From 9f2d1b4ff5b2c3a3da16752d99c778f2e954c92d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Loren Merritt <>
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2005 05:56:07 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] H.264 weighted prediction. Bidirectional weighting has not
 been tested for bitwise accuracy, but looks correct.

Originally committed as revision 3811 to svn://
 libavcodec/dsputil.c |  97 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 libavcodec/dsputil.h |   5 ++
 libavcodec/h264.c    | 180 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 3 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libavcodec/dsputil.c b/libavcodec/dsputil.c
index e5e05921db..eb39c50177 100644
--- a/libavcodec/dsputil.c
+++ b/libavcodec/dsputil.c
@@ -2374,6 +2374,82 @@ H264_MC(avg_, 16)
 #undef op2_put
+static inline uint8_t clip1(int x){
+    if(x > 255) return 255;
+    if(x < 0)   return 0;
+    return x;
+#define op_scale1(x)  block[x] = clip1( (block[x]*weight + offset) >> log2_denom )
+#define op_scale2(x)  dst[x] = clip( (src[x]*weights + dst[x]*weightd + offset) >> (log2_denom+1), 0, 255 )
+#define H264_WEIGHT(W,H) \
+static void weight_h264_pixels ## W ## x ## H ## _c(uint8_t *block, int stride, int log2_denom, int weight, int offset){ \
+    int x, y; \
+    offset <<= log2_denom; \
+    if(log2_denom) offset += 1<<(log2_denom-1); \
+    for(y=0; y<H; y++, block += stride){ \
+        op_scale1(0); \
+        op_scale1(1); \
+        if(W==2) continue; \
+        op_scale1(2); \
+        op_scale1(3); \
+        if(W==4) continue; \
+        op_scale1(4); \
+        op_scale1(5); \
+        op_scale1(6); \
+        op_scale1(7); \
+        if(W==8) continue; \
+        op_scale1(8); \
+        op_scale1(9); \
+        op_scale1(10); \
+        op_scale1(11); \
+        op_scale1(12); \
+        op_scale1(13); \
+        op_scale1(14); \
+        op_scale1(15); \
+    } \
+} \
+static void biweight_h264_pixels ## W ## x ## H ## _c(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int stride, int log2_denom, int weightd, int weights, int offsetd, int offsets){ \
+    int x, y; \
+    int offset = (offsets + offsetd + 1) >> 1; \
+    offset = ((offset << 1) + 1) << log2_denom; \
+    for(y=0; y<H; y++, dst += stride, src += stride){ \
+        op_scale2(0); \
+        op_scale2(1); \
+        if(W==2) continue; \
+        op_scale2(2); \
+        op_scale2(3); \
+        if(W==4) continue; \
+        op_scale2(4); \
+        op_scale2(5); \
+        op_scale2(6); \
+        op_scale2(7); \
+        if(W==8) continue; \
+        op_scale2(8); \
+        op_scale2(9); \
+        op_scale2(10); \
+        op_scale2(11); \
+        op_scale2(12); \
+        op_scale2(13); \
+        op_scale2(14); \
+        op_scale2(15); \
+    } \
+#undef op_scale1
+#undef op_scale2
+#undef H264_WEIGHT
 static void wmv2_mspel8_h_lowpass(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int dstStride, int srcStride, int h){
     uint8_t *cm = cropTbl + MAX_NEG_CROP;
     int i;
@@ -3604,6 +3680,27 @@ void dsputil_init(DSPContext* c, AVCodecContext *avctx)
     c->avg_h264_chroma_pixels_tab[1]= avg_h264_chroma_mc4_c;
     c->avg_h264_chroma_pixels_tab[2]= avg_h264_chroma_mc2_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[0]= weight_h264_pixels16x16_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[1]= weight_h264_pixels16x8_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[2]= weight_h264_pixels8x16_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[3]= weight_h264_pixels8x8_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[4]= weight_h264_pixels8x4_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[5]= weight_h264_pixels4x8_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[6]= weight_h264_pixels4x4_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[7]= weight_h264_pixels4x2_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[8]= weight_h264_pixels2x4_c;
