/* eslint-env qunit */ import * as middleware from '../../../src/js/tech/middleware.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import window from 'global/window'; QUnit.module('Middleware', { beforeEach(assert) { this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); }, afterEach(assert) { this.clock.restore(); } }); QUnit.test('middleware can be added with the use method', function(assert) { const myMw = {}; const mwFactory = () => myMw; middleware.use('foo', mwFactory); assert.equal(middleware.getMiddleware('foo').pop(), mwFactory, 'we are able to add middleware'); }); QUnit.test('middleware get iterates through the middleware array in the right order', function(assert) { const cts = []; const durs = []; const foos = []; const mws = [ { currentTime(ct) { cts.push(ct); return ct * 2; }, duration(dur) { durs.push(dur); return dur + 2; }, foo(f) { foos.push(f); return f / 2; } }, { currentTime(ct) { cts.push(ct); return ct + 2; }, duration(dur) { durs.push(dur); return dur / 2; }, foo(f) { foos.push(f); return f + 3; } } ]; const tech = { currentTime(ct) { return 5; }, duration(dur) { return 5; }, foo(f) { return 5; } }; const ct = middleware.get(mws, tech, 'currentTime'); const dur = middleware.get(mws, tech, 'duration'); const foo = middleware.get(mws, tech, 'foo'); const assertion = (actual, expected, actualArr, expectedArr, type) => { assert.equal(actual, expected, `our middleware chain return currectly for ${type}`); assert.deepEqual(actualArr, expectedArr, `we got called in the correct order for ${type}`); }; assertion(ct, 14, cts, [5, 7], 'currentTime'); assertion(dur, 4.5, durs, [5, 2.5], 'duration'); assertion(foo, 4, foos, [5, 8], 'foo'); }); QUnit.test('middleware set iterates through the middleware array in the right order', function(assert) { const cts = []; const durs = []; const foos = []; const mws = [ { currentTime(ct) { cts.push(ct); return ct * 2; }, duration(dur) { durs.push(dur); return dur + 2; }, foo(f) { foos.push(f); return f / 2; } }, { currentTime(ct) { cts.push(ct); return ct + 2; }, duration(dur) { durs.push(dur); return dur / 2; }, foo(f) { foos.push(f); return f + 3; } } ]; const tech = { currentTime(ct) { cts.push(ct); return ct / 2; }, duration(dur) { durs.push(dur); return dur; }, foo(f) { foos.push(f); return f; } }; const ct = middleware.set(mws, tech, 'currentTime', 10); const dur = middleware.set(mws, tech, 'duration', 10); const foo = middleware.set(mws, tech, 'foo', 10); const assertion = (actual, expected, actualArr, expectedArr, type) => { assert.equal(actual, expected, `our middleware chain return currectly for ${type}`); assert.deepEqual(actualArr, expectedArr, `we got called in the correct order for ${type}`); }; assertion(ct, 11, cts, [10, 20, 22], 'currentTime'); assertion(dur, 6, durs, [10, 12, 6], 'duration'); assertion(foo, 8, foos, [10, 5, 8], 'foo'); }); QUnit.test('middleware mediate iterates through the middleware array twice', function(assert) { let playsToTech = 0; let playsToPlayer = 0; let techPlays = 0; let techPlay; let pv1; let pv2; let pc1; let pc2; const mws = [{ callPlay() { playsToTech++; }, play(cancelled, value) { playsToPlayer++; pv1 = value; pc1 = cancelled; } }, { callPlay() { playsToTech++; }, play(cancelled, value) { playsToPlayer++; pv2 = value; pc2 = cancelled; } }]; const tech = { play() { techPlays++; techPlay = {then: () => {}}; return techPlay; } }; const pp = middleware.mediate(mws, tech, 'play'); assert.equal(playsToTech, playsToPlayer, 'middleware got called the same number of times'); assert.equal(playsToTech, 2, 'both middleware got called before the tech'); assert.equal(techPlays, 1, 'the tech method only gets called once'); assert.equal(playsToPlayer, 2, 'both middleware got called after the tech'); assert.deepEqual(pv1.then, techPlay.then, 'the value returned by the tech is passed through the middleware'); assert.deepEqual(pv2, techPlay, 'the value returned by the tech is passed through the middleware'); assert.deepEqual(pp, techPlay, 'the value returned to the player is the value returned from the tech'); assert.equal(pc1, false, 'the play has not been cancelled in middleware 1'); assert.equal(pc2, false, 'the play has not been cancelled in middleware 2'); }); QUnit.test('middleware mediate allows and can detect cancellation', function(assert) { let playsToTech = 0; let playsToPlayer = 0; let techPlays = 0; let pv1; let pv2; let pc1; let pc2; const mws = [{ callPlay() { playsToTech++; }, play(cancelled, value) { playsToPlayer++; pv1 = value; pc1 = cancelled; } }, { callPlay() { playsToTech++; return middleware.TERMINATOR; }, play(cancelled, value) { playsToPlayer++; pv2 = value; pc2 = cancelled; } }]; const tech = { play() { techPlays++; return {then: () => {}}; } }; const pp = middleware.mediate(mws, tech, 'play'); assert.equal(playsToTech, 2, 'both middleware run until middleware terminates'); assert.equal(techPlays, 0, 'the tech should not be called if a middleware terminates'); assert.equal(playsToPlayer, 2, 'both middleware run after the tech'); assert.equal(pv1, null, 'null is returned through the middleware if a middleware terminated previously'); assert.equal(pv2, null, 'null is returned through the middleware if a middleware terminated previously'); assert.equal(pp, null, 'null is returned to the player if a middleware terminated previously'); assert.equal(pc1, true, 'the play has been cancelled in middleware 1'); assert.equal(pc2, true, 'the play has been cancelled in middleware 2'); }); QUnit.test('setSource is run asynchronously', function(assert) { let src; let acc; middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, { src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo' }, function(_src, _acc) { src = _src; acc = _acc; }); assert.equal(src, undefined, 'no src was returned yet'); assert.equal(acc, undefined, 