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Removed iFrameMode from flash because it is not being used

This commit is contained in:
Steve Heffernan 2014-07-28 16:45:45 -07:00
parent f6ab92977e
commit 0ce57ae149

View File

@ -103,134 +103,7 @@ vjs.Flash = vjs.MediaTechController.extend({
// use stageclick events triggered from inside the SWF instead
player.on('stageclick', player.reportUserActivity);
// Flash iFrame Mode
// In web browsers there are multiple instances where changing the parent element or visibility of a plugin causes the plugin to reload.
// - Firefox just about always. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90268 (might be fixed by version 13)
// - Webkit when hiding the plugin
// - Webkit and Firefox when using requestFullScreen on a parent element
// Loading the flash plugin into a dynamically generated iFrame gets around most of these issues.
// Issues that remain include hiding the element and requestFullScreen in Firefox specifically
// There's on particularly annoying issue with this method which is that Firefox throws a security error on an offsite Flash object loaded into a dynamically created iFrame.
// Even though the iframe was inserted into a page on the web, Firefox + Flash considers it a local app trying to access an internet file.
// I tried mulitple ways of setting the iframe src attribute but couldn't find a src that worked well. Tried a real/fake source, in/out of domain.
// Also tried a method from stackoverflow that caused a security error in all browsers. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2486901/how-to-set-document-domain-for-a-dynamically-generated-iframe
// In the end the solution I found to work was setting the iframe window.location.href right before doing a document.write of the Flash object.
// The only downside of this it seems to trigger another http request to the original page (no matter what's put in the href). Not sure why that is.
// NOTE (2012-01-29): Cannot get Firefox to load the remote hosted SWF into a dynamically created iFrame
// Firefox 9 throws a security error, unleess you call location.href right before doc.write.
// Not sure why that even works, but it causes the browser to look like it's continuously trying to load the page.
// Firefox 3.6 keeps calling the iframe onload function anytime I write to it, causing an endless loop.
if (options['iFrameMode'] === true && !vjs.IS_FIREFOX) {
// Create iFrame with vjs-tech class so it's 100% width/height
var iFrm = vjs.createEl('iframe', {
'id': objId + '_iframe',
'name': objId + '_iframe',
'className': 'vjs-tech',
'scrolling': 'no',
'marginWidth': 0,
'marginHeight': 0,
'frameBorder': 0
// Update ready function names in flash vars for iframe window
flashVars['readyFunction'] = 'ready';
flashVars['eventProxyFunction'] = 'events';
flashVars['errorEventProxyFunction'] = 'errors';
// Tried multiple methods to get this to work in all browsers
// Tried embedding the flash object in the page first, and then adding a place holder to the iframe, then replacing the placeholder with the page object.
// The goal here was to try to load the swf URL in the parent page first and hope that got around the firefox security error
// var newObj = vjs.Flash.embed(options['swf'], placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
// (in onload)
// var temp = vjs.createEl('a', { id:'asdf', innerHTML: 'asdf' } );
// iDoc.body.appendChild(temp);
// Tried embedding the flash object through javascript in the iframe source.
// This works in webkit but still triggers the firefox security error
// iFrm.src = 'javascript: document.write('"+vjs.Flash.getEmbedCode(options['swf'], flashVars, params, attributes)+"');";
// Tried an actual local iframe just to make sure that works, but it kills the easiness of the CDN version if you require the user to host an iframe
// We should add an option to host the iframe locally though, because it could help a lot of issues.
// iFrm.src = "iframe.html";
// Wait until iFrame has loaded to write into it.
vjs.on(iFrm, 'load', vjs.bind(this, function(){
var iDoc,
iWin = iFrm.contentWindow;
// The one working method I found was to use the iframe's document.write() to create the swf object
// This got around the security issue in all browsers except firefox.
// I did find a hack where if I call the iframe's window.location.href='', it would get around the security error
// However, the main page would look like it was loading indefinitely (URL bar loading spinner would never stop)
// Plus Firefox 3.6 didn't work no matter what I tried.
// if (vjs.USER_AGENT.match('Firefox')) {
// iWin.location.href = '';
// }
// Get the iFrame's document depending on what the browser supports
iDoc = iFrm.contentDocument ? iFrm.contentDocument : iFrm.contentWindow.document;
// Tried ensuring both document domains were the same, but they already were, so that wasn't the issue.
// Even tried adding /. that was mentioned in a browser security writeup
// document.domain = document.domain+'/.';
// iDoc.domain = document.domain+'/.';
// Tried adding the object to the iframe doc's innerHTML. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.innerHTML = swfObjectHTML;
// Tried appending the object to the iframe doc's body. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.appendChild(swfObject);
// Using document.write actually got around the security error that browsers were throwing.
// Again, it's a dynamically generated (same domain) iframe, loading an external Flash swf.
// Not sure why that's a security issue, but apparently it is.
iDoc.write(vjs.Flash.getEmbedCode(options['swf'], flashVars, params, attributes));
// Setting variables on the window needs to come after the doc write because otherwise they can get reset in some browsers
// So far no issues with swf ready event being called before it's set on the window.
iWin['player'] = this.player_;
// Create swf ready function for iFrame window
iWin['ready'] = vjs.bind(this.player_, function(currSwf){
var el = iDoc.getElementById(currSwf),
player = this,
tech = player.tech;
// Update reference to playback technology element
tech.el_ = el;
// Make sure swf is actually ready. Sometimes the API isn't actually yet.
// Create event listener for all swf events
iWin['events'] = vjs.bind(this.player_, function(swfID, eventName){
var player = this;
if (player && player.techName === 'flash') {
// Create error listener for all swf errors
iWin['errors'] = vjs.bind(this.player_, function(swfID, eventName){
vjs.log('Flash Error', eventName);
// Replace placeholder with iFrame (it will load now)
placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(iFrm, placeHolder);
// If not using iFrame mode, embed as normal object
} else {
vjs.Flash.embed(options['swf'], placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
vjs.Flash.embed(options['swf'], placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);