package envconfig_test import ( "fmt" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "time" "" ) func TestParseSimpleConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Name string Log struct { Path string } } // Go 1.2 and 1.3 don't have os.Unsetenv os.Setenv("NAME", "") os.Setenv("LOG_PATH", "") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) equals(t, "envconfig: key NAME not found", err.Error()) os.Setenv("NAME", "foobar") err = envconfig.Init(&conf) equals(t, "envconfig: key LOG_PATH not found", err.Error()) os.Setenv("LOG_PATH", "/var/log/foobar") err = envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, "foobar", conf.Name) equals(t, "/var/log/foobar", conf.Log.Path) } func TestParseIntegerConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Port int Long uint64 Version uint8 } timestamp := time.Now().UnixNano() os.Setenv("PORT", "80") os.Setenv("LONG", fmt.Sprintf("%d", timestamp)) os.Setenv("VERSION", "2") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, 80, conf.Port) equals(t, uint64(timestamp), conf.Long) equals(t, uint8(2), conf.Version) } func TestParseBoolConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { DoIt bool } os.Setenv("DOIT", "true") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, true, conf.DoIt) } func TestParseBytesConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Data []byte } os.Setenv("DATA", "Rk9PQkFS") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, []byte("FOOBAR"), conf.Data) } func TestParseFloatConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Delta float32 DeltaV float64 } os.Setenv("DELTA", "0.02") os.Setenv("DELTAV", "400.20000000001") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, float32(0.02), conf.Delta) equals(t, float64(400.20000000001), conf.DeltaV) } func TestParseSliceConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Names []string Ports []int Shards []struct { Name string Addr string } } os.Setenv("NAMES", "foobar,barbaz") os.Setenv("PORTS", "900,100") os.Setenv("SHARDS", "{foobar,localhost:2929},{barbaz,localhost:2828}") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, 2, len(conf.Names)) equals(t, "foobar", conf.Names[0]) equals(t, "barbaz", conf.Names[1]) equals(t, 2, len(conf.Ports)) equals(t, 900, conf.Ports[0]) equals(t, 100, conf.Ports[1]) equals(t, 2, len(conf.Shards)) equals(t, "foobar", conf.Shards[0].Name) equals(t, "localhost:2929", conf.Shards[0].Addr) equals(t, "barbaz", conf.Shards[1].Name) equals(t, "localhost:2828", conf.Shards[1].Addr) } func TestDurationConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Timeout time.Duration } os.Setenv("TIMEOUT", "1m") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, time.Minute*1, conf.Timeout) } func TestInvalidDurationConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Timeout time.Duration } os.Setenv("TIMEOUT", "foo") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) assert(t, err != nil, "err should not be nil") } func TestAllPointerConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Name *string Port *int Delta *float32 DeltaV *float64 Hosts *[]string Shards *[]*struct { Name *string Addr *string } Master *struct { Name *string Addr *string } Timeout *time.Duration } os.Setenv("NAME", "foobar") os.Setenv("PORT", "9000") os.Setenv("DELTA", "40.01") os.Setenv("DELTAV", "200.00001") os.Setenv("HOSTS", "localhost,") os.Setenv("SHARDS", "{foobar,localhost:2828},{barbaz,localhost:2929}") os.Setenv("MASTER_NAME", "master") os.Setenv("MASTER_ADDR", "localhost:2727") os.Setenv("TIMEOUT", "1m") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, "foobar", *conf.Name) equals(t, 9000, *conf.Port) equals(t, float32(40.01), *conf.Delta) equals(t, 200.00001, *conf.DeltaV) equals(t, 2, len(*conf.Hosts)) equals(t, "localhost", (*conf.Hosts)[0]) equals(t, "", (*conf.Hosts)[1]) equals(t, 2, len(*conf.Shards)) equals(t, "foobar", *(*conf.Shards)[0].Name) equals(t, "localhost:2828", *(*conf.Shards)[0].Addr) equals(t, "barbaz", *(*conf.Shards)[1].Name) equals(t, "localhost:2929", *(*conf.Shards)[1].Addr) equals(t, "master", *conf.Master.Name) equals(t, "localhost:2727", *conf.Master.Addr) equals(t, time.Minute*1, *conf.Timeout) } type logMode uint const ( logFile logMode = iota + 1 logStdout ) func (m *logMode) Unmarshal(s string) error { switch strings.ToLower(s) { case "file": *m = logFile case "stdout": *m = logStdout default: return fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal %s", s) } return nil } func TestUnmarshaler(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { LogMode logMode } os.Setenv("LOGMODE", "file") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, logFile, conf.LogMode) } func TestParseOptionalConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Name string `envconfig:"optional"` Flag bool `envconfig:"optional"` Timeout time.Duration `envconfig:"optional"` Port int `envconfig:"optional"` Port2 uint `envconfig:"optional"` Delta float32 `envconfig:"optional"` DeltaV float64 `envconfig:"optional"` Slice []string `envconfig:"optional"` Struct struct { A string B int } `envconfig:"optional"` } os.Setenv("NAME", "") os.Setenv("FLAG", "") os.Setenv("TIMEOUT", "") os.Setenv("PORT", "") os.Setenv("PORT2", "") os.Setenv("DELTA", "") os.Setenv("DELTAV", "") os.Setenv("SLICE", "") os.Setenv("STRUCT", "") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, "", conf.Name) } func TestParseSkippableConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Flag bool `envconfig:"-"` } os.Setenv("FLAG", "true") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, false, conf.Flag) } func TestParseCustomNameConfig(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Name string `envconfig:"customName"` } os.Setenv("customName", "foobar") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, "foobar", conf.Name) } func TestParseOptionalStruct(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Master struct { Name string } `envconfig:"optional"` } os.Setenv("MASTER_NAME", "") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) ok(t, err) equals(t, "", conf.Master.Name) } func TestParsePrefixedStruct(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { Name string } os.Setenv("NAME", "") os.Setenv("FOO_NAME", "") os.Setenv("NAME", "bad") err := envconfig.InitWithPrefix(&conf, "FOO") assert(t, err != nil, "err should not be nil") os.Setenv("FOO_NAME", "good") err = envconfig.InitWithPrefix(&conf, "FOO") ok(t, err) equals(t, "good", conf.Name) } func TestUnexportedField(t *testing.T) { var conf struct { name string } os.Setenv("NAME", "foobar") err := envconfig.Init(&conf) equals(t, envconfig.ErrUnexportedField, err) } // assert fails the test if the condition is false. func assert(tb testing.TB, condition bool, msg string, v ...interface{}) { if !condition { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1) fmt.Printf("\033[31m%s:%d: "+msg+"\033[39m\n\n", append([]interface{}{filepath.Base(file), line}, v...)...) tb.FailNow() } } // ok fails the test if an err is not nil. func ok(tb testing.TB, err error) { if err != nil { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1) fmt.Printf("\033[31m%s:%d: unexpected error: %s\033[39m\n\n", filepath.Base(file), line, err.Error()) tb.FailNow() } } // equals fails the test if exp is not equal to act. func equals(tb testing.TB, exp, act interface{}) { if !reflect.DeepEqual(exp, act) { _, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(1) fmt.Printf("\033[31m%s:%d:\n\n\texp: %#v\n\n\tgot: %#v\033[39m\n\n", filepath.Base(file), line, exp, act) tb.FailNow() } }