mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 21:18:27 +02:00
@ -30,7 +30,11 @@ cat src/tracks.js >> dist/video.js
# h5swf temporarily requires swfobject
# cat flash/swfobject.js >> dist/video.js
cat tech/html5/html5.js >> dist/video.js
cat tech/flash/flash.js >> dist/video.js
cat src/setup.js >> dist/video.js
cat src/_end.js >> dist/video.js
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Video.js | HTML5 Video Player | YouTube Demo</title>
<!-- Change URLs to wherever Video.js files will be hosted -->
<link href="video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- video.js must be in the <head> for older IEs to work. -->
<script src="video.js"></script>
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="none" width="640" height="360"
<source src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWjzVHG9T1I" type='video/youtube' />
@ -20,13 +20,17 @@
<script src="src/controls.js"></script>
<script src="src/events.js"></script>
<script src="src/tracks.js"></script>
<script src="tech/html5/html5.js"></script>
<script src="tech/flash/flash.js"></script>
<script src="src/setup.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
// Easy access to test Flash over HTML5. Add ?flash to URL
if (window.location.href.indexOf("?flash") !== -1) {
_V_.options.techOrder = ["H5swf"]
_V_.options.techOrder = ["flash"];
_V_.options.flash.swf = "tech/flash/video-js.swf";
@ -44,3 +44,47 @@ timeupdate
Adding Playback Technology
When adding additional Tech to a video player, make sure to add the supported tech to the video object.
### Tag Method: ###
<video data-setup='{"techOrder", "html5", "flash", [other supported tech]}'
### Object Method: ###
_V_("videoID", {
techOrder: {"html5", "flash", [other supported tech]}
Youtube Technology
To add a youtube source to your video tag, use the following source:
<source src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[ytVideoId]" type="video/youtube"
Important Note:
> You can simply copy and paste the url of the youtube page from the browser and
> the Youtube Tech will be able to find the video id by itself. This is just the
> minimum needed to get the video working. (Useful for data storage)
Youtube Technology - Extra Options
In Addition to the natively supported options, the Youtube API supports the following
added options:
### ytcontrols ###
Type: Boolean (T/F)
Default: False
Determines whether to show Youtube's basic Red/Black default play bar skin or to hide
it and use the native video-js play bar.
### hd ###
Type: Boolean (T/F)
Default: False
Determines whether or not to play back the video in HD.
@ -25,680 +25,5 @@ _V_.apiMethods = "play,pause,paused,currentTime,setCurrentTime,duration,buffered
_V_.each(_V_.apiMethods, function(methodName){
_V_.PlaybackTech.prototype[methodName] = function(){
throw new Error("The '"+methodName+"' method is not available on the playback technology's API");
/* HTML5 Playback Technology - Wrapper for HTML5 Media API
================================================================================ */
_V_.html5 = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options, ready){
this.player = player;
this.el = this.createElement();
this.addEvent("click", this.proxy(this.onClick));
var source = options.source;
// If the element source is already set, we may have missed the loadstart event, and want to trigger it.
// We don't want to set the source again and interrupt playback.
if (source && this.el.currentSrc == source.src) {
// Otherwise set the source if one was provided.
} else if (source) {
this.el.src = source.src;
// Chrome and Safari both have issues with autoplay.
// In Safari (5.1.1), when we move the video element into the container div, autoplay doesn't work.
// In Chrome (15), if you have autoplay + a poster + no controls, the video gets hidden (but audio plays)
// This fixes both issues. Need to wait for API, so it updates displays correctly
if (this.options.autoplay && this.paused()) {
this.tag.poster = null; // Chrome Fix. Fixed in Chrome v16.
destroy: function(){
this.player.tag = false;
createElement: function(){
var html5 = _V_.html5,
player = this.player,
// If possible, reuse original tag for HTML5 playback technology element
el = player.tag,
// Check if this browser supports moving the element into the box.
// On the iPhone video will break if you move the element,
// So we have to create a brand new element.
if (!el || this.support.movingElementInDOM === false) {
// If the original tag is still there, remove it.
if (el) {
newEl = _V_.createElement("video", {
id: el.id || player.el.id + "_html5_api",
className: el.className || "vjs-tech"
el = newEl;
_V_.insertFirst(el, player.el);
// Update tag settings, in case they were overridden
_V_.each(["autoplay","preload","loop","muted"], function(attr){ // ,"poster"
if (player.options[attr] !== null) {
el[attr] = player.options[attr];
}, this);
return el;
// Make video events trigger player events
// May seem verbose here, but makes other APIs possible.
setupTriggers: function(){
_V_.each.call(this, _V_.html5.events, function(type){
_V_.addEvent(this.el, type, _V_.proxy(this.player, this.eventHandler));
removeTriggers: function(){
_V_.each.call(this, _V_.html5.events, function(type){
_V_.removeEvent(this.el, type, _V_.proxy(this.player, this.eventHandler));
eventHandler: function(e){
play: function(){ this.el.play(); },
pause: function(){ this.el.pause(); },
paused: function(){ return this.el.paused; },
currentTime: function(){ return this.el.currentTime; },
setCurrentTime: function(seconds){
try {
this.el.currentTime = seconds;
} catch(e) {
_V_.log(e, "Video isn't ready. (VideoJS)");
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
duration: function(){ return this.el.duration || 0; },
buffered: function(){ return this.el.buffered; },
volume: function(){ return this.el.volume; },
setVolume: function(percentAsDecimal){ this.el.volume = percentAsDecimal; },
muted: function(){ return this.el.muted; },
setMuted: function(muted){ this.el.muted = muted },
width: function(){ return this.el.offsetWidth; },
height: function(){ return this.el.offsetHeight; },
supportsFullScreen: function(){
if (typeof this.el.webkitEnterFullScreen == 'function') {
// Seems to be broken in Chromium/Chrome && Safari in Leopard
if (!navigator.userAgent.match("Chrome") && !navigator.userAgent.match("Mac OS X 10.5")) {
return true;
return false;
enterFullScreen: function(){
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code == 11) {
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
_V_.log("VideoJS: Video not ready.")
exitFullScreen: function(){
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code == 11) {
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
_V_.log("VideoJS: Video not ready.")
src: function(src){ this.el.src = src; },
load: function(){ this.el.load(); },
currentSrc: function(){ return this.el.currentSrc; },
preload: function(){ return this.el.preload; },
setPreload: function(val){ this.el.preload = val; },
autoplay: function(){ return this.el.autoplay; },
setAutoplay: function(val){ this.el.autoplay = val; },
loop: function(){ return this.el.loop; },
setLoop: function(val){ this.el.loop = val; },
error: function(){ return this.el.error; },
// networkState: function(){ return this.el.networkState; },
// readyState: function(){ return this.el.readyState; },
seeking: function(){ return this.el.seeking; },
// initialTime: function(){ return this.el.initialTime; },
// startOffsetTime: function(){ return this.el.startOffsetTime; },
// played: function(){ return this.el.played; },
// seekable: function(){ return this.el.seekable; },
ended: function(){ return this.el.ended; },
// videoTracks: function(){ return this.el.videoTracks; },
// audioTracks: function(){ return this.el.audioTracks; },
// videoWidth: function(){ return this.el.videoWidth; },
// videoHeight: function(){ return this.el.videoHeight; },
// textTracks: function(){ return this.el.textTracks; },
// defaultPlaybackRate: function(){ return this.el.defaultPlaybackRate; },
// playbackRate: function(){ return this.el.playbackRate; },
// mediaGroup: function(){ return this.el.mediaGroup; },
// controller: function(){ return this.el.controller; },
controls: function(){ return this.player.options.controls; },
defaultMuted: function(){ return this.el.defaultMuted; }
/* HTML5 Support Testing -------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.html5.isSupported = function(){
return !!document.createElement("video").canPlayType;
_V_.html5.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
return !!document.createElement("video").canPlayType(srcObj.type);
// TODO: Check Type
// If no Type, check ext
// Check Media Type
// List of all HTML5 events (various uses).
