mirror of https://github.com/videojs/video.js.git synced 2025-02-04 11:43:27 +02:00

docs(COLLABORATOR_GUIDE): how to release Video.js (#4586)

This commit is contained in:
Gary Katsevman 2017-08-30 14:22:04 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6e2a302af8
commit 9588602d48
2 changed files with 142 additions and 457 deletions

View File

@ -259,23 +259,16 @@ git reset --hard upstream/master
## video.js releases
Releasing video.js is partially automated through [`conrib.json`](/contrib.json) scripts. To do a release, you need a couple of things: npm access, GitHub personal access token.
Releasing video.js is partially automated through various scripts.
To do a release, you need a couple of things: npm access, GitHub personal access token.
Releases in video.js are done on npm and GitHub and eventually posted on the CDN. These
are the instructions for the npm/GitHub releases.
Releases in video.js are done on npm and GitHub and eventually posted on the CDN.
These are the instructions for the npm/GitHub releases.
When we do a release, we release it as a `next` tag on npm first and then at least a week later, we promote this release to `latest` on npm.
### Getting dependencies
#### Install contrib
You can install it globally
npm i -g contrib/contrib
#### npm access
To see who currently has access run this:
@ -285,6 +278,7 @@ npm owner ls video.js
If you are a core committer, you can request access to npm from one of the current owners.
Access is managed via an [npm organization][npm org] for [Video.js][vjs npm].
#### GitHub personal access token
@ -292,23 +286,146 @@ This is used to make a GitHub release on videojs. You can get a token from the [
After generating one, make sure to keep it safe because GitHub will not show the token for you again. A good place to save it is Lastpass Secure Notes.
### Deciding what type of version release
Since we follow the [conventional changelog conventions][conventions],
all commits are prepended with a type, most commonly `feat` and `fix`.
If all the commits are fix or other types such as `test` or `chore`, then the release will be a `patch` release.
If there's even one `feat`, the release will be a `minor` release.
If any commit has a `BREAKING CHANGE` footer, then the release will be a `major` release.
Most common releases will be either `patch` or `minor`.
### Doing a release
To do a release, check out the master branch
It is also recommended you have a clean clone of Video.js for each release line you want to release.
That means having a folder for master/v6 and one for 5.x.
This is because 5.x and 6.x have different versions expecations for release process and have different dependencies.
Plus, during development you could end up with a dirty repo, so, it just usually easier if you have a clean release repo.
# for v6
git clone git@github.com:videojs/video.js.git videojs-6-release
# for v5
git clone git@github.com:videojs/video.js.git videojs-5-release
#### Video.js 6
Make sure go to the master branch and grab the latest updates.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
Then run the contrib command to do the next release. Don't forget to provide your GitHub token so the GitHub release goes through.
At this point, you should run `npm install` because dependencies may have changed.
Then, it's mostly a standard npm package release process with running `npm version`, followed by an `npm publish`.
VJS_GITHUB_USER=gkatsev VJS_GITHUB_TOKEN=my-personal-access-token contrib release next patch
npm version {major|minor|patch}
This makes a patch release, you can also do a `minor` and a `major` release.
Depending on the commits that have been merged, you can choose from `major`, `minor`, or `patch` as the versioning values.
See [deciding what type of version release section](#deciding-what-type-of-version-release).
Optionally, you can run `git show` now to verify that the version update and CHANGELOG automation worked as expected.
Afterwards, you want to push the commit and the tag to the repo.
It's necessary to do this before running `npm publish` because our GitHub release automation
relies on the commit being available on GitHub.
git push --tags origin master
Finally, run `npm publish` with an appropriate tag. Don't forget to supply your token.
VJS_GITHUB_USER=gkatsev VJS_GITHUB_TOKEN=my-personal-access-token npm publish --tag next
After it's done, verify that the GitHub release has the correct changelog output.
This is to make sure that the CHANGELOG didn't get garbled and isn't missing pieces.
If the GitHub release did not work correctly, such as if the GitHub token was not provided,
you can run it manually:
VJS_GITHUB_USER=gkatsev VJS_GITHUB_TOKEN=123 node build/gh-release.js --prelease
#### Video.js 5
Make sure to go to the 5.x branch and grab the latest updates.
git checkout 5.x
git pull origin 5.x
> *Note:* you probably need to delete v6 tags due to the way that the our CHANGELOG lib works.
> You can run this to delete them:
> ```sh
> git tag | grep '^v6' | xargs git tag -d
> ```
> This will find all tags that start with `^v6` and delete them.
