diff --git a/src/js/component.js b/src/js/component.js
index 89f4430a9..7bf0ae6f6 100644
--- a/src/js/component.js
+++ b/src/js/component.js
@@ -98,6 +98,11 @@ class Component {
     this.childIndex_ = {};
     this.childNameIndex_ = {};
+    this.setTimeoutIds_ = new Set();
+    this.setIntervalIds_ = new Set();
+    this.rafIds_ = new Set();
+    this.clearingTimersOnDispose_ = false;
     // Add any child components in options
     if (options.initChildren !== false) {
@@ -1293,16 +1298,16 @@ class Component {
     fn = Fn.bind(this, fn);
+    this.clearTimersOnDispose_();
     timeoutId = window.setTimeout(() => {
-      this.off('dispose', disposeFn);
+      if (this.setTimeoutIds_.has(timeoutId)) {
+        this.setTimeoutIds_.delete(timeoutId);
+      }
     }, timeout);
-    disposeFn = () => this.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
-    disposeFn.guid = `vjs-timeout-${timeoutId}`;
-    this.on('dispose', disposeFn);
+    this.setTimeoutIds_.add(timeoutId);
     return timeoutId;
@@ -1323,13 +1328,10 @@ class Component {
    * @see [Similar to]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/clearTimeout}
   clearTimeout(timeoutId) {
-    window.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
-    const disposeFn = function() {};
-    disposeFn.guid = `vjs-timeout-${timeoutId}`;
-    this.off('dispose', disposeFn);
+    if (this.setTimeoutIds_.has(timeoutId)) {
+      this.setTimeoutIds_.delete(timeoutId);
+      window.clearTimeout(timeoutId);
+    }
     return timeoutId;
@@ -1357,13 +1359,11 @@ class Component {
   setInterval(fn, interval) {
     fn = Fn.bind(this, fn);
+    this.clearTimersOnDispose_();
     const intervalId = window.setInterval(fn, interval);
-    const disposeFn = () => this.clearInterval(intervalId);
-    disposeFn.guid = `vjs-interval-${intervalId}`;
-    this.on('dispose', disposeFn);
+    this.setIntervalIds_.add(intervalId);
     return intervalId;
@@ -1384,13 +1384,10 @@ class Component {
    * @see [Similar to]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowTimers/clearInterval}
   clearInterval(intervalId) {
-    window.clearInterval(intervalId);
-    const disposeFn = function() {};
-    disposeFn.guid = `vjs-interval-${intervalId}`;
-    this.off('dispose', disposeFn);
+    if (this.setIntervalIds_.has(intervalId)) {
+      this.setIntervalIds_.delete(intervalId);
+      window.clearInterval(intervalId);
+    }
     return intervalId;
@@ -1421,28 +1418,27 @@ class Component {
    * @see [Similar to]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/requestAnimationFrame}
   requestAnimationFrame(fn) {
-    // declare as variables so they are properly available in rAF function
-    // eslint-disable-next-line
-    var id, disposeFn;
-    if (this.supportsRaf_) {
-      fn = Fn.bind(this, fn);
-      id = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
-        this.off('dispose', disposeFn);
-        fn();
-      });
-      disposeFn = () => this.cancelAnimationFrame(id);
-      disposeFn.guid = `vjs-raf-${id}`;
-      this.on('dispose', disposeFn);
-      return id;
+    // Fall back to using a timer.
+    if (!this.supportsRaf_) {
+      return this.setTimeout(fn, 1000 / 60);
-    // Fall back to using a timer.
-    return this.setTimeout(fn, 1000 / 60);
+    this.clearTimersOnDispose_();
+    // declare as variables so they are properly available in rAF function
+    // eslint-disable-next-line
+    var id;
+    fn = Fn.bind(this, fn);
+    id = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+      if (this.rafIds_.has(id)) {
+        this.rafIds_.delete(id);
+      }
+      fn();
+    });
+    this.rafIds_.add(id);
+    return id;
@@ -1462,20 +1458,47 @@ class Component {
    * @see [Similar to]{@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/window/cancelAnimationFrame}
   cancelAnimationFrame(id) {
-    if (this.supportsRaf_) {
-      window.cancelAnimationFrame(id);
-      const disposeFn = function() {};
-      disposeFn.guid = `vjs-raf-${id}`;
-      this.off('dispose', disposeFn);
-      return id;
+    // Fall back to using a timer.
+    if (!this.supportsRaf_) {
+      return this.clearTimeout(id);
-    // Fall back to using a timer.
-    return this.clearTimeout(id);
+    if (this.rafIds_.has(id)) {
+      this.rafIds_.delete(id);
+      window.cancelAnimationFrame(id);
+    }
+    return id;
+  }
+  /**
+   * A function to setup `requestAnimationFrame`, `setTimeout`,
+   * and `setInterval`, clearing on dispose.
+   *
+   * > Previously each timer added and removed dispose listeners on it's own.
+   * For better performance it was decided to batch them all, and use `Set`s
+   * to track outstanding timer ids.
