For a long time this was enough. In 2016, "div ingest" was added, and it allows the developer to give Video.js a player div to use instead of making it's own.
This is partly to help with content reflow but also to help with iOS where you sometimes need to prime the video element and we re-create the video element when we create the player div.
However, this is kind of weird to have a `<video>` element embed with a `<div>` wrapped around it. So, we built out a new embed, a `<video-js>` embed.
Native Custom Elements support is relatively small according to [Can I Use]( and because we didn't want to include a polyfill we're going with just an element called `video-js` rather than a full blown custom element.
This is an ease-of-use method for having Video.js set up the player automatically. It is an HTML attribute and it takes a JSON string representation of the [player options](/docs/guides/ as the value.
Using the programmatic approach is probably preferable.