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synced 2024-12-27 02:43:45 +02:00
Close GH-784: New loading icons and class to center big play button.
This commit is contained in:
@ -60,6 +60,16 @@ Otherwise include/exclude attributes, settings, sources, and tracks exactly as y
By default, the big play button is located in the upper left hand corner so it doesn't cover up the interesting parts of the poster. If you'd prefer to center the big play button, you can add an additional `vjs-big-play-centered` class to your video element. For example:
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin vjs-big-play-centered"
controls preload="auto" width="640" height="264"
Alternative Setup for Dynamically Loaded HTML
@ -3,9 +3,15 @@ Skins
The default Video.js skin is made using HTML and CSS, so there's no need to learn a complicated skinning language to update colors or even create an entirely new skin.
## Icons
New in version 4.0 is the use of font icons. All of the icons (play, pause, etc.) use the new custom font, which allows the icons to be scaled and colored just like any other text font.
The easiest way to try this out is by using the [player skin designer](http://designer.videojs.com/).
All of the icons are available as variables in the [LESS](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/blob/master/src/css/video-js.less#L87-L99) source, making it easy to replace icons (such as the loading spinner). The easiest way to try this out is by using the [player skin designer](http://designer.videojs.com/).
![available icons](https://i.cloudup.com/wb51GGDDnJ.png)
## Customization
When you create a new skin, you can either override styles in the default skin:
@ -20,4 +26,3 @@ Or remove the 'vjs-default-skin' class from the video tag and create a new skin
More custom skins will be available for download soon. If you have one you like you can share it by forking [this example on CodePen.io](http://codepen.io/heff/pen/EarCt), and adding a link on the [Skins wiki page](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/wiki/Skins).
Binary file not shown.
@ -9,32 +9,57 @@ This is a custom SVG font generated by IcoMoon.
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c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0.00,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0.00,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0.00
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0.00-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.50,453.50 224.00,449.15 224.00,431.00 L 224.00,17.00 C 224.00-1.15 213.50-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80.00,128.00 L 0.00,128.00 L 0.00,320.00 L 80.00,320.00 L 200.666,440.666 Z" />
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c 65.503,65.503, 65.503,172.085,0.00,237.588c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0.00,33.941c 9.372,9.371, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0.00
C 417.532,335.938, 440.00,281.696, 440.00,224.00c0.00-57.695-22.468-111.938-63.265-152.735C 372.049,66.578, 365.907,64.235, 359.765,64.235zM 274.51,109.49c-6.143,0.00-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.568,0.00,33.941
c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0.00,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0.00,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0.00
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0.00-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.50,453.50 224.00,449.15 224.00,431.00 L 224.00,17.00 C 224.00-1.15 213.50-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80.00,128.00 L 0.00,128.00 L 0.00,320.00 L 80.00,320.00 L 200.666,440.666 Z" />
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C 471.868,103.771, 496.001,162.03, 496.001,224.00c0.00,61.969-24.133,120.229-67.952,164.049c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0.00,33.941
c 9.372,9.372, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0.00c 52.885-52.886, 82.011-123.20, 82.011-197.99c0.00-74.791-29.126-145.104-82.011-197.99
C 457.304,21.323, 451.162,18.98, 445.02,18.98zM 359.765,64.235c-6.143,0.00-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.372,9.372-9.372,24.568,0.00,33.941
