mirror of
synced 2025-01-29 18:04:13 +02:00
1497 lines
47 KiB
1497 lines
47 KiB
package main
import (
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
const (
usernameRegexp = `^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-@])+$`
passwordMinLength = 6
downloadCertsApiUrl = "/api/data/certs/download"
downloadCcdApiUrl = "/api/data/ccd/download"
certsArchiveFileName = "certs.tar.gz"
ccdArchiveFileName = "ccd.tar.gz"
indexTxtDateLayout = "060102150405Z"
stringDateFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
kubeNamespaceFilePath = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/namespace"
var (
listenHost = kingpin.Flag("listen.host", "host for ovpn-admin").Default("").Envar("OVPN_LISTEN_HOST").String()
listenPort = kingpin.Flag("listen.port", "port for ovpn-admin").Default("8080").Envar("OVPN_LISTEN_PORT").String()
serverRole = kingpin.Flag("role", "server role, master or slave").Default("master").Envar("OVPN_ROLE").HintOptions("master", "slave").String()
masterHost = kingpin.Flag("master.host", "URL for the master server").Default("").Envar("OVPN_MASTER_HOST").String()
masterBasicAuthUser = kingpin.Flag("master.basic-auth.user", "user for master server's Basic Auth").Default("").Envar("OVPN_MASTER_USER").String()
masterBasicAuthPassword = kingpin.Flag("master.basic-auth.password", "password for master server's Basic Auth").Default("").Envar("OVPN_MASTER_PASSWORD").String()
masterSyncFrequency = kingpin.Flag("master.sync-frequency", "master host data sync frequency in seconds").Default("600").Envar("OVPN_MASTER_SYNC_FREQUENCY").Int()
masterSyncToken = kingpin.Flag("master.sync-token", "master host data sync security token").Default("VerySecureToken").Envar("OVPN_MASTER_TOKEN").PlaceHolder("TOKEN").String()
openvpnNetwork = kingpin.Flag("ovpn.network", "NETWORK/MASK_PREFIX for OpenVPN server").Default("").Envar("OVPN_NETWORK").String()
openvpnServer = kingpin.Flag("ovpn.server", "HOST:PORT:PROTOCOL for OpenVPN server; can have multiple values").Default("").Envar("OVPN_SERVER").PlaceHolder("HOST:PORT:PROTOCOL").Strings()
openvpnServerBehindLB = kingpin.Flag("ovpn.server.behindLB", "enable if your OpenVPN server is behind Kubernetes Service having the LoadBalancer type").Default("false").Envar("OVPN_LB").Bool()
openvpnServiceName = kingpin.Flag("ovpn.service", "the name of Kubernetes Service having the LoadBalancer type if your OpenVPN server is behind it").Default("openvpn-external").Envar("OVPN_LB_SERVICE").Strings()
mgmtAddress = kingpin.Flag("mgmt", "ALIAS=HOST:PORT for OpenVPN server mgmt interface; can have multiple values").Default("main=").Envar("OVPN_MGMT").Strings()
metricsPath = kingpin.Flag("metrics.path", "URL path for exposing collected metrics").Default("/metrics").Envar("OVPN_METRICS_PATH").String()
easyrsaDirPath = kingpin.Flag("easyrsa.path", "path to easyrsa dir").Default("./easyrsa").Envar("EASYRSA_PATH").String()
indexTxtPath = kingpin.Flag("easyrsa.index-path", "path to easyrsa index file").Default("").Envar("OVPN_INDEX_PATH").String()
ccdEnabled = kingpin.Flag("ccd", "enable client-config-dir").Default("false").Envar("OVPN_CCD").Bool()
ccdDir = kingpin.Flag("ccd.path", "path to client-config-dir").Default("./ccd").Envar("OVPN_CCD_PATH").String()
clientConfigTemplatePath = kingpin.Flag("templates.clientconfig-path", "path to custom client.conf.tpl").Default("").Envar("OVPN_TEMPLATES_CC_PATH").String()
ccdTemplatePath = kingpin.Flag("templates.ccd-path", "path to custom ccd.tpl").Default("").Envar("OVPN_TEMPLATES_CCD_PATH").String()
authByPassword = kingpin.Flag("auth.password", "enable additional password authentication").Default("false").Envar("OVPN_AUTH").Bool()
authDatabase = kingpin.Flag("auth.db", "database path for password authentication").Default("./easyrsa/pki/users.db").Envar("OVPN_AUTH_DB_PATH").String()
logLevel = kingpin.Flag("log.level", "set log level: trace, debug, info, warn, error (default info)").Default("info").Envar("LOG_LEVEL").String()
logFormat = kingpin.Flag("log.format", "set log format: text, json (default text)").Default("text").Envar("LOG_FORMAT").String()
storageBackend = kingpin.Flag("storage.backend", "storage backend: filesystem, kubernetes.secrets (default filesystem)").Default("filesystem").Envar("STORAGE_BACKEND").String()
certsArchivePath = "/tmp/" + certsArchiveFileName
ccdArchivePath = "/tmp/" + ccdArchiveFileName
version = "2.0.0"
var logLevels = map[string]log.Level{
"trace": log.TraceLevel,
"debug": log.DebugLevel,
"info": log.InfoLevel,
"warn": log.WarnLevel,
"error": log.ErrorLevel,
var logFormats = map[string]log.Formatter{
"text": &log.TextFormatter{},
"json": &log.JSONFormatter{},
var (
ovpnServerCertExpire = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_server_cert_expire",
Help: "openvpn server certificate expire time in days",
ovpnServerCaCertExpire = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_server_ca_cert_expire",
Help: "openvpn server CA certificate expire time in days",
ovpnClientsTotal = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_clients_total",
Help: "total openvpn users",
ovpnClientsRevoked = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_clients_revoked",
Help: "revoked openvpn users",
ovpnClientsExpired = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_clients_expired",
Help: "expired openvpn users",
