Update web npm deps non-major ( #2909 )
Renovate]( )]( )
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@iconify/json]( )
([source]( )) | [`2.2.143` ->
`2.2.153`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/lodash]( )
([source]( ))
| [`4.14.201` ->
`4.14.202`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/node]( )
([source]( ))
| [`20.9.2` ->
`20.10.3`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
([source]( ))
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/parser]( )
([source]( ))
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@vitejs/plugin-vue]( )
([source]( ))
| [`4.5.0` ->
`4.5.1`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@vue/compiler-sfc]( )
([source]( ))
| [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.10`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [@vueuse/core]( )
([source]( )) |
[`10.6.1` ->
`10.7.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [eslint]( )
([source]( )) | [`8.54.0` ->
`8.55.0`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[eslint-config-prettier]( )
| [`9.0.0` ->
`9.1.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [eslint-plugin-vue]( )
([source]( )) | [`9.18.1` ->
`9.19.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [node-emoji]( ) | [`2.1.1` ->
`2.1.3`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [unplugin-icons]( ) |
[`0.18.0` ->
`0.18.1`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[unplugin-vue-components]( )
| [`^0.25.0` ->
`^0.26.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vite-plugin-windicss]( )
| [`1.9.1` ->
`1.9.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vue]( )
([source]( )) | [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.10`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vue-i18n]( )
([source]( ))
| [`9.7.0` ->
`9.8.0`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vue-tsc]( )
([source]( ))
| [`1.8.22` ->
`1.8.25`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
### Release Notes
<summary>iconify/icon-sets (@​iconify/json)</summary>
[`v2.2.153`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.152`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.151`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.150`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.149`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.148`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.147`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.146`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.145`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.144`]( )
Source]( )
[`v6.13.2`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.1`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[class-methods-use-this] detect a problematic case
for private/protected members if `ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface`
is set
([#​7705]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive with
computed member access and branded key type
([#​7706]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] enum members with
new line or single quotes are not being fixed correctly
([#​7806]( ))
[#​7768]( )
##### Features
- \[member-ordering] add accessor support for member-ordering
([#​7927]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add
requireDefaultForNonUnion option
([#​7880]( ))
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.2`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.1`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
<summary>vuejs/core (@​vue/compiler-sfc)</summary>
[`v3.3.10`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **app:** prevent template from being cached between apps with
different options
([#​9724]( ))
closes [#​9618]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** avoid passing forEach index to genMap
- **compiler-sfc:** deindent pug/jade templates
closes [#​3231]( )
[#​3842]( )
[#​7723]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** fix :where and :is selector in scoped mode with
multiple selectors
([#​9735]( ))
closes [#​9707]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** generate more treeshaking friendly code
([#​9507]( ))
closes [#​9500]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** support inferring generic types
([#​8511]( ))
closes [#​8482]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** support resolving components from props
([#​8785]( ))
- **compiler-sfc:** throw error when failing to load TS during type
resolution ([#​8883]( ))
- **cssVars:** cssVar names should be double-escaped when generating
code for ssr
([#​8824]( ))
closes [#​7823]( )
- **deps:** update compiler to ^7.23.4
([#​9681]( ))
- **runtime-core:** Suspense get anchor properly in Transition
([#​9309]( ))
closes [#​8105]( )
- **runtime-dom:** set width/height with units as attribute
([#​8781]( ))
- **ssr:** avoid computed being accidentally cached before server render
([#​9688]( ))
closes [#​5300]( )
- **types:** expose emits as props in functional components
([#​9234]( ))
- **types:** fix reactive collection types
([#​8960]( ))
closes [#​8904]( )
- **types:** improve return type withKeys and withModifiers
([#​9734]( ))
##### Performance Improvements
- optimize on\* prop check
- **runtime-dom:** cache modifier wrapper functions
closes [#​8882]( )
- **v-on:** constant handlers with modifiers should not be treated as
[`v3.3.9`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **compiler-core:** avoid rewriting scope variables in inline for loops
([#​7245]( ))
closes [#​7238]( )
- **compiler-core:** fix `resolveParserPlugins` decorators check
([#​9566]( ))
closes [#​9560]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** consistently escape type-only prop names
([#​8654]( ))
closes [#​8635]( )
[#​8910]( )
[vitejs/vite-plugin-vue#184 ]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** malformed filename on windows using
([#​9478]( ))
closes [#​8671]( )
[#​9583]( )
[#​9446]( )
[#​9473]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** support `:is` and `:where` selector in scoped css
rewrite ([#​8929]( ))
- **compiler-sfc:** support resolve extends interface for defineEmits
([#​8470]( ))
closes [#​8465]( )
- **hmr/transition:** fix kept-alive component inside transition
disappearing after hmr
([#​7126]( ))
closes [#​7121]( )