+    c->weight_h264_pixels_tab[9]= weight_h264_pixels2x2_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[0]= biweight_h264_pixels16x16_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[1]= biweight_h264_pixels16x8_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[2]= biweight_h264_pixels8x16_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[3]= biweight_h264_pixels8x8_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[4]= biweight_h264_pixels8x4_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[5]= biweight_h264_pixels4x8_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[6]= biweight_h264_pixels4x4_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[7]= biweight_h264_pixels4x2_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[8]= biweight_h264_pixels2x4_c;
+    c->biweight_h264_pixels_tab[9]= biweight_h264_pixels2x2_c;
     c->put_mspel_pixels_tab[0]= put_mspel8_mc00_c;
     c->put_mspel_pixels_tab[1]= put_mspel8_mc10_c;
     c->put_mspel_pixels_tab[2]= put_mspel8_mc20_c;
diff --git a/libavcodec/dsputil.h b/libavcodec/dsputil.h
index 83b10baf81..7598b3a251 100644
--- a/libavcodec/dsputil.h
+++ b/libavcodec/dsputil.h
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ typedef void (*op_pixels_func)(uint8_t *block/*align width (8 or 16)*/, const ui
 typedef void (*tpel_mc_func)(uint8_t *block/*align width (8 or 16)*/, const uint8_t *pixels/*align 1*/, int line_size, int w, int h);
 typedef void (*qpel_mc_func)(uint8_t *dst/*align width (8 or 16)*/, uint8_t *src/*align 1*/, int stride);
 typedef void (*h264_chroma_mc_func)(uint8_t *dst/*align 8*/, uint8_t *src/*align 1*/, int srcStride, int h, int x, int y);
+typedef void (*h264_weight_func)(uint8_t *block, int stride, int log2_denom, int weight, int offset);
+typedef void (*h264_biweight_func)(uint8_t *dst, uint8_t *src, int stride, int log2_denom, int weightd, int weights, int offsetd, int offsets);
 #define DEF_OLD_QPEL(name)\
 void ff_put_        ## name (uint8_t *dst/*align width (8 or 16)*/, uint8_t *src/*align 1*/, int stride);\
@@ -258,6 +260,9 @@ typedef struct DSPContext {
     qpel_mc_func put_h264_qpel_pixels_tab[3][16];
     qpel_mc_func avg_h264_qpel_pixels_tab[3][16];
+    h264_weight_func weight_h264_pixels_tab[10];
+    h264_biweight_func biweight_h264_pixels_tab[10];
     me_cmp_func pix_abs[2][4];
     /* huffyuv specific */
diff --git a/libavcodec/h264.c b/libavcodec/h264.c
index a5b48b1692..421f9c0f59 100644
--- a/libavcodec/h264.c
+++ b/libavcodec/h264.c
@@ -255,12 +255,15 @@ typedef struct H264Context{
     int max_pic_num;
     //Weighted pred stuff
+    int use_weight;
+    int use_weight_chroma;
     int luma_log2_weight_denom;
     int chroma_log2_weight_denom;
     int luma_weight[2][16];
     int luma_offset[2][16];
     int chroma_weight[2][16][2];
     int chroma_offset[2][16][2];
+    int implicit_weight[16][16];
     int deblocking_filter;         ///< disable_deblocking_filter_idc with 1<->0 
@@ -2203,7 +2206,7 @@ static inline void mc_dir_part(H264Context *h, Picture *pic, int n, int square,
     chroma_op(dest_cr, src_cr, s->uvlinesize, chroma_height, mx&7, my&7);
-static inline void mc_part(H264Context *h, int n, int square, int chroma_height, int delta,
+static inline void mc_part_std(H264Context *h, int n, int square, int chroma_height, int delta,
                            uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t *dest_cr,
                            int x_offset, int y_offset,
                            qpel_mc_func *qpix_put, h264_chroma_mc_func chroma_put,
