- Temporarily killed API tests. Combining them with other tests.
- Using browserify:watch for build/temp/video.js (sandbox testing)
- Using karma:watch for automated tests
Using individual watch tasks allows watchify to use smart caching in both
- Switched to grunt-concurrent for watch tasks
- Switched to travis containers, sudo: false
- Added caching of npm modules in Travis
- Consolidated travis testing
- Cleaned up grunt file
- Fixed travis.yml spacing
- Added the watchAll task for trying it out
- Moved travis test script logic to package.json
- Moved coverage reporting to Travis only
Migrate the timers that manage creating timeupdate and progress events when the tech doesn't support them natively. Now, techs that extend MediaTechController will continue to automatically pick up synthetic playback and buffering events but they're scoped much more closely to the entity that needs them. In addition, time and progress tracking have been moved much earlier into the component initialization which fixes#1414.
Squashed commit of the following:
commit 81d785980d
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Mon May 12 12:53:59 2014 -0700
Removed unneeded comments
commit c7ad7322e4
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Fri May 9 14:29:31 2014 -0700
Addressed comments in #1191
Now clearing errors on loadstart events.
Added some default error messages.
commit a742239d0e
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Wed May 7 15:38:31 2014 -0700
Fixed the error display to hide by default
commit 561c3f8449
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Mon May 5 10:44:47 2014 -0700
Added support for displaying a message for the error.
commit 2214207842
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Fri May 2 17:18:22 2014 -0700
Updated spinner to hide on all errors
commit 95d7e70274
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Fri May 2 15:37:44 2014 -0700
Exported ErrorDisplay
commit 11ca9cdd8d
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Fri May 2 15:35:46 2014 -0700
Updated flash tech to support new errors
commit 56cbe66f42
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Fri May 2 13:06:49 2014 -0700
Started on better error handling and displaying in the UI when an error has occurred.
commit 740014c57b
Author: Steve Heffernan <steve@zencoder.com>
Date: Wed Apr 30 16:11:33 2014 -0700
Added better global log/error/warn functions.
Added sinon.js for stubs in tests.
Updated grunt version to satisfy peer dependency warning.
Included are two sanity check tests for the two areas being checked
to make sure that the menu title items are being correctly placed
in the actual UL element of the menu.
I've got a way to run tests across every browser and device out there except for IE8, and IE8 should work except I'm running into a Browserstack bug that I've let them know about.
It uses a project called bunyip, which internallt uses Yeti (YUI), Pagekite, and Browserstack.
Next steps include:
- Making it all automatic. Right now you have to wait for browsers to connect and then manually hit enter when they have.
- Make it a grunt task
- Document it all so others can use it
I think this is close enough for me to close the milestone 4.0 issue.
Hide volume slider and mute toggle when the current tech doesn't support adjusting video volume. Added controls specific test cases. Volume-related controls retest whether to display themselves whenever `loadstart` fires.