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Simple Icons

Simple Icons

Over 2700 Free SVG icons for popular brands. See them all on one page at SimpleIcons.org. Contributions, corrections & requests can be made on GitHub.

Build status NPM version Build status
Number of icons currently in the library Number of users active in our Discord server Backers and sponsors on Open Collective



We ask that all users read our legal disclaimer before using icons from Simple Icons.

General Usage

Icons can be downloaded as SVGs directly from our website - simply click the download button of the icon you want, and the download will start automatically.

CDN Usage

Icons can be served from a CDN such as jsDelivr or Unpkg. Simply use the simple-icons npm package and specify a version in the URL like the following:

<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v9/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v9/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg" />

Where [ICON SLUG] is replaced by the slug of the icon you want to use, for example:

<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/simple-icons@v9/icons/simpleicons.svg" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://unpkg.com/simple-icons@v9/icons/simpleicons.svg" />

These examples use the latest major version. This means you won't receive any updates following the next major release. You can use @latest instead to receive updates indefinitely. However, this will result in a 404 error if the icon is removed.

CDN with colors

We also provide a CDN service which allows you to use colors.

<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/[ICON SLUG]" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/[ICON SLUG]/[COLOR]" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/[ICON SLUG]/[COLOR]/[DARK_MODE_COLOR]" />

Where [COLOR] is optional, and can be replaced by the hex colors or CSS keywords of the icon you want to you use. The color is defaulted to the HEX color of the icon shown in simpleicons.org website. [DARK_MODE_COLOR] is used for dark mode. The CSS prefers-color-scheme will be used when a value is specified. For example:

<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/gray" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/hotpink" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/0cf" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/0cf9" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/00ccff" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/00ccff99" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/orange/pink" />
<img height="32" width="32" src="https://cdn.simpleicons.org/simpleicons/_/eee" />

Node Usage Node

The icons are also available through our npm package. To install, simply run:

npm install simple-icons

All icons are imported from a single file, where [ICON SLUG] is replaced by a capitalized slug. We highly recommend using a bundler that can tree shake such as webpack to remove the unused icon code:

// Import a specific icon by its slug as:
// import { si[ICON SLUG] } from 'simple-icons'

// For example:
// use import/esm to allow tree shaking
import { siSimpleicons } from 'simple-icons';
// or with require/cjs
const { siSimpleicons } = require('simple-icons');

It will return an icon object:


    title: 'Simple Icons',
    slug: 'simpleicons',
    hex: '111111',
    source: 'https://simpleicons.org/',
    svg: '<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">...</svg>',
    path: 'M12 12v-1.5c-2.484 ...',
    guidelines: 'https://simpleicons.org/styleguide',
    license: {
        type: '...',
        url: 'https://example.com/'

NOTE: the `guidelines` entry will be `undefined` if we do not yet have guidelines for the icon.
NOTE: the `license` entry will be `undefined` if we do not yet have license data for the icon.

If you need to iterate over all icons, use:

import * as icons from 'simple-icons';

TypeScript Usage Typescript

Type definitions are bundled with the package.

import type { SimpleIcon } from 'simple-icons';

PHP Usage Php

The icons are also available through our Packagist package. To install, simply run:

composer require simple-icons/simple-icons

The package can then be used as follows, where [ICON SLUG] is replaced by a slug:

// Import a specific icon by its slug as:
echo file_get_contents('path/to/package/icons/[ICON SLUG].svg');

// For example:
echo file_get_contents('path/to/package/icons/simpleicons.svg');

// <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">...</svg>

Third-Party Extensions

Extension Author License Simple Icons Version
Angular module Angular @avmaisak v6.18.0
Blazor Nuget package Blazor @TimeWarpEngineering v9.9.0
Blender add-on Blender @mondeja Latest
Drawio library Drawio @mondeja Latest
Drupal module Drupal Phil Wolstenholme v3.13.0
Figma plugin Figma @LitoMore Latest
Flutter package Flutter @jlnrrg v7.10.0
Framer component Framer @LitoMore Latest
Hexo plugin Hexo @nidbCN v4.25.0
Home Assistant plugin Home Assistant @vigonotion v7.14.0
Hugo module Hugo @foo-dogsquared Latest
Java library OpenJDK @silentsoft v6.16.0
Jetpack Compose library Jetpack Compose @DevSrSouza v4.14.0
Kirby plugin Kirby @runxel v2.19.0
LaTeX package LaTeX @ineshbose Latest
Laravel package Laravel @adrian-ub Latest
Leptos crate Leptos @Carlosted v9.14.0
Python package Python @sachinraja v7.21.0
React package React @wootsbot v9.16.1
Ruby gem Ruby @thepew Latest
Solid package Solid @x64Bits v9.0.0
Stream Deck icon pack Stream Deck @mackenly v7.17.0
Svelte package Svelte @wootsbot v9.19.0
Vue 3 package Vue @wyatt-herkamp v9.10.0
Vue package Vue @noahlitvin v4.7.0
WordPress plugin WordPress @tjtaylo v4.25.0

Note for Extension Authors
From our next major release (v11, releasing on May 26, 2024), we will begin removing third-party extensions from the above list that are not up to date with at least our previous major release.
For example, when v11 is released, we will remove any extensions that don't support v10.0.0 or higher.
Please create a PR to update the version number of your extension in this README following each update of your extension.


Good first issues open

Information describing how to contribute can be found in the file CONTRIBUTING.md

JavaScript 99.8%
Dockerfile 0.2%