@@ -2237,9 +2240,95 @@ static inline void mc_part(H264Context *h, int n, int square, int chroma_height,
+static inline void mc_part_weighted(H264Context *h, int n, int square, int chroma_height, int delta,
+                           uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t *dest_cr,
+                           int x_offset, int y_offset,
+                           qpel_mc_func *qpix_put, h264_chroma_mc_func chroma_put,
+                           h264_weight_func luma_weight_op, h264_weight_func chroma_weight_op,
+                           h264_biweight_func luma_weight_avg, h264_biweight_func chroma_weight_avg,
+                           int list0, int list1){
+    MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;
+    dest_y  += 2*x_offset + 2*y_offset*s->  linesize;
+    dest_cb +=   x_offset +   y_offset*s->uvlinesize;
+    dest_cr +=   x_offset +   y_offset*s->uvlinesize;
+    x_offset += 8*s->mb_x;
+    y_offset += 8*s->mb_y;
+    if(list0 && list1){
+        /* don't optimize for luma-only case, since B-frames usually
+         * use implicit weights => chroma too. */
+        uint8_t *tmp_cb = s->obmc_scratchpad;
+        uint8_t *tmp_cr = tmp_cb + 8*s->uvlinesize;
+        uint8_t *tmp_y  = tmp_cr + 8*s->uvlinesize;
+        int refn0 = h->ref_cache[0][ scan8[n] ];
+        int refn1 = h->ref_cache[1][ scan8[n] ];
+        mc_dir_part(h, &h->ref_list[0][refn0], n, square, chroma_height, delta, 0,
+                    dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr,
+                    x_offset, y_offset, qpix_put, chroma_put);
+        mc_dir_part(h, &h->ref_list[1][refn1], n, square, chroma_height, delta, 1,
+                    tmp_y, tmp_cb, tmp_cr,
+                    x_offset, y_offset, qpix_put, chroma_put);
+        if(h->use_weight == 2){
+            int weight0 = h->implicit_weight[refn0][refn1];
+            int weight1 = 64 - weight0;
+            luma_weight_avg(  dest_y,  tmp_y,  s->  linesize, 5, weight0, weight1, 0, 0);
+            chroma_weight_avg(dest_cb, tmp_cb, s->uvlinesize, 5, weight0, weight1, 0, 0);
+            chroma_weight_avg(dest_cr, tmp_cr, s->uvlinesize, 5, weight0, weight1, 0, 0);
+        }else{
+            luma_weight_avg(dest_y, tmp_y, s->linesize, h->luma_log2_weight_denom,
+                            h->luma_weight[0][refn0], h->luma_weight[1][refn1], 
+                            h->luma_offset[0][refn0], h->luma_offset[1][refn1]);
+            chroma_weight_avg(dest_cb, tmp_cb, s->uvlinesize, h->chroma_log2_weight_denom,
+                            h->chroma_weight[0][refn0][0], h->chroma_weight[1][refn1][0], 
+                            h->chroma_offset[0][refn0][0], h->chroma_offset[1][refn1][0]);
+            chroma_weight_avg(dest_cr, tmp_cr, s->uvlinesize, h->chroma_log2_weight_denom,
+                            h->chroma_weight[0][refn0][1], h->chroma_weight[1][refn1][1], 
+                            h->chroma_offset[0][refn0][1], h->chroma_offset[1][refn1][1]);
+        }
+    }else{
+        int list = list1 ? 1 : 0;
+        int refn = h->ref_cache[list][ scan8[n] ];
+        Picture *ref= &h->ref_list[list][refn];
+        mc_dir_part(h, ref, n, square, chroma_height, delta, list,
+                    dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset, y_offset,
+                    qpix_put, chroma_put);
+        luma_weight_op(dest_y, s->linesize, h->luma_log2_weight_denom,
+                       h->luma_weight[list][refn], h->luma_offset[list][refn]);
+        if(h->use_weight_chroma){
+            chroma_weight_op(dest_cb, s->uvlinesize, h->chroma_log2_weight_denom,
+                             h->chroma_weight[list][refn][0], h->chroma_offset[list][refn][0]);
