module('Player Minified'); test('should be able to access expected player API methods', function() { var player = PlayerTest.makePlayer(); // Native HTML5 Methods ok(, 'play exists'); ok(player.pause, 'pause exists'); ok(player.paused, 'paused exists'); ok(player.src, 'src exists'); ok(player.currentTime, 'currentTime exists'); ok(player.duration, 'duration exists'); ok(player.buffered, 'buffered exists'); ok(player.volume, 'volume exists'); ok(player.muted, 'muted exists'); ok(player.width, 'width exists'); ok(player.height, 'height exists'); ok(player.requestFullScreen, 'requestFullScreen exists'); ok(player.cancelFullScreen, 'cancelFullScreen exists'); // Added player methods ok(player.ready, 'ready exists'); ok(player.on, 'on exists'); ok(, 'off exists'); ok(, 'one exists'); ok(player.bufferedPercent, 'bufferedPercent exists'); ok(player.dimensions, 'dimensions exists'); ok(player.addClass, 'addClass exists'); ok(player.removeClass, 'removeClass exists'); ok(player.usingNativeControls, 'usingNativeControls exists'); player.dispose(); }); test('should export ready api call to public', function() { var videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag(); var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); var player = videojs('example_1'); ok(player.ready !== undefined, 'ready callback is defined'); player.dispose(); }); test('should export useful components to the public', function () { ok(videojs.TOUCH_ENABLED, 'Touch detection should be public'); ok(videojs.ControlBar, 'ControlBar should be public'); ok(videojs.Button, 'Button should be public'); ok(videojs.PlayToggle, 'PlayToggle should be public'); ok(videojs.FullscreenToggle, 'FullscreenToggle should be public'); ok(videojs.BigPlayButton, 'BigPlayButton should be public'); ok(videojs.LoadingSpinner, 'LoadingSpinner should be public'); ok(videojs.CurrentTimeDisplay, 'CurrentTimeDisplay should be public'); ok(videojs.DurationDisplay, 'DurationDisplay should be public'); ok(videojs.TimeDivider, 'TimeDivider should be public'); ok(videojs.RemainingTimeDisplay, 'RemainingTimeDisplay should be public'); ok(videojs.Slider, 'Slider should be public'); ok(videojs.ProgressControl, 'ProgressControl should be public'); ok(videojs.SeekBar, 'SeekBar should be public'); ok(videojs.LoadProgressBar, 'LoadProgressBar should be public'); ok(videojs.PlayProgressBar, 'PlayProgressBar should be public'); ok(videojs.SeekHandle, 'SeekHandle should be public'); ok(videojs.VolumeControl, 'VolumeControl should be public'); ok(videojs.VolumeBar, 'VolumeBar should be public'); ok(videojs.VolumeLevel, 'VolumeLevel should be public'); ok(videojs.VolumeMenuButton, 'VolumeMenuButton should be public'); ok(videojs.VolumeHandle, 'VolumeHandle should be public'); ok(videojs.MuteToggle, 'MuteToggle should be public'); ok(videojs.PosterImage, 'PosterImage should be public'); ok(videojs.Menu, 'Menu should be public'); ok(videojs.MenuItem, 'MenuItem should be public'); ok(videojs.MenuButton, 'MenuButton should be public'); ok(videojs.util, 'util namespace should be public'); ok(videojs.util.mergeOptions, 'mergeOptions should be public'); }); test('should be able to initialize player twice on the same tag using string reference', function() { var videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag(); var id =; var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); var player = videojs('example_1'); player.dispose(); ok(!document.getElementById(id), 'element is removed'); videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag(); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); player = videojs('example_1'); player.dispose(); }); test('videojs.players should be available after minification', function() { var videoTag = PlayerTest.makeTag(); var id =; var fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture'); fixture.appendChild(videoTag); var player = videojs(id); ok(videojs.players[id] === player, 'videojs.players is available'); player.dispose(); }); // NOTE: This test could be removed after we've landed on a permanent // externs/exports strategy. See comment on videojs/video.js#853 test('fullscreenToggle does not depend on minified player methods', function(){ var noop, player, fullscreen, requestFullScreen, cancelFullScreen; noop = function(){}; requestFullScreen = false; cancelFullScreen = false; player = { id: noop, on: noop, ready: noop }; player['requestFullScreen'] = function(){ requestFullScreen = true; }; player['cancelFullScreen'] = function(){ cancelFullScreen = true; }; player['isFullScreen'] = false; fullscreen = new videojs.FullscreenToggle(player); fullscreen.trigger('click'); ok(requestFullScreen, 'requestFullScreen called'); player.isFullScreen = true; fullscreen.trigger('click'); ok(cancelFullScreen, 'cancelFullScreen called'); });