil
func getBuildUrl(host string, repo *Repo, commit *Commit) string {
func getBuildUrl(host string, repo *repo.Repo, commit *commit.Commit) string {
branchQuery := url.Values{}
branchQuery.Set("branch", commit.Branch)
buildUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s/commit/%s?%s", host, repo.Slug, commit.Hash, branchQuery.Encode())
return buildUrl
type bufferWrapper struct {
buf bytes.Buffer
Reference in New Issue
Block a user