+            chroma_weight_op(dest_cr, s->uvlinesize, h->chroma_log2_weight_denom,
+                             h->chroma_weight[list][refn][1], h->chroma_offset[list][refn][1]);
+        }
+    }
+static inline void mc_part(H264Context *h, int n, int square, int chroma_height, int delta,
+                           uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t *dest_cr,
+                           int x_offset, int y_offset,
+                           qpel_mc_func *qpix_put, h264_chroma_mc_func chroma_put,
+                           qpel_mc_func *qpix_avg, h264_chroma_mc_func chroma_avg,
+                           h264_weight_func *weight_op, h264_biweight_func *weight_avg, 
+                           int list0, int list1){
+    if((h->use_weight==2 && list0 && list1
+        && (h->implicit_weight[ h->ref_cache[0][scan8[n]] ][ h->ref_cache[1][scan8[n]] ] != 32))
+       || h->use_weight==1)
+        mc_part_weighted(h, n, square, chroma_height, delta, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr,
+                         x_offset, y_offset, qpix_put, chroma_put,
+                         weight_op[0], weight_op[3], weight_avg[0], weight_avg[3], list0, list1);
+    else
+        mc_part_std(h, n, square, chroma_height, delta, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr,
+                    x_offset, y_offset, qpix_put, chroma_put, qpix_avg, chroma_avg, list0, list1);
 static void hl_motion(H264Context *h, uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t *dest_cr,
                       qpel_mc_func (*qpix_put)[16], h264_chroma_mc_func (*chroma_put),
-                      qpel_mc_func (*qpix_avg)[16], h264_chroma_mc_func (*chroma_avg)){
+                      qpel_mc_func (*qpix_avg)[16], h264_chroma_mc_func (*chroma_avg),
+                      h264_weight_func *weight_op, h264_biweight_func *weight_avg){
     MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;
     const int mb_xy= s->mb_x + s->mb_y*s->mb_stride;
     const int mb_type= s->current_picture.mb_type[mb_xy];
@@ -2249,20 +2338,25 @@ static void hl_motion(H264Context *h, uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t
         mc_part(h, 0, 1, 8, 0, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, 0, 0,
                 qpix_put[0], chroma_put[0], qpix_avg[0], chroma_avg[0],
+                &weight_op[0], &weight_avg[0],
                 IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 1));
     }else if(IS_16X8(mb_type)){
         mc_part(h, 0, 0, 4, 8, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, 0, 0,
                 qpix_put[1], chroma_put[0], qpix_avg[1], chroma_avg[0],
+                &weight_op[1], &weight_avg[1],
                 IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 1));
         mc_part(h, 8, 0, 4, 8, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, 0, 4,
                 qpix_put[1], chroma_put[0], qpix_avg[1], chroma_avg[0],
+                &weight_op[1], &weight_avg[1],
                 IS_DIR(mb_type, 1, 0), IS_DIR(mb_type, 1, 1));
     }else if(IS_8X16(mb_type)){
         mc_part(h, 0, 0, 8, 8*s->linesize, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, 0, 0,
                 qpix_put[1], chroma_put[1], qpix_avg[1], chroma_avg[1],
+                &weight_op[2], &weight_avg[2],
                 IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(mb_type, 0, 1));
         mc_part(h, 4, 0, 8, 8*s->linesize, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, 4, 0,
                 qpix_put[1], chroma_put[1], qpix_avg[1], chroma_avg[1],
+                &weight_op[2], &weight_avg[2],
                 IS_DIR(mb_type, 1, 0), IS_DIR(mb_type, 1, 1));
         int i;
@@ -2278,20 +2372,25 @@ static void hl_motion(H264Context *h, uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t
