mirror of https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker.git synced 2025-03-03 15:22:25 +02:00
2014-02-07 04:09:46 -07:00

473 lines
12 KiB

package build
import (
// instance of the Docker client
var client = docker.New()
// BuildState stores information about a build
// process including the Exit status and various
// Runtime statistics (coming soon).
type BuildState struct {
Started int64
Finished int64
ExitCode int
// we may eventually include detailed resource
// usage statistics, including including CPU time,
// Max RAM, Max Swap, Disk space, and more.
// Builder represents a build process being prepared
// to run.
type Builder struct {
// Image specifies the Docker Image that will be
// used to virtualize the Build process.
Build *script.Build
// Source specifies the Repository path of the code
// that we are testing.
// The source repository may be a local repository
// on the current filesystem, or a remote repository
// on GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
Repo *repo.Repo
// Key is an identify file, such as an RSA private key, that
// will be copied into the environments ~/.ssh/id_rsa file.
Key []byte
// Timeout is the maximum amount of to will wait for a process
// to exit.
// The default is no timeout.
Timeout time.Duration
// Stdout specifies the builds's standard output.
// If stdout is nil, Run connects the corresponding file descriptor
// to the null device (os.DevNull).
Stdout io.Writer
// BuildState contains information about an exited build,
// available after a call to Run.
BuildState *BuildState
// Docker image that was created for
// this build.
image *docker.Image
// Docker container was that created
// for this build.
container *docker.Run
// Docker containers created for the
// specified services and linked to
// this build.
services []*docker.Container
func (b *Builder) Run() error {
// teardown will remove the Image and stop and
// remove the service containers after the
// build is done running.
defer b.teardown()
// setup will create the Image and supporting
// service containers.
if err := b.setup(); err != nil {
return err
// make sure build state is not nil
b.BuildState = &BuildState{}
b.BuildState.ExitCode = 0
b.BuildState.Started = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
c := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
c <- b.run()
// wait for either a) the job to complete or b) the job to timeout
select {
case err := <-c:
return err
case <-time.After(b.Timeout):
log.Errf("time limit exceeded for build %s", b.Build.Name)
b.BuildState.ExitCode = 124
b.BuildState.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return nil
return nil
func (b *Builder) setup() error {
// temp directory to store all files required
// to generate the Docker image.
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "drone-")
if err != nil {
return err
// clean up after our mess.
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
// make sure the image isn't empty. this would be bad
if len(b.Build.Image) == 0 {
log.Err("Fatal Error, No Docker Image specified")
return fmt.Errorf("Error: missing Docker image")
// if we're using an alias for the build name we
// should substitute it now
if alias, ok := builders[b.Build.Image]; ok {
b.Build.Image = alias.Tag
// if this is a local repository we should symlink
// to the source code in our temp directory
if b.Repo.IsLocal() {
// this is where we used to use symlinks. We should
// talk to the docker team about this, since copying
// the entire repository is slow :(
// see https://github.com/dotcloud/docker/pull/3567
//src := filepath.Join(dir, "src")
//err = os.Symlink(b.Repo.Path, src)
//if err != nil {
// return err
src := filepath.Join(dir, "src")
cmd := exec.Command("cp", "-a", b.Repo.Path, src)
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
return err
// start all services required for the build
// that will get linked to the container.
for _, service := range b.Build.Services {
image, ok := services[service]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Error: Invalid or unknown service %s", service)
// debugging
log.Infof("starting service container %s", image.Tag)
// Run the contianer
run, err := client.Containers.RunDaemonPorts(image.Tag, image.Ports...)
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the container info
info, err := client.Containers.Inspect(run.ID)
if err != nil {
// on error kill the container since it hasn't yet been
// added to the array and would therefore not get
// removed in the defer statement.
client.Containers.Stop(run.ID, 10)
return err
// Add the running service to the list
b.services = append(b.services, info)
if err := b.writeIdentifyFile(dir); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.writeBuildScript(dir); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.writeProxyScript(dir); err != nil {
return err
if err := b.writeDockerfile(dir); err != nil {
return err
// debugging
log.Info("creating build image")
// check for build container (ie bradrydzewski/go:1.2)
// and download if it doesn't already exist
if _, err := client.Images.Inspect(b.Build.Image); err == docker.ErrNotFound {
// download the image if it doesn't exist
if err := client.Images.Pull(b.Build.Image); err != nil {
return err
// create the Docker image
id := createUID()
if err := client.Images.Build(id, dir); err != nil {
return err
// debugging
log.Infof("copying repository to %s", b.Repo.Dir)
// get the image details
b.image, err = client.Images.Inspect(id)
if err != nil {
// if we have problems with the image make sure
// we remove it before we exit
return err
return nil
// teardown is a helper function that we can use to
// stop and remove the build container, its supporting image,
// and the supporting service containers.
