2015-02-13 15:18:07 -08:00
var noop = function() {}, clock, oldTextTracks;
2015-05-03 16:12:38 -07:00
import Tech from '../../../src/js/tech/tech.js';
2015-11-06 16:42:19 -05:00
import Html5 from '../../../src/js/tech/html5.js';
import Flash from '../../../src/js/tech/flash.js';
import Button from '../../../src/js/button.js';
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
import { createTimeRange } from '../../../src/js/utils/time-ranges.js';
2015-09-22 11:19:04 -04:00
import extendFn from '../../../src/js/extend.js';
2015-08-31 14:21:53 -04:00
import MediaError from '../../../src/js/media-error.js';
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
import AudioTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/audio-track';
import VideoTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/video-track';
import TextTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/text-track';
import AudioTrackList from '../../../src/js/tracks/audio-track-list';
import VideoTrackList from '../../../src/js/tracks/video-track-list';
import TextTrackList from '../../../src/js/tracks/text-track-list';
2015-03-10 18:01:11 -07:00
2015-03-25 21:43:41 -07:00
q.module('Media Tech', {
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
'setup': function() {
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
this.noop = function() {};
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
this.featuresProgessEvents = Tech.prototype['featuresProgessEvents'];
Tech.prototype['featuresProgressEvents'] = false;
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
'teardown': function() {
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
Tech.prototype['featuresProgessEvents'] = this.featuresProgessEvents;
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
test('should synthesize timeupdate events by default', function() {
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
var timeupdates = 0, tech;
tech = new Tech();
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
tech.on('timeupdate', function() {
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
equal(timeupdates, 1, 'triggered at least one timeupdate');
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
test('stops manual timeupdates while paused', function() {
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
var timeupdates = 0, tech, expected;
tech = new Tech();
tech.on('timeupdate', function() {
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
this.clock.tick(10 * 250);
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
ok(timeupdates > 0, 'timeupdates fire during playback');
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
timeupdates = 0;
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
this.clock.tick(10 * 250);
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
equal(timeupdates, 0, 'timeupdates do not fire when paused');
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
this.clock.tick(10 * 250);
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
ok(timeupdates > 0, 'timeupdates fire when playback resumes');
test('should synthesize progress events by default', function() {
2015-07-07 14:35:17 -04:00
var progresses = 0, bufferedPercent = 0.5, tech;
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
tech = new Tech();
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
tech.on('progress', function() {
2015-07-07 14:35:17 -04:00
tech.bufferedPercent = function() {
return bufferedPercent;
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
2015-07-07 14:35:17 -04:00
equal(progresses, 0, 'waits until ready');
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
equal(progresses, 1, 'triggered one event');
2015-07-07 14:35:17 -04:00
bufferedPercent = 0.75;
equal(progresses, 2, 'repeated readies are ok');
2014-08-13 19:44:36 -04:00
2014-08-20 14:39:02 -04:00
test('dispose() should stop time tracking', function() {
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
var tech = new Tech();
2014-08-20 14:39:02 -04:00
// progress and timeupdate events will throw exceptions after the
// tech is disposed
try {
2014-12-03 11:31:39 -08:00
this.clock.tick(10 * 1000);
2014-08-20 14:39:02 -04:00
} catch (e) {
return equal(e, undefined, 'threw an exception');
ok(true, 'no exception was thrown');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
test('dispose() should clear all tracks that are passed when its created', function() {
var audioTracks = new AudioTrackList([new AudioTrack(), new AudioTrack()]);
var videoTracks = new VideoTrackList([new VideoTrack(), new VideoTrack()]);
var textTracks = new TextTrackList([new TextTrack({tech: {}}), new TextTrack({tech: {}})]);
equal(audioTracks.length, 2, 'should have two audio tracks at the start');
equal(videoTracks.length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(textTracks.length, 2, 'should have two text tracks at the start');
var tech = new Tech({audioTracks, videoTracks, textTracks});
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, videoTracks.length, 'should hold video tracks that we passed');
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, audioTracks.length, 'should hold audio tracks that we passed');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, textTracks.length, 'should hold text tracks that we passed');