- **hydration:** force hydration for v-bind with .prop modifier
closes [#​7490]( )
- **hydration:** properly hydrate indeterminate prop
closes [#​7476]( )
- **reactivity:** clear method on readonly collections should return
undefined ([#​7316]( ))
- **reactivity:** onCleanup also needs to be cleaned
([#​8655]( ))
closes [#​5151]( )
[#​7695]( )
- **ssr:** hydration `__vnode` missing for devtools
([#​9328]( ))
- **types:** allow falsy value types in `StyleValue`
([#​7954]( ))
closes [#​7955]( )
- **types:** defineCustomElement using defineComponent return type with
emits ([#​7937]( ))
closes [#​7782]( )
- **types:** fix `unref` and `toValue` when input union type contains
([#​8748]( ))
closes [#​8747]( )
[#​8857]( )
- **types:** fix instance type when props type is incompatible with
setup returned type
([#​7338]( ))
closes [#​5885]( )
- **types:** fix shallowRef return type with union value type
([#​7853]( ))
closes [#​7852]( )
- **types:** more precise types for class bindings
([#​8012]( ))
- **types:** remove optional properties from defineProps return type
([#​6421]( ))
closes [#​6420]( )
- **types:** return type of withDefaults should be readonly
([#​8601]( ))
- **types:** revert class type restrictions
closes [#​8012]( )
- **types:** update jsx type definitions
([#​8607]( ))
- **types:** widen ClassValue type
- **v-model:** avoid overwriting number input with same value
([#​7004]( ))
closes [#​7003]( )
- **v-model:** unnecessary value binding error should apply to dynamic
instead of static binding
closes [#​3596]( )
<summary>vueuse/vueuse (@​vueuse/core)</summary>
### [`v10.7.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- Upgrade deps - by [@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(fccf2)</samp>]( )
- **isIOS**: Detect new iPad - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(47d2d)</samp>]( )
- **onLongPress**: Add `distanceThreshold` option - by
[@​donaldxdonald]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(0e04a)</samp>]( )
- **tryOnMounted**: Support target arguement - by
[@​tolking]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(f2aeb)</samp>]( )
- **useBreakpoints**: Make parameters reactivity - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(dc624)</samp>]( )
- **useFileDialog**: Trigger onChange when reset - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(7e2da)</samp>]( )
- **useInfiniteScroll**: Add the `canLoadMore` option - by
[@​Alfred-Skyblue]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(e780f)</samp>]( )
- **usePointerSwipe**: Add `disableTextSelect` option - by
[@​aminmokhtari94]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(fd67b)</samp>]( )
- **useTitle**: Restore title on unmounted - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(0ab76)</samp>]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **createEventHook**: Make createEventHook union type can be inferred
correctly - by [@​Doctor-wu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(e48ca)</samp>]( )
- **createEventHook**: `trigger` should not ignore falsy values - by
[@​romansp]( ) and
[@​Alfred-Skyblue]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(3733b)</samp>]( )
- **syncRef**: SyncRef typing issue for boolean - by
[@​s-montigny-desautels]( )
[ ]( )
[<samp>(acb2f)</samp>]( )
- **useAxios**: Reset `isAborted` value on success - by
[@​17359898647]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(4b159)</samp>]( )
- **useDark**: In Vue 2.6 mode.system is undefined - by
[@​Teaghy]( ), **hguan** and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(68688)</samp>]( )
- **useDropZone**: Fix file types filter - by
[@​getname1997]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(8f42a)</samp>]( )
- **useElementVisibility**: Use last intersection entry - by
[@​ziolko-appfire]( ), **Mateusz
Zieliński** and [@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(07d39)</samp>]( )
- **useFetch**: Immediately modify the status after the request is
completed - by [@​tolking]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(3456d)</samp>]( )
- **useFetch**: Clone 'Response' on reading - by
[@​mymx2]( ) and
[@​antfu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[ ]( )
[<samp>(8cbfd)</samp>]( )
- **useMemoize**: Use shallowReactive to wrap Map - by
[@​antfu]( )
[<samp>(fecbe)</samp>]( )
- **useMousePressed**: Change type of element parameter to
MaybeComputedElementRef - by
[@​4350pChris]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(17f97)</samp>]( )
- **useOffsetPagination**: Don't mutate props when it's readonly - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(4dace)</samp>]( )
- **useScreenOrientation**: Add fault tolerance to lock and unlock -
by [@​satrong]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(be3cc)</samp>]( )
- **useStorage**: Fix undefined defaults - by
[@​Doctor-wu]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(04220)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>eslint/eslint (eslint)</summary>
### [`v8.55.0`]( )
Source]( )
#### Features
feat: importNamePattern option in no-restricted-imports
([#​17721]( ))
(Tanuj Kanti)
#### Documentation
docs: fix typo `--rules` -> `--rule`
([#​17806]( ))
(OKURA Masafumi)
docs: remove "Open in Playground" buttons for removed rules
([#​17791]( ))
(Francesco Trotta)
docs: fix correct/incorrect examples of rules
([#​17789]( ))
(Tanuj Kanti)
docs: update and fix examples for `no-unused-vars`
([#​17788]( ))
(Tanuj Kanti)
docs: add specific stylistic rule for each deprecated rule
([#​17778]( ))
#### Chores
chore: upgrade
[@​eslint/js]( )[@​8]( ).55.0
([#​17811]( ))
(Milos Djermanovic)
chore: package.json update for
[@​eslint/js]( ) release (Jenkins)
chore: upgrade
[@​eslint/eslintrc]( )[@​2]( ).1.4
([#​17799]( ))
(Milos Djermanovic)
ci: pin Node.js 21.2.0
([#​17809]( ))
(Milos Djermanovic)
chore: fix several `cli` tests to run in the intended flat config mode
([#​17797]( ))
(Milos Djermanovic)
chore: remove unused config-extends fixtures
([#​17781]( ))
(Milos Djermanovic)
chore: remove formatting/stylistic rules from new rule templates
([#​17780]( ))
(Francesco Trotta)
chore: check rule examples for syntax errors
([#​17718]( ))
(Francesco Trotta)
[`v9.1.0`]( )
Source]( )
- Added: \[unicorn/template-indent], (as a \[special
rule]\[unicorn/template-indent-special]). Thanks to Gürgün Dayıoğlu
([@​gurgunday]( ))!