c 65.503,65.503, 65.503,172.085,0.00,237.588c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0.00,33.941c 9.372,9.371, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0.00
C 417.532,335.938, 440.00,281.696, 440.00,224.00c0.00-57.695-22.468-111.938-63.265-152.735C 372.049,66.578, 365.907,64.235, 359.765,64.235zM 274.51,109.49c-6.143,0.00-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.568,0.00,33.941
c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0.00,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0.00,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0.00
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0.00-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.50,453.50 224.00,449.15 224.00,431.00 L 224.00,17.00 C 224.00-1.15 213.50-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80.00,128.00 L 0.00,128.00 L 0.00,320.00 L 80.00,320.00 L 200.666,440.666 Z" horiz-adv-x="544" />
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c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.5,453.5 224,449.15 224,431 L 224,17 C 224-1.15 213.5-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80,128 L 0,128 L 0,320 L 80,320 L 200.666,440.666 Z" />
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c 65.503,65.503, 65.503,172.085,0,237.588c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0,33.941c 9.372,9.371, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0
C 417.532,335.938, 440,281.696, 440,224c0-57.695-22.468-111.938-63.265-152.735C 372.049,66.578, 365.907,64.235, 359.765,64.235zM 274.51,109.49c-6.143,0-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.568,0,33.941
c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.5,453.5 224,449.15 224,431 L 224,17 C 224-1.15 213.5-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80,128 L 0,128 L 0,320 L 80,320 L 200.666,440.666 Z" />
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C 471.868,103.771, 496.001,162.030, 496.001,224c0,61.969-24.133,120.229-67.952,164.049c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0,33.941
c 9.372,9.372, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0c 52.885-52.886, 82.011-123.2, 82.011-197.99c0-74.791-29.126-145.104-82.011-197.99
C 457.304,21.323, 451.162,18.98, 445.020,18.98zM 359.765,64.235c-6.143,0-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.372,9.372-9.372,24.568,0,33.941
c 65.503,65.503, 65.503,172.085,0,237.588c-9.372,9.373-9.372,24.569,0,33.941c 9.372,9.371, 24.569,9.372, 33.941,0
C 417.532,335.938, 440,281.696, 440,224c0-57.695-22.468-111.938-63.265-152.735C 372.049,66.578, 365.907,64.235, 359.765,64.235zM 274.51,109.49c-6.143,0-12.284,2.343-16.971,7.029c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.568,0,33.941
c 40.55,40.55, 40.55,106.529,0,147.078c-9.373,9.373-9.373,24.569,0,33.941c 9.373,9.372, 24.568,9.372, 33.941,0
c 59.265-59.265, 59.265-155.696,0-214.961C 286.794,111.833, 280.652,109.49, 274.51,109.49zM 200.666,440.666 C 213.5,453.5 224,449.15 224,431 L 224,17 C 224-1.15 213.5-5.499 200.666,7.335 L 80,128 L 0,128 L 0,320 L 80,320 L 200.666,440.666 Z" horiz-adv-x="544" />
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c 70.692,0, 128-57.308, 128-128s-57.308-128-128-128s-128,57.308-128,128S 185.308,352, 256,352z M 408.735,71.265
C 367.938,30.468, 313.695,8, 256,8c-57.696,0-111.938,22.468-152.735,63.265C 62.468,112.062, 40,166.304, 40,224
c0,57.695, 22.468,111.938, 63.265,152.735l 33.941-33.941c0,0,0,0,0,0c-65.503-65.503-65.503-172.085,0-237.588
C 168.937,73.475, 211.125,56, 256,56c 44.874,0, 87.062,17.475, 118.794,49.206c 65.503,65.503, 65.503,172.084,0,237.588l 33.941,33.941
C 449.532,335.938, 472,281.695, 472,224C 472,166.304, 449.532,112.062, 408.735,71.265z" />
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c-23.776,22.848-51.972,40.91-82.492,52.826C 321.197,466.979, 288.401,472.693, 256,472c-32.405-0.641-64.666-7.687-94.167-20.678
c-29.524-12.948-56.271-31.735-78.367-54.788c-22.112-23.041-39.58-50.354-51.093-79.899C 20.816,287.104, 15.309,255.375, 16,224
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C 194.988-3.389, 225.652-8.688, 256-8c 30.354,0.645, 60.481,7.277, 88.038,19.457c 27.575,12.141, 52.558,29.74, 73.183,51.322
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@ -525,7 +538,7 @@ easily in the skin designer. http://designer.videojs.com/
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