_V_.html5.events = "loadstart,suspend,abort,error,emptied,stalled,loadedmetadata,loadeddata,canplay,canplaythrough,playing,waiting,seeking,seeked,ended,durationchange,timeupdate,progress,play,pause,ratechange,volumechange".split(",");
/* HTML5 Device Fixes ---------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.html5.prototype.support = {
// Support for tech specific full screen. (webkitEnterFullScreen, not requestFullscreen)
// http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AudioVideo/Reference/HTMLVideoElementClassReference/HTMLVideoElement/HTMLVideoElement.html
// Seems to be broken in Chromium/Chrome && Safari in Leopard
fullscreen: (typeof _V_.testVid.webkitEnterFullScreen !== undefined) ? (!_V_.ua.match("Chrome") && !_V_.ua.match("Mac OS X 10.5") ? true : false) : false,
// In iOS, if you move a video element in the DOM, it breaks video playback.
movingElementInDOM: !_V_.isIOS()
// Android
if (_V_.isAndroid()) {
// Override Android 2.2 and less canPlayType method which is broken
if (_V_.androidVersion() < 3) {
document.createElement("video").constructor.prototype.canPlayType = function(type){
return (type && type.toLowerCase().indexOf("video/mp4") != -1) ? "maybe" : "";
/* VideoJS-SWF - Custom Flash Player with HTML5-ish API - https://github.com/zencoder/video-js-swf
================================================================================ */
_V_.flash = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options){
this.player = player;
var source = options.source,
// Which element to embed in
parentEl = options.parentEl,
// Create a temporary element to be replaced by swf object
placeHolder = this.el = _V_.createElement("div", { id: parentEl.id + "_temp_flash" }),
// Generate ID for swf object
objId = player.el.id+"_flash_api",
// Store player options in local var for optimization
playerOptions = player.options,
// Merge default flashvars with ones passed in to init
flashVars = _V_.merge({
// SWF Callback Functions
readyFunction: "_V_.flash.onReady",
eventProxyFunction: "_V_.flash.onEvent",
errorEventProxyFunction: "_V_.flash.onError",
// Player Settings
autoplay: playerOptions.autoplay,
preload: playerOptions.preload,
loop: playerOptions.loop,
muted: playerOptions.muted
}, options.flashVars),
// Merge default parames with ones passed in
params = _V_.merge({
wmode: "opaque", // Opaque is needed to overlay controls, but can affect playback performance
bgcolor: "#000000" // Using bgcolor prevents a white flash when the object is loading
}, options.params),
// Merge default attributes with ones passed in
attributes = _V_.merge({
id: objId,
name: objId, // Both ID and Name needed or swf to identifty itself
'class': 'vjs-tech'
}, options.attributes)
// If source was supplied pass as a flash var.
if (source) {
flashVars.src = encodeURIComponent(_V_.getAbsoluteURL(source.src));
// Add placeholder to player div
_V_.insertFirst(placeHolder, parentEl);
// Having issues with Flash reloading on certain page actions (hide/resize/fullscreen) in certain browsers
// This allows resetting the playhead when we catch the reload
if (options.startTime) {
// Flash iFrame Mode
// In web browsers there are multiple instances where changing the parent element or visibility of a plugin causes the plugin to reload.
// - Firefox just about always. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90268 (might be fixed by version 13)
// - Webkit when hiding the plugin
// - Webkit and Firefox when using requestFullScreen on a parent element
// Loading the flash plugin into a dynamically generated iFrame gets around most of these issues.
// Issues that remain include hiding the element and requestFullScreen in Firefox specifically
// There's on particularly annoying issue with this method which is that Firefox throws a security error on an offsite Flash object loaded into a dynamically created iFrame.
// Even though the iframe was inserted into a page on the web, Firefox + Flash considers it a local app trying to access an internet file.
// I tried mulitple ways of setting the iframe src attribute but couldn't find a src that worked well. Tried a real/fake source, in/out of domain.
// Also tried a method from stackoverflow that caused a security error in all browsers. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2486901/how-to-set-document-domain-for-a-dynamically-generated-iframe
// In the end the solution I found to work was setting the iframe window.location.href right before doing a document.write of the Flash object.
// The only downside of this it seems to trigger another http request to the original page (no matter what's put in the href). Not sure why that is.
// NOTE (2012-01-29): Cannot get Firefox to load the remote hosted SWF into a dynamically created iFrame
// Firefox 9 throws a security error, unleess you call location.href right before doc.write.
// Not sure why that even works, but it causes the browser to look like it's continuously trying to load the page.
// Firefox 3.6 keeps calling the iframe onload function anytime I write to it, causing an endless loop.
if (options.iFrameMode == true && !_V_.isFF) {
// Create iFrame with vjs-tech class so it's 100% width/height
var iFrm = _V_.createElement("iframe", {
id: objId + "_iframe",
name: objId + "_iframe",
className: "vjs-tech",
scrolling: "no",
marginWidth: 0,
marginHeight: 0,
frameBorder: 0
// Update ready function names in flash vars for iframe window
flashVars.readyFunction = "ready";
flashVars.eventProxyFunction = "events";
flashVars.errorEventProxyFunction = "errors";
// Tried multiple methods to get this to work in all browsers
// Tried embedding the flash object in the page first, and then adding a place holder to the iframe, then replacing the placeholder with the page object.
// The goal here was to try to load the swf URL in the parent page first and hope that got around the firefox security error
// var newObj = _V_.flash.embed(options.swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
// (in onload)
// var temp = _V_.createElement("a", { id:"asdf", innerHTML: "asdf" } );
// iDoc.body.appendChild(temp);
// Tried embedding the flash object through javascript in the iframe source.
// This works in webkit but still triggers the firefox security error
// iFrm.src = "javascript: document.write('"+_V_.flash.getEmbedCode(options.swf, flashVars, params, attributes)+"');";
// Tried an actual local iframe just to make sure that works, but it kills the easiness of the CDN version if you require the user to host an iframe
// We should add an option to host the iframe locally though, because it could help a lot of issues.
// iFrm.src = "iframe.html";
// Wait until iFrame has loaded to write into it.
_V_.addEvent(iFrm, "load", _V_.proxy(this, function(){
var iDoc, objTag, swfLoc,
iWin = iFrm.contentWindow,
varString = "";
// The one working method I found was to use the iframe's document.write() to create the swf object
// This got around the security issue in all browsers except firefox.
// I did find a hack where if I call the iframe's window.location.href="", it would get around the security error
// However, the main page would look like it was loading indefinitely (URL bar loading spinner would never stop)
// Plus Firefox 3.6 didn't work no matter what I tried.
// if (_V_.ua.match("Firefox")) {
// iWin.location.href = "";
// }
// Get the iFrame's document depending on what the browser supports
iDoc = iFrm.contentDocument ? iFrm.contentDocument : iFrm.contentWindow.document;
// Tried ensuring both document domains were the same, but they already were, so that wasn't the issue.
// Even tried adding /. that was mentioned in a browser security writeup
// document.domain = document.domain+"/.";
// iDoc.domain = document.domain+"/.";
// Tried adding the object to the iframe doc's innerHTML. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.innerHTML = swfObjectHTML;
// Tried appending the object to the iframe doc's body. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.appendChild(swfObject);
// Using document.write actually got around the security error that browsers were throwing.
// Again, it's a dynamically generated (same domain) iframe, loading an external Flash swf.
// Not sure why that's a security issue, but apparently it is.
iDoc.write(_V_.flash.getEmbedCode(options.swf, flashVars, params, attributes));
// Setting variables on the window needs to come after the doc write because otherwise they can get reset in some browsers
// So far no issues with swf ready event being called before it's set on the window.
iWin.player = this.player;
// Create swf ready function for iFrame window
iWin.ready = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(currSwf){
var el = iDoc.getElementById(currSwf),
player = this,
tech = player.tech;
// Update reference to playback technology element
tech.el = el;
// Now that the element is ready, make a click on the swf play the video
_V_.addEvent(el, "click", tech.proxy(tech.onClick));
// Make sure swf is actually ready. Sometimes the API isn't actually yet.
// Create event listener for all swf events
iWin.events = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(swfID, eventName, other){
var player = this;
if (player && player.techName == "flash") {
// Create error listener for all swf errors
iWin.errors = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(swfID, eventName){
_V_.log("Flash Error", eventName);
// Replace placeholder with iFrame (it will load now)
placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(iFrm, placeHolder);
// If not using iFrame mode, embed as normal object
} else {
_V_.flash.embed(options.swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
destroy: function(){
// setupTriggers: function(){}, // Using global onEvent func to distribute events
play: function(){ this.el.vjs_play(); },
pause: function(){ this.el.vjs_pause(); },
src: function(src){
// Make sure source URL is abosolute.
src = _V_.getAbsoluteURL(src);
// Currently the SWF doesn't autoplay if you load a source later.