ovpnClientsConnected = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_clients_connected",
Help: "total connected openvpn clients",
ovpnUniqClientsConnected = prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_uniq_clients_connected",
Help: "uniq connected openvpn clients",
ovpnClientCertificateExpire = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_client_cert_expire",
Help: "openvpn user certificate expire time in days",
ovpnClientConnectionInfo = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_client_connection_info",
Help: "openvpn user connection info. ip - assigned address from ovpn network. value - last time when connection was refreshed in unix format",
[]string{"client", "ip"},
ovpnClientConnectionFrom = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_client_connection_from",
Help: "openvpn user connection info. ip - from which address connection was initialized. value - time when connection was initialized in unix format",
[]string{"client", "ip"},
ovpnClientBytesReceived = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_client_bytes_received",
Help: "openvpn user bytes received",
ovpnClientBytesSent = prometheus.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
Name: "ovpn_client_bytes_sent",
Help: "openvpn user bytes sent",
type OvpnAdmin struct {
role string
lastSyncTime string
lastSuccessfulSyncTime string
masterHostBasicAuth bool
masterSyncToken string
clients []OpenvpnClient
activeClients []clientStatus
promRegistry *prometheus.Registry
mgmtInterfaces map[string]string
templates *packr.Box
modules []string
mgmtStatusTimeFormat string
type OpenvpnServer struct {
Host string
Port string
Protocol string
type openvpnClientConfig struct {
Hosts []OpenvpnServer
CA string
Cert string
Key string
TLS string
PasswdAuth bool
type OpenvpnClient struct {
Identity string `json:"Identity"`
AccountStatus string `json:"AccountStatus"`
ExpirationDate string `json:"ExpirationDate"`
RevocationDate string `json:"RevocationDate"`
ConnectionStatus string `json:"ConnectionStatus"`
Connections int `json:"Connections"`
type ccdRoute struct {
Address string `json:"Address"`
Mask string `json:"Mask"`
Description string `json:"Description"`
type Ccd struct {
User string `json:"User"`
ClientAddress string `json:"ClientAddress"`
CustomRoutes []ccdRoute `json:"CustomRoutes"`
type indexTxtLine struct {
Flag string
ExpirationDate string
RevocationDate string
SerialNumber string
Filename string
DistinguishedName string
Identity string
type clientStatus struct {
CommonName string
RealAddress string
BytesReceived string
BytesSent string
ConnectedSince string
VirtualAddress string
LastRef string
ConnectedSinceFormatted string
LastRefFormatted string
ConnectedTo string
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
usersList, _ := json.Marshal(oAdmin.clients)
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", usersList)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userStatisticHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
_ = r.ParseForm()
userStatistic, _ := json.Marshal(oAdmin.getUserStatistic(r.FormValue("username")))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userStatistic)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userCreateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
userCreated, userCreateStatus := oAdmin.userCreate(r.FormValue("username"), r.FormValue("password"))
if userCreated {
oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
fmt.Fprintf(w, userCreateStatus)
} else {
http.Error(w, userCreateStatus, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userRotateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", oAdmin.userRotate(r.FormValue("username"), r.FormValue("password")))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userDeleteHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", oAdmin.userDelete(r.FormValue("username")))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userRevokeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", oAdmin.userRevoke(r.FormValue("username")))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userUnrevokeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", oAdmin.userUnrevoke(r.FormValue("username")))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userChangePasswordHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
_ = r.ParseForm()
if *authByPassword {
passwordChanged, passwordChangeMessage := oAdmin.userChangePassword(r.FormValue("username"), r.FormValue("password"))
if passwordChanged {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"status":"ok", "message": "%s"}`, passwordChangeMessage)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"status":"error", "message": "%s"}`, passwordChangeMessage)
} else {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusNotImplemented)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userShowConfigHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
_ = r.ParseForm()
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", oAdmin.renderClientConfig(r.FormValue("username")))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userDisconnectHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
_ = r.ParseForm()
// fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", userDisconnect(r.FormValue("username")))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", r.FormValue("username"))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userShowCcdHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
