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/* eslint-env qunit */
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers';
QUnit.module('Player: loadMedia/getMedia', {
beforeEach() {
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({});
afterEach() {
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from a string', function(assert) {
src: 'foo.mp4'
assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), 'foo.mp4', 'currentSrc was correct');
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from an object', function(assert) {
src: {
src: 'foo.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), 'foo.mp4', 'currentSrc was correct');
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets source from an array', function(assert) {
const sources = [{
src: 'foo.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
}, {
src: 'foo.webm',
type: 'video/webm'
src: sources
assert.strictEqual(this.player.currentSrc(), sources[0].src, 'currentSrc was correct');
assert.deepEqual(this.player.currentSource(), sources[0], 'currentSource was correct');
assert.deepEqual(this.player.currentSources(), sources, 'currentSources were correct');
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets poster and backfills artwork', function(assert) {
poster: 'foo.jpg'
assert.strictEqual(this.player.poster(), 'foo.jpg', 'poster was correct');
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets artwork via poster', function(assert) {
poster: 'foo.jpg'
const {artwork} = this.player.getMedia();
assert.deepEqual(artwork, [{
src: 'foo.jpg',
type: 'image/jpeg'
}], 'the artwork was set to match the poster');
QUnit.test('loadMedia sets artwork and poster independently', function(assert) {
poster: 'foo.jpg',
artwork: [{
src: 'bar.png',
type: 'image/png'
assert.strictEqual(this.player.poster(), 'foo.jpg', 'poster was correct');
assert.deepEqual(this.player.getMedia().artwork, [{
src: 'bar.png',
type: 'image/png'
}], 'the artwork was provided, so does not match poster');
QUnit.test('loadMedia creates text tracks', function(assert) {
textTracks: [{
kind: 'captions',
src: 'foo.vtt',
language: 'en',
label: 'English'
const rtt = this.player.remoteTextTracks()[0];
assert.ok(Boolean(rtt), 'the track exists');
assert.strictEqual(rtt.kind, 'captions', 'the kind is correct');
assert.strictEqual(rtt.src, 'foo.vtt', 'the src is correct');
assert.strictEqual(rtt.language, 'en', 'the language is correct');
assert.strictEqual(rtt.label, 'English', 'the label is correct');
QUnit.test('getMedia returns a clone of the media object', function(assert) {
const original = {
arbitrary: true,
src: 'foo.mp4',
poster: 'foo.gif',
textTracks: [{
kind: 'captions',
src: 'foo.vtt',
language: 'en',
label: 'English'
const result = this.player.getMedia();
assert.notStrictEqual(result, original, 'a new object is returned');
assert.deepEqual(result, {
arbitrary: true,
artwork: [{
src: 'foo.gif',
type: 'image/gif'
src: 'foo.mp4',
poster: 'foo.gif',
textTracks: [{
kind: 'captions',
src: 'foo.vtt',
language: 'en',
label: 'English'
}, 'the object has the expected structure');
QUnit.test('getMedia returns a new media object when no media has been loaded', function(assert) {
this.player.poster = () => 'foo.gif';
this.player.currentSources = () => [{src: 'foo.mp4', type: 'video/mp4'}];
this.player.remoteTextTracks = () => [{
kind: 'captions',
src: 'foo.vtt',
language: 'en',
label: 'English'
}, {
kind: 'subtitles',
src: 'bar.vtt',
language: 'de',
label: 'German'
const result = this.player.getMedia();
assert.deepEqual(result, {
artwork: [{
src: 'foo.gif',
type: 'image/gif'
src: [{
src: 'foo.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
poster: 'foo.gif',
textTracks: [{
kind: 'captions',
src: 'foo.vtt',
language: 'en',
label: 'English'
}, {
kind: 'subtitles',
src: 'bar.vtt',
language: 'de',
label: 'German'
}, 'the object has the expected structure');
// This only tests the relevant aspect of the reset function. The rest of its
// effects are tested in player.test.js
QUnit.test('reset discards the media object', function(assert) {
poster: 'foo.jpg',
src: 'foo.mp4',
textTracks: [{src: 'foo.vtt'}]
// TODO: There is a bug with player.reset() where it does not clear internal
// cachces completely. Remove this when that's fixed.
this.player.cache_.sources = [];
assert.deepEqual(this.player.getMedia(), {src: [], textTracks: []}, 'any empty media object is returned');