// e.g. Load player w/ no source, wait 2s, set src.
if (this.player.autoplay()) {
var tech = this;
setTimeout(function(){ tech.play(); }, 0);
load: function(){ this.el.vjs_load(); },
poster: function(){ this.el.vjs_getProperty("poster"); },
buffered: function(){
return _V_.createTimeRange(0, this.el.vjs_getProperty("buffered"));
supportsFullScreen: function(){
return false; // Flash does not allow fullscreen through javascript
enterFullScreen: function(){
return false;
// Create setters and getters for attributes
var api = _V_.flash.prototype,
readWrite = "preload,currentTime,defaultPlaybackRate,playbackRate,autoplay,loop,mediaGroup,controller,controls,volume,muted,defaultMuted".split(","),
readOnly = "error,currentSrc,networkState,readyState,seeking,initialTime,duration,startOffsetTime,paused,played,seekable,ended,videoTracks,audioTracks,videoWidth,videoHeight,textTracks".split(","),
callOnly = "load,play,pause".split(",");
// Overridden: buffered
createSetter = function(attr){
var attrUpper = attr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + attr.slice(1);
api["set"+attrUpper] = function(val){ return this.el.vjs_setProperty(attr, val); };
createGetter = function(attr){
api[attr] = function(){ return this.el.vjs_getProperty(attr); };
// Create getter and setters for all read/write attributes
_V_.each(readWrite, function(attr){
// Create getters for read-only attributes
_V_.each(readOnly, function(attr){
/* Flash Support Testing -------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.flash.isSupported = function(){
return _V_.flash.version()[0] >= 10;
// return swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("10");
_V_.flash.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
if (srcObj.type in _V_.flash.prototype.support.formats) { return "maybe"; }
_V_.flash.prototype.support = {
formats: {
"video/flv": "FLV",
"video/x-flv": "FLV",
"video/mp4": "MP4",
"video/m4v": "MP4"
// Optional events that we can manually mimic with timers
progressEvent: false,
timeupdateEvent: false,
// Resizing plugins using request fullscreen reloads the plugin
fullscreenResize: false,
// Resizing plugins in Firefox always reloads the plugin (e.g. full window mode)
parentResize: !(_V_.ua.match("Firefox"))
_V_.flash.onReady = function(currSwf){
var el = _V_.el(currSwf);
// Get player from box
// On firefox reloads, el might already have a player
var player = el.player || el.parentNode.player,
tech = player.tech;
// Reference player on tech element
el.player = player;
// Update reference to playback technology element
tech.el = el;
// Now that the element is ready, make a click on the swf play the video
tech.addEvent("click", tech.onClick);
// The SWF isn't alwasy ready when it says it is. Sometimes the API functions still need to be added to the object.
// If it's not ready, we set a timeout to check again shortly.
_V_.flash.checkReady = function(tech){
// Check if API property exists
if (tech.el.vjs_getProperty) {
// If so, tell tech it's ready
// Otherwise wait longer.
} else {
}, 50);
// Trigger events from the swf on the player
_V_.flash.onEvent = function(swfID, eventName){
var player = _V_.el(swfID).player;
// Log errors from the swf
_V_.flash.onError = function(swfID, err){
var player = _V_.el(swfID).player;
_V_.log("Flash Error", err, swfID);
// Flash Version Check
_V_.flash.version = function(){
var version = '0,0,0'
// IE
try {
version = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version').replace(/\D+/g, ',').match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
// other browsers
} catch(e) {
try {
if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin){
version = (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]).description.replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
} catch(e) {}
return version.split(",");
// Flash embedding method. Only used in non-iframe mode
_V_.flash.embed = function(swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes){
var code = _V_.flash.getEmbedCode(swf, flashVars, params, attributes),
// Get element by embedding code and retrieving created element
obj = _V_.createElement("div", { innerHTML: code }).childNodes[0],
par = placeHolder.parentNode
placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, placeHolder);
// IE6 seems to have an issue where it won't initialize the swf object after injecting it.
// This is a dumb temporary fix
if (_V_.isIE()) {
var newObj = par.childNodes[0];
newObj.style.display = "block";
}, 1000);
return obj;
_V_.flash.getEmbedCode = function(swf, flashVars, params, attributes){
var objTag = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"',
flashVarsString = '',
paramsString = ''
attrsString = '';
// Convert flash vars to string
if (flashVars) {
_V_.eachProp(flashVars, function(key, val){
flashVarsString += (key + "=" + val + "&");
// Add swf, flashVars, and other default params
params = _V_.merge({
movie: swf,
flashvars: flashVarsString,
allowScriptAccess: "always", // Required to talk to swf
allowNetworking: "all" // All should be default, but having security issues.
}, params);
// Create param tags string
_V_.eachProp(params, function(key, val){
paramsString += '<param name="'+key+'" value="'+val+'" />';
attributes = _V_.merge({
// Add swf to attributes (need both for IE and Others to work)
data: swf,
// Default to 100% width/height
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}, attributes);
// Create Attributes string
_V_.eachProp(attributes, function(key, val){
attrsString += (key + '="' + val + '" ');
return objTag + attrsString + '>' + paramsString + '</object>';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
/* VideoJS-SWF - Custom Flash Player with HTML5-ish API - https://github.com/zencoder/video-js-swf
================================================================================ */
_V_.flash = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options){
this.player = player;
var source = options.source,
// Which element to embed in
parentEl = options.parentEl,
// Create a temporary element to be replaced by swf object
placeHolder = this.el = _V_.createElement("div", { id: parentEl.id + "_temp_flash" }),
// Generate ID for swf object
objId = player.el.id+"_flash_api",
// Store player options in local var for optimization
playerOptions = player.options,
// Merge default flashvars with ones passed in to init
flashVars = _V_.merge({
// SWF Callback Functions
readyFunction: "_V_.flash.onReady",
eventProxyFunction: "_V_.flash.onEvent",
errorEventProxyFunction: "_V_.flash.onError",
// Player Settings
autoplay: playerOptions.autoplay,
preload: playerOptions.preload,
loop: playerOptions.loop,
muted: playerOptions.muted
}, options.flashVars),
// Merge default parames with ones passed in
params = _V_.merge({
wmode: "opaque", // Opaque is needed to overlay controls, but can affect playback performance
bgcolor: "#000000" // Using bgcolor prevents a white flash when the object is loading
}, options.params),
// Merge default attributes with ones passed in
attributes = _V_.merge({
id: objId,
name: objId, // Both ID and Name needed or swf to identifty itself
'class': 'vjs-tech'
}, options.attributes)
// If source was supplied pass as a flash var.
if (source) {
flashVars.src = encodeURIComponent(_V_.getAbsoluteURL(source.src));
// Add placeholder to player div
_V_.insertFirst(placeHolder, parentEl);
// Having issues with Flash reloading on certain page actions (hide/resize/fullscreen) in certain browsers
// This allows resetting the playhead when we catch the reload
if (options.startTime) {
// Flash iFrame Mode
// In web browsers there are multiple instances where changing the parent element or visibility of a plugin causes the plugin to reload.
// - Firefox just about always. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90268 (might be fixed by version 13)
// - Webkit when hiding the plugin
// - Webkit and Firefox when using requestFullScreen on a parent element
// Loading the flash plugin into a dynamically generated iFrame gets around most of these issues.
// Issues that remain include hiding the element and requestFullScreen in Firefox specifically
// There's on particularly annoying issue with this method which is that Firefox throws a security error on an offsite Flash object loaded into a dynamically created iFrame.
// Even though the iframe was inserted into a page on the web, Firefox + Flash considers it a local app trying to access an internet file.
// I tried mulitple ways of setting the iframe src attribute but couldn't find a src that worked well. Tried a real/fake source, in/out of domain.
// Also tried a method from stackoverflow that caused a security error in all browsers. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2486901/how-to-set-document-domain-for-a-dynamically-generated-iframe
// In the end the solution I found to work was setting the iframe window.location.href right before doing a document.write of the Flash object.
// The only downside of this it seems to trigger another http request to the original page (no matter what's put in the href). Not sure why that is.
// NOTE (2012-01-29): Cannot get Firefox to load the remote hosted SWF into a dynamically created iFrame
// Firefox 9 throws a security error, unleess you call location.href right before doc.write.
// Not sure why that even works, but it causes the browser to look like it's continuously trying to load the page.
// Firefox 3.6 keeps calling the iframe onload function anytime I write to it, causing an endless loop.
if (options.iFrameMode === true && !_V_.isFF) {
// Create iFrame with vjs-tech class so it's 100% width/height
var iFrm = _V_.createElement("iframe", {
id: objId + "_iframe",
name: objId + "_iframe",
className: "vjs-tech",
scrolling: "no",
marginWidth: 0,
marginHeight: 0,
frameBorder: 0
// Update ready function names in flash vars for iframe window
flashVars.readyFunction = "ready";
flashVars.eventProxyFunction = "events";
flashVars.errorEventProxyFunction = "errors";
// Tried multiple methods to get this to work in all browsers
// Tried embedding the flash object in the page first, and then adding a place holder to the iframe, then replacing the placeholder with the page object.