_ = r.ParseForm()
ccd, _ := json.Marshal(oAdmin.getCcd(r.FormValue("username")))
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%s", ccd)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userApplyCcdHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
var ccd Ccd
if r.Body == nil {
http.Error(w, "Please send a request body", http.StatusBadRequest)
err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&ccd)
if err != nil {
ccdApplied, applyStatus := oAdmin.modifyCcd(ccd)
if ccdApplied {
fmt.Fprintf(w, applyStatus)
} else {
http.Error(w, applyStatus, http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) serverSettingsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
enabledModules, enabledModulesErr := json.Marshal(oAdmin.modules)
if enabledModulesErr != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(w, `{"status":"ok", "serverRole": "%s", "modules": %s }`, oAdmin.role, string(enabledModules))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) lastSyncTimeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Debug(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
fmt.Fprint(w, oAdmin.lastSyncTime)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) lastSuccessfulSyncTimeHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Debug(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
fmt.Fprint(w, oAdmin.lastSuccessfulSyncTime)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) downloadCertsHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
token := r.Form.Get("token")
if token != oAdmin.masterSyncToken {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusForbidden)
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+certsArchiveFileName)
http.ServeFile(w, r, certsArchivePath)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) downloadCcdHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Info(r.RemoteAddr, r.RequestURI)
if oAdmin.role == "slave" {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusLocked)
_ = r.ParseForm()
token := r.Form.Get("token")
if token != oAdmin.masterSyncToken {
http.Error(w, `{"status":"error"}`, http.StatusForbidden)
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename="+ccdArchiveFileName)
http.ServeFile(w, r, ccdArchivePath)
var app OpenVPNPKI
func main() {
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.run()
if err != nil {
if *indexTxtPath == "" {
*indexTxtPath = *easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/index.txt"
ovpnAdmin := new(OvpnAdmin)
ovpnAdmin.lastSyncTime = "unknown"
ovpnAdmin.role = *serverRole
ovpnAdmin.lastSuccessfulSyncTime = "unknown"
ovpnAdmin.masterSyncToken = *masterSyncToken
ovpnAdmin.promRegistry = prometheus.NewRegistry()
ovpnAdmin.modules = []string{}
ovpnAdmin.mgmtInterfaces = make(map[string]string)
for _, mgmtInterface := range *mgmtAddress {
parts := strings.SplitN(mgmtInterface, "=", 2)
ovpnAdmin.mgmtInterfaces[parts[0]] = parts[len(parts)-1]
go ovpnAdmin.updateState()
if *masterBasicAuthPassword != "" && *masterBasicAuthUser != "" {
ovpnAdmin.masterHostBasicAuth = true
} else {
ovpnAdmin.masterHostBasicAuth = false
ovpnAdmin.modules = append(ovpnAdmin.modules, "core")
if *authByPassword {
if *storageBackend != "kubernetes.secrets" {
ovpnAdmin.modules = append(ovpnAdmin.modules, "passwdAuth")
} else {
log.Fatal("Right now the keys `--storage.backend=kubernetes.secret` and `--auth.password` are not working together. Please use only one of them ")
if *ccdEnabled {
ovpnAdmin.modules = append(ovpnAdmin.modules, "ccd")
if ovpnAdmin.role == "slave" {
go ovpnAdmin.syncWithMaster()
ovpnAdmin.templates = packr.New("template", "./templates")
staticBox := packr.New("static", "./frontend/static")
static := CacheControlWrapper(http.FileServer(staticBox))
http.Handle("/", static)
http.HandleFunc("/api/server/settings", ovpnAdmin.serverSettingsHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/users/list", ovpnAdmin.userListHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/create", ovpnAdmin.userCreateHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/change-password", ovpnAdmin.userChangePasswordHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/rotate", ovpnAdmin.userRotateHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/delete", ovpnAdmin.userDeleteHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/revoke", ovpnAdmin.userRevokeHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/unrevoke", ovpnAdmin.userUnrevokeHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/config/show", ovpnAdmin.userShowConfigHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/disconnect", ovpnAdmin.userDisconnectHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/statistic", ovpnAdmin.userStatisticHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/ccd", ovpnAdmin.userShowCcdHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/user/ccd/apply", ovpnAdmin.userApplyCcdHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/sync/last/try", ovpnAdmin.lastSyncTimeHandler)
http.HandleFunc("/api/sync/last/successful", ovpnAdmin.lastSuccessfulSyncTimeHandler)
http.HandleFunc(downloadCertsApiUrl, ovpnAdmin.downloadCertsHandler)
http.HandleFunc(downloadCcdApiUrl, ovpnAdmin.downloadCcdHandler)