                 mc_part(h, n, 1, 4, 0, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset, y_offset,
                     qpix_put[1], chroma_put[1], qpix_avg[1], chroma_avg[1],
+                    &weight_op[3], &weight_avg[3],
                     IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
             }else if(IS_SUB_8X4(sub_mb_type)){
                 mc_part(h, n  , 0, 2, 4, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset, y_offset,
                     qpix_put[2], chroma_put[1], qpix_avg[2], chroma_avg[1],
+                    &weight_op[4], &weight_avg[4],
                     IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
                 mc_part(h, n+2, 0, 2, 4, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset, y_offset+2,
                     qpix_put[2], chroma_put[1], qpix_avg[2], chroma_avg[1],
+                    &weight_op[4], &weight_avg[4],
                     IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
             }else if(IS_SUB_4X8(sub_mb_type)){
                 mc_part(h, n  , 0, 4, 4*s->linesize, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset, y_offset,
                     qpix_put[2], chroma_put[2], qpix_avg[2], chroma_avg[2],
+                    &weight_op[5], &weight_avg[5],
                     IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
                 mc_part(h, n+1, 0, 4, 4*s->linesize, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, x_offset+2, y_offset,
                     qpix_put[2], chroma_put[2], qpix_avg[2], chroma_avg[2],
+                    &weight_op[5], &weight_avg[5],
                     IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
                 int j;
@@ -2301,6 +2400,7 @@ static void hl_motion(H264Context *h, uint8_t *dest_y, uint8_t *dest_cb, uint8_t
                     int sub_y_offset= y_offset +   (j&2);
                     mc_part(h, n+j, 1, 2, 0, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr, sub_x_offset, sub_y_offset,
                         qpix_put[2], chroma_put[2], qpix_avg[2], chroma_avg[2],
+                        &weight_op[6], &weight_avg[6],
                         IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 0), IS_DIR(sub_mb_type, 0, 1));
@@ -2397,6 +2497,8 @@ static void free_tables(H264Context *h){
+    av_freep(&h->s.obmc_scratchpad);
@@ -2437,6 +2539,8 @@ static int alloc_tables(H264Context *h){
             h->mb2b8_xy[mb_xy]= b8_xy;
+    CHECKED_ALLOCZ(s->obmc_scratchpad, 16*s->linesize + 2*8*s->uvlinesize);
     return 0;
@@ -2668,7 +2772,8 @@ static void hl_decode_mb(H264Context *h){
     }else if(s->codec_id == CODEC_ID_H264){
         hl_motion(h, dest_y, dest_cb, dest_cr,
                   s->dsp.put_h264_qpel_pixels_tab, s->dsp.put_h264_chroma_pixels_tab, 
-                  s->dsp.avg_h264_qpel_pixels_tab, s->dsp.avg_h264_chroma_pixels_tab);
+                  s->dsp.avg_h264_qpel_pixels_tab, s->dsp.avg_h264_chroma_pixels_tab,
+                  s->dsp.weight_h264_pixels_tab, s->dsp.biweight_h264_pixels_tab);
@@ -2898,9 +3003,14 @@ static int decode_ref_pic_list_reordering(H264Context *h){
 static int pred_weight_table(H264Context *h){
     MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;
     int list, i;
+    int luma_def, chroma_def;
+    h->use_weight= 0;
+    h->use_weight_chroma= 0;
     h->luma_log2_weight_denom= get_ue_golomb(&s->gb);
     h->chroma_log2_weight_denom= get_ue_golomb(&s->gb);
+    luma_def = 1<<h->luma_log2_weight_denom;
+    chroma_def = 1<<h->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
     for(list=0; list<2; list++){
         for(i=0; i<h->ref_count[list]; i++){
@@ -2910,6 +3020,12 @@ static int pred_weight_table(H264Context *h){