- Changed: All the \[formatting rules that were deprecated in ESLint
8.53.0]\[deprecated-8.53.0] are now excluded if you set the
<summary>vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)</summary>
[`v9.19.2`]( )
Source]( )
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
[#​2336]( )
Fixed crash for TSFunctionType with `type-literal` option in
`vue/define-emits-declaration` rule
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.19.1`]( )
Source]( )
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
[#​2334]( )
Fixed broken config of `plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended`
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.19.0`]( )
Source]( )
<summary>omnidan/node-emoji (node-emoji)</summary>
[`v2.1.3`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- pin skin-tone to ^2.0.0 and add renovate.json ignoreDeps
[`v2.1.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- add back CJS support, with a test
<summary>unplugin/unplugin-icons (unplugin-icons)</summary>
[`v0.18.1`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- Add Qwik JSX compiler - by
[@​userquin]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(11dcb)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
[`v0.26.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚨 Breaking Changes
- Move to ESM first with dual esm/cjs package exports - by
[@​userquin]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(c15a9)</samp>]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- **antdv**: Add new component - by
[@​selicens]( ) and
[@​undefined-moe]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(97c8d)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>antfu/vite-plugin-windicss (vite-plugin-windicss)</summary>
[`v1.9.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- Search for \*.config.mts as config file - by
[@​webstrand]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(71b6d)</samp>]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **vite-plugin-windicss**: PeerDependencies with better compatibility
- by [@​markthree]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(1d537)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>intlify/vue-i18n-next (vue-i18n)</summary>
[`v9.8.0`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.8.0 -->
#### What's Changed
##### 🌟 Features
- feat: more strictly return type locale detector by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.7.1`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.7.1 -->
#### What's Changed
##### ⚡ Improvement Features
- fix: tweak `@intlify/core` conditional exports by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
<summary>vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)</summary>
[`v1.8.25`]( )
Source]( )
- fix(component-type-helpers): correct type inference for
([#​3766]( ))
- thanks [@​pinguet62]( )
- fix(language-core): camelize props for dynamic component
([#​3774]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
[`v1.8.24`]( )
Source]( )
- refactor(component-type-helpers): vue 2 types now move to
([#​3404]( ))
- feat(language-core): expose `defineEmits`'s `arg` and `typeArg` in
([#​3710]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): `strictTemplates` fails to report unknown
([#​3539]( ))
- fix(language-core): script syntax breaks if script options does not
have trailing comma
([#​3755]( ))
- fix(language-core): script syntax breaks if options are enclosed in
([#​3756]( ))
- fix(language-core): allow using `as` with multiple `<script>` blocks
([#​3733]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): component type narrowing not working in template
- fix(language-core): incremental insertion incorrect if input `<script
setup>` tag above `<script>` tag
([#​3743]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): don't camelize attributes for plain elements
([#​3750]( ))
- thanks [@​rchl]( )
- fix(vscode): syntax highlighting for `.prop` shorthand
([#​3729]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
##### Volar.js 1.11.1 updates:
- fix: browser integration no longer requires node polyfill
([ ]( ))
- fix: document continuous change merge results are incorrect in
([ ]( ))
- thanks [@​browsnet]( )
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "every weekend" (UTC), Automerge -
"before 4am" (UTC).
🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( ) if
that's undesired.
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( ). View
repository job log
[here]( ).
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2023-12-06 14:20:59 +01:00
Unify date/time dependencies ( #2891 )
Remove all date/time-related dependencies from the ui except `dayjs` and
use `dayjs` for all tasks.
