mirror of https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git synced 2025-03-17 21:18:27 +02:00

src() should not return blob URLs with MSE source handlers. closes #2271

This commit is contained in:
jrivera 2015-06-23 16:28:23 -04:00 committed by David LaPalomento
parent 1404121fee
commit 56d4861bb0
6 changed files with 68 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ CHANGELOG
## HEAD (Unreleased)
* src() should not return blob URLs with MSE source handlers ([view](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/pull/2271))

View File

@ -314,10 +314,27 @@ vjs.Html5.prototype.exitFullScreen = function(){
// Checks to see if the element's reported URI (either from `el_.src`
// or `el_.currentSrc`) is a blob-uri and, if so, returns the uri that
// was passed into the source-handler when it was first invoked instead
// of the blob-uri
vjs.Html5.prototype.returnOriginalIfBlobURI_ = function (elementURI, originalURI) {
var blobURIRegExp = /^blob\:/i;
// If originalURI is undefined then we are probably in a non-source-handler-enabled
// tech that inherits from the Html5 tech so we should just return the elementURI
// regardless of it's blobby-ness
if (originalURI && elementURI && blobURIRegExp.test(elementURI)) {
return originalURI;
return elementURI;
vjs.Html5.prototype.src = function(src) {
var elementSrc = this.el_.src;
if (src === undefined) {
return this.el_.src;
return this.returnOriginalIfBlobURI_(elementSrc, this.source_);
} else {
// Setting src through `src` instead of `setSrc` will be deprecated
@ -330,11 +347,13 @@ vjs.Html5.prototype.setSrc = function(src) {
vjs.Html5.prototype.load = function(){ this.el_.load(); };
vjs.Html5.prototype.currentSrc = function(){
if (this.currentSource_) {
return this.currentSource_.src;
} else {
return this.el_.currentSrc;
var elementSrc = this.el_.currentSrc;
if (!this.currentSource_) {
return elementSrc;
return this.returnOriginalIfBlobURI_(elementSrc, this.currentSource_.src);
vjs.Html5.prototype.poster = function(){ return this.el_.poster; };
@ -470,6 +489,28 @@ vjs.Html5.isSupported = function(){
// Add Source Handler pattern functions to this tech
* Override the withSourceHandler mixin's methods with our own because
* the HTML5 Media Element returns blob urls when utilizing MSE and we
* want to still return proper source urls even when in that case
origSetSource = vjs.Html5.prototype.setSource,
origDisposeSourceHandler = vjs.Html5.prototype.disposeSourceHandler;
vjs.Html5.prototype.setSource = function (source) {
var retVal = origSetSource.call(this, source);
this.source_ = source.src;
return retVal;
vjs.Html5.prototype.disposeSourceHandler = function () {
this.source_ = undefined;
return origDisposeSourceHandler.call(this);
* The default native source handler.
* This simply passes the source to the video element. Nothing fancy.

View File

@ -36,8 +36,6 @@ vjs.MediaTechController = vjs.Component.extend({
this.on('loadstart', this.updateCurrentSource_);
@ -170,24 +168,6 @@ vjs.MediaTechController.prototype.onTap = function(){
* Set currentSource_ asynchronously to simulate the media element's
* asynchronous execution of the `resource selection algorithm`
* currentSource_ is set either as the first loadstart event OR
* in a timeout to make sure it is set asynchronously before anything else
* but before other loadstart handlers have had a chance to execute
vjs.MediaTechController.prototype.updateCurrentSource_ = function () {
// We could have been called with a 0-ms setTimeout OR via loadstart (which ever
// happens first) so we should clear the timeout to be a good citizen
if (this.pendingSource_) {
this.currentSource_ = this.pendingSource_;
/* Fallbacks for unsupported event types
================================================================================ */
// Manually trigger progress events based on changes to the buffered amount
@ -446,8 +426,6 @@ vjs.MediaTechController.prototype['featuresNativeTextTracks'] = false;
vjs.MediaTechController.withSourceHandlers = function(Tech){
Tech.prototype.currentSource_ = {src: ''};
* Register a source handler
* Source handlers are scripts for handling specific formats.
@ -532,12 +510,7 @@ vjs.MediaTechController.withSourceHandlers = function(Tech){
this.off('dispose', this.disposeSourceHandler);
// Schedule currentSource_ to be set asynchronously
if (source && source.src !== '') {
this.pendingSource_ = source;
this.updateSourceTimer_ = this.setTimeout(vjs.bind(this, this.updateCurrentSource_), 0);
this.currentSource_ = source;
this.sourceHandler_ = sh.handleSource(source, this);
this.on('dispose', this.disposeSourceHandler);

View File

@ -1228,12 +1228,7 @@ vjs.Player.prototype.load = function(){
* @return {String} The current source
vjs.Player.prototype.currentSrc = function(){
var techSrc = this.techGet('currentSrc');
if (techSrc === undefined) {
return this.cache_.src || '';
return techSrc;
return this.techGet('currentSrc') || this.cache_.src || '';

View File

@ -214,3 +214,21 @@ test('native source handler canHandleSource', function(){
// Reset test video canPlayType
vjs.TEST_VID.canPlayType = origCPT;
test('handling of blob URIs with a source handler', function(){
var origEl = tech.el_;
// Override element
tech.el_ = {};
tech.setSource({ type: 'video/mp4', src: 'video.flv' });
equal(tech.src(), 'video.flv', 'el_.src is properly set');
tech.el_.src = 'http://url';
equal(tech.src(), 'http://url', 'el_.src is returned if not a blob uri');
tech.el_.src = 'blob:http://blob-url';
equal(tech.src(), 'video.flv', 'original src set via setSource is returned if el_.src is a blob uri');
tech.el_ = origEl;

View File

@ -221,10 +221,6 @@ test('should add the source hanlder interface to a tech', function(){
// Pass a source through the source handler process of a tech instance
// Increment clock since currentSource_ is set asynchronously
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceA was handled and stored');
ok(tech.sourceHandler_.dispose, 'the handlerOne state instance was stored');
@ -254,54 +250,4 @@ test('should handle unsupported sources with the source hanlder API', function()
ok(usedNative, 'native source handler was used when an unsupported source was set');
test('should emulate the video element\'s behavior for currentSrc when src is set', function(){
var mockPlayer = {
off: this.noop,
trigger: this.noop
var sourceA = { src: 'foo.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' };
var sourceB = { src: '', type: 'video/mp4' };
// Define a new tech class
var Tech = videojs.MediaTechController.extend();
// Extend Tech with source handlers
// Create an instance of Tech
var tech = new Tech(mockPlayer);
// Create source handlers
var handler = {
canHandleSource: function(source){
return 'probably';
handleSource: function(s, t){return {};}
// Pass a source through the source handler process of a tech instance
// Test that currentSource_ is not immediately specified
deepEqual(tech.currentSource_, {src:''}, 'sourceA was not stored immediately');
// Test that currentSource_ is specified after yielding to the event loop
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceA was handled and stored');
// Pass a source with an empty src
// Test that currentSource_ is not immediately changed
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceB was not stored immediately');
// Test that currentSource_ is still unchanged
strictEqual(tech.currentSource_, sourceA, 'sourceB was not stored if equal to the empty string');