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"M14.979 8.248l5.438-5.514 1.557 1.577-5.438 5.514-1.558-1.577zm-2.203 5.635a1.911 1.911 0 0 1-1.364-.577 1.987 1.987 0 0 1-.562-1.385c0-1.082.862-1.96 1.925-1.96 1.064 0 1.928.878 1.928 1.96 0 .516-.201 1.012-.563 1.385a1.913 1.913 0 0 1-1.364.577zm9.222 5.695l-1.556 1.579-5.438-5.515 1.558-1.577 5.436 5.513zM12.834 20.403a8.12 8.12 0 0 0 3.097-.615l2.656 2.695A11.643 11.643 0 0 1 12.834 24C6.298 24 1 18.627 1 12S6.299 0 12.834 0c2.068 0 4.012.54 5.703 1.486l-2.611 2.65a8.127 8.127 0 0 0-3.092-.613c-4.577 0-8.287 3.78-8.287 8.44 0 4.661 3.71 8.44 8.287 8.44z": "Clockify", "M3.55 6.41c0-1.2.73-2.28 1.88-2.8A3.51 3.51 0 0 1 8.94 4l2.52-2.35A7.25 7.25 0 0 0 3.22.98a6.22 6.22 0 0 0-2.95 7.2 6.82 6.82 0 0 0 6.6 4.64h2.58v-3.3H6.87C5.04 9.5 3.55 8.11 3.55 6.4zm13.51 4.73h-2.58v3.3h2.58c1.83 0 3.32 1.4 3.32 3.1 0 1.72-1.49 3.1-3.32 3.1s-3.32-1.37-3.32-3.08V6.4c0-1.58-.63-3.11-1.76-4.29L9.46 4.48c.47.53.73 1.22.73 1.93v11.14c0 3.54 3.08 6.41 6.87 6.41 3.8 0 6.87-2.87 6.87-6.41s-3.07-6.41-6.87-6.41z": "CloudBees", "M23.827 19.73h-5.595c-.094 0-.17.058-.17.172v1.515c0 . 0 .172-.044.172-.164v-1.515c0-.105-.057-.166-.173-.166v-.014.002zM16.463 2.465c. .061-.02.096-.037.114a.168.168 0 0 1-.135.06H.153c-.038 0-.075 0-.097-.02A.181.181 0 0 1 0 21.395V2.566c0-.076.04-.134.096-.15h16.242c.04 0 . 19.575c0 . 0 1.014.177 1.396.619. 0-2.79.795-3.255 2.206-.165.495-.24 1.126-.24 1.979 0 .855.075 1.484.255 1.98.465 1.426 1.665 2.205 3.255 2.205 1.2 0 2.115-.48 2.745-1.216.045-.074.06-.165-.015-.226L8.64 15.48c-.073-.047-.163-.047-.224.027-.39.45-.795.69-1.454.69-.706 0-1.245-.345-1.47-1.035-.136-.39-.166-.87-.166-1.483 0-.615.045-1.068.18-1.471.24-.659.766-1.007 1.486-1.007z": "Codecademy", "M 16.046875 5.039062 L 24 12.992188 L 21.292969 15.703125 L 16.046875 10.457031 L 14.203125 12.308594 L 11.488281 9.597656 Z M 10.652344 10.4375 L 13.359375 13.152344 L 15.90625 15.691406 L 13.191406 18.398438 L 7.953125 13.160156 L 3.777344 17.335938 L 2.707031 18.398438 L 0 15.691406 L 7.953125 7.738281 Z M 10.652344 10.4375": "Code Climate", diff --git a/_data/simple-icons.json b/_data/simple-icons.json index e8a531563..c6e7d3422 100644 --- a/_data/simple-icons.json +++ b/_data/simple-icons.json @@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@ { "title": "Clockify", "hex": "03A9F4", - "source": "https://clockify.me/" + "source": "https://clockify.me/brand-assets" }, { "title": "Clojure", diff --git a/icons/clockify.svg b/icons/clockify.svg index b7c4d5464..7d4b07d8b 100644 --- a/icons/clockify.svg +++ b/icons/clockify.svg @@ -1 +1 @@ -Clockify icon \ No newline at end of file +Clockify icon \ No newline at end of file