                 h->luma_weight[list][i]= get_se_golomb(&s->gb);
                 h->luma_offset[list][i]= get_se_golomb(&s->gb);
+                if(   h->luma_weight[list][i] != luma_def
+                   || h->luma_offset[list][i] != 0)
+                    h->use_weight= 1;
+            }else{
+                h->luma_weight[list][i]= luma_def;
+                h->luma_offset[list][i]= 0;
             chroma_weight_flag= get_bits1(&s->gb);
@@ -2918,14 +3034,62 @@ static int pred_weight_table(H264Context *h){
                 for(j=0; j<2; j++){
                     h->chroma_weight[list][i][j]= get_se_golomb(&s->gb);
                     h->chroma_offset[list][i][j]= get_se_golomb(&s->gb);
+                    if(   h->chroma_weight[list][i][j] != chroma_def
+                       || h->chroma_offset[list][i][j] != 0)
+                        h->use_weight_chroma= 1;
+                }
+            }else{
+                int j;
+                for(j=0; j<2; j++){
+                    h->chroma_weight[list][i][j]= chroma_def;
+                    h->chroma_offset[list][i][j]= 0;
         if(h->slice_type != B_TYPE) break;
+    h->use_weight= h->use_weight || h->use_weight_chroma;
     return 0;
+static void implicit_weight_table(H264Context *h){
+    MpegEncContext * const s = &h->s;
+    int list, i;
+    int ref0, ref1;
+    int cur_poc = s->current_picture_ptr->poc;
+    if(   h->ref_count[0] == 1 && h->ref_count[1] == 1
+       && h->ref_list[0][0].poc + h->ref_list[1][0].poc == 2*cur_poc){
+        h->use_weight= 0;
+        h->use_weight_chroma= 0;
+        return;
+    }
+    h->use_weight= 2;
+    h->use_weight_chroma= 2;
+    h->luma_log2_weight_denom= 5;
+    h->chroma_log2_weight_denom= 5;
+    /* FIXME: MBAFF */
+    for(ref0=0; ref0 < h->ref_count[0]; ref0++){
+        int poc0 = h->ref_list[0][ref0].poc;
+        for(ref1=0; ref1 < h->ref_count[1]; ref1++){
+            int poc1 = h->ref_list[0][ref1].poc;
+            int td = clip(poc1 - poc0, -128, 127);
+            if(td){
+                int tb = clip(cur_poc - poc0, -128, 127);
+                int tx = (16384 + (ABS(td) >> 1)) / td;
+                int dist_scale_factor = clip((tb*tx + 32) >> 6, -1024, 1023) >> 2;
+                if(dist_scale_factor < -64 || dist_scale_factor > 128)
+                    h->implicit_weight[ref0][ref1] = 32;
+                else
+                    h->implicit_weight[ref0][ref1] = 64 - dist_scale_factor;
+            }else
+                h->implicit_weight[ref0][ref1] = 32;
+        }
+    }
  * instantaneous decoder refresh.
@@ -3387,6 +3551,10 @@ static int decode_slice_header(H264Context *h){
     if(   (h->pps.weighted_pred          && (h->slice_type == P_TYPE || h->slice_type == SP_TYPE )) 
        || (h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc==1 && h->slice_type==B_TYPE ) )
+    else if(h->pps.weighted_bipred_idc==2 && h->slice_type==B_TYPE)
+        implicit_weight_table(h);
+    else
+        h->use_weight = 0;
@@ -3431,14 +3599,16 @@ static int decode_slice_header(H264Context *h){
-        av_log(h->s.avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "slice:%d mb:%d %c pps:%d frame:%d poc:%d/%d ref:%d/%d qp:%d loop:%d\n", 
+        av_log(h->s.avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "slice:%d mb:%d %c pps:%d frame:%d poc:%d/%d ref:%d/%d qp:%d loop:%d weight:%d%s\n", 
                h->slice_num, first_mb_in_slice, 
                pps_id, h->frame_num,
                s->current_picture_ptr->field_poc[0], s->current_picture_ptr->field_poc[1],
                h->ref_count[0], h->ref_count[1],
-               h->deblocking_filter
+               h->deblocking_filter,
+               h->use_weight,
+               h->use_weight==1 && h->use_weight_chroma ? "c" : ""