At this point, you should run `npm install` because dependencies may have changed.
Then, we have a script that automates most of the steps for publishing. It's a little trickier than publishing v6.
##### Edit git-semver-tags
You'll need to edit `git-semver-tags` to support our usage of tags that are not part of the branch.
In the file `node_modules/conventional-changelog-cli/node_modules/conventional-changelog/node_modules/conventional-changelog-core/node_modules/git-semver-tags/index.js`, edit the line that says sets the `cmd` to be:
var cmd = 'git log --all --date-order --decorate --no-color';
#### And now for the release
After getting rid of the tags and getting the latest updates, you can just run the release script:
VJS_GITHUB_USER=gkatsev VJS_GITHUB_TOKEN=123 ./build/bin/release-next.sh
It will prompt you for a version change type, so, input `patch` or `minor` or `major`.
See [deciding what type of version release section](#deciding-what-type-of-version-release).
When it's done building everything, it'll show you the commit that's made via the default pager (i.e., less).
At this point you can verify that things look normal rather than, for example, missing all the CSS.
After exiting the pager, it'll make sure you want to continue with publishing.
It will automatically release it as a `next-5` tag on npm.
Then push the local changes up:
git push --tags origin 5.x
Also, you'll need to copy the CHANGELOG for this version and manually edit the GitHub release to include it.
The current release's CHANGELOG could be copied from the [raw CHANGELOG.md file][raw chg] (or locally from the markdown file)
and then pasted into the correct [GitHub release](https://github.com/videojs/video.js/releases).
### Deploy as a patch to the CDN
Follow the steps on the [CDN repo][] for the CDN release process.
If it's a `next` or `next-5` release, only publish the patch version to the CDN.
When the version gets promoted to `latest` or `latest-5`, the corresponding `minor` or `latest` version should be published to the CDN.
### Announcement
An announcement should automatically make it's way to #announcements channel on [slack][], it uses IFTTT and might take a while.
You can also post it to twitter or ask someone (like @gkatsev) to post on your behalf.
If it's a large enough release, consider writing a blog post as well.
## Doc credit
@ -319,3 +436,13 @@ This collaborator guide was heavily inspired by [node.js's guide](https://github
[pr template]: /.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md
[conventions]: https://github.com/videojs/conventional-changelog-videojs/blob/master/convention.md
[vjs npm]: http://npmjs.com/org/videojs
[npm org]: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/orgs
[slack]: http://slack.videojs.com
[CDN repo]: https://github.com/videojs/cdn
[raw chg]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/videojs/video.js/5.x/CHANGELOG.md

View File

@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
"meta": {
"org": "videojs",
"name": "video.js",
"requirements": [
"name": "git",
"info": "http://git-scm.com"
"name": "node.js",
"info": "http://nodejs.org"
"urls": {
"repo_api": "https://api.github.com/repos/videojs/video.js",
"repo_ui": "https://github.com/videojs/video.js"
"branches": {
"development": "master",
"release": "stable"
"install": {
"desc": "Fork, download, and setup the project",
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "You will now be taken to Github where you will choose an account to fork the project under. Remember which account you choose." },
{ "exec": "open https://github.com/{{meta.org}}/{{meta.name}}/fork" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Which account did you choose? (no '@')", "id": "owner" },
{ "exec": "git clone https://github.com/{{ owner }}/{{ meta.name }}.git" },
{ "exec": "cd {{ meta.name }}", "desc": "Change to the project directory" },
{ "include": "setup" }
"setup": {
"desc": "Set up version control and install dependencies",
"steps": [
[ "git fetch origin", "Get all git branches" ],
[ "git checkout -b stable origin/stable", "Create the stable branch for patches" ],
[ "git remote add upstream https://github.com/{{meta.org}}/{{meta.name}}.git", "Add the upstream project as a remote for pulling changes" ],
[ "git fetch upstream", "Get all upstream branches and changes" ],
{ "include": "update all" },
[ "grunt", "Build the library" ]
"update": {
"all": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update stable" },
{ "include": "update master" },
[ "npm install", "Download dependencies"]
"local": {
"master": {
"steps": [
[ "git checkout master", "Switch to the development branch" ],
[ "git pull upstream master", "Get any changes to master in the main project" ]
"stable": {
"steps": [
[ "git checkout stable", "Switch to the release branch" ],
[ "git pull upstream stable", "Get any changes to stable in the main project" ]
"patch": {
"steps": [
[ "git checkout patch", "Switch to the patch branch" ],
[ "git pull upstream patch", "Get any changes to patch in the main project" ]
"remote": {
"master": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update local master" },
[ "git push origin master", "Push any changes to your copy of the main project" ]
"stable": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update local stable" },
[ "git push origin stable", "Push any changes to your copy of the main project" ]