// The goal here was to try to load the swf URL in the parent page first and hope that got around the firefox security error
// var newObj = _V_.flash.embed(options.swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
// (in onload)
// var temp = _V_.createElement("a", { id:"asdf", innerHTML: "asdf" } );
// iDoc.body.appendChild(temp);
// Tried embedding the flash object through javascript in the iframe source.
// This works in webkit but still triggers the firefox security error
// iFrm.src = "javascript: document.write('"+_V_.flash.getEmbedCode(options.swf, flashVars, params, attributes)+"');";
// Tried an actual local iframe just to make sure that works, but it kills the easiness of the CDN version if you require the user to host an iframe
// We should add an option to host the iframe locally though, because it could help a lot of issues.
// iFrm.src = "iframe.html";
// Wait until iFrame has loaded to write into it.
_V_.addEvent(iFrm, "load", _V_.proxy(this, function(){
var iDoc, objTag, swfLoc,
iWin = iFrm.contentWindow,
varString = "";
// The one working method I found was to use the iframe's document.write() to create the swf object
// This got around the security issue in all browsers except firefox.
// I did find a hack where if I call the iframe's window.location.href="", it would get around the security error
// However, the main page would look like it was loading indefinitely (URL bar loading spinner would never stop)
// Plus Firefox 3.6 didn't work no matter what I tried.
// if (_V_.ua.match("Firefox")) {
// iWin.location.href = "";
// }
// Get the iFrame's document depending on what the browser supports
iDoc = iFrm.contentDocument ? iFrm.contentDocument : iFrm.contentWindow.document;
// Tried ensuring both document domains were the same, but they already were, so that wasn't the issue.
// Even tried adding /. that was mentioned in a browser security writeup
// document.domain = document.domain+"/.";
// iDoc.domain = document.domain+"/.";
// Tried adding the object to the iframe doc's innerHTML. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.innerHTML = swfObjectHTML;
// Tried appending the object to the iframe doc's body. Security error in all browsers.
// iDoc.body.appendChild(swfObject);
// Using document.write actually got around the security error that browsers were throwing.
// Again, it's a dynamically generated (same domain) iframe, loading an external Flash swf.
// Not sure why that's a security issue, but apparently it is.
iDoc.write(_V_.flash.getEmbedCode(options.swf, flashVars, params, attributes));
// Setting variables on the window needs to come after the doc write because otherwise they can get reset in some browsers
// So far no issues with swf ready event being called before it's set on the window.
iWin.player = this.player;
// Create swf ready function for iFrame window
iWin.ready = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(currSwf){
var el = iDoc.getElementById(currSwf),
player = this,
tech = player.tech;
// Update reference to playback technology element
tech.el = el;
// Now that the element is ready, make a click on the swf play the video
_V_.addEvent(el, "click", tech.proxy(tech.onClick));
// Make sure swf is actually ready. Sometimes the API isn't actually yet.
// Create event listener for all swf events
iWin.events = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(swfID, eventName, other){
var player = this;
if (player && player.techName == "flash") {
// Create error listener for all swf errors
iWin.errors = _V_.proxy(this.player, function(swfID, eventName){
_V_.log("Flash Error", eventName);
// Replace placeholder with iFrame (it will load now)
placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(iFrm, placeHolder);
// If not using iFrame mode, embed as normal object
} else {
_V_.flash.embed(options.swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes);
destroy: function(){
// setupTriggers: function(){}, // Using global onEvent func to distribute events
play: function(){ this.el.vjs_play(); },
pause: function(){ this.el.vjs_pause(); },
src: function(src){
// Make sure source URL is abosolute.
src = _V_.getAbsoluteURL(src);
// Currently the SWF doesn't autoplay if you load a source later.
// e.g. Load player w/ no source, wait 2s, set src.
if (this.player.autoplay()) {
var tech = this;
setTimeout(function(){ tech.play(); }, 0);
load: function(){ this.el.vjs_load(); },
poster: function(){ this.el.vjs_getProperty("poster"); },
buffered: function(){
return _V_.createTimeRange(0, this.el.vjs_getProperty("buffered"));
supportsFullScreen: function(){
return false; // Flash does not allow fullscreen through javascript
enterFullScreen: function(){
return false;
// Create setters and getters for attributes
var api = _V_.flash.prototype,
readWrite = "preload,currentTime,defaultPlaybackRate,playbackRate,autoplay,loop,mediaGroup,controller,controls,volume,muted,defaultMuted".split(","),
readOnly = "error,currentSrc,networkState,readyState,seeking,initialTime,duration,startOffsetTime,paused,played,seekable,ended,videoTracks,audioTracks,videoWidth,videoHeight,textTracks".split(","),
callOnly = "load,play,pause".split(",");
// Overridden: buffered
createSetter = function(attr){
var attrUpper = attr.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + attr.slice(1);
api["set"+attrUpper] = function(val){ return this.el.vjs_setProperty(attr, val); };
createGetter = function(attr){
api[attr] = function(){ return this.el.vjs_getProperty(attr); };
// Create getter and setters for all read/write attributes
_V_.each(readWrite, function(attr){
// Create getters for read-only attributes
_V_.each(readOnly, function(attr){
/* Flash Support Testing -------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.flash.isSupported = function(){
return _V_.flash.version()[0] >= 10;
// return swfobject.hasFlashPlayerVersion("10");
_V_.flash.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
if (srcObj.type in _V_.flash.prototype.support.formats) { return "maybe"; }
_V_.flash.prototype.support = {
formats: {
"video/flv": "FLV",
"video/x-flv": "FLV",
"video/mp4": "MP4",
"video/m4v": "MP4"
// Optional events that we can manually mimic with timers
progressEvent: false,
timeupdateEvent: false,
// Resizing plugins using request fullscreen reloads the plugin
fullscreenResize: false,
// Resizing plugins in Firefox always reloads the plugin (e.g. full window mode)
parentResize: !(_V_.ua.match("Firefox"))
_V_.flash.onReady = function(currSwf){
var el = _V_.el(currSwf);
// Get player from box
// On firefox reloads, el might already have a player
var player = el.player || el.parentNode.player,
tech = player.tech;
// Reference player on tech element
el.player = player;
// Update reference to playback technology element
tech.el = el;
// Now that the element is ready, make a click on the swf play the video
tech.addEvent("click", tech.onClick);
// The SWF isn't alwasy ready when it says it is. Sometimes the API functions still need to be added to the object.
// If it's not ready, we set a timeout to check again shortly.
_V_.flash.checkReady = function(tech){
// Check if API property exists
if (tech.el.vjs_getProperty) {
// If so, tell tech it's ready
// Otherwise wait longer.
} else {
}, 50);
// Trigger events from the swf on the player
_V_.flash.onEvent = function(swfID, eventName){
var player = _V_.el(swfID).player;
// Log errors from the swf
_V_.flash.onError = function(swfID, err){
var player = _V_.el(swfID).player;
_V_.log("Flash Error", err, swfID);
// Flash Version Check
_V_.flash.version = function(){
var version = '0,0,0';
// IE
try {
version = new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash').GetVariable('$version').replace(/\D+/g, ',').match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
// other browsers
} catch(e) {
try {
if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"].enabledPlugin){
version = (navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash 2.0"] || navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"]).description.replace(/\D+/g, ",").match(/^,?(.+),?$/)[1];
} catch(e) {}
return version.split(",");
// Flash embedding method. Only used in non-iframe mode
_V_.flash.embed = function(swf, placeHolder, flashVars, params, attributes){
var code = _V_.flash.getEmbedCode(swf, flashVars, params, attributes),
// Get element by embedding code and retrieving created element
obj = _V_.createElement("div", { innerHTML: code }).childNodes[0],
par = placeHolder.parentNode
placeHolder.parentNode.replaceChild(obj, placeHolder);
// IE6 seems to have an issue where it won't initialize the swf object after injecting it.