equal(audioTracks.length, 0, 'should have zero audio tracks after dispose');
equal(videoTracks.length, 0, 'should have zero video tracks after dispose');
equal(textTracks.length, 0, 'should have zero text tracks after dispose');
test('dispose() should clear all tracks that are added after creation', function() {
var tech = new Tech();
tech.audioTracks().addTrack_(new AudioTrack());
tech.audioTracks().addTrack_(new AudioTrack());
tech.videoTracks().addTrack_(new VideoTrack());
tech.videoTracks().addTrack_(new VideoTrack());
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, 2, 'should have two audio tracks at the start');
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.remoteTextTrackEls().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks els');
equal(tech.remoteTextTracks().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks');
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero audio tracks after dispose');
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero video tracks after dispose');
equal(tech.remoteTextTrackEls().length, 0, 'should have zero remote text tracks els');
equal(tech.remoteTextTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero remote text tracks');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero video tracks after dispose');
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
test('should add the source handler interface to a tech', function(){
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
var sourceA = { src: 'foo.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' };
var sourceB = { src: 'no-support', type: 'no-support' };
// Define a new tech class
2015-09-22 11:19:04 -04:00
var MyTech = extendFn(Tech);
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Extend Tech with source handlers
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Check for the expected class methods
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
ok(MyTech.registerSourceHandler, 'added a registerSourceHandler function to the Tech');
ok(MyTech.selectSourceHandler, 'added a selectSourceHandler function to the Tech');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Create an instance of Tech
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
var tech = new MyTech();
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Check for the expected instance methods
ok(tech.setSource, 'added a setSource function to the tech instance');
// Create an internal state class for the source handler
2015-07-24 09:07:58 -07:00
// The internal class would be used by a source handler to maintain state
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// and provde a dispose method for the handler.
// This is optional for source handlers
var disposeCalled = false;
var handlerInternalState = function(){};
handlerInternalState.prototype.dispose = function(){
disposeCalled = true;
// Create source handlers
var handlerOne = {
2015-10-27 13:46:05 -04:00
canPlayType: function(type){
if (type !=='no-support') {
return 'probably';
return '';
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
canHandleSource: function(source){
if (source.type !=='no-support') {
return 'probably';
return '';
2016-04-13 20:28:09 +02:00
handleSource: function(s, t, o){
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
strictEqual(tech, t, 'the tech instance was passed to the source handler');
strictEqual(sourceA, s, 'the tech instance was passed to the source handler');
2016-04-13 20:28:09 +02:00
strictEqual(tech.options_, o, 'the tech options were passed to the source handler');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
return new handlerInternalState();
var handlerTwo = {
2015-10-27 13:46:05 -04:00
canPlayType: function(type){
return ''; // no support
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
canHandleSource: function(source){
return ''; // no support
2016-04-13 20:28:09 +02:00
handleSource: function(source, tech, options){
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
ok(false, 'handlerTwo supports nothing and should never be called');
// Test registering source handlers
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
strictEqual(MyTech.sourceHandlers[0], handlerOne, 'handlerOne was added to the source handler array');
MyTech.registerSourceHandler(handlerTwo, 0);
strictEqual(MyTech.sourceHandlers[0], handlerTwo, 'handlerTwo was registered at the correct index (0)');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Test handler selection
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
strictEqual(MyTech.selectSourceHandler(sourceA), handlerOne, 'handlerOne was selected to handle the valid source');
strictEqual(MyTech.selectSourceHandler(sourceB), null, 'no handler was selected to handle the invalid source');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
2015-10-27 13:46:05 -04:00
// Test canPlayType return values
strictEqual(MyTech.canPlayType(sourceA.type), 'probably', 'the Tech returned probably for the valid source');
strictEqual(MyTech.canPlayType(sourceB.type), '', 'the Tech returned an empty string for the invalid source');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Test canPlaySource return values
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
strictEqual(MyTech.canPlaySource(sourceA), 'probably', 'the Tech returned probably for the valid source');
