#!/usr/bin/env node /** * @fileoverview * Compiles our icons into static .js files that can be imported in the browser * and are tree-shakeable. The static .js files go in icons/{filename}.js. Also * generates an index.js that exports all icons by title, but is not * tree-shakeable */ import { promises as fs } from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import util from 'node:util'; import { transform as esbuildTransform } from 'esbuild'; import { getIconSlug, svgToPath, titleToHtmlFriendly, slugToVariableName, getIconsData, getDirnameFromImportMeta, collator, } from '../utils.js'; const __dirname = getDirnameFromImportMeta(import.meta.url); const UTF8 = 'utf8'; const rootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..'); const iconsDir = path.resolve(rootDir, 'icons'); const indexJsFile = path.resolve(rootDir, 'index.js'); const indexMjsFile = path.resolve(rootDir, 'index.mjs'); const indexDtsFile = path.resolve(rootDir, 'index.d.ts'); const templatesDir = path.resolve(__dirname, 'templates'); const iconObjectTemplateFile = path.resolve(templatesDir, 'icon-object.js'); const build = async () => { const icons = await getIconsData(); const iconObjectTemplate = await fs.readFile(iconObjectTemplateFile, UTF8); // Local helper functions const escape = (value) => { return value.replace(/(? { return `'${icon.slug}':${iconToObject(icon)}`; }; const licenseToObject = (license) => { if (license === undefined) { return; } if (license.url === undefined) { license.url = `https://spdx.org/licenses/${license.type}`; } return license; }; const iconToObject = (icon) => { return util.format( iconObjectTemplate, escape(icon.title), escape(icon.slug), escape(titleToHtmlFriendly(icon.title)), escape(icon.path), escape(icon.source), escape(icon.hex), icon.guidelines ? `'${escape(icon.guidelines)}'` : undefined, licenseToObject(icon.license), ); }; const writeJs = async (filepath, rawJavaScript) => { const { code } = await esbuildTransform(rawJavaScript, { minify: true, }); await fs.writeFile(filepath, code); }; const writeTs = async (filepath, rawTypeScript) => { await fs.writeFile(filepath, rawTypeScript); }; // 'main' const buildIcons = await Promise.all( icons.map(async (icon) => { const filename = getIconSlug(icon); const svgFilepath = path.resolve(iconsDir, `${filename}.svg`); icon.svg = (await fs.readFile(svgFilepath, UTF8)).replace(/\r?\n/, ''); icon.path = svgToPath(icon.svg); icon.slug = filename; const iconObject = iconToObject(icon); const iconExportName = slugToVariableName(icon.slug); return { icon, iconObject, iconExportName }; }), ); const iconsBarrelDts = []; const iconsBarrelJs = []; const iconsBarrelMjs = []; buildIcons.sort((a, b) => collator.compare(a.icon.title, b.icon.title)); buildIcons.forEach(({ iconObject, iconExportName }) => { iconsBarrelDts.push(`export const ${iconExportName}:I;`); iconsBarrelJs.push(`${iconExportName}:${iconObject},`); iconsBarrelMjs.push(`export const ${iconExportName}=${iconObject}`); }); // constants used in templates to reduce package size const constantsString = `const a='',b='';`; // write our file containing the exports of all icons in CommonJS ... const rawIndexJs = `${constantsString}module.exports={${iconsBarrelJs.join( '', )}};`; await writeJs(indexJsFile, rawIndexJs); // and ESM const rawIndexMjs = constantsString + iconsBarrelMjs.join(''); await writeJs(indexMjsFile, rawIndexMjs); // and create a type declaration file const rawIndexDts = `import {SimpleIcon} from "./types";export {SimpleIcon};type I=SimpleIcon;${iconsBarrelDts.join( '', )}`; await writeTs(indexDtsFile, rawIndexDts); }; build();