// This is a dumb temporary fix
if (_V_.isIE()) {
var newObj = par.childNodes[0];
newObj.style.display = "block";
}, 1000);
return obj;
_V_.flash.getEmbedCode = function(swf, flashVars, params, attributes){
var objTag = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"',
flashVarsString = '',
paramsString = '',
attrsString = '';
// Convert flash vars to string
if (flashVars) {
_V_.eachProp(flashVars, function(key, val){
flashVarsString += (key + "=" + val + "&");
// Add swf, flashVars, and other default params
params = _V_.merge({
movie: swf,
flashvars: flashVarsString,
allowScriptAccess: "always", // Required to talk to swf
allowNetworking: "all" // All should be default, but having security issues.
}, params);
// Create param tags string
_V_.eachProp(params, function(key, val){
paramsString += '<param name="'+key+'" value="'+val+'" />';
attributes = _V_.merge({
// Add swf to attributes (need both for IE and Others to work)
data: swf,
// Default to 100% width/height
width: "100%",
height: "100%"
}, attributes);
// Create Attributes string
_V_.eachProp(attributes, function(key, val){
attrsString += (key + '="' + val + '" ');
return objTag + attrsString + '>' + paramsString + '</object>';
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
// **** NEEDS UPDATING ******
// Flowplayer API Connector
VideoJS.tech.flowplayer = {
name: "Flowplayer",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
/* HTML5 Playback Technology - Wrapper for HTML5 Media API
================================================================================ */
_V_.html5 = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options, ready){
this.player = player;
this.el = this.createElement();
this.addEvent("click", this.proxy(this.onClick));
var source = options.source;
// If the element source is already set, we may have missed the loadstart event, and want to trigger it.
// We don't want to set the source again and interrupt playback.
if (source && this.el.currentSrc == source.src) {
// Otherwise set the source if one was provided.
} else if (source) {
this.el.src = source.src;
// Chrome and Safari both have issues with autoplay.
// In Safari (5.1.1), when we move the video element into the container div, autoplay doesn't work.
// In Chrome (15), if you have autoplay + a poster + no controls, the video gets hidden (but audio plays)
// This fixes both issues. Need to wait for API, so it updates displays correctly
if (this.options.autoplay && this.paused()) {
this.tag.poster = null; // Chrome Fix. Fixed in Chrome v16.
destroy: function(){
this.player.tag = false;
createElement: function(){
var html5 = _V_.html5,
player = this.player,
// If possible, reuse original tag for HTML5 playback technology element
el = player.tag,
// Check if this browser supports moving the element into the box.
// On the iPhone video will break if you move the element,
// So we have to create a brand new element.
if (!el || this.support.movingElementInDOM === false) {
// If the original tag is still there, remove it.
if (el) {
newEl = _V_.createElement("video", {
id: el.id || player.el.id + "_html5_api",
className: el.className || "vjs-tech"
el = newEl;
_V_.insertFirst(el, player.el);
// Update tag settings, in case they were overridden
_V_.each(["autoplay","preload","loop","muted"], function(attr){ // ,"poster"
if (player.options[attr] !== null) {
el[attr] = player.options[attr];
}, this);
return el;
// Make video events trigger player events
// May seem verbose here, but makes other APIs possible.
setupTriggers: function(){
_V_.each.call(this, _V_.html5.events, function(type){
_V_.addEvent(this.el, type, _V_.proxy(this.player, this.eventHandler));
removeTriggers: function(){
_V_.each.call(this, _V_.html5.events, function(type){
_V_.removeEvent(this.el, type, _V_.proxy(this.player, this.eventHandler));
eventHandler: function(e){
play: function(){ this.el.play(); },
pause: function(){ this.el.pause(); },
paused: function(){ return this.el.paused; },
currentTime: function(){ return this.el.currentTime; },
setCurrentTime: function(seconds){
try {
this.el.currentTime = seconds;
} catch(e) {
_V_.log(e, "Video isn't ready. (VideoJS)");
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
duration: function(){ return this.el.duration || 0; },
buffered: function(){ return this.el.buffered; },
volume: function(){ return this.el.volume; },
setVolume: function(percentAsDecimal){ this.el.volume = percentAsDecimal; },
muted: function(){ return this.el.muted; },
setMuted: function(muted){ this.el.muted = muted; },
width: function(){ return this.el.offsetWidth; },
height: function(){ return this.el.offsetHeight; },
supportsFullScreen: function(){
if (typeof this.el.webkitEnterFullScreen == 'function') {
// Seems to be broken in Chromium/Chrome && Safari in Leopard
if (!navigator.userAgent.match("Chrome") && !navigator.userAgent.match("Mac OS X 10.5")) {
return true;
return false;
enterFullScreen: function(){
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code == 11) {
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
_V_.log("VideoJS: Video not ready.");
exitFullScreen: function(){
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.code == 11) {
// this.warning(VideoJS.warnings.videoNotReady);
_V_.log("VideoJS: Video not ready.");
src: function(src){ this.el.src = src; },
load: function(){ this.el.load(); },
currentSrc: function(){ return this.el.currentSrc; },
preload: function(){ return this.el.preload; },
setPreload: function(val){ this.el.preload = val; },
autoplay: function(){ return this.el.autoplay; },
setAutoplay: function(val){ this.el.autoplay = val; },
loop: function(){ return this.el.loop; },
setLoop: function(val){ this.el.loop = val; },
error: function(){ return this.el.error; },
// networkState: function(){ return this.el.networkState; },
// readyState: function(){ return this.el.readyState; },
seeking: function(){ return this.el.seeking; },
// initialTime: function(){ return this.el.initialTime; },
// startOffsetTime: function(){ return this.el.startOffsetTime; },
// played: function(){ return this.el.played; },
// seekable: function(){ return this.el.seekable; },
ended: function(){ return this.el.ended; },
// videoTracks: function(){ return this.el.videoTracks; },
// audioTracks: function(){ return this.el.audioTracks; },
// videoWidth: function(){ return this.el.videoWidth; },
// videoHeight: function(){ return this.el.videoHeight; },
// textTracks: function(){ return this.el.textTracks; },
// defaultPlaybackRate: function(){ return this.el.defaultPlaybackRate; },
// playbackRate: function(){ return this.el.playbackRate; },
// mediaGroup: function(){ return this.el.mediaGroup; },
// controller: function(){ return this.el.controller; },
controls: function(){ return this.player.options.controls; },
defaultMuted: function(){ return this.el.defaultMuted; }
/* HTML5 Support Testing -------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.html5.isSupported = function(){
return !!document.createElement("video").canPlayType;
_V_.html5.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
return !!document.createElement("video").canPlayType(srcObj.type);
// TODO: Check Type
// If no Type, check ext
// Check Media Type
// List of all HTML5 events (various uses).
_V_.html5.events = "loadstart,suspend,abort,error,emptied,stalled,loadedmetadata,loadeddata,canplay,canplaythrough,playing,waiting,seeking,seeked,ended,durationchange,timeupdate,progress,play,pause,ratechange,volumechange".split(",");
/* HTML5 Device Fixes ---------------------------------------------------------- */
_V_.html5.prototype.support = {
// Support for tech specific full screen. (webkitEnterFullScreen, not requestFullscreen)
// http://developer.apple.com/library/safari/#documentation/AudioVideo/Reference/HTMLVideoElementClassReference/HTMLVideoElement/HTMLVideoElement.html
// Seems to be broken in Chromium/Chrome && Safari in Leopard
fullscreen: (typeof _V_.testVid.webkitEnterFullScreen !== undefined) ? (!_V_.ua.match("Chrome") && !_V_.ua.match("Mac OS X 10.5") ? true : false) : false,
// In iOS, if you move a video element in the DOM, it breaks video playback.
movingElementInDOM: !_V_.isIOS()
// Android
if (_V_.isAndroid()) {
// Override Android 2.2 and less canPlayType method which is broken
if (_V_.androidVersion() < 3) {
document.createElement("video").constructor.prototype.canPlayType = function(type){
return (type && type.toLowerCase().indexOf("video/mp4") != -1) ? "maybe" : "";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
var VimeoState = {
/* VideoJS-Vimeo - Vimeo iFrame Wrapper
================================================================================ */
_V_.vimeo = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options){
this.player = player;
var source = options.source;
// Extract the Vimeo videoID from the source
var videoId = this.getVideoId(source.src);
// Which element to embed in
var parentEl = options.parentEl;
// Generate ID for iFrame
var objId = player.el.id+"_vimeo_api";
// Create an iFrame for the Vimeo player
var iFrm = this.el = _V_.createElement("iframe", {
id: objId + "_iframe",
name: objId + "_iframe",
className: "vjs-tech",
scrolling: "no",
marginWidth: 0,
marginHeight: 0,
frameBorder: 0,
webkitAllowFullScreen: "",
mozallowfullscreen: "",
allowFullScreen: ""
var playerOptions = player.options;
var optionsParams = options.params || {};
// Setup player parameters
this.player.apiArgs = {
api: 1,
byline: 0,
portrait: 0,
show_title: 0,
show_byline: 0,
show_portrait: 0,
fullscreen: 1,
player_id: objId + "_iframe",
color: optionsParams.color || playerOptions.color || 'ffffff',
autoplay: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.autoplay || playerOptions.autoplay),
loop: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.loop || playerOptions.loop)
// Create a dummy object to hold Vimeo state in case any info is requested
// before the iFrame loads
this.player.vimeoInfo = {};
// Add iFrame to player div
_V_.insertFirst(iFrm, parentEl);
loadPlayer: function(videoId){
var baseUrl = (document.location.protocol == 'https:') ?
