/* eslint-env qunit */ import * as DomData from '../../src/js/utils/dom-data'; import MenuButton from '../../src/js/menu/menu-button.js'; import Menu from '../../src/js/menu/menu.js'; import CaptionSettingsMenuItem from '../../src/js/control-bar/text-track-controls/caption-settings-menu-item'; import MenuItem from '../../src/js/menu/menu-item.js'; import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js'; import * as Events from '../../src/js/utils/events.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; QUnit.module('MenuButton'); QUnit.test('should not throw an error when there is no children', function(assert) { assert.expect(0); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const menuButton = new MenuButton(player); const el = menuButton.el(); try { Events.trigger(el, 'click'); } catch (error) { assert.ok(!error, 'click should not throw anything'); } player.dispose(); menuButton.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should place title list item into ul', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const menuButton = new MenuButton(player, { title: 'testTitle' }); const menuContentElement = menuButton.el().getElementsByTagName('UL')[0]; const titleElement = menuContentElement.children[0]; assert.ok(titleElement.innerHTML === 'TestTitle', 'title element placed in ul'); menuButton.dispose(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('clicking should display the menu', function(assert) { assert.expect(6); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); // Make sure there's some content in the menu, even if it's just a title! const menuButton = new MenuButton(player, { title: 'testTitle' }); const el = menuButton.menuButton_.el(); assert.ok(menuButton.menu !== undefined, 'menu is created'); assert.equal(menuButton.menu.hasClass('vjs-lock-showing'), false, 'menu defaults to hidden'); Events.trigger(el, 'click'); assert.equal(menuButton.menu.hasClass('vjs-lock-showing'), true, 'clicking on the menu button shows the menu'); Events.trigger(el, 'click'); assert.equal(menuButton.menu.hasClass('vjs-lock-showing'), false, 'clicking again on the menu button hides the menu'); menuButton.disable(); Events.trigger(el, 'click'); assert.equal(menuButton.menu.hasClass('vjs-lock-showing'), false, 'disable() prevents clicking from showing the menu'); menuButton.enable(); Events.trigger(el, 'click'); assert.equal(menuButton.menu.hasClass('vjs-lock-showing'), true, 'enable() allows clicking to show the menu'); menuButton.dispose(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('should keep all the added menu items', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const menuItems = []; const menuItem1 = new MenuItem(player, { label: 'menu-item1' }); const menuItem2 = new MenuItem(player, { label: 'menu-item2' }); const oldCreateItems = MenuButton.prototype.createItems; MenuButton.prototype.createItems = function() { return menuItems; }; const menuButton = new MenuButton(player, {}); menuItems.push(menuItem1); menuButton.update(); assert.strictEqual(menuButton.children()[1].children().length, 1, 'the children number of the menu is 1 '); assert.strictEqual(menuButton.children()[1].children()[0], menuItem1, 'the first child of the menu is `menuItem1`'); assert.ok(menuButton.el().contains(menuItem1.el()), 'the menu button contains the DOM element of `menuItem1`'); menuItems.push(menuItem2); menuButton.update(); assert.strictEqual(menuButton.children()[1].children().length, 2, 'the children number of the menu is 2 after second update'); assert.strictEqual(menuButton.children()[1].children()[0], menuItem1, 'the first child of the menu is `menuItem1` after second update'); assert.strictEqual(menuButton.children()[1].children()[1], menuItem2, 'the second child of the menu is `menuItem2` after second update'); assert.ok(menuButton.el().contains(menuItem1.el()), 'the menu button contains the DOM element of `menuItem1` after second update'); assert.ok(menuButton.el().contains(menuItem2.el()), 'the menu button contains the DOM element of `menuItem2` after second update'); menuButton.dispose(); menuItem1.dispose(); menuItem2.dispose(); player.dispose(); MenuButton.prototype.createItems = oldCreateItems; }); QUnit.test('should remove old event listeners when the menu item adds to the new menu', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const menuButton = new MenuButton(player, {}); const oldMenu = new Menu(player, { menuButton }); const newMenu = new Menu(player, { menuButton }); oldMenu.addItem('MenuItem'); const menuItem = oldMenu.children()[0]; assert.ok(menuItem instanceof MenuItem, '`menuItem` should be the instanceof of `MenuItem`'); /** * A reusable collection of assertions. */ function validateMenuEventListeners(watchedMenu) { const eventData = DomData.getData(menuItem.eventBusEl_); // `MenuButton`.`unpressButton` will be called when triggering click event on the menu item. const unpressButtonSpy = sinon.spy(menuButton, 'unpressButton'); // `MenuButton`.`focus` will be called when triggering click event on the menu item. const focusSpy = sinon.spy(menuButton, 'focus'); // `Menu`.`children` will be called when triggering blur event on the menu item. const menuChildrenSpy = sinon.spy(watchedMenu, 'children'); assert.strictEqual(eventData.handlers.blur.length, 1, 'the number of blur listeners is one'); // The number of click listeners is two because `ClickableComponent` // adds the click event listener during the construction and // `MenuItem` inherits from `ClickableComponent`. assert.strictEqual(eventData.handlers.click.length, 2, 'the number of click listeners is two'); const clickListenerAddedByMenu = eventData.handlers.click[1]; assert.strictEqual( typeof clickListenerAddedByMenu.calledOnce, 'undefined', 'previous click listener wrapped in the spy should be removed' ); const clickListenerSpy = eventData.handlers.click[1] = sinon.spy(clickListenerAddedByMenu); TestHelpers.triggerDomEvent(menuItem.el(), 'blur'); assert.ok(menuChildrenSpy.calledOnce, '`watchedMenu`.`children` has been called'); TestHelpers.triggerDomEvent(menuItem.el(), 'click'); assert.ok(clickListenerSpy.calledOnce, 'click event listener should be called'); assert.strictEqual(clickListenerSpy.getCall(0).args[0].target, menuItem.el(), 'event target should be the `menuItem`'); assert.ok(unpressButtonSpy.calledOnce, '`menuButton`.`unpressButtion` has been called'); assert.ok(focusSpy.calledOnce, '`menuButton`.`focus` has been called'); unpressButtonSpy.restore(); focusSpy.restore(); menuChildrenSpy.restore(); } validateMenuEventListeners(oldMenu); newMenu.addItem(menuItem); validateMenuEventListeners(newMenu); const focusSpy = sinon.spy(menuButton, 'focus'); const captionMenuItem = new CaptionSettingsMenuItem(player, { kind: 'subtitles' }); newMenu.addItem(captionMenuItem); TestHelpers.triggerDomEvent(captionMenuItem.el(), 'click'); assert.ok(!focusSpy.called, '`menuButton`.`focus` should never be called'); focusSpy.restore(); player.dispose(); newMenu.dispose(); oldMenu.dispose(); menuButton.dispose(); });