http.Handle(*metricsPath, promhttp.HandlerFor(ovpnAdmin.promRegistry, promhttp.HandlerOpts{}))
http.HandleFunc("/ping", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "pong")
log.Printf("Bind: http://%s:%s", *listenHost, *listenPort)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*listenHost+":"+*listenPort, nil))
func CacheControlWrapper(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "max-age=2592000") // 30 days
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) registerMetrics() {
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) setState() {
oAdmin.activeClients = oAdmin.mgmtGetActiveClients()
oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
ovpnServerCaCertExpire.Set(float64((getOvpnCaCertExpireDate().Unix() - time.Now().Unix()) / 3600 / 24))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) updateState() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(28) * time.Second)
go oAdmin.setState()
func indexTxtParser(txt string) []indexTxtLine {
var indexTxt []indexTxtLine
txtLinesArray := strings.Split(txt, "\n")
for _, v := range txtLinesArray {
str := strings.Fields(v)
if len(str) > 0 {
switch {
// case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "E"):
case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "V"):
indexTxt = append(indexTxt, indexTxtLine{Flag: str[0], ExpirationDate: str[1], SerialNumber: str[2], Filename: str[3], DistinguishedName: str[4], Identity: str[4][strings.Index(str[4], "=")+1:]})
case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "R"):
indexTxt = append(indexTxt, indexTxtLine{Flag: str[0], ExpirationDate: str[1], RevocationDate: str[2], SerialNumber: str[3], Filename: str[4], DistinguishedName: str[5], Identity: str[5][strings.Index(str[5], "=")+1:]})
return indexTxt
func renderIndexTxt(data []indexTxtLine) string {
indexTxt := ""
for _, line := range data {
switch {
case line.Flag == "V":
indexTxt += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.Flag, line.ExpirationDate, line.SerialNumber, line.Filename, line.DistinguishedName)
case line.Flag == "R":
indexTxt += fmt.Sprintf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", line.Flag, line.ExpirationDate, line.RevocationDate, line.SerialNumber, line.Filename, line.DistinguishedName)
// case line.flag == "E":
return indexTxt
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) getClientConfigTemplate() *template.Template {
if *clientConfigTemplatePath != "" {
return template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*clientConfigTemplatePath))
} else {
clientConfigTpl, clientConfigTplErr := oAdmin.templates.FindString("client.conf.tpl")
if clientConfigTplErr != nil {
log.Error("clientConfigTpl not found in templates box")
return template.Must(template.New("client-config").Parse(clientConfigTpl))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) renderClientConfig(username string) string {
if checkUserExist(username) {
var hosts []OpenvpnServer
for _, server := range *openvpnServer {
parts := strings.SplitN(server, ":", 3)
hosts = append(hosts, OpenvpnServer{Host: parts[0], Port: parts[1], Protocol: parts[2]})
if *openvpnServerBehindLB {
var err error
hosts, err = getOvpnServerHostsFromKubeApi()
if err != nil {
log.Tracef("hosts for %s\n %v", username, hosts)
conf := openvpnClientConfig{}
conf.Hosts = hosts
conf.CA = fRead(*easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/ca.crt")
conf.TLS = fRead(*easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/ta.key")
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
conf.Cert, conf.Key = app.easyrsaGetClientCert(username)
} else {
conf.Cert = fRead(*easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/issued/" + username + ".crt")
conf.Key = fRead(*easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/private/" + username + ".key")
conf.PasswdAuth = *authByPassword
t := oAdmin.getClientConfigTemplate()
var tmp bytes.Buffer
err := t.Execute(&tmp, conf)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("something goes wrong during rendering config for %s", username)
log.Debugf("rendering config for %s failed with error %v", username, err)
hosts = nil
log.Tracef("Rendered config for user %s: %+v", username, tmp.String())
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", tmp.String())
log.Warnf("user \"%s\" not found", username)
return fmt.Sprintf("user \"%s\" not found", username)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) getCcdTemplate() *template.Template {
if *ccdTemplatePath != "" {
return template.Must(template.ParseFiles(*ccdTemplatePath))
} else {
ccdTpl, ccdTplErr := oAdmin.templates.FindString("ccd.tpl")
if ccdTplErr != nil {
log.Errorf("ccdTpl not found in templates box")
return template.Must(template.New("ccd").Parse(ccdTpl))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) parseCcd(username string) Ccd {
ccd := Ccd{}
ccd.User = username
ccd.ClientAddress = "dynamic"
ccd.CustomRoutes = []ccdRoute{}
var txtLinesArray []string
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
txtLinesArray = strings.Split(app.secretGetCcd(ccd.User), "\n")
} else {
if fExist(*ccdDir + "/" + username) {
txtLinesArray = strings.Split(fRead(*ccdDir+"/"+username), "\n")
for _, v := range txtLinesArray {
str := strings.Fields(v)
if len(str) > 0 {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "ifconfig-push"):
ccd.ClientAddress = str[1]