'https://secure.vimeo.com/video/' :
// Wait until iFrame has loaded to initialize the API
_V_.addEvent(this.el, "load", _V_.proxy(this, function(){
// Initialize the Vimeo Player object
this.vimeo = $f(this.el);
// Create an object to track the state of the Vimeo player, since we can
// only fetch information from the iFrame asynchronously
this.player.vimeoInfo = {
state: VimeoState.UNSTARTED,
volume: 1,
muted: false,
muteVolume: 1,
time: 0,
duration: 0,
buffered: 0,
url: baseUrl + videoId,
error: null
// Register Vimeo event handlers
this.vimeo.addEvent('ready', _V_.vimeo.onReady);
this.vimeo.addEvent('loadProgress', _V_.vimeo.onLoadProgress);
this.vimeo.addEvent('playProgress', _V_.vimeo.onPlayProgress);
this.vimeo.addEvent('play', _V_.vimeo.onPlay);
this.vimeo.addEvent('pause', _V_.vimeo.onPause);
this.vimeo.addEvent('finish', _V_.vimeo.onFinish);
this.vimeo.addEvent('seek', _V_.vimeo.onSeek);
// Set the iFrame URL to start loading the video
this.el.src = baseUrl + videoId + "?" + this.makeQueryString(this.player.apiArgs);
destroy: function(){
delete this.vimeo;
play: function(){ this.vimeo.api("play"); },
pause: function(){ this.vimeo.api("pause"); },
paused: function(){
var state = this.player.vimeoInfo.state;
return state !== VimeoState.PLAYING &&
state !== VimeoState.BUFFERING;
src: function(src){
var videoId = this.getVideoId(src);
load: function(){ },
poster: function(){
// We could fetch the poster image using JSONP, but it would need to be
// done ahead of time (and probably enabled only through a player param)
return null;
currentTime: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.time || 0; },
setCurrentTime: function(seconds){ this.vimeo.api("seekTo", seconds); },
duration: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.duration || 0; },
buffered: function(){
return _V_.createTimeRange(0, this.player.vimeoInfo.buffered || 0);
volume: function(){
return (this.player.vimeoInfo.muted) ?
this.player.vimeoInfo.muteVolume :
setVolume: function(percentAsDecimal){
this.vimeo.api("setVolume", percentAsDecimal);
this.player.vimeoInfo.volume = percentAsDecimal;
muted: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.muted || false; },
setMuted: function(muted){
if (muted) {
this.player.vimeoInfo.muteVolume = this.player.vimeoInfo.volume;
} else {
this.player.vimeoInfo.muted = muted;
width: function(){ return this.el.offsetWidth; },
height: function(){ return this.el.offsetHeight; },
currentSrc: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.url; },
preload: function(){ return false; },
setPreload: function(val){ },
autoplay: function(){ return !!this.player.apiArgs.autoplay; },
setAutoplay: function(val){ },
loop: function(){ return !!this.player.apiArgs.loop; },
setLoop: function(val){
this.player.apiArgs.loop = (val ? 1 : 0);
// We handle looping manually
//this.vimeo.api("setLoop", val);
supportsFullScreen: function(){ return false; },
enterFullScreen: function(){ return false; },
error: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.error; },
seeking: function(){ return false; },
ended: function(){ return this.player.vimeoInfo.state === VimeoState.ENDED; },
videoWidth: function(){ return this.width(); },
videoHeight: function(){ return this.height(); },
controls: function(){ return this.player.options.controls; },
defaultMuted: function(){ return false; },
// Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------
makeQueryString: function(args) {
var array = [];
for (var key in args) {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(key))
array.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(args[key]));
return array.join("&");
getVideoId: function(url) {
return url.match(/vimeo\.com\/(?:.*#|.*\/videos\/)?([0-9]+)/)[1];
toBoolInt: function(val) {
return val ? 1 : 0;
// Event callbacks ------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.vimeo.onReady = function(id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
// Hide our playback controls since we have no good way of hiding the Vimeo
// controls
_V_.vimeo.onLoadProgress = function(data, id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
var durationUpdate = !player.vimeoInfo.duration;
player.vimeoInfo.duration = data.duration;
player.vimeoInfo.buffered = data.percent;
if (durationUpdate) player.triggerEvent("durationchange");
_V_.vimeo.onPlayProgress = function(data, id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
player.vimeoInfo.time = data.seconds;
_V_.vimeo.onPlay = function(id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
player.vimeoInfo.state = VimeoState.PLAYING;
_V_.vimeo.onPause = function(id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
player.vimeoInfo.state = VimeoState.PAUSED;
_V_.vimeo.onFinish = function(id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
player.vimeoInfo.state = VimeoState.ENDED;
// Vimeo looping doesn't seem to play well with VideoJS, so we need to
// implement it manually here
if (player.apiArgs.loop) {
//player.tech.vimeo.api("seekTo", 0);
} else {
// Reset the video
player.tech.vimeo.api("seekTo", 0);
_V_.vimeo.onSeek = function(data, id) {
var player = _V_.el(id).parentNode.player;
player.vimeoInfo.time = data.seconds;
// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.vimeo.hideOverlay = function(player) {
// Hide the big play button and poster since Vimeo provides these. Using
// our own prevents the video from playing on the first click in mobile
// devices
// Support testing ------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.vimeo.isSupported = function(){
return true;
_V_.vimeo.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
return srcObj.type == "video/vimeo";
_V_.vimeo.prototype.support = {
formats: {
"video/vimeo": "VIM"
// Optional events that we can manually mimic with timers
progressEvent: true,
timeupdateEvent: true,
//fullscreen: true,
// In iOS, if you move a video element in the DOM, it breaks video playback.
movingElementInDOM: !_V_.isIOS(),
fullscreenResize: true,
parentResize: true
// Froogaloop API -------------------------------------------------------------
// From https://github.com/vimeo/player-api/blob/master/javascript/froogaloop.js
var Froogaloop = (function(){
// Define a local copy of Froogaloop
function Froogaloop(iframe) {
// The Froogaloop object is actually just the init constructor
return new Froogaloop.fn.init(iframe);
var eventCallbacks = {},
hasWindowEvent = false,
isReady = false,
slice = Array.prototype.slice,
playerDomain = '';
Froogaloop.fn = Froogaloop.prototype = {
element: null,
init: function(iframe) {
if (typeof iframe === "string") {
iframe = document.getElementById(iframe);
this.element = iframe;
// Register message event listeners
playerDomain = getDomainFromUrl(this.element.getAttribute('src'));
return this;
* Calls a function to act upon the player.
* @param {string} method The name of the Javascript API method to call. Eg: 'play'.
* @param {Array|Function} valueOrCallback params Array of parameters to pass when calling an API method
* or callback function when the method returns a value.
api: function(method, valueOrCallback) {
if (!this.element || !method) {
return false;
var self = this,
element = self.element,
target_id = element.id !== '' ? element.id : null,
params = !isFunction(valueOrCallback) ? valueOrCallback : null,
callback = isFunction(valueOrCallback) ? valueOrCallback : null;
// Store the callback for get functions
if (callback) {
storeCallback(method, callback, target_id);
postMessage(method, params, element);
return self;
* Registers an event listener and a callback function that gets called when the event fires.
* @param eventName (String): Name of the event to listen for.
* @param callback (Function): Function that should be called when the event fires.
addEvent: function(eventName, callback) {
if (!this.element) {
return false;
var self = this,
element = self.element,
target_id = element.id !== '' ? element.id : null;
storeCallback(eventName, callback, target_id);
// The ready event is not registered via postMessage. It fires regardless.
if (eventName != 'ready') {
postMessage('addEventListener', eventName, element);
else if (eventName == 'ready' && isReady) {
callback.call(null, target_id);
return self;
* Unregisters an event listener that gets called when the event fires.
