./ffmpeg_g -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -s hd1080 -i /dev/zero -pix_fmt yuv420p16be \
-s 1920x1728 -f null -vframes 100 -v error -nostats -
9-14 bit funcs get about 6x speedup, 16-bit gets about 15x.
Fate passes, each format tested with an image to video conversion.
Only POWER8 includes 32-bit vector multiplies, so POWER7 is locked out
of the 16-bit function. This includes the vec_mulo/mule functions too,
not just vmuluwm.
With TIMER_REPORT skips disabled:
12412 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
73136 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12481 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
73410 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12322 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72546 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12291 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72935 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12316 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72708 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12319 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72577 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12259 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72516 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
12440 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
72962 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
10548 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
73429 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
10634 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
150959 UNITS in planarX, 131072 runs, 0 skips
Signed-off-by: Lauri Kasanen <cand@gmx.com>
Passes fate on LE (with "lavc/jrevdct: Avoid an aliasing violation" applied).
Signed-off-by: Lauri Kasanen <cand@gmx.com>
Tested-by: Michael Kostylev on BE
Signed-off-by: Michael Niedermayer <michael@niedermayer.cc>