case strings.HasPrefix(str[0], "push"):
ccd.CustomRoutes = append(ccd.CustomRoutes, ccdRoute{Address: strings.Trim(str[2], "\""), Mask: strings.Trim(str[3], "\""), Description: strings.Trim(strings.Join(str[4:], ""), "#")})
return ccd
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) modifyCcd(ccd Ccd) (bool, string) {
ccdValid, ccdErr := validateCcd(ccd)
if ccdErr != "" {
return false, ccdErr
if ccdValid {
t := oAdmin.getCcdTemplate()
var tmp bytes.Buffer
tplErr := t.Execute(&tmp, ccd)
if tplErr != nil {
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
app.secretUpdateCcd(ccd.User, tmp.Bytes())
} else {
fWrite(*ccdDir+"/"+ccd.User, tmp.String())
return true, "ccd updated successfully"
return false, "something goes wrong"
func validateCcd(ccd Ccd) (bool, string) {
ccdErr := ""
if ccd.ClientAddress != "dynamic" {
_, ovpnNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(*openvpnNetwork)
if err != nil {
if !checkStaticAddressIsFree(ccd.ClientAddress, ccd.User) {
ccdErr = fmt.Sprintf("ClientAddress \"%s\" already assigned to another user", ccd.ClientAddress)
log.Debugf("modify ccd for user %s: %s", ccd.User, ccdErr)
return false, ccdErr
if net.ParseIP(ccd.ClientAddress) == nil {
ccdErr = fmt.Sprintf("ClientAddress \"%s\" not a valid IP address", ccd.ClientAddress)
log.Debugf("modify ccd for user %s: %s", ccd.User, ccdErr)
return false, ccdErr
if !ovpnNet.Contains(net.ParseIP(ccd.ClientAddress)) {
ccdErr = fmt.Sprintf("ClientAddress \"%s\" not belongs to openvpn server network", ccd.ClientAddress)
log.Debugf("modify ccd for user %s: %s", ccd.User, ccdErr)
return false, ccdErr
for _, route := range ccd.CustomRoutes {
if net.ParseIP(route.Address) == nil {
ccdErr = fmt.Sprintf("CustomRoute.Address \"%s\" must be a valid IP address", route.Address)
log.Debugf("modify ccd for user %s: %s", ccd.User, ccdErr)
return false, ccdErr
if net.ParseIP(route.Mask) == nil {
ccdErr = fmt.Sprintf("CustomRoute.Mask \"%s\" must be a valid IP address", route.Mask)
log.Debugf("modify ccd for user %s: %s", ccd.User, ccdErr)
return false, ccdErr
return true, ccdErr
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) getCcd(username string) Ccd {
ccd := Ccd{}
ccd.User = username
ccd.ClientAddress = "dynamic"
ccd.CustomRoutes = []ccdRoute{}
ccd = oAdmin.parseCcd(username)
return ccd
func checkStaticAddressIsFree(staticAddress string, username string) bool {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("grep -rl ' %s ' %s | grep -vx %s/%s | wc -l", staticAddress, *ccdDir, *ccdDir, username))
if strings.TrimSpace(o) == "0" {
return true
return false
func validateUsername(username string) bool {
var validUsername = regexp.MustCompile(usernameRegexp)
return validUsername.MatchString(username)
func validatePassword(password string) bool {
if len(password) < passwordMinLength {
return false
} else {
return true
func checkUserExist(username string) bool {
for _, u := range indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath)) {
if u.DistinguishedName == ("/CN=" + username) {
return true
return false
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) usersList() []OpenvpnClient {
var users []OpenvpnClient
totalCerts := 0
validCerts := 0
revokedCerts := 0
expiredCerts := 0
connectedUniqUsers := 0
totalActiveConnections := 0
apochNow := time.Now().Unix()
for _, line := range indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath)) {
if line.Identity != "server" && !strings.Contains(line.Identity, "REVOKED") && !strings.Contains(line.Identity, "DELETED") {
totalCerts += 1
ovpnClient := OpenvpnClient{Identity: line.Identity, ExpirationDate: parseDateToString(indexTxtDateLayout, line.ExpirationDate, stringDateFormat)}
switch {
case line.Flag == "V":
ovpnClient.AccountStatus = "Active"
validCerts += 1
case line.Flag == "R":
ovpnClient.AccountStatus = "Revoked"
ovpnClient.RevocationDate = parseDateToString(indexTxtDateLayout, line.RevocationDate, stringDateFormat)
revokedCerts += 1
case line.Flag == "E":
ovpnClient.AccountStatus = "Expired"
expiredCerts += 1
ovpnClientCertificateExpire.WithLabelValues(line.Identity).Set(float64((parseDateToUnix(indexTxtDateLayout, line.ExpirationDate) - apochNow) / 3600 / 24))
if (parseDateToUnix(indexTxtDateLayout, line.ExpirationDate) - apochNow) < 0 {
ovpnClient.AccountStatus = "Expired"
ovpnClient.Connections = 0
userConnected, userConnectedTo := isUserConnected(line.Identity, oAdmin.activeClients)
if userConnected {
ovpnClient.ConnectionStatus = "Connected"
for _ = range userConnectedTo {
ovpnClient.Connections += 1
totalActiveConnections += 1
connectedUniqUsers += 1
users = append(users, ovpnClient)
} else {
ovpnServerCertExpire.Set(float64((parseDateToUnix(indexTxtDateLayout, line.ExpirationDate) - apochNow) / 3600 / 24))
otherCerts := totalCerts - validCerts - revokedCerts - expiredCerts
if otherCerts != 0 {
log.Warnf("there are %d otherCerts", otherCerts)
return users
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userCreate(username, password string) (bool, string) {
ucErr := fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" created", username)
if checkUserExist(username) {
ucErr = fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" already exists\n", username)
log.Debugf("userCreate: %s", ucErr)
return false, ucErr
if !validateUsername(username) {