"patch": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update local patch" },
[ "git push origin patch", "Push any changes to your copy of the main project" ]
"master": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update remote master" }
"stable": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update remote stable" }
"patch": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "update remote patch" }
"test": "grunt test" ,
"watch": "grunt watch",
"server": "grunt connect",
"feature": {
"desc": "Create a new feature or general enhancement",
"baseBranch": "master",
"start": {
"desc": "Start a new feature",
"steps": [
{ "include": "update {{meta.branches.development}}" },
{ "include": "branch start" }
"save": {
"desc": "Save changes to your feature",
"steps": [{ "include": "branch save" }]
"submit": {
"desc": "Submit a pull request for a feature when it's finished",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request submit" }]
"delete": {
"desc": "Delete the current feature branch",
"steps": [{ "include": "branch delete" }]
"review": {
"desc": "Review a submitted feature",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request review" }]
"modify": {
"desc": "Modify a submitted feature that you are reviewing",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request modify" }]
"accept": {
"desc": "Merge a submitted feature",
"steps": [
{ "include": "update {{meta.branches.development}}" },
{ "include": "pull_request accept" }
"patch": {
"desc": "Create an urgent fix for the latest stable version",
"baseBranch": "stable",
"start": {
"desc": "Start a new patch",
"finished": "Make your changes and then run `contrib patch submit`",
"steps": [
{ "include": "update {{meta.branches.release}}" },
{ "include": "branch start" }
"save": {
"desc": "Save changes to your feature",
"steps": [{ "include": "branch save" }]
"submit": {
"desc": "Submit a pull request for a patch when it's finished",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request submit" }]
"delete": {
"desc": "Delete the current patch branch",
"steps": [{ "include": "branch delete" }]
"review": {
"desc": "Review a submitted patch",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request review" }]
"modify": {
"desc": "Modify a submitted patch that you are reviewing",
"steps": [{ "include": "pull_request modify" }]
"accept": {
"desc": "Merge a submitted patch",
"steps": [
{ "include": "update {{meta.branches.release}}" },
{ "include": "pull_request accept" },
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git merge stable", "Merge the patch changes" ],
[ "git push upstream master", "Push the development changes" ]
"report": {
"desc": "Submit a bug report",
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Create a title that is descriptive of the problem", "id": "title" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What did you do? (steps to reproduce)", "id": "reproduce" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What did you expect to happen?", "id": "expected" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What actually happened?", "id": "actual" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What version of video.js are you using?", "id": "version" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Are you using any video.js plugins?", "id": "plugins" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What browsers/platforms did you experience this in (e.g. Win 7, IE10; Android 4, Chrome;)?", "id": "browsers" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Is there a URL to a live example, or a jsbin (e.g. http://jsbin.com/axedog/9999/edit)?", "id": "example" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Are there any other details you'd like to provide?", "id": "details" },
{ "open": "{{meta.urls.repo_ui}}/issues/new?title={{title}}&body=**Steps to reproduce:**\n> {{reproduce}}\n\n**What was expected:**\n> {{expected}}\n\n**What Happened:**\n> {{actual}}\n\n**Video.js Version:**\n> {{version}}\n\n**Plugins:**\n> {{plugins}}\n\n**Browsers experienced on:**\n> {{browsers}}\n\n**Example:**\n> {{example}}\n\n**Other details:**\n> {{details}}" }
"finished": "Thanks for submitting a bug report! One of our contributors will address it as soon as possible."
"request": {
"desc": "Submit a feature/enhancement request",
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Create a title that is descriptive of the enhancement", "id": "title" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Describe the feature/enhancement (be as detailed as possible so it's clear who, why, and how it would be used)", "id": "describe" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Is there any existing documentation or related specifications?", "id": "docs" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Are there any existing examples?", "id": "examples" },
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "You will be redirected to Github where you can submit this issue, OK?" },
{ "open": "{{meta.urls.repo_ui}}/issues/new?title={{ title }}&body=**Describe the feature/enhancement:**\n> {{ describe }}\n\n**Existing docs/specs:**\n> {{ docs }}\n\n**Existing examples:**\n> {{ examples }}" }
"finished": "Thanks for submitting a feature request! One of our contributors will address it as soon as possible."
