BCLSHighlighter = (function(hljs) { var codeBlocks = document.querySelectorAll('pre>code'), i, iMax, txt, reLT = new RegExp('<', 'g'), reGT = new RegExp('>;', 'g'); /** * tests for all the ways a variable might be undefined or not have a value * @param {*} x the variable to test * @return {Boolean} true if variable is defined and has a value */ function isDefined(x) { if (x === '' || x === null || x === undefined || x === NaN) { return false; } return true; }; if (isDefined(codeBlocks)) { iMax = codeBlocks.length; for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { txt = codeBlocks[i].innerHTML.toString(); txt = txt.replace(reLT, '<'); txt = txt.replace(reGT, '>'); codeBlocks[i].innerHTML = txt; hljs.highlightBlock(codeBlocks[i]); } } })(hljs);