ucErr = fmt.Sprintf("Username \"%s\" incorrect, you can use only %s\n", username, usernameRegexp)
log.Debugf("userCreate: %s", ucErr)
return false, ucErr
if *authByPassword {
if !validatePassword(password) {
ucErr = fmt.Sprintf("Password too short, password length must be greater or equal %d", passwordMinLength)
log.Debugf("userCreate: %s", ucErr)
return false, ucErr
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.easyrsaBuildClient(username)
if err != nil {
} else {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && easyrsa build-client-full %s nopass", *easyrsaDirPath, username))
if *authByPassword {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user create --db.path %s --user %s --password %s", *authDatabase, username, password))
log.Infof("Certificate for user %s issued", username)
//oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
return true, ucErr
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userChangePassword(username, password string) (bool, string) {
if checkUserExist(username) {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user check --db.path %s --user %s | grep %s | wc -l", *authDatabase, username, username))
if !validatePassword(password) {
ucpErr := fmt.Sprintf("Password for too short, password length must be greater or equal %d", passwordMinLength)
log.Debugf("userChangePassword: %s", ucpErr)
return false, ucpErr
if strings.TrimSpace(o) == "0" {
log.Info("Creating user in users.db")
o = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user create --db.path %s --user %s --password %s", *authDatabase, username, password))
o = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user change-password --db.path %s --user %s --password %s", *authDatabase, username, password))
log.Tracef("INFO: password for user %s was changed", username)
return true, "Password changed"
return false, "User does not exist"
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) getUserStatistic(username string) []clientStatus {
var userStatistic []clientStatus
for _, u := range oAdmin.activeClients {
if u.CommonName == username {
userStatistic = append(userStatistic, u)
return userStatistic
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userRevoke(username string) string {
log.Infof("Revoke certificate for user %s", username)
var shellOut string
if checkUserExist(username) {
// check certificate valid flag 'V'
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.easyrsaRevoke(username)
if err != nil {
} else {
shellOut = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("date +%%Y-%%m-%%d\\ %%H:%%M:%%S && cd %s && echo yes | easyrsa revoke %s && easyrsa gen-crl", *easyrsaDirPath, username))
if *authByPassword {
shellOut = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user revoke --db-path %s --user %s", *authDatabase, username))
userConnected, userConnectedTo := isUserConnected(username, oAdmin.activeClients)
log.Tracef("User %s connected: %t", username, userConnected)
if userConnected {
for _, connection := range userConnectedTo {
oAdmin.mgmtKillUserConnection(username, connection)
log.Infof("Session for user \"%s\" killed", username)
return fmt.Sprintln(shellOut)
log.Infof("user \"%s\" not found", username)
return fmt.Sprintf("User \"%s\" not found", username)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userUnrevoke(username string) string {
if checkUserExist(username) {
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.easyrsaUnrevoke(username)
if err != nil {
} else {
// check certificate revoked flag 'R'
usersFromIndexTxt := indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath))
for i := range usersFromIndexTxt {
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == "/CN="+username {
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].Flag == "R" {
usersFromIndexTxt[i].Flag = "V"
usersFromIndexTxt[i].RevocationDate = ""
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && cp pki/revoked/certs_by_serial/%s.crt pki/issued/%s.crt", *easyrsaDirPath, usersFromIndexTxt[i].SerialNumber, username))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && cp pki/revoked/certs_by_serial/%s.crt pki/certs_by_serial/%s.pem", *easyrsaDirPath, usersFromIndexTxt[i].SerialNumber, usersFromIndexTxt[i].SerialNumber))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && cp pki/revoked/private_by_serial/%s.key pki/private/%s.key", *easyrsaDirPath, usersFromIndexTxt[i].SerialNumber, username))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && cp pki/revoked/reqs_by_serial/%s.req pki/reqs/%s.req", *easyrsaDirPath, usersFromIndexTxt[i].SerialNumber, username))
fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && easyrsa gen-crl", *easyrsaDirPath))
if *authByPassword {
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("openvpn-user restore --db-path %s --user %s", *authDatabase, username))
fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt))
oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User %s successfully unrevoked\"}", username)
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User \"%s\" not found\"}", username)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userRotate(username, newPassword string) string {
if checkUserExist(username) {
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.easyrsaRotate(username, newPassword)
if err != nil {
} else {
uniqHash := strings.Replace(uuid.New().String(), "-", "", -1)
