- Temporarily killed API tests. Combining them with other tests.
- Using browserify:watch for build/temp/video.js (sandbox testing)
- Using karma:watch for automated tests
Using individual watch tasks allows watchify to use smart caching in both
- Switched to grunt-concurrent for watch tasks
- Switched to travis containers, sudo: false
- Added caching of npm modules in Travis
- Consolidated travis testing
- Cleaned up grunt file
- Fixed travis.yml spacing
- Added the watchAll task for trying it out
- Moved travis test script logic to package.json
- Moved coverage reporting to Travis only
See videojs/cdn#3
- Added a guide note about skipping analytics tracking on the CDN
- Updated videojs-font
- Added videojs-ie8 as a dependency
- Updated the examples directory URLs and added to dist
- Updated CSS to override font path
IE8 compatiblity fixes - Babel loose mode and ES5-shim
Reverted to old isPlainObject to fix IE8
Lodash.isplainobject was throwing a "Member not found error" on elements,
specifically the 'custom' track element being passed in options.
(turned out to be that we were using lodash modern, not compat)
Fixed full-window mode in IE8 by fixing fullscreen API check
Fixed the swf events by creating the object in component.createEl
Added es5 shim and sham to the sandbox example
related to #1687
Per a325da3d79closes#2144
bower.json: main: fix path to video.js
bower.json: main: video-js.css => video-js.scss
Per https://github.com/bower/bower.json-spec/pull/43 :
> Use source files with module exports and imports over pre-built distribution files.
Also, the example in that PR includes
/sass/motion.scss in and excludes
/dist/movement.css & /dist/movement.min.css
from its `main`.
bower.json: Set moduleType & use non-dist video.js
Again, see https://github.com/bower/bower.json-spec/pull/43