## Description Briefly describe the issue. Include a [reduced test case](https://css-tricks.com/reduced-test-cases/), we have a [starter template](https://codepen.io/gkatsev/pen/GwZegv?editors=1000#0) on JSBin you can use. ## Steps to reproduce Explain in detail the exact steps necessary to reproduce the issue. 1. 2. 3. ## Results ### Expected Please describe what you expected to see. ### Actual Please describe what actually happened. ### Error output If there are any errors at all, please include them here. ## Additional Information Please include any additional information necessary here. Including the following: ### versions #### videojs what version of videojs does this occur with? #### browsers what browser are affected? #### OSes what platforms (operating systems and devices) are affected? ### plugins are any videojs plugins being used on the page? If so, please list them below.