var oldUserIndex, newUserIndex int
usersFromIndexTxt := indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath))
for i := range usersFromIndexTxt {
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == "/CN="+username {
usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName = "/CN=REVOKED" + username + "-" + uniqHash
fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt))
oAdmin.userCreate(username, newPassword)
usersFromIndexTxt = indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath))
for i := range usersFromIndexTxt {
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == "/CN="+username {
newUserIndex = i
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == "/CN=REVOKED"+username+"-"+uniqHash {
oldUserIndex = i
usersFromIndexTxt[oldUserIndex], usersFromIndexTxt[newUserIndex] = usersFromIndexTxt[newUserIndex], usersFromIndexTxt[oldUserIndex]
fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && easyrsa gen-crl", *easyrsaDirPath))
oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User %s successfully rotated\"}", username)
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User \"%s\" not found\"}", username)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) userDelete(username string) string {
if checkUserExist(username) {
if *storageBackend == "kubernetes.secrets" {
err := app.easyrsaDelete(username)
if err != nil {
} else {
uniqHash := strings.Replace(uuid.New().String(), "-", "", -1)
usersFromIndexTxt := indexTxtParser(fRead(*indexTxtPath))
for i := range usersFromIndexTxt {
if usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName == "/CN="+username {
usersFromIndexTxt[i].DistinguishedName = "/CN=DELETED" + username + "-" + uniqHash
fWrite(*indexTxtPath, renderIndexTxt(usersFromIndexTxt))
_ = runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && easyrsa gen-crl", *easyrsaDirPath))
oAdmin.clients = oAdmin.usersList()
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User %s successfully deleted\"}", username)
return fmt.Sprintf("{\"msg\":\"User \"%s\" not found\"}", username)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) mgmtRead(conn net.Conn) string {
recvData := make([]byte, 32768)
var out string
var n int
var err error
for {
n, err = conn.Read(recvData)
if n <= 0 || err != nil {
} else {
out += string(recvData[:n])
if strings.Contains(out, "type 'help' for more info") || strings.Contains(out, "END") || strings.Contains(out, "SUCCESS:") || strings.Contains(out, "ERROR:") {
return out
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) mgmtConnectedUsersParser(text, serverName string) []clientStatus {
var u []clientStatus
isClientList := false
isRouteTable := false
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(text))
for scanner.Scan() {
txt := scanner.Text()
if regexp.MustCompile(`^Common Name,Real Address,Bytes Received,Bytes Sent,Connected Since$`).MatchString(txt) {
isClientList = true
if regexp.MustCompile(`^ROUTING TABLE$`).MatchString(txt) {
isClientList = false
if regexp.MustCompile(`^Virtual Address,Common Name,Real Address,Last Ref$`).MatchString(txt) {
isRouteTable = true
if regexp.MustCompile(`^GLOBAL STATS$`).MatchString(txt) {
// isRouteTable = false // ineffectual assignment to isRouteTable (ineffassign)
if isClientList {
user := strings.Split(txt, ",")
userName := user[0]
userAddress := user[1]
userBytesReceived := user[2]
userBytesSent := user[3]
userConnectedSince := user[4]
userStatus := clientStatus{CommonName: userName, RealAddress: userAddress, BytesReceived: userBytesReceived, BytesSent: userBytesSent, ConnectedSince: userConnectedSince, ConnectedTo: serverName}
u = append(u, userStatus)
bytesSent, _ := strconv.Atoi(userBytesSent)
bytesReceive, _ := strconv.Atoi(userBytesReceived)
ovpnClientConnectionFrom.WithLabelValues(userName, userAddress).Set(float64(parseDateToUnix(oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat, userConnectedSince)))
if isRouteTable {
user := strings.Split(txt, ",")
for i := range u {
if u[i].CommonName == user[1] {
u[i].VirtualAddress = user[0]
u[i].LastRef = user[3]
ovpnClientConnectionInfo.WithLabelValues(user[1], user[0]).Set(float64(parseDateToUnix(oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat, user[3])))
return u
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) mgmtKillUserConnection(username, serverName string) {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", oAdmin.mgmtInterfaces[serverName])
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("openvpn mgmt interface for %s is not reachable by addr %s", serverName, oAdmin.mgmtInterfaces[serverName])
oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn) // read welcome message
conn.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("kill %s\n", username)))
fmt.Printf("%v", oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) mgmtGetActiveClients() []clientStatus {
var activeClients []clientStatus
for srv, addr := range oAdmin.mgmtInterfaces {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", addr)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("openvpn mgmt interface for %s is not reachable by addr %s", srv, addr)
oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn) // read welcome message
activeClients = append(activeClients, oAdmin.mgmtConnectedUsersParser(oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn), srv)...)
