Add middleware support. Middleware can function as go-between between the player and the tech. For example, it can modify the duration that the tech returns to the player. In addition, middleware allow for supporting custom video sources and types.
Currently, middleware can only intercept timeline methods like duration, currentTime, and setCurrentTime.
For example,
videojs.use('video/foo', {
setSource(src, next) {
next(null, {
src: '',
type: 'video/mp4'
Will allow you to set a source with type `video/foo` which will play back `video.mp4`.
This makes setting the source asynchronous, which aligns it with the spec a bit more. Methods like play can still be called synchronously on the player after setting the source and the player will play once the source has loaded.
`sourceOrder` option was removed as well and it will now always use source ordering.
BREAKING CHANGE: setting the source is now asynchronous. `sourceOrder` option removed and made the default.
* Switch to es3 preset for babel so that it runs last. Plugins run before presets and presets run in reverse order. Also, we ran into a weird bug in babel that causes `default` not to be quoted in some cases ( which we've worked around here.
* Restore the es-shims for tests and the ie8 fallback script.
* Do a null-check around `Player.players`.
* use more round fractions (like 0.5 and 1) to avoid rounding issues.
This is both a change as well as a bug fix. We tried to have better awareness of when the underlying video element changed underneath us so we can dispose of the source handler but that broke some use cases of MSE. Given that we weren't able to fix it in a reasonable non-breaking and non-invasive solution, we're taking it out.
BREAKING CHANGE: remove the double loadstart handlers that dispose the tech/source handlers if a secondary loadstart event is heard.
This adds nativeAudioTracks and nativeVideoTracks tech options, this will disable hooking into the native track APIs. This would be useful when using videojs-contrib-hls on Edge.
Tech#addRemoteTextTrack now accepts a second parameter - a boolean named manualCleanup which defaults to true preserving backwards compatibility. When that value is set to false the text track will be removed from the video element whenever a source change occurs.
Calling into the SWF too often is expensive. Current time and buffered don't actually change that often but it's very common to call them a couple times in the handling of a single event. Cache their return values for 100ms so the performance penalty of going through ExternalInterface is limited.
Adds `currentSource` and `currentSources` methods to the player that return the current source object, containing `currentSrc()` and `currentType()`, and all source objects that were given to the player.
HTML5 tech will return NaN instead of Infinity if playback has not started. Fires a durationupdate event once the reported duration can be believed if the duration is still Infinity, so controls can update.
* Disable HLS hack on Firefox for Android
* Fix canPlayType patching tests
* Add test to ensure that canPlayType is not patched in Firefox for Android
* Fix assertion message in Firefox for Android test
Delay manual progress checks until the tech is ready to avoid errors.
The Flash tech errors if buffered() is called before the SWF has loaded,
for instance.
rel #2289
- Broke out RTMP tests into their own file.
- Cleaned up the currentTime test to not create the swf
- Cleaned up the flash dispose test
- Cleaned up formatting for additional flash tests
closes#2166closes#2126; should be handled by the tech
De-dupe the bufferedPercent code in both Tech and Player
Have the player generate the tech ID
Added autoplay/preload/loop/muted to tech option
Remove the watch for native timeupdates
Fixed the JSDoc for bufferedPercent
Removed the unit test for native timeupdate
Added cute whitespaces
buffer should always return a TimeRange
Broke out bind, guid, and element data functions from Lib
Separated out more dom functions in to dom.js
Broke out URL functions into url.js
Removed setLocalStorage since it wasn't being used
Moved browser tests out of lib
Moved log functions into their own file
Removed trim() since it wasn't being used
Moved formatTime into its own file
Moved round into its own file and renamed roundFloat()
Moved capitalize into its own file and renamed as toTitleCase()
Moved createTimeRange into its own file
Removed Lib.arr.forEach infavor of the native forEach
Removed Lib.obj.create in favor of native Object.create (ES6-sham)
Removed obj.each in favor of native Object.getOwnPropertyNames().forEach()
Removed obj.merge and copy. Using lodash.assign instead.
Replaced Lib.obj.isPlain with lodash.isPlainObject
Removed Lib.obj.isArray in favor of the native Array.isArray
Also removed the lib.js tests file as all tests have been moved
or removed.
Removed Lib.isEmpty in favor of !Object.getOwnPropertyNames().length
Switched Util.mergeOptions and deepMerge to use new mergeOptions()
Moved Lib.TEST_VID to Html5.TEST_VID
Removed Lib references everywhere. Woo!
Attempting to fix sourcemap test errors by setting grunt-browserify version
Switched to object.assign from lodash.assign
Removed unused 'inherits' dependency
Reorganzied test files and added '.test' to file names
Combined js/core.js and js/video.js
Moved events.js into the utils directory