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package migration
import (
var ef = fmt.Errorf
// LimitedTx specifies the behavior of a transaction *without* commit and
// rollback functions. Values with this type are given to client functions.
// In particular, the migration routines in this package
// handle transaction commits and rollbacks. Therefore the functions provided
// by the client should not use them.
type LimitedTx interface {
Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
Prepare(query string) (*sql.Stmt, error)
Query(query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
QueryRow(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row
Stmt(stmt *sql.Stmt) *sql.Stmt
// GetVersion is any function that can retrieve the migration version of a
// particular database. It is exposed in case a client wants to override the
// default behavior of this package. (For example, by using the `user_version`
// PRAGMA in SQLite.)
// The DefaultGetVersion function provided with this package creates its own
// table with a single column and a single row.
// The version returned should be equivalent to the number of migrations
// applied to this database. It should be 0 if no migrations have been applied
// yet.
// If an error is returned, the migration automatically fails.
// Note that a LimitedTx is used to emphasize that functions with this type
// MUST NOT call Commit or Rollback. The migration routine in this pacakge will
// do it for you.
type GetVersion func(LimitedTx) (int, error)
// The default way to get the version from a database. If the database has
// had no migrations performed, then it creates a table with a single row and
// a single column storing the version as 0. It then returns 0.
// If the table exists, then the version stored in the table is returned.
var DefaultGetVersion GetVersion = defaultGetVersion
// SetVersion is the dual of GetVersion. It allows the client to define a
// different mechanism for setting the database version than the one used by
// DefaultSetVersion in this package.
// If an error is returned, the migration that tried to set the version
// automatically fails.
// Note that a LimitedTx is used to emphasize that functions with this type
// MUST NOT call Commit or Rollback. The migration routine in this pacakge will
// do it for you.
type SetVersion func(LimitedTx, int) error
// The default way to set the version of the database. If the database has had
// no migrations performed, then it creates a table with a single row and a
// single column and storing the version given there.
// If the table exists, then the existing version is overwritten.
var DefaultSetVersion SetVersion = defaultSetVersion
// Migrator corresponds to a function that updates the database by one version.
// Note that a migration should NOT call Rollback or Commit. Instead, this
// package will call Rollback for you if your migration returns an error. If
// no error is returned, then the next migration is applied. When all
// migrations have been applied, the version is updated and the changes are
// committed to the database.
type Migrator func(LimitedTx) error
// Open wraps the Open function from the database/sql package, but performs
// a series of migrations on a database if they haven't been performed already.
// Migrations are tracked by a simple versioning scheme. The version of the
// database is the number of migrations that have been performed on it.
// Similarly, the version of your library is the number of migrations that are
// given to this function.
// If Open returns successfully, then the database and your library will have
// the same versions. If there was a problem migrating---or if the database
// version is greater than your library version---then an error is returned.
// Since all migrations are performed in a single transaction, if an error
// occurs, no changes are made to the database. (Assuming you're using a
// relational database that allows modifications to a schema to be rolled back.)
// Note that this versioning scheme includes no semantic analysis. It is up to
// client to ensure that once a migration is defined, it never changes.
// The details of how the version is stored are opaque to the client, but in
// general, it will add a table to your database called "migration_version"
// with a single column containing a single row.
func Open(driver, dsn string, migrations []Migrator) (*sql.DB, error) {
return OpenWith(driver, dsn, migrations, nil, nil)
// OpenWith is exactly like Open, except it allows the client to specify their
// own versioning scheme. Note that vget and vset must BOTH be
// nil or BOTH be non-nil. Otherwise, this function panics. This is because the
// implementation of one generally relies on the implementation of the other.
// If vget and vset are both set to nil, then the behavior of this
// function is identical to the behavior of Open.
func OpenWith(
driver, dsn string,
migrations []Migrator,
vget GetVersion, vset SetVersion,
) (*sql.DB, error) {
if (vget == nil && vset != nil) || (vget != nil && vset == nil) {
panic("vget/vset must both be nil or both be non-nil")
if vget == nil {
vget = DefaultGetVersion
if vset == nil {
vset = DefaultSetVersion
db, err := sql.Open(driver, dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := (migration{db, migrations, vget, vset}).migrate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
type migration struct {
migrations []Migrator
getVersion GetVersion
setVersion SetVersion
// Stmt satisfies the LimitedTx interface.
func (m migration) Stmt(stmt *sql.Stmt) *sql.Stmt {
return stmt
func (m migration) migrate() error {
libVersion := len(m.migrations)
dbVersion, err := m.getVersion(m)
if err != nil {
return ef("Could not get DB version: %s", err)
if dbVersion > libVersion {
return ef("Database version (%d) is greater than library version (%d).",
dbVersion, libVersion)
if dbVersion == libVersion {
return nil
tx, err := m.Begin()
if err != nil {
return ef("Could not start transaction: %s", err)
for i := dbVersion; i < libVersion; i++ {
if err := m.migrations[i](tx); err != nil {
if err2 := tx.Rollback(); err2 != nil {
return ef(
"When migrating from %d to %d, got error '%s' and "+
"got error '%s' after trying to rollback.",
i, i+1, err, err2)
return ef(
"When migrating from %d to %d, got error '%s' and "+
"successfully rolled back.", i, i+1, err)
if err := m.setVersion(tx, libVersion); err != nil {
if err2 := tx.Rollback(); err2 != nil {
return ef(
"When trying to set version to %d (from %d), got error '%s' "+
"and got error '%s' after trying to rollback.",
libVersion, dbVersion, err, err2)
return ef(
"When trying to set version to %d (from %d), got error '%s' "+
"and successfully rolled back.",
libVersion, dbVersion, err)
if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {
return ef("Error committing migration from %d to %d: %s",
dbVersion, libVersion, err)
return nil
func defaultGetVersion(tx LimitedTx) (int, error) {
v, err := getVersion(tx)
if err != nil {
if err := createVersionTable(tx); err != nil {
return 0, err
return getVersion(tx)
return v, nil
func defaultSetVersion(tx LimitedTx, version int) error {
if err := setVersion(tx, version); err != nil {
if err := createVersionTable(tx); err != nil {
return err
return setVersion(tx, version)
return nil
func getVersion(tx LimitedTx) (int, error) {
var version int
r := tx.QueryRow("SELECT version FROM migration_version")
if err := r.Scan(&version); err != nil {
return 0, err
return version, nil
func setVersion(tx LimitedTx, version int) error {
_, err := tx.Exec("UPDATE migration_version SET version = $1", version)
return err
func createVersionTable(tx LimitedTx) error {
_, err := tx.Exec(`
CREATE TABLE migration_version (
version INTEGER
INSERT INTO migration_version (version) VALUES (0)`)
return err