'no accumulator was returned yet'); this.clock.tick(1); assert.deepEqual(src, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, 'we got the same source back'); assert.equal(acc.length, 0, 'we did not accumulate any middleware since there were none'); }); QUnit.test('setSource selects a source based on the middleware given', function(assert) { let src; let acc; const mw = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const fooFactory = () => mw; middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory); middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function(_src, _acc) { src = _src; acc = _acc; }); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(src.type, 'video/mp4', 'we selected a new type of video/mp4'); assert.equal(src.src, 'http://example.com/video.mp4', 'we selected a new src of video.mp4'); assert.equal(acc.length, 1, 'we got one middleware'); assert.equal(acc[0], mw, 'we chose the one middleware'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); }); QUnit.test('setSource can select multiple middleware from multiple types', function(assert) { let src; let acc; const foomw = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'bar', type: 'video/bar' }); } }; const barmw = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const fooFactory = () => foomw; const barFactory = () => barmw; middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory); middleware.use('video/bar', barFactory); middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function(_src, _acc) { src = _src; acc = _acc; }); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(src.type, 'video/mp4', 'we selected a new type of video/mp4'); assert.equal(src.src, 'http://example.com/video.mp4', 'we selected a new src of video.mp4'); assert.equal(acc.length, 2, 'we got two middleware'); assert.equal(acc[0], foomw, 'foomw is the first middleware'); assert.equal(acc[1], barmw, 'barmw is the first middleware'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); middleware.getMiddleware('video/bar').pop(); }); QUnit.test('setSource will select all middleware of a given type, until src change', function(assert) { let src; let acc; const foomw1 = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'bar', type: 'video/foo' }); } }; const foomw2 = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const foomw3 = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const fooFactory1 = () => foomw1; const fooFactory2 = () => foomw2; const fooFactory3 = () => foomw3; middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory1); middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory2); middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory3); middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function(_src, _acc) { src = _src; acc = _acc; }); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(src.type, 'video/mp4', 'we selected a new type of video/mp4'); assert.equal(src.src, 'http://example.com/video.mp4', 'we selected a new src of video.mp4'); assert.equal(acc.length, 2, 'we got two middleware'); assert.equal(acc[0], foomw1, 'foomw is the first middleware'); assert.equal(acc[1], foomw2, 'foomw is the first middleware'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); }); QUnit.test('a middleware without a mediator method will not throw an error', function(assert) { let pauseCalled = 0; const myMw = {}; const mwFactory = () => myMw; const mwFactory2 = () => ({ pause() { pauseCalled++; } }); middleware.mediate([mwFactory(), mwFactory2()], {pause: () => {}}, 'pause'); assert.equal(pauseCalled, 1, 'pauseCalled was called once and no error was thrown'); }); QUnit.test('a middleware factory is not called on source change', function(assert) { let mwfactoryCalled = 0; const mw = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const fooFactory = () => { mwfactoryCalled++; return mw; }; middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory); // set "initial" source" middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function() {}); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(mwfactoryCalled, 1, 'the factory was called once'); // "change" source middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'bar', type: 'video/foo'}, function() {}); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(mwfactoryCalled, 1, 'the factory was not called again'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); }); QUnit.test('a middleware factory is called on a new source with a new player', function(assert) { let mwfactoryCalled = 0; const mw = { setSource(_src, next) { next(null, { src: 'http://example.com/video.mp4', type: 'video/mp4' }); } }; const fooFactory = () => { mwfactoryCalled++; return mw; }; middleware.use('video/foo', fooFactory); // set "initial" source with player vid1 middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function() {}); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(mwfactoryCalled, 1, 'the factory was called once'); // set "initial" source with player vid2 middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid2'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'bar', type: 'video/foo'}, function() {}); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(mwfactoryCalled, 2, 'the factory was called again'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); }); QUnit.test('a middleware without a setSource gets chosen implicitly', function(assert) { let mws = []; const mw = { currentTime(ct) { } }; const mwFactory = () => mw; middleware.use('video/foo', mwFactory); middleware.setSource({ id() { return 'vid1'; }, setTimeout: window.setTimeout }, {src: 'foo', type: 'video/foo'}, function(src, _mws) { mws = _mws; }); this.clock.tick(1); assert.equal(mws.length, 1, 'we have 1 middleware set'); middleware.getMiddleware('video/foo').pop(); });