+   *
+   * @private
+   */
+  clearTimersOnDispose_() {
+    if (this.clearingTimersOnDispose_) {
+      return;
+    }
+    this.clearingTimersOnDispose_ = true;
+    this.one('dispose', () => {
+      [
+        ['rafIds_', 'cancelAnimationFrame'],
+        ['setTimeoutIds_', 'clearTimeout'],
+        ['setIntervalIds_', 'clearInterval']
+      ].forEach(([idName, cancelName]) => {
+        this[idName].forEach(this[cancelName], this);
+      });
+      this.clearingTimersOnDispose_ = false;
+    });
diff --git a/test/unit/component.test.js b/test/unit/component.test.js
index 0c842328b..0da9d9051 100644
--- a/test/unit/component.test.js
+++ b/test/unit/component.test.js
@@ -978,25 +978,20 @@ QUnit.test('*AnimationFrame methods fall back to timers if rAF not supported', f
 QUnit.test('setTimeout should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) {
   const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
-  const el = comp.el();
-  const data = DomData.get(el);
   comp.setTimeout(() => {}, 1);
-  assert.equal(data.handlers.dispose.length, 2, 'we got a new dispose handler');
-  assert.ok(/vjs-timeout-\d/.test(data.handlers.dispose[1].guid), 'we got a new dispose handler');
+  assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 1, 'we removed our dispose handle');
-  assert.equal(data.handlers.dispose.length, 1, 'we removed our dispose handle');
+  assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our dispose handle');
 QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) {
   const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
-  const el = comp.el();
-  const data = DomData.get(el);
   const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame;
   const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
@@ -1012,12 +1007,11 @@ QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', fun
-  assert.equal(data.handlers.dispose.length, 2, 'we got a new dispose handler');
-  assert.ok(/vjs-raf-\d/.test(data.handlers.dispose[1].guid), 'we got a new dispose handler');
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we got a new dispose handler');
-  assert.equal(data.handlers.dispose.length, 1, 'we removed our dispose handle');
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our dispose handle');
@@ -1025,6 +1019,116 @@ QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', fun
   window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF;
+QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should remove dispose handler on trigger', function(assert) {
+  const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
+  const oldRAF = window.requestAnimationFrame;
+  const oldCAF = window.cancelAnimationFrame;
+  // Stub the window.*AnimationFrame methods with window.setTimeout methods
+  // so we can control when the callbacks are called via sinon's timer stubs.
+  window.requestAnimationFrame = (fn) => window.setTimeout(fn, 1);
+  window.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => window.clearTimeout(id);
+  // Make sure the component thinks it supports rAF.
+  comp.supportsRaf_ = true;
+  const spyRAF = sinon.spy();
+  comp.requestAnimationFrame(spyRAF);
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we got a new dispose handler');
+  this.clock.tick(1);
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our dispose handle');
+  comp.dispose();
+  window.requestAnimationFrame = oldRAF;
+  window.cancelAnimationFrame = oldCAF;
+QUnit.test('setTimeout should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) {
+  const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
+  let called = false;
+  let clearId;
+  const setId = comp.setTimeout(() => {
+    called = true;
+  }, 1);
+  const clearTimeout = comp.clearTimeout;
+  comp.clearTimeout = (id) => {
+    clearId = id;
+    return clearTimeout.call(comp, id);
+  };
+  assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 1, 'we added a timeout id');
+  comp.dispose();
+  assert.equal(comp.setTimeoutIds_.size, 0, 'we removed our timeout id');
+  assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearTimeout was called');
+  this.clock.tick(1);
+  assert.equal(called, false, 'setTimeout was never called');
+QUnit.test('requestAnimationFrame should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) {
+  const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
+  let called = false;
+  let clearId;
+  const setId = comp.requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+    called = true;
+  });
+  const cancelAnimationFrame = comp.cancelAnimationFrame;
+  comp.cancelAnimationFrame = (id) => {
+    clearId = id;
+    return cancelAnimationFrame.call(comp, id);
+  };
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 1, 'we added a raf id');
+  comp.dispose();
+  assert.equal(comp.rafIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id');
+  assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearAnimationFrame was called');
+  this.clock.tick(1);
+  assert.equal(called, false, 'requestAnimationFrame was never called');
+QUnit.test('setInterval should be canceled on dispose', function(assert) {
+  const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
+  let called = false;
+  let clearId;
+  const setId = comp.setInterval(() => {
+    called = true;
+  });
+  const clearInterval = comp.clearInterval;
+  comp.clearInterval = (id) => {
+    clearId = id;
+    return clearInterval.call(comp, id);
+  };
+  assert.equal(comp.setIntervalIds_.size, 1, 'we added an interval id');
+  comp.dispose();
+  assert.equal(comp.setIntervalIds_.size, 0, 'we removed a raf id');
+  assert.equal(clearId, setId, 'clearInterval was called');
+  this.clock.tick(1);
+  assert.equal(called, false, 'setInterval was never called');
 QUnit.test('$ and $$ functions', function(assert) {
   const comp = new Component(getFakePlayer());
   const contentEl = document.createElement('div');