Co-authored-by: pre-commit-ci[bot] <66853113+pre-commit-ci[bot]>
2023-12-04 12:46:24 +01:00
Update dependency vite-svg-loader to v5 ( #2837 )
2023-12-02 08:16:09 +01:00
Update web npm deps non-major ( #2895 )
[![Mend Renovate logo
banner]( )]( )
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@iconify/json]( )
([source]( )) | [`2.2.143` ->
`2.2.150`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/javascript-time-ago]( )
([source]( )) |
[`2.0.7` ->
`2.0.8`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/lodash]( )
([source]( )) |
[`4.14.201` ->
`4.14.202`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/node]( )
([source]( )) |
[`20.9.2` ->
`20.10.1`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.1`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/parser]( )
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.1`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@vue/compiler-sfc]( )
([source]( )) | [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.9`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [eslint-plugin-vue]( )
([source]( )) | [`9.18.1` ->
`9.19.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [node-emoji]( ) | [`2.1.1` ->
`2.1.3`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [unplugin-icons]( ) |
[`^0.17.0` ->
`^0.18.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vite]( )
([source]( )) | [`5.0.0` ->
`5.0.4`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vite-plugin-windicss]( )
| [`1.9.1` ->
`1.9.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vue]( )
([source]( )) | [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.9`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vue-i18n]( )
([source]( )) | [`9.7.0` ->
`9.8.0`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vue-tsc]( ) | [`1.8.22` ->
`1.8.24`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
### Release Notes
<summary>iconify/icon-sets (@​iconify/json)</summary>
[`v2.2.150`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.149`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.148`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.147`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.146`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.145`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.144`]( )
Source]( )
[`v6.13.1`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[class-methods-use-this] detect a problematic case
for private/protected members if `ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface`
is set
([#​7705]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive with
computed member access and branded key type
([#​7706]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] enum members with
new line or single quotes are not being fixed correctly
([#​7806]( ))
[#​7768]( )
##### Features
- \[member-ordering] add accessor support for member-ordering
([#​7927]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add
requireDefaultForNonUnion option
([#​7880]( ))
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.1`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
<summary>vuejs/core (@​vue/compiler-sfc)</summary>
[`v3.3.9`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **compiler-core:** avoid rewriting scope variables in inline for loops
([#​7245]( ))
closes [#​7238]( )
- **compiler-core:** fix `resolveParserPlugins` decorators check
([#​9566]( ))
closes [#​9560]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** consistently escape type-only prop names
([#​8654]( ))
closes [#​8635]( )
[#​8910]( )
[vitejs/vite-plugin-vue#184 ]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** malformed filename on windows using
([#​9478]( ))
closes [#​8671]( )
[#​9583]( )
[#​9446]( )
[#​9473]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** support `:is` and `:where` selector in scoped css
rewrite ([#​8929]( ))
- **compiler-sfc:** support resolve extends interface for defineEmits
([#​8470]( ))
closes [#​8465]( )
- **hmr/transition:** fix kept-alive component inside transition
disappearing after hmr
([#​7126]( ))
closes [#​7121]( )
- **hydration:** force hydration for v-bind with .prop modifier
closes [#​7490]( )
- **hydration:** properly hydrate indeterminate prop
closes [#​7476]( )
- **reactivity:** clear method on readonly collections should return
undefined ([#​7316]( ))
- **reactivity:** onCleanup also needs to be cleaned
([#​8655]( ))
closes [#​5151]( )
[#​7695]( )
- **ssr:** hydration `__vnode` missing for devtools
([#​9328]( ))
- **types:** allow falsy value types in `StyleValue`
([#​7954]( ))
closes [#​7955]( )
- **types:** defineCustomElement using defineComponent return type with
emits ([#​7937]( ))
closes [#​7782]( )
- **types:** fix `unref` and `toValue` when input union type contains
([#​8748]( ))
closes [#​8747]( )
[#​8857]( )
- **types:** fix instance type when props type is incompatible with
setup returned type
([#​7338]( ))
closes [#​5885]( )
- **types:** fix shallowRef return type with union value type
([#​7853]( ))
closes [#​7852]( )
- **types:** more precise types for class bindings
([#​8012]( ))
- **types:** remove optional properties from defineProps return type
([#​6421]( ))
closes [#​6420]( )
- **types:** return type of withDefaults should be readonly
([#​8601]( ))
- **types:** revert class type restrictions
closes [#​8012]( )
- **types:** update jsx type definitions
([#​8607]( ))
- **types:** widen ClassValue type
- **v-model:** avoid overwriting number input with same value
([#​7004]( ))
closes [#​7003]( )
- **v-model:** unnecessary value binding error should apply to dynamic
instead of static binding
closes [#​3596]( )
<summary>vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)</summary>
[`v9.19.2`]( )
Source]( )
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
[#​2336]( )