"release": {
"desc": "Create and publish releases",
"patch": {
"release_type": "patch",
"description": "Create a patch release from the release branch (stable)",
"steps": [{ "include": "release run" }]
"minor": {
"description": "Create a minor release from the development branch (master)",
"release_type": "minor",
"steps": [
{ "include": "update local master" },
{ "include": "update local stable" },
[ "git merge master", "Copy the latest development changes to the release branch" ],
{ "include": "release run" },
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git merge stable", "Merge package changes into the dev brach" ],
[ "git push upstream master", "Push the dev branch changes to the repo" ]
"next": {
"patch": {
"description": "Create a patch release and tag it @next on npm",
"release_type": "patch",
"steps": [{ "include": "release run_next" }]
"minor": {
"description": "Create a minor release and tag it @next on npm",
"release_type": "minor",
"steps": [{ "include": "release run_next" }]
"major": {
"description": "Create a major release and tag it @next on npm",
"release_type": "major",
"steps": [{ "include": "release run_next" }]
"prerelease": {
"release_type": "prerelease",
"steps": [{ "include": "release run_next" }]
"run_next": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch check" },
{ "include": "update local master" },
[ "git checkout -b temp-release-branch master","Create a temporary branch for the dist" ],
[ "grunt version:{{release_type}}", "Bump package versions" ],
[ "./build/bin/version", "Return the current VJS Version from the package.json file", "version" ],
[ "npm run changelog", "Update the changelog with the new release" ],
[ "git commit -am 'v{{version}}'", "Add and commit the package changes" ],
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git merge temp-release-branch", "Merge package changes into the dev brach" ],
[ "git push upstream master", "Push the dev branch changes to the repo" ],
[ "git checkout temp-release-branch", "Checkout the temp branch again" ],
[ "grunt dist", "Build the dist" ],
[ "git add es5 dist --force", "Add the (otherwise ignored) release files" ],
[ "git commit -m 'v{{version}} dist'", "Commit the dist changes" ],
[ "git tag -a v{{version}} -m 'v{{version}}'", "Tag the release" ],
[ "git push upstream --tags", "Push the new tag to the repo" ],
[ "grunt github-release:prerelease", "Create a new pre-release on Github" ],
[ "npm publish --tag next", "Publish to npm as 'next'" ],
[ "git checkout master", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git branch -D temp-release-branch", "Delete the temp release branch" ]
"run": {
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch check" },
{ "include": "update local stable" },
[ "npm install", "Ensure dependency updates have been installed" ],
[ "grunt test", "Run tests" ],
[ "grunt version:{{release_type}}", "Bump package versions" ],
[ "./build/bin/version", "Return the current VJS Version from the package.json file", "version" ],
[ "npm run changelog", "Update the changelog with the new release" ],
[ "git commit -am 'v{{version}}'", "Add and commit the package changes" ],
[ "git push upstream stable", "Push the release branch changes to the repo" ],
[ "git checkout -b temp-release-branch stable","Create a temporary branch for the dist" ],
[ "grunt dist", "Build the dist" ],
[ "git add es5 dist --force", "Add the (otherwise ignored) release files" ],
[ "git commit -m 'v{{version}} dist'", "Commit the dist changes" ],
[ "git tag -a v{{version}} -m 'v{{version}}'", "Tag the release" ],
[ "git push upstream --tags", "Push the new tag to the repo" ],
[ "npm publish", "Publish to npm" ],
[ "grunt github-release:release", "Create a new release on Github" ],
[ "git checkout stable", "Checkout the developmet branch" ],
[ "git branch -D temp-release-branch", "Delete the temp release branch" ]
"branch": {
"private": true,
"start": {
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "text", "id": "name", "desc": "Name the branch" },
{ "exec": "git checkout -b {{name}} {{baseBranch}}", "desc": "Create the branch" },
{ "exec": "git push -u origin {{name}}", "desc": "Push the branch to your remote copy of the project" }
"save": {
"desc": "Commit and push changes made to files in the project",
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch confirm" },
{ "prompt": "text", "id": "message", "desc": "Briefly describe the changes made" },
{ "exec": "git add .", "desc": "Add the changes" },
{ "exec": "git commit -m '{{message}}'", "desc": "Commit the changes" },
{ "exec": "git push origin {{branch_name}}", "desc": "Push the changes to your remote copy of the project" }
"check": {