strictEqual(MyTech.canPlaySource(sourceB), '', 'the Tech returned an empty string for the invalid source');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
tech.audioTracks().addTrack_(new AudioTrack());
tech.audioTracks().addTrack_(new AudioTrack());
tech.videoTracks().addTrack_(new VideoTrack());
tech.videoTracks().addTrack_(new VideoTrack());
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, 2, 'should have two audio tracks at the start');
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.remoteTextTrackEls().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks els');
equal(tech.remoteTextTracks().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Pass a source through the source handler process of a tech instance
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
// verify that the Tracks are still there
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, 2, 'should have two audio tracks at the start');
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks at the start');
equal(tech.remoteTextTrackEls().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks els');
equal(tech.remoteTextTracks().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceA was handled and stored');
ok(tech.sourceHandler_.dispose, 'the handlerOne state instance was stored');
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
// Pass a second source
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceA was handled and stored');
ok(tech.sourceHandler_.dispose, 'the handlerOne state instance was stored');
// verify that all the tracks were removed as we got a new source
equal(tech.audioTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero audio tracks');
equal(tech.videoTracks().length, 0, 'should have zero video tracks');
equal(tech.textTracks().length, 2, 'should have two video tracks');
equal(tech.remoteTextTrackEls().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks els');
equal(tech.remoteTextTracks().length, 2, 'should have two remote text tracks');
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
// Check that the handler dipose method works
2016-04-22 14:31:12 -04:00
ok(disposeCalled, 'dispose has been called for the handler yet');
disposeCalled = false;
2014-12-02 14:22:34 -08:00
ok(disposeCalled, 'the handler dispose method was called when the tech was disposed');
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
test('should handle unsupported sources with the source handler API', function(){
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
// Define a new tech class
2015-09-22 11:19:04 -04:00
var MyTech = extendFn(Tech);
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
// Extend Tech with source handlers
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
// Create an instance of Tech
2015-05-06 14:01:52 -04:00
var tech = new MyTech();
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
var usedNative;
2015-04-14 13:08:32 -07:00
MyTech.nativeSourceHandler = {
2015-02-27 15:50:13 -08:00
handleSource: function(){ usedNative = true; }
ok(usedNative, 'native source handler was used when an unsupported source was set');
2015-03-10 18:01:11 -07:00
2015-07-21 16:56:23 -04:00
2015-08-31 14:21:53 -04:00
test('should allow custom error events to be set', function() {
let tech = new Tech();
let errors = [];
tech.on('error', function() {
equal(tech.error(), null, 'error is null by default');
tech.error(new MediaError(1));
equal(errors.length, 1, 'triggered an error event');
equal(errors[0].code, 1, 'set the proper code');
equal(errors.length, 2, 'triggered an error event');
equal(errors[1].code, 2, 'wrapped the error code');
2015-07-21 16:56:23 -04:00
test('should track whether a video has played', function() {
let tech = new Tech();
equal(tech.played().length, 0, 'starts with zero length');
equal(tech.played().length, 1, 'has length after playing');
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
test('delegates seekable to the source handler', function(){
2015-09-22 11:19:04 -04:00
let MyTech = extendFn(Tech, {
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
seekable: function() {
throw new Error('You should not be calling me!');
let seekableCount = 0;
let handler = {
seekable: function() {
return createTimeRange(0, 0);
2015-10-27 13:46:05 -04:00
canPlayType: function() {
return true;
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
canHandleSource: function() {
return true;
2016-04-13 20:28:09 +02:00
handleSource: function(source, tech, options) {
2015-07-21 17:12:24 -04:00
return handler;
let tech = new MyTech();
src: 'example.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
equal(seekableCount, 1, 'called the source handler');
2015-11-06 16:42:19 -05:00
test('Tech.isTech returns correct answers for techs and components', function() {
let isTech = Tech.isTech;
ok(isTech(Tech), 'Tech is a Tech');
ok(isTech(Html5), 'Html5 is a Tech');
ok(isTech(new Html5({}, {})), 'An html5 instance is a Tech');
ok(isTech(Flash), 'Flash is a Tech');
ok(!isTech(5), 'A number is not a Tech');
ok(!isTech('this is a tech'), 'A string is not a Tech');
ok(!isTech(Button), 'A Button is not a Tech');
ok(!isTech(new Button({}, {})), 'A Button instance is not a Tech');
ok(!isTech(isTech), 'A function is not a Tech');