Fixed crash for TSFunctionType with `type-literal` option in
`vue/define-emits-declaration` rule
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.19.1`]( )
Source]( )
#### 🐛 Bug Fixes
[#​2334]( )
Fixed broken config of `plugin:vue/vue3-strongly-recommended`
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.19.0`]( )
Source]( )
<summary>omnidan/node-emoji (node-emoji)</summary>
[`v2.1.3`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- pin skin-tone to ^2.0.0 and add renovate.json ignoreDeps
[`v2.1.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- add back CJS support, with a test
<summary>unplugin/unplugin-icons (unplugin-icons)</summary>
[`v0.18.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚨 Breaking Changes
- Include dual cjs/esm in package exports - by
[@​userquin]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(67642)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>vitejs/vite (vite)</summary>
[`v5.0.4`]( )
Source]( )
- fix: bindCLIShortcuts to proper server
([#​15162]( ))
([67ac572]( )), closes
[#​15162]( )
- fix: revert "fix: js fallback sourcemap content should be using
original content
([#​15135]( ))"
([#​15178]( ))
([d2a2493]( )), closes
[#​15135]( )
[#​15178]( )
- fix(define): allow define process.env
([#​15173]( ))
([ec401da]( )), closes
[#​15173]( )
- fix(resolve): respect order of browser in mainFields when resolving
([#​15137]( ))
([4a111aa]( )), closes
[#​15137]( )
- feat: preserve vite.middlewares connect instance after restarts
([#​15166]( ))
([9474c4b]( )), closes
[#​15166]( )
- refactor: align with Promise.withResolvers()
([#​15171]( ))
([642f9bc]( )), closes
[#​15171]( )
[`v5.0.3`]( )
Source]( )
- fix: `generateCodeFrame` infinite loop
([#​15093]( ))
([6619de7]( )), closes
[#​15093]( )
- fix: js fallback sourcemap content should be using original content
([#​15135]( ))
([227d56d]( )), closes
[#​15135]( )
- fix(css): render correct asset url when CSS chunk name is nested
([#​15154]( ))
([ef403c0]( )), closes
[#​15154]( )
- fix(css): use non-nested chunk name if facadeModule is not CSS file
([#​15155]( ))
([811e392]( )), closes
[#​15155]( )
- fix(dev): bind plugin context functions
([#​14569]( ))
([cb3243c]( )), closes
[#​14569]( )
- chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies
([#​15145]( ))
([7ff2c0a]( )), closes
[#​15145]( )
- build: handle latest json-stable-stringify replacement
([#​15049]( ))
([bcc4a61]( )), closes
[#​15049]( )
[`v5.0.2`]( )
Source]( )
- fix: make htmlFallback more permissive
([#​15059]( ))
([6fcceeb]( )), closes
[#​15059]( )
[`v5.0.1`]( )
- test: avoid read check when running as root
([#​14884]( ))
([1d9516c]( )), closes
[#​14884]( )
- perf(hmr): skip traversed modules when checking circular imports
([#​15034]( ))
([41e437f]( )), closes
[#​15034]( )
- fix: run htmlFallbackMiddleware for no accept header requests
([#​15025]( ))
([b93dfe3]( )), closes
[#​15025]( )
- fix: update type CSSModulesOptions interface
([#​14987]( ))
([d0b2153]( )), closes
[#​14987]( )
- fix(legacy): error in build with --watch and manifest enabled
([#​14450]( ))
([b9ee620]( )), closes
[#​14450]( )
- chore: add comment about crossorigin attribute for script module
([#​15040]( ))
([03c371e]( )), closes
[#​15040]( )
- chore: cleanup v5 beta changelog
([#​14694]( ))
([531d3cb]( )), closes
[#​14694]( )
<summary>antfu/vite-plugin-windicss (vite-plugin-windicss)</summary>
[`v1.9.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- Search for \*.config.mts as config file - by
[@​webstrand]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(71b6d)</samp>]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **vite-plugin-windicss**: PeerDependencies with better compatibility
- by [@​markthree]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(1d537)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>intlify/vue-i18n-next (vue-i18n)</summary>
[`v9.8.0`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.8.0 -->
#### What's Changed
##### 🌟 Features
- feat: more strictly return type locale detector by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.7.1`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.7.1 -->
#### What's Changed
##### ⚡ Improvement Features
- fix: tweak `@intlify/core` conditional exports by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
<summary>vuejs/language-tools (vue-tsc)</summary>
[`v1.8.24`]( )
Source]( )
- refactor(component-type-helpers): vue 2 types now move to
([#​3404]( ))
- feat(language-core): expose `defineEmits`'s `arg` and `typeArg` in
([#​3710]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): `strictTemplates` fails to report unknown
([#​3539]( ))
- fix(language-core): script syntax breaks if script options does not
have trailing comma
([#​3755]( ))
- fix(language-core): script syntax breaks if options are enclosed in
([#​3756]( ))
- fix(language-core): allow using `as` with multiple `<script>` blocks
([#​3733]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): component type narrowing not working in template
- fix(language-core): incremental insertion incorrect if input `<script
setup>` tag above `<script>` tag
([#​3743]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
- fix(language-core): don't camelize attributes for plain elements
([#​3750]( ))
- thanks [@​rchl]( )
- fix(vscode): syntax highlighting for `.prop` shorthand
([#​3729]( ))
- thanks [@​so1ve]( )
##### Volar.js 1.11.1 updates:
- fix: browser integration no longer requires node polyfill
([ ]( ))
- fix: document continuous change merge results are incorrect in
([ ]( ))
- thanks [@​browsnet]( )
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "every weekend" (UTC), Automerge -
"before 4am" (UTC).
🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( ) if
that's undesired.
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( ). View
repository job log
[here]( ).
