// Copyright 2022 Woodpecker Authors // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package kubernetes import ( "context" "fmt" "maps" "strings" "github.com/rs/zerolog/log" v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v2/pipeline/backend/common" "go.woodpecker-ci.org/woodpecker/v2/pipeline/backend/types" ) const ( StepLabel = "step" ) func mkPod(namespace, name, image, workDir, goos, serviceAccountName string, pool, privileged bool, commands, vols, pullSecretNames []string, labels, annotations, env, nodeSelector map[string]string, extraHosts []types.HostAlias, tolerations []types.Toleration, resources types.Resources, securityContext *types.SecurityContext, securityContextConfig SecurityContextConfig, ) (*v1.Pod, error) { var err error meta := podMeta(name, namespace, labels, annotations) spec, err := podSpec(serviceAccountName, vols, pullSecretNames, env, nodeSelector, extraHosts, tolerations, securityContext, securityContextConfig) if err != nil { return nil, err } container, err := podContainer(name, image, workDir, goos, pool, privileged, commands, vols, env, resources, securityContext) if err != nil { return nil, err } spec.Containers = append(spec.Containers, container) pod := &v1.Pod{ ObjectMeta: meta, Spec: spec, } return pod, nil } func podName(step *types.Step) (string, error) { return dnsName(step.Name) } func podMeta(name, namespace string, labels, annotations map[string]string) metav1.ObjectMeta { meta := metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Namespace: namespace, Annotations: annotations, } if labels == nil { labels = make(map[string]string, 1) } labels[StepLabel] = name meta.Labels = labels return meta } func podSpec(serviceAccountName string, vols, pullSecretNames []string, env, backendNodeSelector map[string]string, extraHosts []types.HostAlias, backendTolerations []types.Toleration, securityContext *types.SecurityContext, securityContextConfig SecurityContextConfig, ) (v1.PodSpec, error) { var err error spec := v1.PodSpec{ RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever, ServiceAccountName: serviceAccountName, ImagePullSecrets: imagePullSecretsReferences(pullSecretNames), } spec.HostAliases = hostAliases(extraHosts) spec.NodeSelector = nodeSelector(backendNodeSelector, env["CI_SYSTEM_PLATFORM"]) spec.Tolerations = tolerations(backendTolerations) spec.SecurityContext = podSecurityContext(securityContext, securityContextConfig) spec.Volumes, err = volumes(vols) if err != nil { return spec, err } return spec, nil } func podContainer(name, image, workDir, goos string, pull, privileged bool, commands, volumes []string, env map[string]string, resources types.Resources, securityContext *types.SecurityContext, ) (v1.Container, error) { var err error container := v1.Container{ Name: name, Image: image, WorkingDir: workDir, } if pull { container.ImagePullPolicy = v1.PullAlways } if len(commands) != 0 { scriptEnv, command, args := common.GenerateContainerConf(commands, goos) container.Command = command container.Args = args maps.Copy(env, scriptEnv) } container.Env = mapToEnvVars(env) container.SecurityContext = containerSecurityContext(securityContext, privileged) container.Resources, err = resourceRequirements(resources) if err != nil { return container, err } container.VolumeMounts, err = volumeMounts(volumes) if err != nil { return container, err } return container, nil } func volumes(volumes []string) ([]v1.Volume, error) { var vols []v1.Volume for _, v := range volumes { volumeName, err := volumeName(v) if err != nil { return nil, err } vols = append(vols, volume(volumeName)) } return vols, nil } func volume(name string) v1.Volume { pvcSource := v1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{ ClaimName: name, ReadOnly: false, } return v1.Volume{ Name: name, VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{ PersistentVolumeClaim: &pvcSource, }, } } func volumeMounts(volumes []string) ([]v1.VolumeMount, error) { var mounts []v1.VolumeMount for _, v := range volumes { volumeName, err := volumeName(v) if err != nil { return nil, err } mount := volumeMount(volumeName, volumeMountPath(v)) mounts = append(mounts, mount) } return mounts, nil } func volumeMount(name, path string) v1.VolumeMount { return v1.VolumeMount{ Name: name, MountPath: path, } } // Here is the service IPs (placed in /etc/hosts in the Pod) func hostAliases(extraHosts []types.HostAlias) []v1.HostAlias { hostAliases := []v1.HostAlias{} for _, extraHost := range extraHosts { hostAlias := hostAlias(extraHost) hostAliases = append(hostAliases, hostAlias) } return hostAliases } func hostAlias(extraHost types.HostAlias) v1.HostAlias { return v1.HostAlias{ IP: extraHost.IP, Hostnames: []string{extraHost.Name}, } } func imagePullSecretsReferences(imagePullSecretNames []string) []v1.LocalObjectReference { log.Trace().Msgf("Using the image pull secrets: %v", imagePullSecretNames) secretReferences := make([]v1.LocalObjectReference, len(imagePullSecretNames)) for i, imagePullSecretName := range imagePullSecretNames { secretReferences[i] = imagePullSecretsReference(imagePullSecretName) } return secretReferences } func imagePullSecretsReference(imagePullSecretName string) v1.LocalObjectReference { return v1.LocalObjectReference{ Name: imagePullSecretName, } } func resourceRequirements(resources types.Resources) (v1.ResourceRequirements, error) { var err error requirements := v1.ResourceRequirements{} requirements.Requests, err = resourceList(resources.Requests) if err != nil { return requirements, err } requirements.Limits, err = resourceList(resources.Limits) if err != nil { return requirements, err } return requirements, nil } func resourceList(resources map[string]string) (v1.ResourceList, error) { requestResources := v1.ResourceList{} for key, val := range resources { resName := v1.ResourceName(key) resVal, err := resource.ParseQuantity(val) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("resource request '%v' quantity '%v': %w", key, val, err) } requestResources[resName] = resVal } return requestResources, nil } func nodeSelector(backendNodeSelector map[string]string, platform string) map[string]string { nodeSelector := make(map[string]string) if platform != "" { arch := strings.Split(platform, "/")[1] nodeSelector[v1.LabelArchStable] = arch log.Trace().Msgf("Using the node selector from the Agent's platform: %v", nodeSelector) } if len(backendNodeSelector) > 0 { log.Trace().Msgf("Appending labels to the node selector from the backend options: %v", backendNodeSelector) maps.Copy(nodeSelector, backendNodeSelector) } return nodeSelector } func tolerations(backendTolerations []types.Toleration) []v1.Toleration { var tolerations []v1.Toleration if len(backendTolerations) > 0 { log.Trace().Msgf("Tolerations that will be used in the backend options: %v", backendTolerations) for _, backendToleration := range backendTolerations { toleration := toleration(backendToleration) tolerations = append(tolerations, toleration) } } return tolerations } func toleration(backendToleration types.Toleration) v1.Toleration { return v1.Toleration{ Key: backendToleration.Key, Operator: v1.TolerationOperator(backendToleration.Operator), Value: backendToleration.Value, Effect: v1.TaintEffect(backendToleration.Effect), TolerationSeconds: backendToleration.TolerationSeconds, } } func podSecurityContext(sc *types.SecurityContext, secCtxConf SecurityContextConfig) *v1.PodSecurityContext { var ( nonRoot *bool user *int64 group *int64 fsGroup *int64 ) if sc != nil && sc.RunAsNonRoot != nil { if *sc.RunAsNonRoot { nonRoot = sc.RunAsNonRoot // true } } else if secCtxConf.RunAsNonRoot { nonRoot = &secCtxConf.RunAsNonRoot // true } if sc != nil { user = sc.RunAsUser group = sc.RunAsGroup fsGroup = sc.FSGroup } if nonRoot == nil && user == nil && group == nil && fsGroup == nil { return nil } securityContext := &v1.PodSecurityContext{ RunAsNonRoot: nonRoot, RunAsUser: user, RunAsGroup: group, FSGroup: fsGroup, } log.Trace().Msgf("Pod security context that will be used: %v", securityContext) return securityContext } func containerSecurityContext(sc *types.SecurityContext, stepPrivileged bool) *v1.SecurityContext { var privileged *bool if sc != nil && sc.Privileged != nil && *sc.Privileged { privileged = sc.Privileged // true } else if stepPrivileged { privileged = &stepPrivileged // true } if privileged == nil { return nil } securityContext := &v1.SecurityContext{ Privileged: privileged, } log.Trace().Msgf("Container security context that will be used: %v", securityContext) return securityContext } func mapToEnvVars(m map[string]string) []v1.EnvVar { var ev []v1.EnvVar for k, v := range m { ev = append(ev, v1.EnvVar{ Name: k, Value: v, }) } return ev } func startPod(ctx context.Context, engine *kube, step *types.Step) (*v1.Pod, error) { podName, err := podName(step) if err != nil { return nil, err } pod, err := mkPod(engine.config.Namespace, podName, step.Image, step.WorkingDir, engine.goos, step.BackendOptions.Kubernetes.ServiceAccountName, step.Pull, step.Privileged, step.Commands, step.Volumes, engine.config.ImagePullSecretNames, engine.config.PodLabels, engine.config.PodAnnotations, step.Environment, step.BackendOptions.Kubernetes.NodeSelector, step.ExtraHosts, step.BackendOptions.Kubernetes.Tolerations, step.BackendOptions.Kubernetes.Resources, step.BackendOptions.Kubernetes.SecurityContext, engine.config.SecurityContext) if err != nil { return nil, err } log.Trace().Msgf("Creating pod: %s", pod.Name) return engine.client.CoreV1().Pods(engine.config.Namespace).Create(ctx, pod, metav1.CreateOptions{}) } func stopPod(ctx context.Context, engine *kube, step *types.Step, deleteOpts metav1.DeleteOptions) error { podName, err := podName(step) if err != nil { return err } log.Trace().Str("name", podName).Msg("Deleting pod") err = engine.client.CoreV1().Pods(engine.config.Namespace).Delete(ctx, podName, deleteOpts) if errors.IsNotFound(err) { // Don't abort on 404 errors from k8s, they most likely mean that the pod hasn't been created yet, usually because pipeline was canceled before running all steps. return nil } return err }