* @param eventName (String): Name of the event to stop listening for.
removeEvent: function(eventName) {
if (!this.element) {
return false;
var self = this,
element = self.element,
target_id = element.id !== '' ? element.id : null,
removed = removeCallback(eventName, target_id);
// The ready event is not registered
if (eventName != 'ready' && removed) {
postMessage('removeEventListener', eventName, element);
* Handles posting a message to the parent window.
* @param method (String): name of the method to call inside the player. For api calls
* this is the name of the api method (api_play or api_pause) while for events this method
* is api_addEventListener.
* @param params (Object or Array): List of parameters to submit to the method. Can be either
* a single param or an array list of parameters.
* @param target (HTMLElement): Target iframe to post the message to.
function postMessage(method, params, target) {
if (!target.contentWindow.postMessage) {
return false;
var url = target.getAttribute('src').split('?')[0],
data = JSON.stringify({
method: method,
value: params
if (url.substr(0, 2) === '//') {
url = window.location.protocol + url;
target.contentWindow.postMessage(data, url);
* Event that fires whenever the window receives a message from its parent
* via window.postMessage.
function onMessageReceived(event) {
var data, method;
try {
data = JSON.parse(event.data);
method = data.event || data.method;
catch(e) {
//fail silently... like a ninja!
if (method == 'ready' && !isReady) {
isReady = true;
// Handles messages from moogaloop only
if (event.origin != playerDomain) {
return false;
var value = data.value,
eventData = data.data,
target_id = target_id === '' ? null : data.player_id,
callback = getCallback(method, target_id),
params = [];
if (!callback) {
return false;
if (value !== undefined) {
if (eventData) {
if (target_id) {
return params.length > 0 ? callback.apply(null, params) : callback.call();
* Stores submitted callbacks for each iframe being tracked and each
* event for that iframe.
* @param eventName (String): Name of the event. Eg. api_onPlay
* @param callback (Function): Function that should get executed when the
* event is fired.
* @param target_id (String) [Optional]: If handling more than one iframe then
* it stores the different callbacks for different iframes based on the iframe's
* id.
function storeCallback(eventName, callback, target_id) {
if (target_id) {
if (!eventCallbacks[target_id]) {
eventCallbacks[target_id] = {};
eventCallbacks[target_id][eventName] = callback;
else {
eventCallbacks[eventName] = callback;
* Retrieves stored callbacks.
function getCallback(eventName, target_id) {
if (target_id) {
return eventCallbacks[target_id][eventName];
else {
return eventCallbacks[eventName];
function removeCallback(eventName, target_id) {
if (target_id && eventCallbacks[target_id]) {
if (!eventCallbacks[target_id][eventName]) {
return false;
eventCallbacks[target_id][eventName] = null;
else {
if (!eventCallbacks[eventName]) {
return false;
eventCallbacks[eventName] = null;
return true;
* Returns a domain's root domain.
* Eg. returns http://vimeo.com when http://vimeo.com/channels is sbumitted
* @param url (String): Url to test against.
* @return url (String): Root domain of submitted url
function getDomainFromUrl(url) {
if (url.substr(0, 2) === '//') {
url = window.location.protocol + url;
var url_pieces = url.split('/'),
domain_str = '';
for(var i = 0, length = url_pieces.length; i < length; i++) {
if(i<3) {domain_str += url_pieces[i];}
else {break;}
if(i<2) {domain_str += '/';}
return domain_str;
function isFunction(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply);
function isArray(obj) {
return toString.call(obj) === '[object Array]';
// Give the init function the Froogaloop prototype for later instantiation
Froogaloop.fn.init.prototype = Froogaloop.fn;
// Listens for the message event.
// W3C
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('message', onMessageReceived, false);
// IE
else {
window.attachEvent('onmessage', onMessageReceived);
// Expose froogaloop to the global object
return (window.Froogaloop = window.$f = Froogaloop);
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>VideoJS | HTML5 Video Player</title>
<link href="video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!-- video.js must be in the <head> for older IEs to work. -->
<script src="video.js"></script>
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls width="640" height="264" data-setup='{"techOrder":["youtube","html5"]}'>
<source src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjaZNYSt7o0" type='video/youtube'>
@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
// Flowplayer API Connector
VideoJS.tech.youtube = {
name: "YouTube",
supported: function(){
// Flash Player 8 or higher
return true;
canPlaySource: function(sourceObj){
return sourceObj.type == "video/youtube";
supports: {
format: {},
event: {
progress: false,
timeupdate: false
init: function(sourceObj){
var player = this,
placeHolder = _V_.createElement("div", { id: player.box.id + "_temp_ytswf" }),
objId = player.box.id+"_youtube_api";
flashvars = {
params = {
allowScriptAccess: "always",
wmode: "opaque",
bgcolor: "#000000"
attributes = {
id: objId,
name: objId,
'class': 'vjs-tech'
this.addEvent("techready", function(){
var url = sourceObj.src;
if (url.indexOf("http://") == 0) {
// Get Youtube ID from URL
url = url.match(/v=([^&]+)/)[1];
swfobject.embedSWF("http://www.youtube.com/apiplayer?" +
"version=3&enablejsapi=1&playerapiid=" + objId,
placeHolder.id, "480", "295", "9", null, null, params, attributes);
stateChange: function(id, state){
var player = _V_(id);
if (state == 0) {
} else if (state == 1) {
} else if (state == 2) {
error: function(id, errorCode){
_V_.log(id, errorCode);
api: {
setupTriggers: function(){
"(function(state){ _V_.tech.youtube.stateChange('"+this.id+"',state); })");
"(function(errorCode){ _V_.tech.youtube.error('"+this.id+"',errorCode); })");
play: function(){ this.tels.youtube.playVideo(); },
pause: function(){ this.tels.youtube.pauseVideo(); },
paused: function(){
return this.tels.youtube.getPlayerState() !== 1; // More accurate than isPaused
currentTime: function(){ return this.tels.youtube.getCurrentTime(); },
setCurrentTime: function(seconds){
// False blocks seek-ahead.
this.tels.youtube.seekTo(seconds, true);
duration: function(){
return this.tels.youtube.getDuration();
buffered: function(){
var percent = this.tels.youtube.getVideoBytesLoaded() / this.tels.youtube.getVideoBytesTotal(),
seconds = this.duration() * percent;
return _V_.createTimeRange(0, seconds);
volume: function(){ return _V_.round(this.tels.youtube.getVolume() / 100, 2); },
setVolume: function(percentAsDecimal){
this.tels.youtube.setVolume(parseInt(percentAsDecimal * 100));
// Youtube Doesn't support VolumeChange Events
muted: function(){ return this.tels.youtube.isMuted(); },
setMuted: function(bool){
if (bool) {
} else {
supportsFullScreen: function(){
return false; // Flash does not allow fullscreen through javascript
// Maybe at click listener, and say "click screen".
enterFullScreen: function(){ this.tels.flowplayer.api.toggleFullscreen(); },
src: function(src){
load: function(){
// Youtube will autoload?
