If the control bar and playtoggle exist, focus the playtoggle after
triggering play via the keyboard from the Big Play Button.
If the control bar isn't available, then focus the player element.
If play() returns a promise, wait until it resolves to focus,
otherwise, use a setTimeout.
Prevents a title attribute from being applied to MenuItems.
MenuItem indicates to ClickableComponent that the control is not just an icon, so it shouldn't have a title attribute.
* Fixes#3986
* update `techOptions` to look for `TitleCase`/`camelCase` user tech options
* remove deprecated usage of Tech as Component
* add a unit test to verify that registerTech works
* change defaultTech_ to defaultTechOrder_
IE8 can't run the html5 tech and the mute toggle tests rely on a working
volume and mute functionality which tech faker does not have. Instead of
implementing it in tech faker, skip it on non-html5 environments.
If a user changed the volume to zero either via the mouse or keyboard, clicking unmute will now restore the volume back to this last position. Previously, the mute and volume values were completely not linked.
If the time tooltips try to update when the player isn't in the DOM,
they error out because the bounding rects for the player will not be available.
This does a null check and exists early.
If you try to delegate an to an EventTarget from an evented component, you'll end up failing because it didn't think that an EventTarget object worked. But it should and does. This adds a check for it in the isEvented function.
Middleware registration now only accept a factory method which takes a player reference and returns some object that represents the middleware with the various methods on it.
Also, add a use to register a middleware for all types.
Advanced plugins introduced the concept of mixins and added two: evented and stateful.
This provides Components with the benefits of the stateful mixin
Advanced plugins introduced the concept of mixins and added two: evented and stateful.
This refactors Component to use the evented mixin, granting it event broadcast/handling capabilities.
Add middleware support. Middleware can function as go-between between the player and the tech. For example, it can modify the duration that the tech returns to the player. In addition, middleware allow for supporting custom video sources and types.
Currently, middleware can only intercept timeline methods like duration, currentTime, and setCurrentTime.
For example,
videojs.use('video/foo', {
setSource(src, next) {
next(null, {
src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4',
type: 'video/mp4'
Will allow you to set a source with type `video/foo` which will play back `video.mp4`.
This makes setting the source asynchronous, which aligns it with the spec a bit more. Methods like play can still be called synchronously on the player after setting the source and the player will play once the source has loaded.
`sourceOrder` option was removed as well and it will now always use source ordering.
BREAKING CHANGE: setting the source is now asynchronous. `sourceOrder` option removed and made the default.
Internally uses the VolumeControl and MuteToggle components to create the VolumePanel component. Acts like the old VolumeMenuButton but does not have the screen reader issues of the older version.
BREAKING CHANGE: remove VolumeMenuButton, introduce a new default volume control: VolumePanel.
Switch to `keepTooltipsInside` by default and simplify DOM structure around the time tooltips and progress control.
BREAKING CHANGE: removal of `keepTooltipsInside` option.
* Switch to es3 preset for babel so that it runs last. Plugins run before presets and presets run in reverse order. Also, we ran into a weird bug in babel that causes `default` not to be quoted in some cases (https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/4799) which we've worked around here.
* Restore the es-shims for tests and the ie8 fallback script.
* Do a null-check around `Player.players`.
* use more round fractions (like 0.5 and 1) to avoid rounding issues.