func (b *Builder) teardown() error {
// stop and destroy the container
if b.container != nil {
// debugging
log.Info("removing build container")
// stop the container, ignore error message
client.Containers.Stop(b.container.ID, 15)
// remove the container, ignore error message
if err := client.Containers.Remove(b.container.ID); err != nil {
log.Errf("failed to delete build container %s", b.container.ID)
// stop and destroy the container services
for i, container := range b.services {
// debugging
log.Infof("removing service container %s", b.Build.Services[i])
// stop the service container, ignore the error
client.Containers.Stop(container.ID, 15)
// remove the service container, ignore the error
if err := client.Containers.Remove(container.ID); err != nil {
log.Errf("failed to delete service container %s", container.ID)
// destroy the underlying image
if b.image != nil {
// debugging
log.Info("removing build image")
if _, err := client.Images.Remove(b.image.ID); err != nil {
log.Errf("failed to completely delete build image %s. %s", b.image.ID, err.Error())
return nil
func (b *Builder) run() error {
// create and run the container
conf := docker.Config{
Image: b.image.ID,
AttachStdin: false,
AttachStdout: true,
AttachStderr: true,
host := docker.HostConfig{
Privileged: false,
// debugging
log.Noticef("starting build %s", b.Build.Name)
// link service containers
for i, service := range b.services {
image, ok := services[b.Build.Services[i]]
if !ok {
// link the service container to our
// build container.
host.Links = append(host.Links, service.Name[1:]+":"+image.Name)
// create the container from the image
run, err := client.Containers.Create(&conf)
if err != nil {
return err
// cache instance of docker.Run
b.container = run
// attach to the container
go func() {
client.Containers.Attach(run.ID, &writer{b.Stdout})
// start the container
if err := client.Containers.Start(run.ID, &host); err != nil {
b.BuildState.ExitCode = 1
b.BuildState.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return err
// wait for the container to stop
wait, err := client.Containers.Wait(run.ID)
if err != nil {
b.BuildState.ExitCode = 1
b.BuildState.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
return err
// set completion time
b.BuildState.Finished = time.Now().UTC().Unix()
// get the exit code if possible
b.BuildState.ExitCode = wait.StatusCode
return nil
// writeDockerfile is a helper function that generates a
// Dockerfile and writes to the builds temporary directory
// so that it can be used to create the Image.
func (b *Builder) writeDockerfile(dir string) error {
var dockerfile = dockerfile.New(b.Build.Image)
dockerfile.WriteAdd("drone", "/usr/local/bin/")
// upload source code if repository is stored
// on the host machine
if b.Repo.IsRemote() == false {
dockerfile.WriteAdd("src", filepath.Join(b.Repo.Dir))
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(b.Build.Image, "bradrydzewski/"),
strings.HasPrefix(b.Build.Image, "drone/"):
// the default user for all official Drone imnage
// is the "ubuntu" user, since all build images
// inherit from the ubuntu cloud ISO
dockerfile.WriteEnv("HOME", "/home/ubuntu")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LANGUAGE", "en_US:en")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LOGNAME", "ubuntu")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("TERM", "xterm")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("SHELL", "/bin/bash")
dockerfile.WriteAdd("id_rsa", "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa")
dockerfile.WriteRun("sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /home/ubuntu/.ssh")
dockerfile.WriteRun("sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/cache/drone")
dockerfile.WriteRun("sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /usr/local/bin/drone")
dockerfile.WriteRun("sudo chmod 600 /home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_rsa")
// all other images are assumed to use
// the root user.
dockerfile.WriteEnv("HOME", "/root")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LANG", "en_US.UTF-8")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LANGUAGE", "en_US:en")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("LOGNAME", "root")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("TERM", "xterm")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("SHELL", "/bin/bash")
dockerfile.WriteEnv("GOPATH", "/var/cache/drone")
dockerfile.WriteAdd("id_rsa", "/root/.ssh/id_rsa")
dockerfile.WriteRun("chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_rsa")
dockerfile.WriteRun("echo 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' > /root/.ssh/config")
dockerfile.WriteAdd("proxy.sh", "/etc/drone.d/")
dockerfile.WriteEntrypoint("/bin/bash -e /usr/local/bin/drone")
// write the Dockerfile to the temporary directory
return ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(dir, "Dockerfile"), dockerfile.Bytes(), 0700)
// writeBuildScript is a helper function that
// will generate the build script file in the builder's
// temp directory to be added to the Image.
func (b *Builder) writeBuildScript(dir string) error {
f := buildfile.New()
// if the repository is remote then we should
// add the commands to the build script to
// clone the repository
if b.Repo.IsRemote() {
for _, cmd := range b.Repo.Commands() {
// if the commit is for merging a pull request
// we should only execute the build commands,
// and omit the deploy and publish commands.
if len(b.Repo.PR) == 0 {
} else {
// only write the build commands
scriptfilePath := filepath.Join(dir, "drone")
return ioutil.WriteFile(scriptfilePath, f.Bytes(), 0700)
// writeProxyScript is a helper function that
// will generate the proxy.sh file in the builder's
// temp directory to be added to the Image.
func (b *Builder) writeProxyScript(dir string) error {
var proxyfile = proxy.Proxy{}
// loop through services so that we can
// map ip address to localhost
for _, container := range b.services {
// create an entry for each port
for port, _ := range container.NetworkSettings.Ports {
proxyfile.Set(port.Port(), container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress)
// write the proxyfile to the temp directory
proxyfilePath := filepath.Join(dir, "proxy.sh")
return ioutil.WriteFile(proxyfilePath, proxyfile.Bytes(), 0755)
// writeIdentifyFile is a helper function that
// will generate the id_rsa file in the builder's
// temp directory to be added to the Image.
func (b *Builder) writeIdentifyFile(dir string) error {
keyfilePath := filepath.Join(dir, "id_rsa")
return ioutil.WriteFile(keyfilePath, b.Key, 0700)