import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import { describe, test } from 'mocha'; import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert'; import { getThirdPartyExtensions, getDirnameFromImportMeta } from '../sdk.mjs'; const __dirname = getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url); const root = path.dirname(__dirname); test('README third party extensions must be alphabetically sorted', async () => { const readmePath = path.join(root, ''); const thirdPartyExtensions = await getThirdPartyExtensions(readmePath); assert.ok(thirdPartyExtensions.length > 0); const thirdPartyExtensionsNames = (ext) =>, ); const expectedOrder = thirdPartyExtensionsNames.slice().sort(); assert.deepEqual( thirdPartyExtensionsNames, expectedOrder, 'Wrong alphabetical order of third party extensions in README.', ); }); test('Only allow HTTPS links in documentation pages', async () => { const ignoreHttpLinks = ['']; const docsFiles = fs .readdirSync(root) .filter((fname) => fname.endsWith('.md')); const linksGetter = new RegExp('http://[^\\s"\']+', 'g'); for (let docsFile of docsFiles) { const docsFilePath = path.join(root, docsFile); const docsFileContent = fs.readFileSync(docsFilePath, 'utf8'); Array.from(docsFileContent.matchAll(linksGetter)).forEach((match) => { const link = match[0]; assert.ok( ignoreHttpLinks.includes(link) || link.startsWith('https://'), `Link '${link}' in '${docsFile}' (at index ${match.index})` + ` must use the HTTPS protocol.`, ); }); } });