// YouTube Defined Player Ready Callback
window.onYouTubePlayerReady = function(playerId) {
var el = _V_.el(playerId),
player = el.parentNode.player; // Get player from box
el.player = player;
// Update reference to playback technology element
player.tels.youtube = el;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>YouTube Test</title>
<link href="../../design/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<!--[if IE]>
<script src="https://getfirebug.com/releases/lite/1.4/firebug-lite.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/core.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/lib.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/json.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/component.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/player.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/tech.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/controls.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/events.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/tracks.js"></script>
<script src="../../tech/html5/html5.js"></script>
<script src="../../tech/flash/flash.js"></script>
<script src="../../tech/youtube/youtube.js"></script>
<script src="../../src/setup.js"></script>
<video id="example_video_1" class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls width="640" height="264" data-setup='{"techOrder":["youtube","html5"]}'>
<source src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0" type='video/youtube'>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
/* VideoJS-YouTube - YouTube iFrame Wrapper
================================================================================ */
_V_.youtube = _V_.PlaybackTech.extend({
init: function(player, options){
this.player = player;
var source = options.source;
// Extract the YouTube videoID from the source
var videoId = this.getVideoId(source.src);
// Which element to embed in
var parentEl = options.parentEl;
// Generate ID for iFrame
var objId = player.el.id+"_youtube_api";
// Create an iFrame for the YouTube player
var iFrm = this.el = _V_.createElement("iframe", {
id: objId + "_iframe",
name: objId + "_iframe",
className: "vjs-tech",
scrolling: "no",
marginWidth: 0,
marginHeight: 0,
frameBorder: 0,
webkitAllowFullScreen: "",
mozallowfullscreen: "",
allowFullScreen: ""
// Store a global list of currently loading players
_V_.youtube.loadingEls = _V_.youtube.loadingEls || [];
var playerOptions = player.options;
var optionsParams = options.params || {};
// Setup player parameters
var params = {
disablekb: 1,
enablejsapi: 1,
iv_load_policy: 3,
modestbranding: 1,
playerapiid: objId,
wmode: "opaque", // Opaque is needed to overlay controls, but can affect playback performance (Flash only)
rel: 0,
showinfo: 0,
showsearch: 0,
controls: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.ytcontrols || playerOptions.ytcontrols),
autoplay: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.autoplay || playerOptions.autoplay),
loop: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.loop || playerOptions.loop),
hd: this.toBoolInt(optionsParams.hd || playerOptions.hd)
var p = (document.location.protocol == 'https:') ? 'https:' : 'http:';
if (document.domain != 'localhost' && document.location.protocol != 'file:')
params.origin = p + "//" + document.domain;
this.player.apiArgs = {
videoId: videoId,
playerVars: params,
events: {
"onReady": _V_.youtube.onReady,
"onStateChange": _V_.youtube.onStateChange,
"onPlaybackQualityChange": _V_.youtube.onPlaybackQualityChange,
"onError": _V_.youtube.onError
_V_.addEvent(parentEl, "techready", _V_.proxy(this, function(){
// YouTube JS API is ready, load the player
iFrm.src = p + "//www.youtube.com/embed/" + videoId + "?" +
// Initialize the YouTube Player object. Only pass events as arguments,
// since all of our other parameters went into the iFrame URL
this.youtube = new YT.Player(iFrm, { events: this.player.apiArgs.events });
// Add iFrame to player div
_V_.insertFirst(iFrm, parentEl);
_V_.youtube.updateVideoQuality(this.player, null);
destroy: function(){
delete this.youtube;
play: function(){ this.youtube.playVideo(); },
pause: function(){ this.youtube.pauseVideo(); },
paused: function(){
var state = this.youtube.getPlayerState();
return state !== YT.PlayerState.PLAYING &&
state !== YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING;
src: function(src){
delete this.player.error;
// FIXME: Does this work or do we have to set the iFrame src again?
var videoId = this.getVideoId(src);
load: function(){ },
poster: function(){
var videoId = this.getVideoId(this.youtube.getVideoUrl());
return "http://img.youtube.com/vi/" + videoId + "/0.jpg";
currentTime: function(){ return this.youtube.getCurrentTime() || 0; },
setCurrentTime: function(seconds){
this.youtube.seekTo(seconds, true);
duration: function(){ return this.youtube.getDuration() || 0; },
buffered: function(){
var loadedBytes = this.youtube.getVideoBytesLoaded();
var totalBytes = this.youtube.getVideoBytesTotal();
if (!loadedBytes || !totalBytes) return 0;
var duration = this.youtube.getDuration();
var secondsBuffered = (loadedBytes / totalBytes) * duration;
var secondsOffset = (this.youtube.getVideoStartBytes() / totalBytes) * duration;
return _V_.createTimeRange(secondsOffset, secondsOffset + secondsBuffered);
volume: function(){
if (isNaN(this.youtube.volumeVal))
this.youtube.volumeVal = this.youtube.getVolume() / 100.0;
return this.youtube.volumeVal;
setVolume: function(percentAsDecimal){
if (percentAsDecimal != this.youtube.volumeVal) {
this.youtube.volumeVal = percentAsDecimal;
this.youtube.setVolume(percentAsDecimal * 100.0);
muted: function(){ return this.youtube.isMuted(); },
setMuted: function(muted){
if (muted)
// Volume changes do not show up in the API immediately, so we need
// to wait for a moment
var self = this;
setTimeout(function() { self.player.triggerEvent("volumechange"); }, 50);
width: function(){ return this.el.offsetWidth; },
height: function(){ return this.el.offsetHeight; },
currentSrc: function(){ return this.youtube.getVideoUrl(); },
preload: function(){ return false; },
setPreload: function(val){ },
autoplay: function(){ return !!this.player.apiArgs.playerVars.autoplay; },
setAutoplay: function(val){ },
loop: function(){ return !!this.player.apiArgs.playerVars.loop; },
setLoop: function(val){
this.player.apiArgs.playerVars.loop = (val ? 1 : 0);
// We handle looping manually
supportsFullScreen: function(){ return false; },
enterFullScreen: function(){ return false; },
error: function(){ return this.player.error; },
seeking: function(){ return false; },
ended: function(){ return this.youtube.getPlayerState() === YT.PlayerState.ENDED; },
videoWidth: function(){ return this.player.videoWidth; },
videoHeight: function(){ return this.player.videoHeight; },
controls: function(){ return this.player.options.controls; },
defaultMuted: function(){ return false; },
// Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------
makeQueryString: function(args) {
var array = [];
for (var key in args) {
if (args.hasOwnProperty(key))
array.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(args[key]));
return array.join("&");
getVideoId: function(url) {
return url.match(/v=([^&]+)/)[1];
toBoolInt: function(val) {
return val ? 1 : 0;
loadApi: function() {
// Check if the YouTube JS API has already been loaded
var js, id = "youtube-jssdk", ref = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
if (_V_.el(id)) {
// Asynchronously load the YouTube JS API
var p = (document.location.protocol == "https:") ? "https:" : "http:";
js = _V_.createElement("script", { id: id, async: true, src: p + "//www.youtube.com/player_api" });
ref.parentNode.insertBefore(js, ref);
// Event callbacks ------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.youtube.onReady = function(e){
var player = e.target.getIframe().parentNode.player;
_V_.youtube.onStateChange = function(e){
var player = e.target.getIframe().parentNode.player;
// Suppress any duplicate events from YouTube
if (player.lastState === e.data)
switch (e.data) {
case -1: // Unstarted
case YT.PlayerState.CUED:
case YT.PlayerState.ENDED:
// YouTube looping doesn't seem to play well with VideoJS, so we need to
// implement it manually here
if (player.apiArgs.playerVars.loop) {
player.tech.youtube.seekTo(0, true);
} else {
case YT.PlayerState.PLAYING:
case YT.PlayerState.PAUSED:
case YT.PlayerState.BUFFERING:
// Hide the waiting spinner since YouTube has its own
player.lastState = e.data;
_V_.youtube.onPlaybackQualityChange = function(e){
var player = e.target.getIframe().parentNode.player;
_V_.youtube.updateVideoQuality(player, e.data);
_V_.youtube.onError = function(e){
var player = e.target.getIframe().parentNode.player;
player.error = e.data;
// Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.youtube.hideOverlay = function(player) {
// Hide the big play button and poster since YouTube provides these. Using
// our own prevents the video from playing on the first click in mobile
// devices
_V_.youtube.updateVideoQuality = function(player, quality) {
switch (quality) {
case 'medium':
player.videoWidth = 480;
player.videoHeight = 360;
case 'large':
player.videoWidth = 640;
player.videoHeight = 480;
case 'hd720':
player.videoWidth = 960;
player.videoHeight = 720;
case 'hd1080':
player.videoWidth = 1440;
player.videoHeight = 1080;
case 'highres':
player.videoWidth = 1920;
player.videoHeight = 1080;
case 'small':
player.videoWidth = 320;
player.videoHeight = 240;
player.videoWidth = 0;
player.videoHeight = 0;
// Support testing ------------------------------------------------------------
_V_.youtube.isSupported = function(){
return true;
_V_.youtube.canPlaySource = function(srcObj){
return srcObj.type == "video/youtube";
_V_.youtube.prototype.support = {
formats: {
"video/youtube": "YT"
// Optional events that we can manually mimic with timers
progressEvent: false,
timeupdateEvent: false,
//fullscreen: true,
// In iOS, if you move a video element in the DOM, it breaks video playback.
movingElementInDOM: !_V_.isIOS(),
fullscreenResize: true,
parentResize: true
// YouTube JS API load callback -----------------------------------------------
window.onYouTubePlayerAPIReady = function() {
// Fire a techready event for each loading player
var loadingEl;
while ((loadingEl = _V_.youtube.loadingEls.shift())) {
@ -20,6 +20,11 @@
<script src='../src/player.js'></script>
<script src='../src/tech.js'></script>
<script src='../src/tracks.js'></script>
<script src='../tech/html5/html5.js'></script>
<script src='../tech/flash/flash.js'></script>
<script src='../src/setup.js'></script>
<!-- END Video.js Source Files -->
Reference in New Issue
Block a user