Disable running tests in Firefox on Travis for regular PRs as it wasn't the case previously and is broken for some reason. We'll follow up in the future in #5626.
Update .travis.yml based on their latest infrastructure and new npm caching method.
Silence logging of sourceset test sources.
Use npx babel-upgrade --write --install to initiate the upgrade. Then update grunt and rollup.
Decreases minified, gzipped filesize by about 1KB. Decreases build times by a few minutes.
If .load() is called, we don't know what the new source will be because of the asynchronous nature of the resource selection algorithm. However, we can know if the src attribute is set on the video element because that's what will be chosen. So, set the src property on the event object to be the src attribute or be the empty string. This matches how currentSrc works where it is an empty string when no source is set. So, when sourceset is triggered and src is "" in the event object, it means that the source is changing.
In addition, we're going to be releasing sourceset as an experimental feature so we could improve the API and make changes in minor releases.
Increase timeout because IE8 can take more than 5 minutes to run.
Increase browser disconnect timeout so that browsers that succeed but don't report back to karma don't fail the build.
Make webpack more quiet.
Dispose players created in hooks tests which also increase stability.
* Switch to es3 preset for babel so that it runs last. Plugins run before presets and presets run in reverse order. Also, we ran into a weird bug in babel that causes `default` not to be quoted in some cases (https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/4799) which we've worked around here.
* Restore the es-shims for tests and the ie8 fallback script.
* Do a null-check around `Player.players`.
* use more round fractions (like 0.5 and 1) to avoid rounding issues.
- Temporarily killed API tests. Combining them with other tests.
- Using browserify:watch for build/temp/video.js (sandbox testing)
- Using karma:watch for automated tests
Using individual watch tasks allows watchify to use smart caching in both
- Switched to grunt-concurrent for watch tasks
- Switched to travis containers, sudo: false
- Added caching of npm modules in Travis
- Consolidated travis testing
- Cleaned up grunt file
- Fixed travis.yml spacing
- Added the watchAll task for trying it out
- Moved travis test script logic to package.json
- Moved coverage reporting to Travis only