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2023-12-01 07:36:04 +01:00
Update web npm deps non-major ( #2884 )
[![Mend Renovate logo
banner]( )]( )
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [@iconify/json]( )
([source]( )) | [`2.2.143` ->
`2.2.147`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/javascript-time-ago]( )
([source]( )) |
[`2.0.7` ->
`2.0.8`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/lodash]( )
([source]( )) |
[`4.14.201` ->
`4.14.202`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@types/node]( )
([source]( )) |
[`20.9.2` ->
`20.10.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@typescript-eslint/parser]( )
| [`6.11.0` ->
`6.13.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[@vue/compiler-sfc]( )
([source]( )) | [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.9`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [node-emoji]( ) | [`2.1.1` ->
`2.1.3`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [typescript]( )
([source]( )) | [`5.2.2` ->
`5.3.2`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vite]( )
([source]( )) | [`5.0.0` ->
`5.0.2`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vite-plugin-windicss]( )
| [`1.9.1` ->
`1.9.2`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
| [vue]( )
([source]( )) | [`3.3.8` ->
`3.3.9`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
[vue-i18n]( )
([source]( )) | [`9.7.0` ->
`9.8.0`]( ) |
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
### Release Notes
<summary>iconify/icon-sets (@​iconify/json)</summary>
[`v2.2.147`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.146`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.145`]( )
Source]( )
[`v2.2.144`]( )
Source]( )
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **eslint-plugin:** \[class-methods-use-this] detect a problematic case
for private/protected members if `ignoreClassesThatImplementAnInterface`
is set
([#​7705]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive with
computed member access and branded key type
([#​7706]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] enum members with
new line or single quotes are not being fixed correctly
([#​7806]( ))
[#​7768]( )
##### Features
- \[member-ordering] add accessor support for member-ordering
([#​7927]( ))
- **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add
requireDefaultForNonUnion option
([#​7880]( ))
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.13.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
[`v6.12.0`]( )
Source]( )
**Note:** Version bump only for package
[@​typescript-eslint/parser]( )
You can read about our [versioning
strategy]( )
[releases]( )
on our website.
<summary>vuejs/core (@​vue/compiler-sfc)</summary>
[`v3.3.9`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- **compiler-core:** avoid rewriting scope variables in inline for loops
([#​7245]( ))
closes [#​7238]( )
- **compiler-core:** fix `resolveParserPlugins` decorators check
([#​9566]( ))
closes [#​9560]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** consistently escape type-only prop names
([#​8654]( ))
closes [#​8635]( )
[#​8910]( )
[vitejs/vite-plugin-vue#184 ]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** malformed filename on windows using
([#​9478]( ))
closes [#​8671]( )
[#​9583]( )
[#​9446]( )
[#​9473]( )
- **compiler-sfc:** support `:is` and `:where` selector in scoped css
rewrite ([#​8929]( ))
- **compiler-sfc:** support resolve extends interface for defineEmits
([#​8470]( ))
closes [#​8465]( )
- **hmr/transition:** fix kept-alive component inside transition
disappearing after hmr
([#​7126]( ))
closes [#​7121]( )
- **hydration:** force hydration for v-bind with .prop modifier
closes [#​7490]( )
- **hydration:** properly hydrate indeterminate prop
closes [#​7476]( )
- **reactivity:** clear method on readonly collections should return
undefined ([#​7316]( ))
- **reactivity:** onCleanup also needs to be cleaned
([#​8655]( ))
closes [#​5151]( )
[#​7695]( )
- **ssr:** hydration `__vnode` missing for devtools
([#​9328]( ))
- **types:** allow falsy value types in `StyleValue`
([#​7954]( ))
closes [#​7955]( )
- **types:** defineCustomElement using defineComponent return type with
emits ([#​7937]( ))
closes [#​7782]( )
- **types:** fix `unref` and `toValue` when input union type contains
([#​8748]( ))
closes [#​8747]( )
[#​8857]( )
- **types:** fix instance type when props type is incompatible with
setup returned type
([#​7338]( ))
closes [#​5885]( )
- **types:** fix shallowRef return type with union value type
([#​7853]( ))
closes [#​7852]( )
- **types:** more precise types for class bindings
([#​8012]( ))
- **types:** remove optional properties from defineProps return type
([#​6421]( ))
closes [#​6420]( )
- **types:** return type of withDefaults should be readonly
([#​8601]( ))
- **types:** revert class type restrictions
closes [#​8012]( )
- **types:** update jsx type definitions
([#​8607]( ))
- **types:** widen ClassValue type
- **v-model:** avoid overwriting number input with same value
([#​7004]( ))
closes [#​7003]( )
- **v-model:** unnecessary value binding error should apply to dynamic
instead of static binding
closes [#​3596]( )
<summary>omnidan/node-emoji (node-emoji)</summary>
[`v2.1.3`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- pin skin-tone to ^2.0.0 and add renovate.json ignoreDeps
[`v2.1.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### Bug Fixes
- add back CJS support, with a test
<summary>Microsoft/TypeScript (typescript)</summary>
[`v5.3.2`]( ):
TypeScript 5.3
Source]( )
For release notes, check out the [release
announcement]( ).
For the complete list of fixed issues, check out the
- [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.3.0
(Beta)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.3.0%22+is%3Aclosed+ ).
- [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.3.1
(RC)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.3.1%22+is%3Aclosed+ ).
- [fixed issues query for Typescript 5.3.2
(Stable)](\&q=milestone%3A%22TypeScript+5.3.2%22+is%3Aclosed+ ).