return activeClients
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) mgmtSetTimeFormat() {
// time format for version 2.5 and may be newer
oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat = "2006-01-02 15:04:05"
log.Debugf("mgmtStatusTimeFormat: %s", oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat)
type serverVersion struct {
name string
version string
var serverVersions []serverVersion
for srv, addr := range oAdmin.mgmtInterfaces {
var conn net.Conn
var err error
for connAttempt := 0; connAttempt < 10; connAttempt++ {
conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", addr)
if err == nil {
log.Debugf("mgmtSetTimeFormat: successful connection to %s/%s", srv, addr)
log.Warnf("mgmtSetTimeFormat: openvpn mgmt interface for %s is not reachable by addr %s", srv, addr)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(2) * time.Second)
if err != nil {
oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn) // read welcome message
out := oAdmin.mgmtRead(conn)
for _, s := range strings.Split(out, "\n") {
if strings.Contains(s, "OpenVPN Version:") {
serverVersions = append(serverVersions, serverVersion{srv, strings.Split(s, " ")[3]})
if len(serverVersions) == 0 {
firstVersion := serverVersions[0].version
if strings.HasPrefix(firstVersion, "2.4") {
oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat = time.ANSIC
log.Debugf("mgmtStatusTimeFormat changed: %s", oAdmin.mgmtStatusTimeFormat)
warn := ""
for _, v := range serverVersions {
if firstVersion != v.version {
warn = "mgmtSetTimeFormat: servers have different versions of openvpn, user connection status may not work"
if warn != "" {
for _, v := range serverVersions {
log.Infof("server name: %s, version: %s", v.name, v.version)
func isUserConnected(username string, connectedUsers []clientStatus) (bool, []string) {
var connections []string
var connected = false
for _, connectedUser := range connectedUsers {
if connectedUser.CommonName == username {
connected = true
connections = append(connections, connectedUser.ConnectedTo)
return connected, connections
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) downloadCerts() bool {
if fExist(certsArchivePath) {
err := fDownload(certsArchivePath, *masterHost+downloadCertsApiUrl+"?token="+oAdmin.masterSyncToken, oAdmin.masterHostBasicAuth)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) downloadCcd() bool {
if fExist(ccdArchivePath) {
err := fDownload(ccdArchivePath, *masterHost+downloadCcdApiUrl+"?token="+oAdmin.masterSyncToken, oAdmin.masterHostBasicAuth)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func archiveCerts() {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && tar -czf %s *", *easyrsaDirPath+"/pki", certsArchivePath))
func archiveCcd() {
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && tar -czf %s *", *ccdDir, ccdArchivePath))
func unArchiveCerts() {
runBash(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s", *easyrsaDirPath+"/pki"))
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && tar -xzf %s", *easyrsaDirPath+"/pki", certsArchivePath))
func unArchiveCcd() {
runBash(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s", *ccdDir))
o := runBash(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && tar -xzf %s", *ccdDir, ccdArchivePath))
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) syncDataFromMaster() {
retryCountMax := 3
certsDownloadFailed := true
ccdDownloadFailed := true
certsDownloadRetries := 0
ccdDownloadRetries := 0
for certsDownloadFailed && certsDownloadRetries < retryCountMax {
certsDownloadRetries += 1
log.Infof("Downloading certs archive from master. Attempt %d", certsDownloadRetries)
if oAdmin.downloadCerts() {
certsDownloadFailed = false
log.Info("Decompression certs archive from master")
} else {
log.Warnf("something goes wrong during downloading certs from master. Attempt %d", certsDownloadRetries)
for ccdDownloadFailed && ccdDownloadRetries < retryCountMax {
ccdDownloadRetries += 1
log.Infof("Downloading ccd archive from master. Attempt %d", ccdDownloadRetries)
if oAdmin.downloadCcd() {
ccdDownloadFailed = false
log.Info("Decompression ccd archive from master")
} else {
log.Warnf("something goes wrong during downloading certs from master. Attempt %d", ccdDownloadRetries)
oAdmin.lastSyncTime = time.Now().Format(stringDateFormat)
if !ccdDownloadFailed && !certsDownloadFailed {
oAdmin.lastSuccessfulSyncTime = time.Now().Format(stringDateFormat)
func (oAdmin *OvpnAdmin) syncWithMaster() {
for {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(*masterSyncFrequency) * time.Second)
func getOvpnServerHostsFromKubeApi() ([]OpenvpnServer, error) {
var hosts []OpenvpnServer
var lbHost string
config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
for _, serviceName := range *openvpnServiceName {
service, err := clientset.CoreV1().Services(fRead(kubeNamespaceFilePath)).Get(context.TODO(), serviceName, metav1.GetOptions{})
if err != nil {
log.Tracef("Debug: service from kube api %v", service)
log.Tracef("Debug: service.Status from kube api %v", service.Status)
log.Tracef("Debug: service.Status.LoadBalancer from kube api %v", service.Status.LoadBalancer)
lbIngress := service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress
if len(lbIngress) > 0 {
if lbIngress[0].Hostname != "" {
lbHost = lbIngress[0].Hostname
if lbIngress[0].IP != "" {
lbHost = lbIngress[0].IP
hosts = append(hosts, OpenvpnServer{lbHost, strconv.Itoa(int(service.Spec.Ports[0].Port)), strings.ToLower(string(service.Spec.Ports[0].Protocol))})
if len(hosts) == 0 {
return []OpenvpnServer{{Host: "kubernetes services not found"}}, err
return hosts, nil
func getOvpnCaCertExpireDate() time.Time {
caCertPath := *easyrsaDirPath + "/pki/ca.crt"
caCert, err := ioutil.ReadFile(caCertPath)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error read file %s: %s", caCertPath, err.Error())
certPem, _ := pem.Decode(caCert)
certPemBytes := certPem.Bytes
cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(certPemBytes)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("error parse certificate ca.crt: %s", err.Error())
return time.Now()
return cert.NotAfter
// https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/623
func crlFix() {
err := os.Chmod(*easyrsaDirPath+"/pki", 0755)
if err != nil {
err = os.Chmod(*easyrsaDirPath+"/pki/crl.pem", 0644)
if err != nil {