"private": true,
"desc": "Check for unsaved changes",
"steps": [
{ "exec": "git diff --exit-code", "desc": "Ensure there's no unadded changes", "fail": "Make sure all changes have been saved (added and committed) or stashed" },
{ "exec": "git diff --cached --exit-code", "desc": "Ensure there's no uncommitted changes", "fail": "Make sure all changes have been saved (added and committed) or stashed" }
"name": {
"private": true,
"steps": [
{ "exec": "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", "desc": "Get the current branch", "id": "branch_name" }
"confirm": {
"private": true,
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch name" },
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "Are you sure *{{branch_name}}* is the correct branch?" }
"delete": {
"desc": "Delete the current branch",
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch confirm" },
{ "exec": "git checkout master", "desc": "Exit the branch being deleted" },
{ "exec": "git branch -D {{branch_name}}", "desc": "Delete the local copy of the branch" },
{ "exec": "git push origin :{{branch_name}}", "desc": "Delete the remote copy of the branch" }
"pull_request": {
"private": true,
"desc": "Pull request related commands",
"prepare": {
"private": true,
"steps": [
{ "include": "branch check" },
{ "include": "branch confirm" },
{ "include": "test" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "Which github user or org are you submitting from?", "id": "user" }
"submit": {
"desc": "Submit a pull request for when the change is finished",
"steps": [
{ "include": "pull_request prepare" },
{ "open": "{{meta.urls.repo_ui}}/compare/videojs:{{baseBranch}}...{{user}}:{{branch_name}}", "desc": "Open the github pull request page" }
"review": {
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What is the the pull request number?", "id": "prNum" },
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}", "desc": "Get the PR information", "id": "pr" },
[ "git fetch {{pr.head.repo.ssh_url}} {{pr.head.ref}}", "Get the pull request changes but don't merge them" ],
[ "git merge-base master FETCH_HEAD", "Get the common ancestor commit", "base" ],
[ "git checkout -b review-{{pr.user.login}}-{{pr.head.ref}} {{base}}", "Create a new local branch for the pull request that has a base of the common commit" ],
[ "git merge FETCH_HEAD", "Merge in the pull request changes" ],
[ "npm install", "Install any new dependencies" ],
[ "grunt test", "Build and run tests" ]
"modify": {
"desc": "Submit a modification to a pull request that you are currently reviewing",
"steps": [
{ "include": "pull_request prepare" },
{ "prompt": "text", "desc": "What is the the pull request number?", "id": "prNum" },
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}", "desc": "Get the PR information", "id": "pr" },
{ "exec": "git push -u origin {{branch_name}}", "desc": "Push the changes to the remote repo" },
{ "open": "https://github.com/{{user}}/video.js/compare/{{pr.head.label}}...{{user}}:{{branch_name}}", "desc": "Open the github pull request page" }
"accept": {
"steps": [
{ "prompt": "text", "id": "prNum", "desc": "What is the the pull request number?" },
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}", "desc": "Get the PR information", "id": "pr" },
{ "get": "{{meta.urls.repo_api}}/pulls/{{prNum}}/commits", "desc": "Get the PR commits to access author info", "id": "prCommits" },
[ "git checkout -b {{pr.user.login}}/{{pr.head.ref}} {{pr.base.ref}}", "Create a new branch for merging the changes" ],
[ "git fetch {{pr.head.repo.ssh_url}} {{pr.head.ref}}", "Fetch the changes" ],
[ "git merge --no-commit --squash FETCH_HEAD", "Merge the changes in without committing so they can be squashed" ],
[ "grunt test", "Run tests to make sure they still pass" ],
{ "prompt": "text", "id": "line", "desc": "Describe this change in one line" },
[ "grunt chg-add:'{{{line}}} ([view](https\\://github.com/videojs/video.js/pull/{{prNum}}))'", "Add a line to the changelog" ],
[ "git add CHANGELOG.md", "Add the changlelog change to be committed" ],
[ "git commit -a --author='{{prCommits.[0].commit.author.name}} <{{prCommits.[0].commit.author.email}}>' -m '{{line}}. closes #{{prNum}}'", "Commit the changes" ],
{ "prompt": "confirm", "desc": "Does everything look ok?" },
[ "git checkout {{pr.base.ref}}", "Check out the base branch" ],
[ "git merge {{pr.user.login}}/{{pr.head.ref}}", "Merge the changes" ],
[ "git push origin {{pr.base.ref}}", "Push the changes to your remote copy of the project" ],
[ "git push upstream {{pr.base.ref}}", "Push the changes to the main project" ],
[ "git branch -D {{pr.user.login}}/{{pr.head.ref}}", "Delete the local branch used for merging" ]