Downloads are available on:
- [NuGet
package]( )
<summary>vitejs/vite (vite)</summary>
[`v5.0.2`]( )
Source]( )
- fix: make htmlFallback more permissive
([#​15059]( ))
([6fcceeb]( )), closes
[#​15059]( )
[`v5.0.1`]( )
- test: avoid read check when running as root
([#​14884]( ))
([1d9516c]( )), closes
[#​14884]( )
- perf(hmr): skip traversed modules when checking circular imports
([#​15034]( ))
([41e437f]( )), closes
[#​15034]( )
- fix: run htmlFallbackMiddleware for no accept header requests
([#​15025]( ))
([b93dfe3]( )), closes
[#​15025]( )
- fix: update type CSSModulesOptions interface
([#​14987]( ))
([d0b2153]( )), closes
[#​14987]( )
- fix(legacy): error in build with --watch and manifest enabled
([#​14450]( ))
([b9ee620]( )), closes
[#​14450]( )
- chore: add comment about crossorigin attribute for script module
([#​15040]( ))
([03c371e]( )), closes
[#​15040]( )
- chore: cleanup v5 beta changelog
([#​14694]( ))
([531d3cb]( )), closes
[#​14694]( )
<summary>antfu/vite-plugin-windicss (vite-plugin-windicss)</summary>
[`v1.9.2`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚀 Features
- Search for \*.config.mts as config file - by
[@​webstrand]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(71b6d)</samp>]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **vite-plugin-windicss**: PeerDependencies with better compatibility
- by [@​markthree]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(1d537)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
<summary>intlify/vue-i18n-next (vue-i18n)</summary>
[`v9.8.0`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.8.0 -->
#### What's Changed
##### 🌟 Features
- feat: more strictly return type locale detector by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
[`v9.7.1`]( )
Source]( )
This changelog is generated by [GitHub
Releases]( )
<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml
at v9.7.1 -->
#### What's Changed
##### ⚡ Improvement Features
- fix: tweak `@intlify/core` conditional exports by
[@​kazupon]( ) in
[ ]( )
**Full Changelog**:
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "every weekend" (UTC), Automerge -
"before 4am" (UTC).
🚦 **Automerge**: Enabled.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( ) if
that's undesired.
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( ). View
repository job log
[here]( ).
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
2023-11-28 05:09:09 +01:00
Update dependency vite to v5 ( #2836 )
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2023-11-19 15:12:26 +01:00
Fix sidepanel not closable via button ( #2772 )
2023-11-07 14:22:08 +01:00
fix(deps): update dependency fuse.js to v7 ( #2666 )
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2023-10-28 21:31:34 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency @types/node to v20 ( #2664 )
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
2023-10-28 21:17:32 +02:00
chore(deps): update web npm deps non-major ( #2661 )
2023-10-28 08:19:29 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency ansi_up to v6 ( #2431 )
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
2023-09-15 09:18:04 +01:00
chore(deps): update web npm deps non-major ( #2461 )
2023-09-15 08:39:21 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency node-emoji to v2 ( #2435 )
2023-09-11 08:01:55 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency @vueuse/core to v10 ( #2430 )
2023-09-10 14:37:39 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency @kyvg/vue3-notification to v3 ( #2427 )
2023-09-10 12:50:57 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to v1 ( #2426 )
2023-09-10 12:43:03 +02:00
chore(deps): update typescript-eslint monorepo to v6 (major) ( #2425 )
2023-09-10 12:34:50 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency prettier to v3 ( #2420 )
2023-09-10 11:01:52 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v9 ( #2415 )
2023-09-10 10:48:51 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-vue-components to ^0.25.0 ( #2395 )
2023-09-08 17:30:08 +02:00
fix(deps): update dependency @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n to ^0.13.0 ( #2398 )
2023-09-08 17:20:38 +02:00
chore(deps): update dependency unplugin-icons to ^0.17.0 ( #2394 )
Renovate]( )]( )
This PR contains the following updates:
| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
| [unplugin-icons]( ) |
[`^0.16.3` ->
`^0.17.0`]( )
[![age]( )]( )
[![adoption]( )]( )
[![passing]( )]( )
[![confidence]( )]( )
### ⚠ Dependency Lookup Warnings ⚠
Warnings were logged while processing this repo. Please check the
Dependency Dashboard for more information.
### Release Notes
<summary>antfu/unplugin-icons (unplugin-icons)</summary>
[`v0.17.0`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🚨 Breaking Changes
- Add support for Svelte 4 - by
[@​userquin]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(263a9)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
[`v0.16.6`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- **compiler-solid**: Props replacement not working with multiline
starttags - by
[@​NathanHuisman]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(5668f)</samp>]( )
- **types**: Fix type errors - by
[@​zyyv]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(79412)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
[`v0.16.5`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Explicit .cjs and .mjs extension - by
[@​antfu]( )
[<samp>(45bc0)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
[`v0.16.4`]( )
Source]( )
##### 🐞 Bug Fixes
- Update qwik support - by
[@​michaelhthomas]( ) in
[ ]( )
[<samp>(d3a85)</samp>]( )
##### [View changes on
GitHub]( )
### Configuration
📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).
🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.
♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.
🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update
- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box
This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( ). View
repository job log
[here]( ).
Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
2023-09-08 17:10:08 +02:00
Robert Kaussow
close sidebar on outside click ( #2325 )
[record.webm]( )
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
2023-09-07 22:28:36 +02:00
Use browser-native tooltips ( #2189 )
Replace the `floating-vue` library with the browser-native tooltips.
Reduces `dist` size by 45KB.
2023-08-20 15:07:27 +02:00
Fix UI and backend paths with subpath ( #1799 )
I'm not sure if this is an ideal fix for this, but it seems to work for
me. If you have another idea just let me know.
