# Event Target ## Table of Contents * [Overview](#overview) * [on() and addEventListener()](#on-and-addeventlistener) * [off() and removeEventListener()](#off-and-removeeventlistener) * [one()](#one) * [trigger() and dispatchEvent()](#trigger-and-dispatchevent) ## Overview Events in video.js are setup so that they mimic the DOM API that is used on object, but also have helpful shorthand functions with the same functionality. ## `on()` and `addEventListener()` This function is used to add an event listener to an EventTarget. ```js var foo = new EventTarget(); var handleBar = function() { console.log('bar was triggered'); }; foo.on('bar', handleBar); // This causes any `event listeners` for the `bar` event to get called // see {@link EventTarget#trigger} for more information foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' ``` ## `off()` and `removeEventListener()` This function is used to remove an listener function from an EventTarget. ```js var foo = new EventTarget(); var handleBar = function() { console.log('bar was triggered'); }; // adds an `event listener` for the `bar` event // see {@link EventTarget#on} for more info foo.on('bar', handleBar); // runs all `event listeners` for the `bar` event // see {@link EventTarget#trigger} for more info foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' foo.off('bar', handleBar); foo.trigger('bar'); // does nothing ``` ## `one()` This function is used to only have an event listener called once and never again. Using `on()` and `off()` to mimic `one()` (not recommended) ```js var foo = new EventTarget(); var handleBar = function() { console.log('bar was triggered'); // after the first trigger remove this handler foo.off('bar', handleBar); }; foo.on('bar', handleBar); foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' foo.trigger('bar'); // does nothing ``` Using `one()` ```js var foo = new EventTarget(); var handleBar = function() { console.log('bar was triggered'); }; // removed after the first trigger foo.one('bar', handleBar); foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' foo.trigger('bar'); // does nothing ``` ## `trigger()` and `dispatchEvent()` This function is used to trigger an event on an EventTarget which will cause all listeners to run. > Note: if 'click' is in `EventTarget.allowedEvents_`, trigger will attempt to call the > `onClick` function if it exists. ```js var foo = new EventTarget(); var handleBar = function() { console.log('bar was triggered'); }; foo.on('bar', handleBar); foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' foo.trigger('bar'); // logs 'bar was triggered' foo.trigger('foo'); // does nothing ```