- removed old less style. no going back now.
- switched back to video-js.scss naming and added a base-style injection class
- cleaned up and simplified big play btn
- Flexbox straight flexin.
- move to using variables for text and icon font families
- use table layout for IE 8 and 9
- moved to using extend for icons
- Switched to SASS, added a new default theme, updated the html
- added horizontal classes
- added connect-watch grunt task
- show all the things in the control bar so everything is available
by default (and hidden via css
- reignore dist for now
- removing trailing comma to get the tests passing
- Switched to using libsass and removed incompatible "black magic"
- updating to es6 syntax
- removed old separator, added grunt task for dev, and updated example
- singular time-control and live-control. remove playing class on pause
- updated separator control styles
- Show full control bar when a player goes to fullscreen.
Also added a grunt task specifically for skin development (only watches sass file changes and runs sass)
- allow poster image to toggle playback
- This allows the poster image to toggle play / pause on audio-only sources
- fixed issue with scrollbars in Chrome on Linux
- make the control bar not-quite-black
- added back some focus highlights until we decide on another path
I've got a way to run tests across every browser and device out there except for IE8, and IE8 should work except I'm running into a Browserstack bug that I've let them know about.
It uses a project called bunyip, which internallt uses Yeti (YUI), Pagekite, and Browserstack.
Next steps include:
- Making it all automatic. Right now you have to wait for browsers to connect and then manually hit enter when they have.
- Make it a grunt task
- Document it all so others can use it
I think this is close enough for me to close the milestone 4.0 issue.