Closes #1798
Closes #1773
2023-08-07 16:05:18 +02:00
lint en.json locales file ( #2108 )
make sure we don't have another #2107
2023-08-03 23:11:52 +02:00
Robert Kaussow
Use consistent woodpecker color scheme ( #2003 )
What do you think about using a consistent `woodpecker` color scheme?
Right now, the `lime` color scheme from windicss is used that does not
really fit the primary color used for the documentation website. I have
used the primary color `#4CAF50` from the docs and created a color
palette with :
<summary>JSON source</summary>
"paletteName": "New Palette",
"swatches": [
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "166E30"
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "248438"
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "369943"
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "4CAF50"
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "68C464"
"name": "New Swatch",
"color": "8AD97F"
![image]( )
I have added this color scheme to the windicss config and replaced the
use of `lime` in the UI. While `woodpecker-300` would be the primary
color that is used for the docs, I currently use `woodpecke-400` as
primary color for the UI to fix some contrast issues.
![image]( )
![image]( )
What do you think? If you would like to stay with the current colors,
that's fine for me, I can just use the custom CSS feature in this case.
Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
2023-08-02 09:09:12 +02:00
Overwrite web dep version ( #1919 )
This reverts commit b49cf64949107f993b8c4fac74035a5f477c2334 and
and close #1900
2023-07-03 07:52:25 +02:00
pnpm update
(#1902 )
Using a simple `pnpm update` didn't fix any of the issues in #1900 but
it fixes some vulnerabilities shown with `pnpm audit`. I didn't try to
force-update `semver` to fix the security vulnerability there.
Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
2023-07-02 12:47:36 +02:00
Lauris BH
Update pnpm lock file version ( #1688 )
Fixes CI fronted failure
Also update frontend dependecies
2023-04-02 13:03:23 +02:00
Lauris BH
Implement visual display of queue statistics ( #1657 )
Light mode:
![attels]( )
Dark mode:
![attels]( )
2023-03-20 18:08:53 +01:00
Lauris BH
Update frontend dependencies ( #1655 )
Also fixes bug that wrong message is displayed when updating user
2023-03-20 00:07:18 +01:00
web: remove unused @meforma/vue-toaster ( #1403 )
2022-11-06 20:52:13 +01:00
Update all dependencies ( #1291 )
2022-10-19 10:15:58 +02:00
Add ability to trigger manual builds ( #1156 )
closes #83
closes #240
Co-authored-by: Anbraten <>
Co-authored-by: qwerty287 <>
Co-authored-by: 6543 <>
2022-09-27 11:05:00 +02:00
Lauris BH
Add option to turn on and off automatic log scrolling ( #1149 )
* Add option to turn on and off log automatic scrolling
* Use vueuse storage helper
2022-09-01 20:35:34 +02:00
Lauris BH
Install missing peer dependency ( #1106 )
2022-08-14 15:37:50 +02:00
Lauris BH
Add syntax highlighting for pipeline config ( #1082 )
2022-08-09 17:39:45 +02:00
Update dependencies and tiny adjustments to UI ( #1083 )
- updated all web/ dependencies
- fixed icon positioning issue
- changed text color of pipeline message
- add hover underline effect to breadcrumb org name
2022-08-09 14:13:32 +02:00
Lauris BH
Remove xterm and use ansi converter for logs ( #1067 )
* Steaming works without flickering
* Text can be correctly copied
* Show only selected step output when streaming
* Improved exit code colors for better readability
* Adds time display on right side
When compiled assets/Build.js size was 355K, now it is 26K
Fixes #1012
Fixes #998
Co-authored-by: Anbraten <>
2022-08-08 15:29:52 +02:00
Use xterm.js for log outputs ( #846 )
- use xterm
- improve error showing
- show build erro
2022-06-16 19:24:27 +02:00
Support localized web UI ( #912 )
* Add support for localization
* Add docs & format code
* Add lib to docs
2022-05-16 21:18:48 +02:00
Add editing of secrets and registries ( #823 )
2022-03-02 00:19:33 +01:00
Follow-up for date tooltip ( #766 )
- load the Tooltip component on demand
- to show date in format same to Github and Gitea use it for commit ago time tooltips
2022-02-14 11:02:17 +01:00
Show date time on hover over time items ( #756 )
Adds a tooltip that shows the date and time when hovering over "created at" times.
2022-02-08 17:41:16 -05:00
Replace deprecated eslint airbnb typescript config ( #587 )
2021-12-10 03:54:47 +01:00
Rewrite of WebUI ( #245 )
Rewrite of the UI using Typescript, Vue3, Windicss and Vite. The design should be close to the current one with some changes:
- latest pipeline in a sidebar on the right
- secrets and registry as part of the repo-settings (secrets and registry entries shouldn't be used as much so they can be "hidden" under settings IMO)
- start page shows list of active repositories with button to enable / add new ones (currently you see all repositories and in most cases you only add new repositories once in a while)
2021-11-03 17:40:31 +01:00
pin ua-parser-js versions to ^0.7.30 ( #467 )
2021-10-24 12:58:56 +02:00
Alex Eftimie
Fix lint
2021-05-27 07:06:55 +02:00
Laszlo Fogas
Revert "Bump webpack-dev-server from 2.11.5 to 3.1.11 in /web"
This reverts commit 2bfa5732b6e05a7eb41231517389192a5399a7c4.
2021-02-26 08:49:19 +01:00